Facial massage at home for wrinkles - Shiatsu acupressure

Today I will tell you about another great way to tighten your face and get rid of wrinkles. This method is Japanese Shiatsu massage. Facial massage at home using this method is acupressure. That is, the effect is produced by pressing on certain points. Shiatsu is a unique method of rejuvenation based on the use of the internal forces of the body. This type of massage can be used for the whole body, but in this article I will talk about facial rejuvenation.

There is nothing difficult about performing this type of facial massage at home. The result will be a tightened contour, elastic skin and smoothed wrinkles. Of course, you won’t be able to completely get rid of wrinkles in adulthood, but making them less pronounced is quite possible.

What is Shiatsu facial massage at home?

Shiatsu is a finger massage using pressure. It was developed in the first half of the 20th century and is based on amma massage, traditional in Japan. With the help of Shiatsu it is really possible to smooth out wrinkles, rejuvenate the face and improve the health of the body as a whole.

The impact of this technique mobilizes the body’s own forces for recovery. During short-term finger pressure on the desired point, blood circulation slows down and lymph flows out. When the pressure stops, blood rushes to this area, which significantly speeds up metabolism and lymph flow.

Facial massage at home for wrinkles using the Shiatsu technique allows you to tighten your facial skin and strengthen your muscles. It also smooths out fine wrinkles and reduces the appearance of deep wrinkles, and refreshes the complexion. Due to the stimulation of active points, collagen production is enhanced, which explains the visible effect of the massage in a fairly short time.

Benefits of acupressure

The technique is based on the use of the body's internal reserves. It has been refined over a long period of direct observation, practical experience and impact studies.

The effect of most other manual therapeutic methods of treatment and prevention, including the effect of classical massage, is, as a rule, only a short-term restoration of range of motion in various parts of the body. Classic massage consists mainly of three techniques - stroking, rubbing and kneading. All of them are relatively superficial and are not able to have the same deep and effective effect on tendons, ligaments and muscles that can be achieved through the shiatsu system.

As a result of deeply direct pressure with the fingertips on the tissue at certain acupuncture points, short-term compressive ischemia (bleeding, malnutrition) and lymph outflow occur, accompanied by irritation of nerve endings and activation of bioenergetic zones. In addition, lactic acid is removed from the muscle and replaced with glycogen, as a result of which the muscle relaxes. As a result of these processes, after the cessation of pressure, blood flow to the affected areas significantly increases, a long-term improvement in blood and lymph microcirculation occurs, and an increase in the intensity of metabolic processes in tissues.

By stroking, rubbing and kneading, you can also improve blood circulation and increase skin tone. However, the delayed effect of other types of massage requires long-term (at least ten sessions) therapy to obtain any positive results, which ultimately turn out to be very short-lived.

In the presence of painful areas of the body, pain relief through traditional massage is, in most cases, purely psychological in nature and disappears after completing its courses. Moreover, the disadvantage of other types of massage is the possibility of not reducing, but even activating pain areas and aggravating pain symptoms.

Shiatsu acupressure facial massage is distinguished precisely by the fact that in a fairly short time, with the help of just a few procedures, it allows you to achieve not dubious and short-term, but reliably better and lasting positive therapeutic and cosmetic results, and pain areas seem to disappear. In this case, the correct identification of energy points and dysfunction of muscle groups is of no small importance. Of course, this massage is not a panacea in all cases, but it is still a highly effective method of treating premature aging and treating certain pathological conditions.

Preparation and technique of Shiatsu massage

Before performing a massage, the skin must be cleansed; it is advisable to make a compress from a decoction of herbs: you can brew linden, chamomile, or sage.

Relax, be in a good mood, so that no one disturbs you: the session takes about 15 minutes.

Important: The points for influence are located individually for each person, so when performing a massage, you should focus on the location diagram and personal sensations. It is the slight painful sensation that indicates that the point has been chosen correctly.

Shiatsu is done with the fingers, the little finger is not used. Pressing movements are carried out perpendicular to the skin, without moving it. The impact on the point takes 7 seconds until some painful sensation appears. There is no need to turn your finger while pressing.


I want to talk about shiatsu facial massage. Pressing on certain points helps relax muscles and smooth out facial wrinkles, which are often caused by muscle hypertonicity. Massage prevents age-related wrinkles and sagging skin. The complexion also improves, the face becomes more toned after the first procedure. There is no risk of stretching the skin, as with other types of self-massage and facial gymnastics. Another bonus is emotional relaxation. It's really very nice. I do it before bed and fall asleep once or twice. I really like massage because the effect is visible immediately. The face becomes fresh, toned, and you feel relaxed. This is a home relaxation session in 10 minutes. I can’t say anything about wrinkles, because... I’m 25 years old, but I hope massage will help prevent them in the future. Another advantage of massage is that it is difficult to do it incorrectly, the skin does not stretch, and the muscles do not spasm. That is, it is impossible to worsen the situation on the face. All advantages. I recommend it.



Since I have a session in March, I decided that after a month’s absence from work I would have to hear a bunch of compliments from colleagues about how younger I have become during my studies, how stunning I am, and in line at the store they will call me a girl. In the mirror I hoped to see a young maiden. I did shiatsu massage in the morning, in the evening, and on weekends and during the day for greater effect, although once in the morning is enough. It only takes 1–2 minutes. The skin does not need to be stretched, but just pressed for 5-7 seconds at the right points. Muscle tension should go away, blood should flow to the skin and nourish it. There were no visible changes within a month. I will continue in the same way.

