Getting rid of wrinkles at home: simple mask recipes and comments from a cosmetologist

Age-related skin changes are an unpleasant process, but quite natural. Salon treatments and regular home care help combat them.

Every woman wants to maintain youthful skin for many years. But time takes its toll and inevitably leaves its mark on the face - wrinkles. Some perceive their appearance quite calmly, considering them an integral part of life, while others do not intend to put up with the injustice of nature and fight the hated “enemy” with all available means.

It must be said that even Hollywood stars, who by the nature of their work are required to look their best at any age, do not always resort to the services of plastic surgeons. Vivid examples of this are the magnificent Meryl Streep , Titanic star Kate Winslet , the world's favorite beauty Julia Roberts , the immensely talented Jodie Foster and Julianne Moore . All these beautiful women look luxurious and at the same time remain themselves. Each of their wrinkles is another role, not even played, but lived, of which they are rightfully proud.

However, this is not a reason to relax and give up on yourself. “And So It Will Do” is not a story about female beauty. Everyone who manages, as they say, to age gracefully, undoubtedly devotes a lot of time to self-care, regularly visits cosmetologists and takes care of their skin at home.

Today we decided to talk about home care with expert Olga Guryanova , a cosmetologist at the Novoklinik aesthetic medicine and cosmetology centers.

Where do wrinkles come from?

There are two main types of wrinkles: facial (dynamic) and static. The first, as the name implies, are formed due to the fact that our face is in constant motion, even if we ourselves are not aware of it. We all frown, laugh, smile, wrinkle our noses, and cry from time to time. In the process, grooves naturally appear on the corresponding areas of our face, caused by muscle contraction, which disappear simultaneously with the “disappearance” of a certain emotion.

Over time, due to certain factors, such as age, dry skin, loss of elasticity, the structure changes, and then we have to talk about the appearance of static wrinkles that do not disappear anywhere and are visible even at rest. The problem is faced not only by older people, but also by fairly young people - after 35 years of age, or even earlier.

Deep wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, cheeks, and chin may be a consequence of gravitational ptosis, that is, sagging of the oval of the face. The quality of the skin, and therefore the severity of wrinkles, can be affected by genetics, poor environment, bad habits, stress, insufficient care, constant exposure to sunlight and other unfavorable external factors.

Olga Guryanova explains that if a particular woman’s facial activity is very high, it is better to immediately seek advice from a cosmetologist and resolve the issue with botulinum toxin injections. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid of unwanted reactions - the specialist will conduct a thorough examination and tell you in detail about the indications and contraindications for the procedure. This cosmetic technique helps to relax the muscles without depriving them of activity. Thus, the doctor is able to simultaneously combat pronounced expression wrinkles and avoid the undesirable effect of the mask.

If we talk about static wrinkles, then methods of dealing with them also require mandatory discussion with a specialist. Olga Sergeevna explains that the presence of rough creases requires the mandatory work of a dermatocosmetologist.

Signs of dry skin

At a young age, dry skin does not cause visible problems for its owners.
This type of dermis is characterized by fine pores, matte and velvety texture. Only by touching it can you feel the roughness and dryness. This skin type develops its character with age. Then dryness and flaking increase, elasticity is lost, and there is a tendency to irritation and the appearance of early wrinkles. Some obvious signs of dry skin include:

  • tightness of the dermis after each wash;
  • roughened integuments;
  • peeling;
  • pallor;
  • cracks;
  • fine network of wrinkles;
  • reddish spots;
  • itching

Without proper care, dry skin progresses, spreading to the deeper layers of the dermis. This leads to its compaction, severe peeling and cracking. Following this, the dermis becomes very sensitive.

Fighting wrinkles at home

Salon procedures are, of course, very effective, and the importance of professional care is difficult to overestimate, but not everyone has the opportunity and time to use the services of cosmetology clinics on an ongoing basis. In this case, home care products come to the rescue.

“What do you recommend for home care? Patches work well (a cosmetic product for the skin around the eyes in the form of compresses-plasters, impregnated with special compounds, for example, Baikal skullcap extract, anti-edematous components. - Note by FAN): glued on, worn - there is an effect. Removed - no effect. Any moisturizing mask is good, but only about two hours before bedtime. Now there are a lot of these seemingly fabric masks that give good but temporary results. Say that they will solve the problem? No, they won't decide. But any home care is great,” the specialist assured.

Using anti-wrinkle masks at home can be very effective. Internet users willingly share simple but effective recipes with each other. We have collected the best and, judging by the rave reviews, the most effective and asked an expert to give his comments on this matter.

Important! Before using any new cosmetic product, you must conduct an allergy test! Dr. Guryanova told how to do it correctly:

“The most sensitive area is the area behind the ear. But you won't be able to see what's going on there. You may feel a tingling, pinching or scratching sensation, but you will not see any skin reactions. This testing method is convenient for a cosmetologist, but is not very suitable for self-testing. Therefore, for self-checking, the inner surface of the hand is used. The lower third of the forearm , where we wear our watches, is the most sensitive and most suitable area for these purposes.”

