Beauty secrets of French women: sculptural facial massage from Joelle Siocco

  • History of creation
  • Main advantages
  • Indications and contraindications for the procedure
  • Types of massage
  • Execution Features
  • The effectiveness of the French technique
  • Reviews of French massage

Many women are ready to take desperate steps to become even more beautiful. However, sometimes the time and money spent on visiting plastic surgeons does not bring the desired results, but leads to serious health problems. Today there is an excellent technique - French massage, which allows you to improve your appearance without surgical intervention. It is very popular among public people who have to quickly correct many figure flaws.

History of creation

Pascal Coche, creator of massage
French massage is a unique technique that was developed by the famous doctor Pascal Coche. It helps prevent the formation of edema and improve the functioning of the lymphatic drainage system. The creator of the innovative technique is a practicing physiotherapist who has been studying the structure and functioning of subcutaneous fat for many years. Pascal Coche is also a specialist in kinesitherapy and has repeatedly participated in Les Nouvelles Esthetiques congresses. He managed to systematize the data obtained to create an innovative massage that will remove skin imperfections, improve metabolism and remove toxic substances.

Main advantages

The basis of the French body massage is massaging along the lymph flow lines, affecting the subcutaneous fatty tissue, leaving the muscles intact. During the procedure, the massage therapist uses a variety of plucking, kneading and stretching techniques to select the most suitable options for body correction depending on individual characteristics.

Advantages of massage:

Massage shapes the body

  • Impact exclusively on adipose tissue;
  • High efficiency;
  • Allows you to relieve puffiness and tighten the skin;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Removes harmful substances;
  • The technique of sculptural facial massage allows you to remove even deep wrinkles;
  • An excellent alternative to plastic surgery.

The only disadvantages include pain and the impossibility of performing it at home, because to perform sculptural massage, a specialist must have the appropriate qualifications and know in detail the anatomy of the human body.

Sculptural massage at home

A busy lifestyle often does not allow frequent visits to beauty salons, so many clients want to carry out such an effective massage at home. Some people learn a unique technique in special courses, while others find it easier to practice it from memory after visiting a professional cosmetologist. An important condition for performing a sculptural massage is its competent and impeccable execution, repetition of all necessary movements without causing harm to the skin and deeper structures. Massage should always be carried out after thoroughly cleansing the skin. The session begins and ends with light stroking and patting movements.

However, one should take into account the fact that if the load is unevenly distributed on different parts of the face, asymmetry or tissue sagging may occur, and excessive compression of the vessels can lead to increased swelling or the appearance of hematomas. To avoid unwanted complications, it is wiser to contact a specialist for manipulation. As an alternative to sculptural massage, you can perform Japanese lymphatic drainage massage at home.

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Indications and contraindications for the procedure

French massage is widely used for the following disorders:

Massage is indicated for cellulite

  • Cellulite;
  • Skin laxity and decreased turgor;
  • Various metabolic disorders;
  • Obesity;
  • Unattractive body contour;
  • The appearance of a sagging abdomen due to a large volume of adipose tissue;
  • Edema.

However, massage will be absolutely contraindicated for people who have a history of thrombophlebitis, chronic skin pathologies, cancer, acute inflammation, or pregnancy.

Facial massage performed by a master

The attached video clearly shows the principle of the correct technique for performing French modeling massage. The cosmetologist seems to sculpt the skin and thereby creates clear contours of the face. His movements are fast, neat, but at the same time performed with a certain degree of pressure, so that the lymph flow lines are well engaged and excess fluid does not linger in the nose, cheeks, or under the eyes.

Types of massage

The procedure promotes gradual rejuvenation of the skin by normalizing blood circulation and lymph outflow. To always stay in great shape, just visit the following types of massage:

Modeling body massage

  • French body massage. The technique allows you to use warm-up, stretching, pinching to influence the lymphatic and circulatory systems, as well as subcutaneous fat. As a result, you will be able to forget about cellulite, sagging skin, obesity, and age spots.
  • Sculptural body massage. The procedure involves the use of kneading and rubbing movements that allow you to soften the subcutaneous fat. The technique will normalize weight and skin tone, increase immunity, and prevent the development of edema. This technique will allow you to model your figure, rejuvenate and strengthen your skin.
  • Sculptural facial massage. The method allows you to eliminate crow's feet, smooth out facial wrinkles and tighten the skin thanks to rubbing, stroking, kneading and gripping movements.

List of contraindications

French massage affects various systems (circulatory, lymphatic) and changes processes quite deeply, at the cellular level. Therefore, if a person has the following problems, this massage may be prohibited.

It is not advisable to contact him in the following cases:

  • in the presence of a pronounced allergy;
  • if you have herpes, eczema or pyoderma;
  • presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • with rosacea, low intracranial pressure;
  • for problems with blood clotting or vascular fragility;
  • if there are a large number of moles or birthmarks on the face;
  • after chemical peeling or microdermabrasion;
  • with neuralgia of the facial nerve.

