Darsonval for cellulite – is it really possible to achieve an effect (doctors’ opinion)

Darsonval for cellulite is a physiotherapeutic device that affects the skin of the face or body with a weak pulsed current of high frequency and voltage.

As a result of this effect, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation is activated, and the supply of tissues with oxygen and nutrients improves.

Due to the acceleration of metabolic processes, fat is actively broken down into fractions, and it is eliminated from the body naturally. Read on to learn how to use Darsonval for cellulite at home.

Design features and operating principle

The device itself is made in the form of a handle. It has an elongated shape and compact dimensions (usually about 20-30 cm in length).

However, there are also stationary models in which the generation of pulses and the adjustment of their parameters is carried out not by a handle, but by a base unit.

They produce a very powerful impulse and are intended for professional use only.

In addition to the handle, the kit includes attachments: from 1 to 12 pcs. Some are designed for various types of tasks.

They can be universal, petal, comb-shaped, teardrop-shaped, mushroom-shaped, ear, wart-shaped, nasal, cavitary, shin-shaped (for the treatment of varicose veins), etc. To combat cellulite, petal-shaped and mushroom-shaped are more often used.

Weak current pulses are supplied through these glass nozzles, they are also called electrodes.

When the electrode touches the epidermis, ozone is produced. It has a bactericidal effect and destroys microorganisms that cause inflammatory processes.

The current effect warms up the tissue, which accelerates the process of lipolysis, i.e. the release of fat cells from the tissue, their breakdown and utilization in a natural way for the body.

The influence of the Darsonval apparatus is multifaceted. Due to the impact of high-frequency electrical discharge, nerve endings and skin receptors are irritated.

In response to this, a vasomotor reaction of the body develops - blood vessels dilate, venous tone increases, microcirculation processes, tissue trophism, and regeneration improve.

Metabolic processes and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the problem area are stimulated.

Indications for the Darsonval procedure

Based on the positive effects, the use of Darsonval procedures is indicated for the treatment of:

  • local swelling;
  • wounds that do not heal for a long time;
  • psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis;
  • acne;
  • furunculosis;
  • bruises and injuries to the skin;
  • lichen planus;
  • hematomas that do not go away for a long time;
  • partial alopecia areata due to a stressful environment;
  • atypical skin itching;
  • pronounced bags and dark circles under the eyes.

Darsonval device WELSS WS 2320

Blood circulation at the site of darsonval treatment for cellulite improves slightly. Therefore, it cannot be said that the bridges of scar tissue that separate groups of fat cells from each other (this is the cause of cellulite) and impair their nutrition will be damaged. The ultrasonic vibrations caused by Darsonval for cellulite are also not so significant as to cause cavitation in fat cells. This effect implies the appearance of bubbles in an intracellular drop of fat, while the bubbles connect with each other and then burst, damaging the cell membrane and forcing the lymphatic vessels to remove the contents of the cells.

A slight increase in blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissue and the absence of cavitation from alternating high-frequency currents casts doubt on the effectiveness of using the Darsonval apparatus against cellulite.

Of course, no one has canceled the so-called “placebo effect for cellulite,” and perhaps it is under its influence that you personally will be able to get rid of fat traps on your legs, stomach, and sides with the help of darsonvalization, just first carefully read the next two sections.

When is the effect noticeable?

The reduction and separation of the cellulite layer occurs gradually. It is important to use Darsonval daily for the body against cellulite, without skipping a single procedure.

Otherwise, the therapeutic effect is reduced and the result is canceled.

The speed of onset of the anti-cellulite effect largely depends on the stage of development of the problem.

If it is 1 or 2, then the results will be more pronounced and faster. At stages 3 and 4, it is pointless to expect a stunning effect from the device.

Much also depends on the individual characteristics of the metabolic processes of the human body. And most importantly, it depends on your lifestyle.

Does darsonval help against cellulite? Yes, you can achieve positive results with it. But it will not be beneficial if a person:

  • abuses foods that do not carry nutritional value (fried, spicy, smoked, fatty, canned, semi-finished products, sausages, fast foods, sauces, etc.);
  • regularly drinks alcohol;
  • leads a sedentary lifestyle.

The effect will be noticeable with moderate physical activity and following basic nutrition rules.

In this case, a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat and the severity of the orange peel can be noticed after 10-15 days of regular use of the device.

UV therapy

UVR therapy is dosed irradiation with ultraviolet rays, which is used in cosmetology, dermatology and trichology.

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, specific metabolic processes begin to occur in human tissue. UV waves have a positive effect on the human body; this procedure is useful in winter, when there is not enough ultraviolet radiation.

When ultraviolet rays penetrate the tissues of the human body, the light energy is converted into the energy of chemical reactions. At this time, the patient’s body actively releases useful biological substances:

  • histamine;
  • serotonin;
  • melatonin;
  • vitamin D and much more.

