Proper facial skin care - advice from a cosmetologist

Our body is a huge system in which all processes are interconnected. Every imperfection or problem does not arise on its own. For example, peeling indicates dry skin, which in turn signals a lack of water in the body as a whole. But lack of moisture is not only about water balance, you may be lacking any vitamins or minerals.

Skin is the largest human organ and, for example, for the beauty and health of facial skin it is important to take care of it as a whole - and vice versa. It is impossible to be well-groomed and healthy, having only beautiful facial skin, if there is dryness in other areas. The body will direct all the water and beneficial components to the “suffering” areas, which over time will lead to deficiency in other areas.

Stages of daily facial skin care at home

An important rule that every girl must follow is: you cannot skip facial care procedures; you must carry out a set of activities every day.

Remember that you should select cosmetics, both decorative and skincare, that are suitable specifically for your type. You should not chase fashion brands and popular brands. First of all, pay attention to the composition of the product. The presence of only natural ingredients without artificial ingredients indicates the high quality of the products, regardless of their cost.

The basic facial skin care system includes several stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing and nourishing. This integrated approach allows:

  • Remove dirt.
  • Reduce inflammation and acne.
  • Tighten pores and reduce the number of blackheads.
  • Tone the epithelium and prevent the first signs of aging.
  • Replenish lost micronutrients.

A basic set of products may consist of:

  • Cleansers – gel, foam, milk.
  • Toning product – lotions, tonics, thermal and micellar waters.
  • Products for moisturizing and nutrition - creams, gels, serums, fluids.

Try to avoid using soap when washing your face. It dries out quite a lot, which leads to contraction and loss of beneficial microelements.

How to create a comprehensive care program?

Many people understand the importance of comprehensive care, but do not adhere to it, believing that it is difficult, expensive or time-consuming. In fact, it is only important to create the right program, allocate time and understand how certain products on the shelf in your bathroom work.

For example, set aside three days a week and let each of them be devoted to one part of the body: on Monday - hair, on Wednesday - face, and on Saturday - the whole body.

The advantage of treatments with Epsom products is that you do not need to buy a lot of products; our salts and mixes work in all directions at the same time. Magnesium baths improve the quality of the body with comprehensive care, and the mixes or salts themselves, when added to shampoo and mask, accelerate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. In addition, regularity is important in comprehensive care - magnesium has a cumulative effect, and with constant use it improves health, maintains immunity at the required level and eliminates various diseases and skin imperfections.

And remember that beauty always starts from the inside - with minerals, vitamins and essential components. They cannot be obtained from a tube of ordinary cream, but sea salts contain almost all the components we need and easily replenish their deficiency when taking baths in a comprehensive care program.


  • For those with a dry skin type, cleansing products such as milk or foam are perfect. The products have a gentle cleansing effect while maintaining the necessary moisture balance.
  • For girls with a normal type, most cosmetic products presented in the beauty industry can be used. The main thing is to choose a product without fragrances and parabens.
  • Girls with combination and oily skin types can choose gels for cleansing. The texture of these products not only removes impurities, but also regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands.

To achieve maximum effect, I advise you to use narrowly targeted products. Universal products for makeup removal and cleansing also perform their functions, but often have less positive impact. You should choose separate products for makeup removal and cleansing. Makeup remover products are aimed at removing decorative cosmetics, regardless of type. While care products effectively cleanse the skin of impurities and are aimed at solving specific types of cosmetic imperfections.

Photorejuvenation: the essence of the procedure

Photorejuvenation is a way to get rid of facial skin imperfections using a special device that emits light pulses of a given frequency and length.
The procedure is carried out by directing various attachments to problem areas. Pulses in contact with skin cells activate processes such as:

  • synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • oxygen absorption;
  • detoxification;
  • death of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • coagulation of blood vessels and their disappearance;
  • destruction of pigment.

The intensity of the impact is adjustable.


It is a mandatory step in home skin care. To perform this function, you can choose a tonic or lotion. The products have a similar consistency and care, and also have the same effect - they remove residual cleanser, soothe and restore moisture balance, and also prepare the surface for the application of a nourishing product.

General recommendations

The first thing you need to know is your skin type, so it will be easier to choose a care complex. A healthy lifestyle is beneficial for the whole body, and for the epidermis and hair in particular. At any age, proper care is necessary, but it is also important to understand what to do at different times of the year: how to care for your face in winter, in hot weather, in rainy weather, and so on.