Execution Features

French massage is characterized by an interesting technique, which is based on special pinch movements to gradually stretch the skin. If the techniques are performed correctly, the procedure will have a positive effect on subcutaneous fat and blood flow.

Massage involves precise execution of many nuances and subtleties. For example, special attention must be paid to the speed of movements: hands should move 1 cm per second. This is necessary to accelerate the blood flow and lymph drainage of the lying patient. Also, movements must be performed only in the direction of blood flow.

During a French massage, special attention is paid to softening fat deposits and removing them from the body. This will help increase skin elasticity and remove swelling.

French massage technique using the Cosh method

Cosh method technique
This procedure can only be performed in professional salons. Before the session, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin, apply oil or talcum powder and warm it up with a classic massage.

Only after this can the massage therapist begin basic manipulations:

  • At first, the movements are quite slow, rising from the legs or buttocks.
  • During massage, the specialist uses pinching, twisting and stretching of the skin, which helps soften the fatty tissue.
  • The speed must be selected individually, because the value is 1 cm/sec. is only an average.
  • After completing the procedure, the patient should lie down for a few minutes and then take a shower.

Modeling massage technique

The execution technique is very similar to the technique described above, however, the modeling procedure differs in locality. The massage can be performed on the legs, abdomen, thighs, face and is distinguished by acupressure. That is why only a highly professional massage therapist can perform such a procedure.

Massage technique:

  • After cleansing the skin, the patient is placed on a couch and talc or oil is applied to a certain area.
  • First, the master kneads the skin, after which he uses the basic Kosh techniques (pinching, twisting, stretching).
  • The procedure must be completed with a soothing massage. On average, one session lasts from 60 to 90 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the site.

Sculptural massage technique from Joelle Siocco

French facial massage is indicated for people who have reached the age of 25. They allow you to eliminate existing skin imperfections and prevent their appearance. Massage will require an impeccable knowledge of the anatomy of the facial muscles, so it can only be performed by professionals.

Execution method:

  • Cleansing the skin, after which talc is applied to it. This will prevent slipping and enhance the lifting effect.
  • They begin to massage the back surface of the neck and décolleté, movements should be directed towards the forehead. When performing a massage on the scalp, the massage therapist needs to move downwards.
  • During the massage, gripping, sliding, pressing, and rolling are used.
  • The duration of the procedure is no more than 30-60 minutes, depending on the severity of age-related changes. The effect of the massage is noticeable immediately

What effect can you expect from a massage?

French facial massage allows you to see simply stunning results!

At the end of the course, the facial muscles become toned, cells are renewed faster, blood circulation improves, toxins and waste are removed, pores are cleaned, tissues are saturated with oxygen.

In general, the effect will be as follows:

  • wrinkles on the forehead and in the eye area will become almost invisible;
  • nasolabial folds will be smoothed out as much as possible;
  • eyebrows and corners of lips will rise;
  • sagging cheeks will be strengthened;
  • the oval of the face will become much clearer;
  • skin color will improve;
  • swelling will subside;
  • bruises under the eyes will go away;
  • the chin will be tightened well;
  • the skin will become fresher and more elastic.

A bright effect is visible after the first procedures

By the way, sculpting massage is also suitable for the stronger half of humanity. It will help men maintain youth and freshness and give their face an expression of calm confidence.

The effectiveness of the French technique

The first results from the procedure will be noticeable after the first session, however, to achieve maximum effectiveness, 10 procedures will be required once every 7 days. After completing the course, it is better to conduct maintenance sessions several times a month. The effect of the massage will last for 1 year, but it can be extended with proper skin care and a balanced diet.

Cost of the procedure in the salon:

  • Massage of thighs and buttocks from 850 rubles.
  • Massaging arms or legs from 600 rubles.
  • The price for a sculptural facial massage is 1,500 rubles.
  • Procedure in the waist and abdomen area from 600 rubles.
  • Back massage from 960 rubles.

Reviews of French massage

Antonina, 28 years old: The procedure turned out to be very painful, but the massage course helped not only get rid of cellulite, but also lose 8 kg!

Olga, 50 years old: I can’t say that the massage sessions were able to change me dramatically, but they allowed me to say goodbye to 5 extra kilos.

Nina, 43 years old: French massage is a unique procedure! For several years I tried to get rid of wrinkles using expensive creams, but all efforts were in vain. Only a sculpting facial massage helped remove all imperfections on the skin!

French massage is a unique technique that has gained worldwide popularity due to its high efficiency.

Basic techniques

All original or professionally adapted facial massage techniques have common basic techniques.

Classic anti-aging, author - Christelle Guinet

The technique was born when a popular cosmetics company ordered a facial and neck massage from Christel. This European technique, with classical techniques of cosmetological massage, quickly gained popularity throughout the world.

Correct execution of relaxing manipulations gives a lot of pleasant sensations every session.

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