Procedures for restoring facial skin after summer - advice from a dermatologist

The summer holiday period has passed. At the same time, many beauties from last summer have not only vivid memories and hundreds of photos, but also problems associated with so-called photoaging. Beach holidays under the scorching sun, swimming in sea water, constant stay in an artificially air-conditioned room, lack of hydration. All these and many other factors lead to dry skin and sunburn.

Other consequences of a “turbulent” summer include unaesthetic hyperpigmentation, roughening of the skin pattern, and in some cases even the formation of facial folds and wrinkles. Those with oily skin types also face big problems, for whom summer is traditionally associated with increased greasiness, unflattering shine and an increased tendency to develop acne.

Indeed, the hot summer period is a serious stress for the skin. The delicate skin of the face, neck and décolleté is especially affected. The situation is complicated by the fact that our skin is forced to come into direct contact with the environment, which negatively affects its condition. Comprehensive care and cosmetic UV protection will provide indispensable assistance in combating this problem. However, even if it was not possible to avoid photoburns and desiccation, there is still a chance to “save face”. Let's talk about skincare procedures and professional products that will help the skin recover and return to its previous state in the fall.

Gentle exfoliation

Despite the erroneous opinion that peelings seriously injure skin that is overdried and exhausted by the summer sun, you need to take care of exfoliation. Of course, it is advisable to choose the right professional facial peels that can effectively and at the same time non-aggressively exfoliate dead skin particles without causing harm to the affected skin.

Here is a far from complete list of cosmetic problems that modern salon facial peels successfully combat:

  • hyperpigmentation caused by photoaging,
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum, leading to visible roughening of the skin),
  • dehydration.

In addition, high-quality salon chemical peeling products effectively smooth out fine wrinkles and folds, improve the color and texture of the face. In particular, the Premium Peeling Hour line of the Russian manufacturer of professional cosmetics Premium has proven itself to be excellent. Despite the fact that such products are labeled as all-season, most cosmetologists recommend that patients pay close attention to them in the fall, after the summer vacation. The line includes a whole range of salon products: pre-peeling, peeling, neutralization, post-peeling. At the moment, the Premium Peeling Hour series is represented by more than two dozen products with different concentrations of acids, which allows the cosmetologist to easily select the optimal products for an individual peeling program for almost any skin.

Depigmenting cream mask, 75 mlPeeling with AHA 8%, 125 ml

Don't forget about less radical exfoliating procedures. In autumn, the skin of the face, neck and body needs weekly contact with a delicate scrub. At the same time, cosmetologists advise choosing salon cream-scrubs and gel-scrubs with a moisturizing function - such products allow you to solve several problems caused by the consequences of summer vacation. You can buy a facial scrub for cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing in any store or online store of professional cosmetics.

Salon skin treatments

The aging process accelerates in summer. It's no surprise that tell-tale wrinkles appear around the eyes. You can prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds and sagging eyelids by turning to anti-aging products. The solution to the problem is ultrasound procedures, lifting and tightening.

Read: Retinoic facial peeling in the salon and at home

For dry skin, the salon offers mesotherapy, elastin matrices, and biorevitalization. Another popular procedure is oxygen saturation of the skin - ozonophoresis.

Read: What is laser facial peeling

Increased fat content is another drawback that appears in the summer. Under the sun, the skin begins to secrete sebum more actively. Another reason may be genetic predisposition. An ultrasonic cleaning procedure will help normalize the condition.

Read: Microcurrent facial therapy after the summer period to restore facial skin.


A long stay under the hot sun can have a detrimental effect even on the skin of young girls. If we talk about older ladies, then after their vacation they simply need to take care of such issues as restoration, nutrition and moisturizing of the skin. An almost inevitable negative factor that can cause photoaging is the excessive formation of free radicals. It is this mechanism that provokes premature aging, withering, loss of tone and the formation of wrinkles. According to scientists, just 5 minutes spent under the scorching sun without special cosmetic protection can reduce the level of antioxidants by up to 90%. If we talk about those who like to lie on the beach for hours, then one can only guess about the consequences of such “active recreation”.

special antioxidant creams as restorative therapy . The mechanism of action of such professional cosmetics is truly universal: such a product not only moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the face and neck, but also increases their immunity and resistance to UV radiation. In particular, the super-oxidant cream of the popular “summer” Premium Sunguard series actively prevents aging, restores the skin after prolonged exposure to sunlight, nourishes and saturates with much-needed vitamins A and E. A similar effect is guaranteed by the unique composition of the product. Beta-carotene, purple carrot extract, abyssinium and soy isoflavones reliably protect both dry and aging and combination facial skin from photoaging.