Modern techniques in aesthetic medicine make it possible to maintain youth for a long time. Innovative technologies are used at the DOCTOR DENT clinic. Cosmetology". Thanks to the high professionalism of our doctors, patients of the medical center always receive qualified care. And the ultra-modern laser equipment of the Candela brand allows you to effectively and painlessly carry out skin healing and rejuvenation procedures.

Hydration and nutrition

Many girls believe that moisturizing is only necessary for dry skin types. I hasten to refute this opinion. Every type needs hydration. Products for saturating the epithelium with moisture have different designs - creams, serums, fluids.

When choosing the right product, you should also consider the time of use. You should choose different products for morning and evening care. They contain different components that are needed at certain times of the day.

Also consider the time of year. In winter, gusts of cold wind and severe frosts have a negative impact. As a result, dryness, chapping and flaking appear. For winter, choose nutritional products containing vitamins A and E, which are important for regeneration.

In the summer, you can give preference to lighter textures - fluids. The weightless product is quickly absorbed without leaving any excess, so when sweating on a hot day you will not feel an unpleasant “soapy” sensation on your face. Don't forget about sun protection. Use creams with an SPF filter above 10 to preserve youth and protect it from photoaging.


In the cold season, to protect against the effects of low temperatures, it is necessary to use fatty, well-nourishing creams.

In summer, you can’t do without high-quality hydration and protection from ultraviolet rays. Following these recommendations will help delay the appearance of signs of premature aging as much as possible.

Deep cleansing

Depending on the severity of the contamination, the amount of inflammation and the presence of other imperfections, experts offer various peeling methods. Mechanical, chemical, laser, ultrasound - you can visit all these procedures in a beauty salon. When making an appointment, be sure to consult with a specialist. A cosmetologist will help you choose the optimal course and type of formulations to use.

Scrubbing and peeling can be done at home. To clean the surface of keratinized particles of the epidermis, you can use gentle products containing small abrasive particles - ground fruit seeds, nut shells or coffee beans.

Advantages of visiting the Seline clinic

Without undue modesty, we advise you to contact our clinic for a rejuvenation procedure using light energy. For this we have everything you need:

  1. The latest, always in good working order, reliable equipment comes from the USA and Europe. We purchase equipment for facial photorejuvenation in the maximum configuration, as well as additional attachments, which allows us to work with various, even the most delicate areas of the skin, and solve a wide variety of patient problems.
  2. Several service options. We perform photorejuvenation using the BBL device, which stops the aging process at the genetic level. We also have at our disposal a device from the American brand LUMENIS - M22 IPL. He solves many skin problems, transforming the patient as if caught in the crosshairs of a photo editor. Another useful service of our clinic is laser photorejuvenation using the Harmony XL device. The cooling nozzle of the device eliminates all the unpleasant sensations that may arise during the procedure.
  3. Doctors who have been trained to work with each device available in the clinic. They know exactly what parameters to set and how to process areas so that the result is maximum.

These are three good reasons to choose Seline Clinic. And the incredibly beautiful and comfortable environment of our medical facility will be a bonus.

What else you should know about how to maintain healthy skin

  • Don't forget that the foods you consume affect not only your body, but also your skin. Try to consume as little high-calorie and fatty foods as possible. Give up bad foods and habits - soda, fast food, chips, alcohol, smoking. Try to eat small meals and eat foods containing vitamins and other useful microelements.
  • Play sports or simply add physical activity into your life. If you have a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, try to diversify it. Choose the stairs instead of the elevator, walk instead of driving. Such activities have a positive effect on your body.
    • Do facial exercises and massage. Performing exercises helps accelerate microcirculation, and also makes the facial muscles more elastic and strong, which prevents the first signs of aging. Just a few simple exercises in the morning and evening, and you will notice how your skin tightens, its tone increases and its color improves.

    Skin type test

    A professional cosmetologist in a clinical setting can easily determine what type of skin you have using a device called a dermatoscope. You can try to determine your type yourself. There are several ways to do this.

    Method 1

    Clean your face and do not apply makeup. After two hours, notice how your skin has changed:

    • Normal. The shade does not change, there is no feeling of tightness or greasy shine.
    • Dry. Tightness or flaking, which can be eliminated with a rich cream.
    • Combined. The T-zone and cheeks are shiny.
    • Fat. It acquires shine over the entire surface.

