Rejuvenating facial massage - the best techniques for incredible results

What does facial massage give?

Facial massage triggers natural rejuvenation mechanisms, eliminating the causes of aging. In addition, there are many biologically active points on the face; influencing them helps improve the functioning of internal organs. Massage also helps to better absorb hygienic and therapeutic skin care products.

Facial massage gives the following results:

  • Eliminates sagging skin, removes folds, jowls,
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles,
  • Makes skin smooth, elastic and toned,
  • Eliminates swelling
  • Improves complexion,
  • Improves blood circulation and metabolic processes.

Who is it suitable for?

Facial rejuvenation massage is an effective way to restore skin elasticity, smooth out shallow wrinkles, and increase tone and turgor. However, do not expect that instantly, after one or two sessions, you will look 5-10 years younger, like after plastic surgery - massage is not capable of this. There is persistent, painstaking work to be done on oneself.

Indications for performing anti-aging skin massage:

  • wrinkles of any nature (age-related, facial wrinkles);
  • sagging, loss of skin elasticity;
  • double chin, jowls, tissue ptosis:
  • unhealthy skin tone, unusual grayness, dullness;
  • swelling, bags under the eyes;
  • fatigue, overstrain of individual facial muscles;
  • “swimming” oval of the face, loss of tone;
  • blueness under the eyes;
  • frequent acne, pimples;
  • excessive dryness or greasiness of the skin, flaking.

Massage, from the point of view of cosmetologists, is a mandatory item in facial care after 30–40 years. It is during this period that pronounced age-related changes in the skin are observed: it becomes less elastic, you can notice the appearance of new wrinkles, as well as the deepening of existing ones. In this case, massage not only eliminates visible imperfections, but also acts as a preventative against aging.

The most popular types of massage:

  • Classical. It is carried out along massage lines using gentle techniques using serums or creams. affects primarily the skin.
  • Tibetan. With this type of massage, the effect is not only on the face, but also on the neck, head, and décolleté.
  • Spanish. It is a combination of relaxing techniques and deep kneading of the facial muscles.
  • Asahi massage. It is performed with the palms, and the effect is not only on the skin, but also on the facial muscles.
  • Myofascial. Affects deep subcutaneous and muscle layers. Techniques of pinching, twisting, kneading, rubbing, and smoothing are used. Works the fascia that covers the facial muscles.
  • Plucked. Performed only for oily skin, effective for blackheads, blackheads, pimples, scars.
  • Honey. It is performed with patting and rubbing movements, using only liquid natural honey. Effective for maintaining skin tone and eliminating inflammation.

How to prepare for a session

Before performing a massage with a rejuvenating effect at home, we recommend that you properly prepare your skin. Particles of makeup, oil and sweat accumulated on the surface must be removed.

To do this, use a mild cleanser - milk, tonic, lotion. Scrubs, brushes, and other items that may damage the integrity of the skin are unacceptable.

The environment and mood of the client are also important for a successful result. Comfortable temperature, a ventilated room, relaxing music and a good mood will have a positive effect on your transformation, will help you completely relax your facial muscles and will bring you pleasure from the procedure.

Sequence of massage movements

After preparing the face, they begin massage techniques. Several basic techniques are alternated: stroking, kneading and rubbing. For oily skin, you can use pinching, pressure and vibration. The face should be treated in a certain sequence along the following massage lines:

  • From the center of the forehead to the temples;
  • From the center of the chin to the ears;
  • Cheeks from nose to ears;
  • From the tip of the nose to the forehead;
  • The area of ​​skin around the lips;
  • Skin area around the eyes;
  • The area of ​​skin around the eyebrows;

In the area of ​​the lymph nodes, no strong pressure should be allowed, only gentle stroking.

Execution Rules

The simplicity of movements makes massage accessible to everyone. Having studied in detail the location of massage lines and the sequence of movements, you can easily perform a rejuvenating procedure at home.