Super antioxidant cream, 30 ml

Is it possible to treat sun-dehydrated skin at home?

Of course, today there is hardly a “dared soul” who will expose his skin to unjustified risk and will not take Sanskrin to the sea - a special cosmetic product with ultraviolet-absorbing components. However, if you brought back half a bottle of such a product with you after a ten-day vacation, your skin, without a doubt, needs rehabilitation.

First of all, you need to adjust your drinking regimen: 40 ml of clean water, not counting soups and compotes, per 1 kg of body weight. In the first two weeks, you should completely avoid all scrubs, giving preference to thermal water, an ice cube from mineral water or a decoction of medicinal herbs when washing your face. And the whole emphasis should be on moisturizing the skin: moisturizing sprays and tonics, hyaluronic creams, gels, serums that activate the synthesis of the skin’s own hyaluronic acid are suitable - you need to return water to it.

  • The absolute leader in restoring water balance at home is a product with two types of hyaluronic acid: ultramolecular with a very short chain length, which freely reaches the deep layers of the dermis, and high molecular - its purpose is to prevent moisture loss and retain it inside the skin due to a film on the surface of the epidermis.

An example would be care products and masks with the Aquasil complex. They do not depend on the patient’s age and actively restore moisture in the dermis. You just need to understand that aging skin loses moisture much more than young skin and it must be rehabilitated wisely and patiently.

In addition to hydration, we must not forget about antioxidants. The skin will also accept them with gratitude, since they will help the dermis to catch all those free radicals that can outweigh the redox processes towards oxidation and actively age the cells. This means not only the skin, but the entire body as a whole. In other words, antioxidants (bioflavonoids) will eliminate the effects of intense ultraviolet radiation, long flights, errors in diet and lifestyle, if they occurred during vacation. By the way, do not overdo it with vitamin C or A. They, of course, are antioxidants, but they also demonstrate whitening properties, that is, they will help the tan disappear from your skin faster.

The next step is nutrition of the dermis. Night creams with olive, grape seeds, sea buckthorn, avocado, sesame, and rice bran are best suited here. If there are wrinkles, use the Anti-Age series, and if spider veins or age spots are attached, use anti-inflammatory care creams and serums from the pharmacy.

In a couple of weeks, your tasks will look different: peeling, which you should have forgotten about, comes first to remove post-sun hyperkeratosis and return the skin to a pleasant shade. Light products with AHA acids or lipohydroxy acid (LHA) are suitable for this. The concentration of acids is minimal, in accordance with the skin phototype. Deep peelings should be postponed until late autumn, when the last rooks have flown away and the fields are empty. The entire subsequent algorithm is preserved.

Hydration and nutrition

Moisturizers play an equally important role. The Premium catalog offers a wide selection of creams and gels for skin care during the demi-season (including autumn) period. Among them we can mention the Climate Control protector balm with olive and black currant oils and the Oasis Premium cream intended for sensitive skin with rich bio-components.

Another universal and incredibly effective product designed for demi-season restoration of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté is the “Velvet Season” evening cream, developed by Premium specifically for the care of dry, flaky and dehydrated skin. The product restores the lipid barrier, saturates the skin with vitamins A and E, improves turgor, and effectively fights minor pigmentation caused by excessive sun exposure. You can buy face cream from official distributors who work with Premium salon cosmetics. Can be used with equal success for all skin types. Recommended as a base for evening and holiday makeup.

Evening cream “Velvet Season”, 50 ml

Skin problems after summer

Problems that worsen or arise after summer depend on skin type, level of care and sun abuse, but in general they are:

  • pigmentation,
  • skin dehydration,
  • increase in the number of comedones and inflammatory elements,
  • wrinkles and spider veins.

Most often, a cosmetologist, being a perfectionist and following the client’s lead, tries to satisfy the client’s request as much as possible and perform all possible procedures in the shortest possible time: Botox, moisturizing masks, pigmentation whitening.

Everything would be fine, but in this way you can only eliminate the symptoms - manifestations on the skin, but not solve the problem radically.

The main cause of all unwanted symptoms on the skin is photoaging , which occurs against the background of excess ultraviolet radiation. It is what provokes wrinkles, dehydration, and spots.