Olga V


Japanese shiatsu acupressure helps a lot. You can do it yourself, 15 minutes a day.



About 20 years ago I did acupressure on the face, and then I forgot about it... A very convenient thing! I tried to do all sorts of gymnastics for the face, but, to be honest, I’m too lazy to spend so much time... I’m such a lazy person... And you can even do shiatsu at work, when you’re tired and eat a few minutes alone. And if suddenly someone does not know how to look for these points: when pressed, such a slight pain should be felt, local, pinching, it occurs only at the acupuncture point, if you move your fingers a little, it will no longer be there. And it is recommended to massage each point for 30 to 60 seconds, with small pressures, the last pressure should be as if fixing, stronger and longer.



Shiatsu massage is a modern method of facial rejuvenation without expensive procedures, based on ancient Eastern traditions. Mastering the procedure does not take much time, and the results usually appear after the first session. If you follow the self-massage technique and proven recommendations, then using the Japanese technique at home will be safe and most effective.

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What results will be obtained from Shiatsu massage?

If you regularly perform the anti-wrinkle complex, you can see the positive results of your work within 14 days:

  • Energy balance is normalized
  • Facial skin will become stronger
  • Wrinkles will be smoothed out
  • By stimulating active points, the process of producing your own collagen and strengthening connective tissues are activated.
  • Swelling and swelling will go away
  • Skin tone will be evened out and skin elasticity will increase


Despite many positive aspects, such Japanese therapy is contraindicated if there are disorders such as:

  • Periodically or constantly low intracranial pressure.
  • The presence of neoplasms on the skin.
  • Musculoskeletal diseases or disorders that require surgical treatment.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Tuberculosis at the 2nd and 3rd stages of development.
  • Vascular diseases that manifest themselves in the form of hematomas on the skin.
  • The presence of open wounds on the body.
  • Allergic manifestations on the skin, abscesses, herpes and rashes of various types.

Therefore, before deciding on Shiatsu, it is advisable to undergo an examination and rule out possible contraindications.

How to perform Shiatsu for wrinkles

  1. You should start from the forehead. By stimulating areas on the forehead, expression wrinkles can be smoothed out. You need to start from the middle of the forehead, with both hands. With three fingers of each hand, press on three vertical points - thus moving towards the temples.

2. Using the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, you must simultaneously press 3 points on the eyebrow line. This movement strengthens the periocular muscle.

3. First, use your index fingers to symmetrically press the point at the outer corners of the eyes. Also good for smoothing and tightening the skin around the eyes.

4. Press symmetrically and simultaneously on the points of the inner corner of the eyes.

5. Using three fingers, press on three points in the “third eye” area.

6. Place your fingers on three points under the eyebrow on the upper eyelid: at the beginning of the eyebrow, in the middle, at the end. Press at the same time. By massaging these points, the upper eyelid tightens.

7. Press three points simultaneously under the lower eyelid - smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin.

8. Three points are located symmetrically to the wings of the nose, massage of which removes nasolabial folds. Also press on them simultaneously with three fingers of each hand.

9. With your thumbs, using the pad of your finger, press on the points on the wings of your nose. Straightens nasolabial folds and tightens the facial contour.

10. Using my thumb, press on a point above the middle of the upper lip.

11. With both hands, using your thumbs, press the points in the corners of your lips. Raises the corners of the lips.

12. Using one thumb, massage under the middle of the lower lip.

13. Massage three points on the jaw with three fingers simultaneously on both sides. Removes jowls.

14. Using your thumbs, massage 1 point under the jaw.

15. On the sides of the neck, press very carefully on three points simultaneously on each side.

16. Using the pad of your thumb, lightly and gently press the point located in the depression at the base of the neck.

17. There is one point located under the ears; you need to press with the index fingers of each hand at the same time. Gives a face lift effect.

Salon treatments

The technique and pattern of massage in a salon is no different from what you can do at home. Procedure steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin of makeup.
  2. Light peeling and warming of the skin with massage and thermal treatments.
  3. Impact on bioactive points.
  4. Apply serum and collagen mask to the area around the eyes.

The massage time depends on the number of areas being treated and additional care procedures. It can last 30–40 minutes. The approximate cost is from 1 to 4 thousand rubles per session.

Facial massage at home Shiatsu - benefits

Like all oriental massage techniques, Shiatsu is aimed not only at physical impact, but also at emotional impact. With it you can:

  • Tighten the contour of the face, forming a beautiful contour
  • Make skin firmer and more elastic
  • Smooth out wrinkles
  • Improve skin tone and even out skin tone
  • Normalize sebum secretion

The emotional impact is as follows:

  • Calms and relaxes the nervous system
  • Improves psycho-emotional mood
  • Sleep is normalized
  • Relieves tension

The first noticeable improvements occur after 4 Shiatsu massage procedures. With regular massage sessions 3-4 times a week, you can achieve amazing results.

Wrinkles will smooth out or become less noticeable, the contour of the face will tighten, and most importantly, you will be in a great mood and want to look at yourself in the mirror more often!

special instructions

Shiatsu or quick gymnastics for facial rejuvenation will be more effective if you follow simple rules and precautions.

Japanese Shiatsu massage should last from 20 to 25 minutes, taking into account the preparatory stage. After therapy, you will feel a surge of warmth and energy that will saturate the skin of your face.

To make it easier to relax, experts advise turning on calm music or lighting scented candles.

If suddenly during gymnastics you feel a sharp pain, stop the procedure immediately. Such discomfort may indicate improper execution of the technique or the onset of an inflammatory process in the skin.

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