To make the effect incredible, you can’t do without subtleties:

  • Massage is performed only on cleansed, prepared skin.
  • Massage lines are the main guides of movements; you cannot deviate from them.
  • Regularity is mandatory, otherwise the expected, long-term effect will not be achieved.
  • Experts recommend periodically alternating massage techniques so as not to cause addiction and reduce the effectiveness of the procedure.
  • Excessive force and strong pressure are unacceptable and harmful to sensitive skin.
  • If you decide to do a rejuvenating facial massage at home, spend the first sessions in front of a mirror - this way you will see errors in execution and quickly achieve perfection in the technique.
  • Some massage techniques are carried out using oils and special creams. Neglecting this rule is fraught with stretching of weakened tissues and the formation of a large number of wrinkles.
  • The products used during the rejuvenation procedure should not cause an allergic reaction in the patient. It is recommended to do an allergy test first.
  • Long massages are harmful for young skin, limit yourself to 5 minutes.
  • Increase the pace of exposure gradually, with each subsequent session.
  • Choose a rejuvenating technique taking into account the age and type of skin. For those with delicate, young skin, gentle techniques are suitable, while for mature, thick skin, more intensive therapy is recommended.

Check with an experienced massage therapist or cosmetologist for details regarding the chosen massage technique, or attend a massage master class.

Duration of the procedure

The duration of one session is 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to perform at least 10 procedures sequentially. If the massage is performed correctly along the massage lines, the result will be healthy, toned, ruddy skin.

After the full course, your facial skin should be given a rest period of more than two months. During the massage course, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, smoke, or eat salty or very fatty foods. Otherwise, the vessels will narrow, blood circulation will deteriorate, and the face will swell.

After each massage session, you need to remove any remaining oil with a napkin or cotton pad. You can additionally apply a mask or nourishing cream to dry skin.

Precautionary measures

With the exception of a light tonic massage, the procedure has contraindications. It is important to familiarize yourself with them before the session.

Intensive rejuvenating therapy in the form of massage should be avoided if:

  • damage to the integrity of the integument in the working area (wounds, cuts);
  • exacerbation of inflammatory processes, herpes and purulent formations;
  • eczema, various forms of dermatitis;
  • complex forms of hypertension, vascular problems;
  • increased sensitivity of nerve endings, close proximity of blood vessels to the skin.

Fever and poor health are also contraindications for massage.

Clients with sensitive skin types need to carefully choose a rejuvenation technique. The duration of the procedure does not exceed 10 minutes.

A normal side effect of intense massage is redness. Over time, the previous tone of the integument will be restored. There are no other side effects if the procedure is performed correctly.

Massage is a unique and effective procedure. Experts and clients unanimously say that if you massage your face for 20 minutes twice a week, you can delay the aging of the skin for a long time.

Chinese massage technique

The Chinese also take care of their health and beauty, performing a tightening facial massage to prevent and eliminate wrinkles.

  1. You should start from the temples. Press them with your fingertips for 10 seconds. In the future, after each exercise you need to return to this point.
  2. Place the fingers of both hands above your eyebrows so that they meet in the middle of your forehead. Pressing on the skin, move your fingers to the temples, stay in this area for a couple of seconds, and return to the starting position. This exercise is useful for wrinkles on the forehead.
  3. To remove wrinkles near the nasolabial triangle, place your fingers at the edge of the nostrils and press on these areas for 10 seconds.
  4. Place the fingers of one hand parallel to the floor above your head and the finger of the other hand also parallel to the floor under your lower lip. Apply pressure for 15 seconds. This exercise has a general strengthening effect on the body, rejuvenates, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Chinese massage takes about 3 minutes. You can do it every day, for example, during breaks at work.

Necessary equipment

The best results can be achieved if you use creams, gels, and oils. The active substances included in their composition, penetrating the skin, provide a reliable effect.