Revitalizing cosmetics for sensitive areas of the face

As you know, the skin of the eyelids is considered the most sensitive and delicate area of ​​the face. Most often, it is she who suffers from exposure to harmful ultraviolet radiation first. For gentle care of the skin around the eyes in the off-season, a special series for eyelids from Premium is suitable. Collagen masks will be the best helpers in the fight against swelling and sagging skin. Delicate moisturizing will be provided by Bio Balance gel tonic and cream elixir. Premium Eye Serum “Antistress” and “Special Effect” nourishes and visibly tightens the skin around the eyes, visually masking fine wrinkles. The most intense lifting of the most vulnerable part of the face is guaranteed by the “Lifting Complex” eye serum with hyaluronic acid and black currant oil.

Useful tips

  • Before applying any mask, you need to take a steam bath or peeling so that the pores open and absorb beneficial substances.
  • The frequency of moisturizing procedures is 3 times a week maximum.
  • For dry skin, it is helpful to apply a moisturizer at night.
  • September and October are the most dangerous months for the skin. At this time, she adapts to the cold. to start actively caring for her in November.
  • You should prepare to leave the house in advance. Half an hour is exactly how long the cream needs to be completely absorbed.

Body skin care

The skin of the body also needs active therapy after a summer holiday. A chocolate tan looks great, but is clearly not good for the skin. It is for this reason that cosmetologists advise taking care of comprehensive care with the onset of autumn, which includes cleansing, peeling, wraps and intensive moisturizing.

The best rehabilitation scheme may be the use of professional body cosmetics from the Premium Silhouette series. The action of the line's drugs is aimed at combating premature aging of the body's skin and all kinds of cosmetic flaws/imperfections. Thus, a visible lasting effect is demonstrated by the Elastic Skin restoration cream, Decolette décolleté care cream, lymphatic drainage and lifting gels, and aromatherapy body lotion. Particular attention should be paid to the Beauty Step anti-varicose cream, which can be successfully used to care for the skin of legs with a tendency to varicose veins (as is known, this problem usually worsens in the summer).

In addition, we can recommend the following scheme for autumn restorative body care.

  • Cleansing. For this purpose, Premium offers a whole line of shower aroma gels, for example Strawberries&Cream, Citrus Paradise or Chocolate&Almond.
  • Deep cleansing and peeling. Use Premium scrubs and scrub desserts, applying them to the skin of the body with soft circular movements for 1-2 minutes. Among the best body scrubs are the Citrus Paradise cocktail scrub and Strawberries&Cream.
  • Wrapping. In case of pronounced withering (sagging) of the skin, as well as obvious signs of cellulite, do not forget about regular body wraps. The line of gels for chocolate mud wrap provokes the active production of your own collagen and elastin. After 8-10 such procedures, the skin noticeably tightens and becomes much more elastic, and the severity of subcutaneous cellulite deposits decreases. Apply the product to problem areas for 20-25 minutes, wrapping it in a roll of plastic film.
  • Hydration. High-quality moisturizing is the final stage of a complex of care procedures for restoring body skin after a summer vacation. Numerous moisturizing creams and body gels, as well as Premium aroma milk, which has a powerful regenerating effect, will perfectly cope with this task.
Shower gel foam “Strawberries&Cream”, 200 mlScrub-dessert “Strawberry&Cream”, 200 mlChocolate wrap “Age Therapy”, 500 ml

As you can easily see, the range of cosmetics for face and body skin care in the autumn is really large. To select the optimal cosmetic products, we recommend contacting a cosmetologist or consultant at the Premium professional cosmetics online store.

What recovery programs do cosmetology clinics offer?

Surely, the complexity of the task makes many doubt the sufficient effectiveness of home skin restoration after summer photoaging. And this is correct, especially since we rest regularly, and negative processes are repeated from time to time. It's better to trust a specialist. This is exactly the case when the money will not be wasted. What do cosmetologists offer us? The algorithm is the same, but professional cosmetics are supported by hardware, injection techniques, that is, the result is 100% guaranteed.

Of course, ahead of the entire squad of liquidators of negative consequences is intensive skin hydration. Non-invasive elimination of dehydration, as a rule, begins with deep cleansing of the dermis with light fruit peels or enzyme pectin masks with papain and lactic acid. It is possible to use gentle microdermabrasion, which removes fairly thick horny layers from the skin without much discomfort using aluminum microcrystals. A couple of sessions are enough, but it all depends on the doctor’s recommendations. Microdermabrasion should not be confused with a serious dermabrasion procedure, which should be postponed until late autumn if scars or post-acne scars bother you.