    Method 2

    As in the first case, you need to wash your face and wait 2 hours without applying any makeup. Next, a thin napkin is pressed tightly to the face. Your type is determined by traces of sebum:

    • Fat. Imprint of sebum on all areas.
    • Dry. There are no stains left on the paper. Skin particles may remain.
    • Mixed. Marks in the T-zone, sometimes also on the forehead and/or chin.
    • Normal. Minimal traces.

    Both of these methods are as unreliable as they are simple. It is important to understand that you can make a mistake and harm yourself with the wrong care.

    Other leather characteristics

    In addition to this division into types, there are other categories of types of epidermis. Cosmetologists highlight the skin:

    Problematic. This type most often occurs during puberty, from fourteen to twenty-five years. Characterized by various inflammations, acne, etc.

    Mature. It is characterized by noticeable age-related changes, the presence of wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead, the appearance of nasolabial folds, and drooping of the facial contours (also called ptosis).

    Sensitive. Allergic skin, prone to irritation, itching, burning.

    Cooperose. It is distinguished by visible capillaries located close to the surface.

    Professional facial skin care with Alpika cosmetics

    Thanks to cosmetics from you you can perform professional skin care at home. Each of the products in the line is aimed at solving specific imperfections. The ingredients included in each product are carefully selected and combined to enhance the effect of the procedure. Thanks to proper calculation of the combination of the amount of each ingredient, the product cannot have a negative effect.

    The variety of Alpika products includes cleansing, care and nutrition products. Compositions for multi-acid peeling, means for correcting rosacea and hyperpigmentation, treating acne and post-acne, as well as care for women of every age group.

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    Correction of age-related changes

    With age, multifactorial processes occur that determine the aging process of the face. These processes affect the facial skeleton and integumentary tissues. After 30 years, the beginning changes in the face are already visually noticeable. Changes in all tissue layers lead to their displacement and downward movement. More pronounced processes occur in the middle third of the face. The decisive factor in the drooping of the integumentary tissues of the face is a change in the bone surface.

    • Forehead

    Flattening of the frontal bone, combined with constant tension of the frontal muscle, leads to drooping of the integumentary tissues of the upper area of ​​the face and the formation of transverse grooves in the forehead. The sliding mass of soft tissues of the forehead forms excess tissue in the area of ​​the upper eyelids, the tails of the eyebrows droop and a “heavy” look is formed.

    • Middle face area

    Atrophy of bone tissue and fat packets in the midface area, combined with weakening of the muscles, leads to contusion of the ligaments and grooves. Pronounced bags under the eyes and eye bags form.

    • Neck

    The framework that holds the tissues of the lower zone of the face is the platysma - the subcutaneous muscle of the neck. Atrophy of the jaw bone, prolapse of the submandibular salivary gland, together with weakening and divergence of the platysma fibers, form an obtuse cervical-mental angle and a “double chin.” Thus, with age we observe: a reduced lower jaw; a stretched space at the bottom of which fat has accumulated; atrophied neck muscles that can no longer hold soft tissue and sag under gravity; the resulting jowls.

    Fig.1 Aging according to Mendelssohn

    Rice. 2 Bone atrophy according to Mendelssohn

    Rice. 3 Facial aging: pronounced folds, jowls, “fat packets”

    Signs of a young face

    What should a face be like so that it pleases the eye with charming youth? Not only wrinkle-free. Loss of volume (especially in the area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones) as a result of the destruction of collagen fibers leads to the fact that the face looks tired, haggard, and aged. The situation is aggravated by gravity, which causes sagging of soft tissues (ptosis). This leads to a change in the shape of the face: if in youth it resembles a triangle, pointing downwards, then over the years the base of the triangle appears below. Under the influence of gravity, the face seems to “swim” - its middle part flattens, “jowls”, “double chin”, and nasolabial furrows appear. The skin becomes inelastic, flabby, and acquires a stale hue. Muscles lose elasticity. Even if all wrinkles are eliminated, the face will still look “well-lived,” tired, and gloomy.

    A young face is characterized by clear contours, high cheekbones, lack of asymmetry, and excellent skin quality. The young dermis produces elastin and collagen in sufficient quantities, due to which the temples, cheeks, lips remain full, and the shape of the face remains similar to the letter V. Contour plastic surgery will help you gain a second youth. The lost volumes are returned, the eyes and temples no longer look sunken. The technique allows you to achieve a comprehensive lifting effect, since the projection of the cheekbones, which has become higher, will automatically eliminate sagging cheeks and return the face to the shape of a triangle, inverted with the point down.

    Therefore, the first stage of non-surgical rejuvenation will be contour plastic surgery.

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