Before using any product, it is necessary to conduct preliminary testing for skin reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of cream or oil to sensitive areas. You need to wait at least 2-3 hours. If during this time no redness, itching or burning appears, then the product can be used for the procedure. Otherwise, use of the drug should be discontinued.

Roller massager for face


Despite the relative harmlessness of facial massage for wrinkles, any type of it has contraindications. In general, this procedure is not recommended if you have the following conditions:

  • colds, fever in acute stages;
  • diathesis, allergic reactions;
  • inflammatory processes occurring on the skin;
  • open wounds and other signs of damage to the skin;
  • rosacea, varicose veins;
  • skin neoplasms, including warts, tumors, papillomas;
  • bad feeling;
  • herpes;
  • disorders of the lymphatic and cardiovascular systems;
  • excessive hair growth or severe hirsutism;
  • severe thinness of the face.

Facial rejuvenation at home, quick results

The issue of facial rejuvenation worries many people. Let's talk about this today.

Every woman wants to look attractive, attract the gaze of men and receive compliments from them. And if she notices wrinkles on her face, then, of course, she gets upset.

But in this case there is no need to worry, because... There are many ways to stop aging. These are facial cleansing, microcurrents, galvanization, superficial peeling and other techniques. But this does not mean that if a woman does not have the opportunity to visit a cosmetologist, she cannot look good.

Competent home care, incl. cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and using special techniques will preserve the beauty of your face and stop aging. You can learn to look good without resorting to any serious interventions in the body.

Masks, compresses, scrubs, tonics, and massages have a good effect. You can make ice cubes using medicinal herbs.

How does a rejuvenating massage affect the skin?

Rejuvenating massage has been tested by hundreds of women. There are various legends about its effect.

Massage affects the skin of the face as follows:

  1. Small wrinkles disappear.
  2. Bags in the eye area are reduced.
  3. Stress is relieved.
  4. The skin rests and at the same time gets the opportunity to go through the relaxation process.

Are there any contraindications

Anti-aging procedures are indicated for the first signs of aging and cosmetic skin defects. Contraindications for facial lifting massage depend on the technique and other features of the techniques. However, there are a number of prohibitions that are absolute.

These include:

  • scars;
  • cracks and injuries;
  • inflammatory process: acne, blackheads;
  • large and protruding moles;
  • vascular diseases;
  • herpes;
  • bleeding disorders.

If there are absolute contraindications, you will need to refuse any type of massage and use alternative methods.

Is it possible to massage after injections with hyaluronic acid?

Beauty injections help get rid of visual signs of aging, smooth out wrinkles and restore the elasticity of muscle tissue. Cosmetic preparations made on the basis of hyaluronic acid are gels of varying densities.

As a result of trauma to the skin after injections, slight swelling may occur, which goes away after a few days. During the rehabilitation period after beauty injections, you must refrain from any manipulation of the skin. Within 28-30 days after the introduction of the gel with hyaluronic acid, any massage on the face is prohibited.

Is it possible to do this after fillers?

After Botox injections and fillers, physiotherapeutic procedures, including light massage, are recommended. The most suitable are lymphatic drainage techniques.

It is recommended to abandon deep sculpting techniques during the rehabilitation period so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the administered drugs. After injections, you should consult with a cosmetologist who can choose the most suitable type.

Is it possible to do it after mesothreads?

Lifting massage of the face, as well as the décolleté and collar area is not recommended after mesothreads. The rehabilitation period after a thread lifting procedure averages 3-6 weeks and depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. You can begin any manipulations with the skin only after the doctor’s permission.

Common mistakes when doing self-massage

You will see the results of the massage after 3-5 sessions. If there is no effect, then check whether you are making the most common mistakes.