These substances, thanks to the good blood supply to the skin, are very quickly absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body, which contributes to a positive effect. However, irradiation is useful only in small doses, and an excess can have a negative impact on health, so this therapy is prescribed in strictly dosed doses - minute by minute.


UV therapy is prescribed as:

  • anti-inflammatory and analgesic;
  • immunostimulating and general strengthening;
  • antiallergic.

Ultraviolet rays promote active calcium metabolism and accelerate the absorption of vitamin D - this gradually lowers blood pressure, and also enhances the formation of lymphocytes in human blood. Ultraviolet waves also have a psychological effect: the patient’s mood improves, which leads to strengthening of the immune system.

UV therapy is used both locally and locally, when the rays affect only problem or painful areas.

The procedure for the general effect of UV waves on the body is usually prescribed for significant damage to the skin and mucous membranes, for trichology, and also as a prevention of infectious diseases. UV therapy stimulates metabolism, hematopoiesis, and is also useful for chronic diseases.


UV therapy is prohibited for patients who have:

  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis, bleeding, smallpox or hyperthyroidism;
  • systemic autoimmune diseases.

Darsonval for cellulite: how to use at home

Do not use the device on wet skin. It must be clean and dry.

But how to properly use Darsonval for cellulite? To do this, follow this sequence:

  1. First, you should cleanse your skin of impurities. The use of anti-cellulite cream will also benefit. It needs to be applied half an hour before the procedure, after which you can wipe the skin with a napkin to remove excess cream. To improve the sliding of the electrode, it is recommended to treat it with talc or powder.
  2. Then put on the required attachment, turn on the device and adjust the intensity of the current pulses. You need to monitor your feelings. For first use, minimum settings are recommended. In the future they can be increased.
  3. If a targeted treatment is needed (for example, for an inflammatory process), then a drip nozzle and high intensity current are required to obtain a cauterization effect. To treat skin against cellulite, a wide nozzle (mushroom-shaped, petal-shaped) is recommended. Adjust the intensity according to your feelings - slight tingling of the skin, a feeling of warmth are allowed, pain and burning are unacceptable.

It is necessary to treat the skin with smooth movements, carefully working through all problem areas.

They should be light, circular or linear, without pressure. Processing can be carried out by contact and remote methods.

In the first case, the electrode is pressed against the epidermis. As a result, the device has a sedative and antiseptic effect. It causes relaxation of muscles and blood vessels.

Recommended for seborrhea, edema, cellulite, to prevent wrinkles, tighten skin, eliminate pores, and increase tightness. It is considered more gentle and practically does not cause discomfort.

With the remote method, the electrode is moved over the problem area (the air gap is several mm).

During the procedure, a spark discharge occurs between the skin and the vacuum nozzle. The strength of the current depends on the power supplied and the distance.

More often, this method is used to dry out pimples, boils, acne, to heal wounds, disinfect skin, and smooth out scars. The duration of exposure should not exceed 20 minutes.

These 2 methods can be combined. To notice a pronounced result, you must perform the procedure every day for 2-3 weeks. After the procedure, you should apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

About darsonvalization

The Darsonval procedure for cellulite is named after its inventor, the French physiologist d'Arsonval. Darsonval is based on the effect on tissue of high-frequency current pulses (100-400 thousand pulses per second) and variable strength. The electrical current is supplied by vacuum or glass electrodes, which can either be applied directly to the skin or inserted into cavities, or create a spark discharge between the electrode and the skin (it spreads like a corona, which is why it is called corona).

Application of the device

The procedure has been used since 1891, and Darsonval devices are available in every physiotherapy room. It has been proven many times that alternating sinusoidal currents improve the condition of blood vessels, nerve endings, and, accordingly, internal organs.


The procedure cannot be performed in case of severe diseases of the heart, blood vessels, disorders of the rheological properties of blood (increased viscosity, tendency to blood clots), oncology, the presence of pacemakers, tuberculosis, epilepsy, mental disorders. These are absolute contraindications.

There are also relative contraindications. These are conditions in which the restriction on the procedure is temporary. It can be postponed for a more suitable period.


  1. pregnancy;
  2. rosacea;
  3. menstruation;
  4. breast-feeding.

How to choose a device for home use

Models of Darsonval devices differ in the stability of the charge created, power, configuration, dimensions, etc. One of the main parameters is voltage.

When choosing a device, you should consider for what purposes it will be used:

  • to prevent wrinkles, a voltage of 2-7 kV is sufficient;
  • to eliminate more global cosmetic problems (scars, pronounced signs of aging, scalp wrapping for hair growth) - 7-12 kV;
  • for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes, vascular diseases, rheumatological pathologies, elimination of cellulite, skin tightening, elimination of edema, it is better to choose devices with a voltage of more than 12 kV.