Only after peeling, hardware ultraphonophoresis and electrophoresis are connected, the purpose of which is to introduce low molecular weight hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. This action is supported by a half-hour alginate or other occlusive mask with collagen, under which you can apply whitening, anti-aging, anti-pastosis serums. The result of the procedure is a moisturizing gel (cream) with SPF. A course requires up to 10 procedures. Is it possible to achieve a similar result at home?

  • Today, ELOS rejuvenation is increasingly prescribed: a combination of laser light energy with electricity. This activates the synthesis of endocollagen and elastin in the skin, smoothes wrinkles, removes pigmentation, spider veins, and narrows pores. About 6 sessions are needed, once every three weeks.

Instead of hardware procedures, biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is used: a couple of procedures with an interval of a couple of weeks. Another skin care product can also act as a biorevitalizer in accordance with the doctor’s recommendations after the initial skin diagnosis. Soluble collagen, peptide complexes, aloe extract - can block moisture loss, activate skin regeneration, which will slow down its withering.

If pigment spots appear, it will take a long time to remove them. Without laser – at least two to three months, and the result depends on the depth of the spot. The level of penetration into the depth of the dermis is determined with a Wood's lamp. The pigment that has affected the epidermis can be removed with acid peels or their combination with ritinoic peels quite easily.

There are many rumors about the miraculous cream Achromin, which our grandmothers and mothers used. But mass-market cosmetics very rarely work effectively, and this cream also contains hydroquinone, which is banned in the EU. Moreover, Achromin contains paraffin and petroleum jelly, which clog pores and cause acne. But if this cream helps someone, God help. Of course, products with kojic acid or arbutin are better.

The cause of acne after a sea holiday is post-sun hyperkeratosis. In other words, you need deep cleansing of the skin. It is better to use gels without surfactants, a pectin mask or clay-based composition, and sebum-regulating agents. Just 15 minutes, wash, and everything is fine. The procedure will be complemented by ultrasonic peeling, electrophoresis of anti-inflammatory drugs, and galvanic therapy.

Spider veins are a year-round problem, but under the rays of the sun they tend to worsen. The reason is heredity or acquired weakness of the vascular wall of capillaries, superficial veins, which increases under the influence of temperature, food, which dilates blood vessels. To solve the problem, vasoprotectors, products with troxerutin, horse chestnut extract, arnica, and grape leaves are used. Therapy is complemented well by taking vitamins C and PP, which stimulate metabolism.

Signs of photoaging of facial skin (with photo)

The following “alarm bells” will help you understand that premature age-related changes have begun:

  • The dermis has acquired a dull and uneven shade, lentigo (brown spots) have appeared in some places, and dyschromia is observed.
  • By feeling the cheekbones, cheeks, chin, you can detect roughness - actinic keratosis; senile acne popped up.
  • The epidermis has become noticeably drier.
  • Vascular lesions are visible: venous lakes, asterisks, and the like.
  • Wrinkles appeared suddenly; they are not only superficial, but also deep.
  • The volume of tissue has decreased, which is why there is sagging and unevenness - the contour of the face has “swollen”.

There are other indicators too, and you can focus on them.

Histological signs of photoaging

They are internal, so you need to use your imagination and imagine what the epidermis looks like in cross-section. If we move from the stratum corneum, the picture will be as follows:

  • The epithelium is either atrophied or suffers from hyperkeratosis.
  • Melanocytes are unevenly distributed, although this should not be the case.
  • The basal cells, which act as “building material,” are damaged.
  • The membranes have become much thicker.
  • Collagen fibers have lost their normal structure and become intertwined.

At the same time, some may notice these “alarm bells” earlier, others later, and still others may not encounter them at all. Why is this happening?

Prevention of skin photoaging

To prevent premature changes, you need to:

  • Wear wide-brimmed hats, long sleeves, and sunglasses in summer.
  • Don't go to the solarium.
  • If possible, avoid being on the street between 10:00 and 16:00.
  • On the beach (and just before a walk in the heat), apply creams with an SPF value of 30 units or more to the body, not forgetting to renew this “protection” every 3 hours.
  • Use moisturizers with an SPF of 15 or more all year round.

It is also very important to choose the right cosmetics: it should be absorbed quickly and without traces, and be rich in components that fight free radicals.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories - Placental-amino acid ultra-moisturizing fluid

LNC — Cosmetic — Placental serum-concentrate with muscle relaxant effect

LNC — Cosmetic — Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate, 120 ml

GHC Placental Cosmetic - Concentrated serum for intensive revitalization with placenta hydrolyzate

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