  • Insufficient cleansing. A procedure performed with dirty hands on skin with makeup residue and dirt will not be beneficial. Open pores become a gateway for infections, so the risk of infection is quite high. And if after the session rashes, redness, and pustules appear on your face, then be more attentive to cleansing.
  • Irregularity. Get a massage regularly without skipping sessions. 2-3 procedures per week are enough to maintain skin tone.
  • Wrong time. The human body loves systematicity. And if you do self-massage regularly at the same time, the result will be more noticeable.
  • Chaotic movements. You cannot spontaneously move your fingers and palm over your face. It is important to take into account the location of the massage lines, along which you need to keep the direction.

Spoon massage technique

There is one interesting massage technique that involves using a regular tablespoon. Additionally, you will need a herbal decoction; you can use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, or any other herbs, as well as olive oil.

  1. Dip a spoon into the cold broth. Apply it first to the lower and then to the upper eyelid.
  2. Puff out your cheeks and stroke them with a heated spoon. Repeat 10 times. Please note that the spoon should not be very hot to avoid burns.
  3. Lightly heat a spoon and coat it with olive oil. Apply spoons to the base of the eyebrows, and use circular movements to work the area of ​​the forehead to the temples.
  4. Apply a heated spoon to the tips of the wings of your nose and use clapping movements to treat the cheek area. Then dip a spoon into the broth and walk through this area again.

A special effect is achieved by changing the temperature of the spoons. First, you can massage your face with heated devices, and then cool them in the broth and treat problem areas of the face again. This opens pores, reduces them, smooths out wrinkles and improves the shape of the face.


These mixtures are prepared and used immediately. They are not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. The mask quickly loses its effectiveness and deteriorates. Before using it, you need to clean your face of makeup and steam it with a steam bath. The composition is applied using a sponge or brush, spreading along the massage lines. Do not apply the active mixture to the area around the eyes and lips.

The procedure takes no more than 15–20 minutes. After its completion, you should lie down, relax and not talk. The mixture is removed with cool water. The face is not wiped, but simply blotted with a napkin or towel. Optimal frequency of application: once or twice a week. Once a month the composition of the mask is changed so that the skin does not get used to it.

You should not include in the mixture those products to which a woman has an allergic reaction. Before the procedure, it is better to do allergy tests by applying a homemade mask to the crook of your elbow or wrist. If the skin is not red or itchy, then the mask can be applied.

Sea kale mask recipe

To prepare, you need to take two teaspoons of kelp powder and 250 grams of warm water. The algae should be filled with water and left for a couple of hours to swell. After this, it is squeezed out and the mixture is applied to the face. This mask will help make the skin firmer and give it elasticity. Skin color also improves.

Mask based on honey and egg white

To prepare it, you need to separate the egg into white and yolk. Half a tablespoon of liquid honey and milk is added to the protein. If desired, milk can be replaced with cream. All components of the mask are mixed until smooth and whipped using a whisk. The composition is applied to the face for 20 minutes and then washed off. It will make the skin fresh and tones it. A protein mask tightens pores.

Mask based on lemon juice and egg yolk

To prepare, a woman needs to take a yolk and half a teaspoon of olive oil. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice, the same amount of aloe and liquid honey. All ingredients are mixed until smooth with a fork. After this, the composition is applied to the face. This mask will make the color even, lighter, and regenerate the tissue.

Mask with pink (white) clay

To prepare, take two teaspoons of white or pink clay powder and mineral water. It includes a teaspoon of peach or almond cosmetic oil and a capsule of vitamin E. The clay powder is mixed in mineral water until it becomes liquid sour cream. Cosmetic oil and vitamin E are poured into the mixture. After this, all ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin of the face. The clay mask has a cleansing and tightening effect.

Honey mask

The recipe includes two teaspoons of liquid honey and the same amount of olive oil. To apply, you will need a piece of gauze approximately equal to the volume of your face. All ingredients must be mixed. They are heated in a water bath until the honey dissolves. Then the composition is slightly cooled and the gauze is blotted. After this, gauze is applied to the face. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes. The mask is not washed off, but simply blotted with a napkin. It nourishes the skin of the face, rejuvenating it.