Tips and rules for caring for aging skin

  1. Limit sun exposure. Harmful UV rays are the #1 cause of premature skin aging. To prevent harmful effects, it is recommended to apply sunscreen every day, in any weather. Choose light textures - do not clog pores.
  2. Choose the right sleeping position. Incorrect posture is the number 2 reason for the appearance of wrinkles. To prevent marionette lines around the mouth and wrinkles around the eyes, try to get into the habit of sleeping on your back.
  3. Watch your facial expressions. Creases on the skin appear from constantly repeated movements (laughing, smiling, yawning, crying, surprise). Avoid unnecessary facial expressions and wear sunglasses to avoid squinting.
  4. Resist gravity, train muscles. The force of gravity causes facial muscles to sag, especially those that are never used. Training the subcutaneous facial muscles will help your face look firmer and maintain a clear contour.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, avoiding bad habits and drinking plenty of water also affects the condition of your facial skin.

Anti-wrinkle face mask with banana

Our expert welcomes the use of the pulp of this sweet fruit as a home care product:

“Banana is very good. It contains amino acids and vitamin K.”

Olga Sergeevna suggests mashing the fruit to a mushy state and adding honey if you are not allergic to it. If your skin is very dry, you can mix banana puree with sour cream. It is quite acceptable to use this composition as a homemade eye mask against wrinkles.

“You can, as you did before, fold it into gauze and put it on your eyes for 20 minutes,” the expert advises. - It really works. But not for long".

This product perfectly moisturizes the skin and gives the face a fresh, rested look.

Anti-wrinkle face mask with starch

Women who have tried this supposedly miraculous mask on themselves claim that it can get rid of not only facial wrinkles, but even deep static wrinkles at home, and compare its effect almost with Botox. Starch is indeed a very valuable product, containing vitamins B and C, as well as calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium. Cosmetic products based on it provide a short-term, but quick and visible lifting effect.

So, for cooking we need: a tablespoon of starch, 150 ml of water, a tablespoon of fat sour cream and the same amount of honey. Mix the starch thoroughly with 100 ml of cold water, add 50 ml of hot water and cook until thickened, without letting it boil. Cool and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Apply to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. Wash off with warm water after 20-30 minutes and enjoy the reflection in the mirror.

Starch combined with egg white will give even better results. This composition has cleansing properties and is ideal for oily skin. Mix a tablespoon of starch with warm water until a homogeneous consistency, and then pour in one protein. Leave it on for half an hour and wash it off.

Yeast face mask for wrinkles

It turns out that yeast can be used not only in cooking, but also as a component for anti-aging masks, since it turned out that yeast fungi, when introduced into pores, are capable of producing collagen.

We dilute a tablespoon of yeast with warm milk in a 1:1 ratio, let it brew for at least an hour. Then add one protein and a tablespoon of honey, mix and apply to the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash it off.

Important! Before use, be sure to do an allergy test!

Gelatin mask for wrinkles

First of all, the base is prepared. To do this, pour a tablespoon of the product with two tablespoons of water at room temperature. The mixture swells for several minutes, after which it is placed in a water bath until completely dissolved. Various additional ingredients are added to the cooled mixture depending on the desired result.

“Gelatin is used more as a filling component. There are such products - concealers,” the cosmetologist explained. “They contain silicones, which seem to fill the wrinkle and create a reflective effect. The effect of light and shadow. There is no shadow, and the depth of the wrinkle seems to be getting smaller. Washed it off - the result was the same. Same thing with gelatin. They applied it, it filled in the wrinkle, washed it off - that’s it. Let's put it this way: an artistic effect is achieved - not a therapeutic one. If we talk about the healing function, then the same banana will most likely help.”

You can and should take care of yourself. Home care products contain vitamins and microelements and, indeed, can have a visible effect, albeit temporary. The main thing is to make sure that there are no allergic reactions and to correctly determine your skin type, and for this it is advisable to first visit a cosmetologist’s office.

Top 5 best store-bought masks for dry skin

Ready-made masks are no less effective than those made by yourself. To some extent, they are even more convenient than home remedies. You don't have to waste time preparing them.

Judging by the numerous reviews from owners of dry skin, the top five includes masks from the following brands:

  • Physiogel (“Physiogel”);
  • Avene;
  • Christina;
  • Dizao;
  • La Roche-Posay.

Physiogel cosmetics are designed specifically for dry skin. The mask of this brand restores the optimal level of hydration and softens even very dry skin after the first use. It contains lipids that are as close as possible to natural ones.

Soothing Moisture Mask from the French brand Avene is made based on thermal water. It also contains coconut and shea butter.

Porcelain Nourishing Mask from the Israeli brand Christina has a delicate texture and delicate aroma. It contains rose, calendula, mimosa and olive oils. The mask gives dehydrated skin deep hydration and nutrition.

Fabric masks from the Chinese brand Dizao are a real salvation for dry skin. They are distinguished by their relatively natural composition and express effect.

La Roche-Posay is a pharmacy brand from France that is famous for its products for dry skin. An intensely hydrating mask soothes dehydrated dermis. It contains thermal water, which soothes and eliminates the discomfort typical of dry skin.

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