In addition to technical characteristics, pay attention to the type of power regulator. It can be slider or slider.

It is better not to choose the latter, since during the procedure the slider can be easily moved, which will lead to a change in the parameters of the current effect.

An important point is the number of attachments. It is better to choose devices with at least 3-4 attachments.

In this case, the device can be used not only to eliminate cellulite, but also to solve other cosmetic problems.

Side effects when using the device

Before you start using Darsonval, you must carefully study the attached instructions and make sure that you have no contraindications. When used in a clinic, you can consult a cosmetologist who will decide on the possibility of carrying out the procedure, but if you use the device yourself, all responsibility will lie directly with you. Here is a sample list of possible negative effects:

  • acceleration of the development of tumor processes;
  • individual intolerance or allergy;
  • if you are in a risk group, there is a possibility of a recurrent stroke due to the acceleration of blood flow;

    You should not use Darsonval if you have had a stroke

  • negative effects during pregnancy;
  • skin reactions - pigmentation, burns (usually this occurs when pre-treating the skin with preparations containing alcohol);
  • increased rate of hair growth on the body (due to activation of hair follicles).

With the help of Darsonval you can speed up hair growth

Important ! Based on this, you need to compare all possible consequences in advance. The use of this device requires certain financial investments, and the health risk, although minimal, still exists.

Popular models (4 options)

Below are popular and effective devices:

  1. Estetico Pro. This high-quality device has a modern design and high power (15 W). Thanks to this, it can be used at home, in a beauty salon or medical center. Output voltage - up to 60 kV. The main problems that the device combats: cellulite, hair loss, varicose veins, papillomas, inflammation, runny nose, etc. The set includes 7 attachments. Average cost: 6000 rub.
  2. NOVATOR CORONA. This portable and inexpensive device has 3 attachments (cavity, mushroom, comb) included. The maximum voltage is 24 kV. The device has the necessary quality certificates, approved by the Ministry of Health. Solves a range of problems: cosmetic (burns, bruises, cellulite, eczema, lichen, psoriasis, etc.), promotes the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, joint-ligamentous apparatus, blood vessels, neurological diseases. Average cost: 2100 rub.
  3. Gezatone Biolift4 118. Judging by numerous reviews, this Darsonval for cellulite is suitable for use by the whole family: children, adults, the elderly. It helps fight alopecia, acne, swelling, correct the figure, increase the elasticity of the epidermis, normalize the functioning of blood vessels and much more. Has 4 nozzles. Maximum output voltage 45 kV, power 10 W. Average cost: 4000 rub.
  4. Chios Zvezda CH-107. This is a fairly productive device at a low cost. It has decent technical characteristics: power up to 35 W, voltage up to 55 kV. And the kit includes 7 gas-filled electrodes. It can be used at home and in beauty centers. The device helps solve a wide range of problems: eliminate congestion, cellulite, normalize vascular tone, eliminate warts, boils, improve skin elasticity, varicose veins, etc. Average cost: 3900 rubles.



“I am very glad that I bought this device for myself.
In general, at first I didn’t believe that it would help, because even sports and intense exercise on the gluteal muscles did not remove my cellulite. Of course, the effect is not immediately visible; you need to use the device regularly. It took me 3-4 weeks of daily use, after which my cellulite practically disappeared and my volume decreased by 1 cm.”


“I read a lot of reviews about Darsonval for the body against cellulite.
Most people praise it, but there are also negative reviews. I don't know whether to buy it or not. I’ve already had 3 treatments at the beauty salon, and it seems to me that my skin has tightened and become smooth. For this money you could already buy a device for home.”


“I have an asthenic physique, but cellulite has not spared me.
At one time, massages helped me, but then for some reason they became useless. Cellulite disfigured my figure, despite my overall thinness. The cosmetologist recommended a new method of combating cellulite - Darsonval. After 7 procedures I saw the first results.

I decided to buy myself the same device and use it at home. I have a simple inexpensive GBT Electronic Factory model, but I really like it, I use it 3-4 times a year for 2 weeks in a row.”

Expert opinion

  • Cosmetologist
  • Surgeon

Anna Avaliani

practicing cosmetologist

I recommend using anti-cellulite cream before the procedure itself. When it is absorbed (30-45 minutes), you can begin processing. Move the device slowly and smoothly, this will improve the effect.

Aisha Baron

plastic surgeon

One area needs to be treated for about 10 minutes. During the session you may feel a tingling sensation, do not worry as this is normal. Be careful not to treat the area under the knees.

We recommend watching a video about an effective method of combating cellulite:

The Darsonval device really helps against cellulite. But you need to understand that if you have an advanced stage, you will have to use other methods to combat the problem. In addition, it is worth taking a comprehensive approach.

If a person eats poorly and does not lead an active lifestyle, then he will not be able to achieve positive changes.

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