Oatmeal mask

To prepare, take four teaspoons of oatmeal. Additionally, take 100 grams of boiling water, half a spoon of liquid honey, and the same amount of chopped parsley. You need to take two drops of lavender oil. The flakes are poured with boiling water and allowed to swell. After this, the remaining water is drained. Liquid honey and parsley are mixed into the composition. To give homogeneity, all ingredients are additionally crushed in a blender. Then add lavender oil. After this, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed again and the mixture is smeared on the face. This product helps exfoliate dead skin cells, leaving the skin more even and smooth.

Rejuvenating mask with gelatin

For this recipe you will need six teaspoons of chamomile, two teaspoons of gelatin, and half a teaspoon of flaxseed oil. To swell, gelatin powder is poured with infused chamomile. Additionally, the powder is mixed and left to swell. After this, add linseed oil. Then the mixture is spread on the skin. It makes the face more fresh and hydrated. The skin becomes elastic.

Yeast mask

For this recipe you need to take 50 grams of pressed yeast, half a tablespoon of olive oil, 100 ml. water. The yeast is diluted to a mushy consistency and olive oil is poured into the mixture. The mask needs to be mixed and can be used. Duration of the procedure: 20 minutes. The composition with yeast tones and tightens the skin.

Recipe with chocolate

This mask tightens and softens the skin. Melt half a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath. The composition should be cooled slightly, and then used by spreading it on the face.

Do massage yourself or turn to professionals?

There are a large number of anti-wrinkle massage techniques. Many of them can be carried out at home, which does not require any experience or special knowledge. You will not be able to harm yourself if you follow the technology and basic safety rules.

But self-massage is more suitable for the prevention and elimination of minor cosmetic problems.

If the skin fades, there are serious age-related changes, then it is better to turn to professionals. When choosing a massage therapist, consider the following points.


The more a specialist works in the field of cosmetology, the higher the chances of getting an excellent result.


A massage therapist must be able to work with facial skin. It has its own characteristics and requires more careful treatment than the skin on other parts of the body.

Massage technique.

Many massage therapists use their own massage techniques in practice, but a specialist must also be able to perform massage using other, most common techniques.

Place of work.

Ideally, a massage therapist should have his own office, isolated from others. It’s good if a specialist takes care of the comfort of clients, including relaxing music and dimming the lights. A massage at home on the couch surrounded by strangers will not bring pleasure and will not help you fully relax.

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Classic massage technique

Classic massage is suitable for girls and women of all ages. It can be done both to prevent wrinkles and to smooth them out. Do a classic massage in front of a mirror with clean hands after preliminary preparation of the facial skin.

  1. Start with the upper eyelid. Stretch the skin slightly with two fingers in different directions to smooth out wrinkles.
  2. Raise your eyebrows as if in surprise, stretch your lips into a smile without exposing your teeth.
  3. Smile slightly, press the corners of your lips with your fingertips and make a rotational movement, first in one direction, then in the other. The pressure should not be strong.
  4. Pull your lips into a tube, you can blow lightly.
  5. Using your fingertips, stretch the folds near your nose to the corners of your eyes. Pull your lips into a tube.
  6. Stretch the corners of your mouth in different directions with your index fingers, exposing your teeth.
  7. Run your fingertips under your eyes, massaging the lower eyelid.
  8. Place 3-4 fingers of each hand on both sides of your forehead. Slightly move the skin towards the temples, smoothing out facial wrinkles.

You can perform a classic massage regularly, for example, after a bath. If you do it in the morning, swelling after sleep will go away, circles under the eyes will decrease, and traces of lack of sleep will disappear.

Self-facial massage: how it works

Self-massage restores physiological processes, the disruption of which led to aging. To begin with, we suggest you understand what these processes are.

It all started when blood circulation worsened. Because of this, the cells stopped receiving enough nutrients, and local metabolism in the tissues slowed down. What did this lead to?

The skin has decreased the content of substances responsible for its elasticity, strength, turgor (tension), smoothness - in general, for all the signs of youth. These are collagen, elastin, some fats, water.

Let's go a little deeper. Collagen and elastin are protein fibers and form the basis of the epidermis. In young skin, they are constantly renewed, and then become damaged or ruptured and accumulate in the skin, causing lines to appear. As for water saturation, it also decreases, since with age the ability of molecules to retain moisture decreases.

But it's not just the skin that changes. A deeper reason for the appearance of age-related changes on the face is spasms (hypertonicity) of the muscles of the face, head, and neck, resulting from overexertion and problems with posture. What is a spasmodic muscle? This is a muscle that has become shorter.

The stretched dermis and shortened muscles together led to the fact that the skin began to gather in folds (wrinkles) and sag (ptosis of the upper eyelids, jowls, unclear contour, “bulldog cheeks”).

And don't forget about lymph. Over the years, its circulation becomes more difficult, which means the removal of toxins and waste products from the body worsens. All this leads to swelling, wrinkles, sagging skin, and bags under the eyes.

How self-massage fights aging:

  • improves blood microcirculation (and with it the supply of nutrients to the skin) and local metabolism,
  • increases skin elasticity and turgor,
  • strengthens atrophied muscles and relaxes spasmed muscles, restoring their natural length,
  • eliminates obstacles to normal lymph flow, removes excess fluid from tissues, and removes swelling.

Japanese massage technique

The beauty and youth of Japanese women is associated not only with proper nutrition, but also with a special facial massage technique - asaha. It is widely used in many countries. You can order such a massage in expensive beauty salons, but in order to save money, it is enough to look and familiarize yourself with the technique in order to learn how to do it yourself.

Japanese massage is aimed at eliminating sagging skin, smoothing wrinkles, and straightening the oval of the face. It’s not at all difficult to do, but it’s important to prepare yourself mentally, relax and enjoy the process.

  1. Basic movement.

    Remember this exercise as the most important thing - the massage begins with it and every movement ends. It’s done like this: use your fingertips to draw a line from the middle of the forehead to the neck near the ears. After the neck, go down to the collarbone.

  2. Exercise against swelling and wrinkles around the eyes.

    Place the pads of your middle fingers on your upper eyelid at the inner corners of your eyes. Using light pressure, move your finger along the surface of the upper eyelid to the outer corner of the eyes. Stay on this area for 3 seconds, pressing lightly on the corner of your eye.

    Then make a semicircle, reaching the inner corner of the eye, stop here for 3 seconds and return to the outer corner of the eyes along the lower eyelid. It turns out that you will go through the upper eyelid once, and through the lower eyelid twice. Repeat the exercise at a slow pace for about 1 minute.

  3. Exercise against wrinkles in the corners of the mouth and chin.

    Place the index and middle fingers of each hand on the hollow of your chin, applying gentle pressure to the area. Slowly move upward, moving around your lips to the hollow under your nose. Press this area again. Repeat the exercise three times.

  4. Exercise for a beautiful oval face.

    Another exercise in Japanese technique for lifting the face, improving the oval. Place your outstretched palms with the largest part of your hand on your chin, and then, pressing on your face, move your hand to the tragus of your ear. Start the movement again from the chin, but first to the cheekbone, stay at this point for a few seconds, and then move your palms to your ears.

  5. Exercise against double chin.

    Place your open palms on your chin with your fingers pointing towards your ears. Pressing on the neck muscles, lift your palm up towards the tragus of your ears.

Finish each exercise with a basic movement. After finishing the massage, it is recommended to drink warm water and relax in a calm environment.

Massage with a roller to combat a double chin

A massage roller, which is sold in any pharmacy and cosmetic store, does an excellent job of tightening the contours of the face and double chin. Before use, apply your favorite serum and distribute it with a roller. All movements go from bottom to top. It is recommended to massage every day during morning or evening care.

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