Skin secrets: massage lines of the face and neck, how to use them?

Cosmetics and beauty clinic services promise to prolong youth and preserve the beauty of a woman’s face. But who thinks about the technology of applying ordinary cream? It turns out that the result depends on the movements we perform. The massage lines of the face and neck - Langer's lines - are responsible for this. German anatomist Karl Langer first noticed them. A revolutionary discovery in cosmetology is named after him.

Massage lines are the directions of least stretching of the skin. They are located close to blood vessels and are very sensitive to beneficial substances supplied through lymph flows. Having studied their features, women can easily turn everyday facial care into a real cosmetology session.

What are massage lines?

These are the directions, the vectors of movement of your fingertips along the epidermis, which are performed for the distribution of cosmetics or self-massage. When movement occurs in these directions, the skin does not stretch, which reduces the risk of microtrauma and loss of elasticity. Any home procedure, be it moisturizing with a cream or applying a cleansing mask, should be carried out exactly according to these rules.

If you neglect this, you can get unpleasant consequences:

  • the appearance of wrinkles, premature aging;
  • loss of elasticity and firmness;
  • presence of microtraumas;
  • deterioration of color, loss of healthy appearance.

The peculiarity of massage vectors is that in the place where they pass there are lymph and blood vessels - these are the very routes for delivering nutrients to the deep layers of the epidermis. By massaging them, we speed up the nutritional processes through the lymph channels, so all the beneficial substances penetrate deep into the epidermis much faster.

By constantly accelerating the movement of lymph through the channels, you can gradually get rid of accumulated waste and toxins that negatively affect the health and appearance of the skin.


This technique can be used at any age, as well as any gender. Pay special attention to this in adolescence, when the skin undergoes multiple changes, not pleasing with its appearance.

Where to look for facial and neck massage lines?

Each face has its own individuality, but, fortunately, the structure is approximately the same for everyone. To begin with, cosmetologists recommend picking up a cosmetic pencil, the one that is usually used to draw eyebrows or emphasize eyes. With its help, you can draw vectors on yourself, along which you will later apply a cosmetic product or undergo a facial and neck massage.

There are a lot of massage lines, they all have a starting point:

  • in the lower part they start from the center of the chin, the corners of the lips, and also the cheekbones;
  • in the middle part - from the wings of the nose, its sides and the bridge of the nose;
  • in the upper from the outer upper, outer lower corner of the eye and from the middle of the forehead;
  • Neck massage begins from its base.

Once all the massage directions have been found, you can immediately begin an independent massage.

Line layout

Knowledge about massage vectors must be used without fail. There is a precise pattern of movement vectors across the skin. The entire face is divided into zones, each of which requires its own method.


Wrinkles on the forehead are quite common, especially among those with dry skin. A life full of emotions leaves noticeable marks on the face, that’s a fact.

But it is not necessary to give up delight or surprise; it is enough to periodically massage the face and neck:

  • from the bridge of the nose, the fingertips should go to the side areas of the face and reach the temples;
  • with vertical sliding movements, move from the eyebrows to the hairline.

Eyes and area around them

This zone is distinguished by tenderness and fragility.

All movements should be light, as if unobtrusive, so as not to disturb the sensitivity of the area.

  • Gently run your fingertips from the nose to the temples along the line of the upper eyelid.
  • In the lower eyelid area, carry out the opposite movement - from the temple to the nose.

If you regularly carry out such procedures, you can achieve the effect of “rested” eyes, remove dark spots and bags. In some cases, vision improves.


Wrinkles on the nose rarely appear, but this does not give the right to skip this part of the face during massage.

Movements in massage directions will help remove swelling, thereby reducing the volume of the nose, and a healthy glow will return.

  • All movements are made from the bottom up, mainly along the bridge of the nose.
  • The wings of the nose require movements around them that resemble arcs.


The largest and most problematic area. It is known for loss of firmness, sagging, enlarged pores and stretching. It’s all to blame for their active participation in facial expressions.

Therefore, it is better to pay as much attention as possible to the cheeks:

  • we go from the corners of the lips to the cheekbones;
  • We draw a line from the wings of the nose to the earlobe.

Cheekbones require more pressure. In this zone, the oval of the face is set and the contour is highlighted.


A sedentary-lying lifestyle provokes the appearance of “extra” chins, which do not please their owners. You can and should get rid of it if you massage regularly. This zone is worked out simply - from the center and in all directions. You can move with a little patting movements, toning the skin.


As a rule, we do not pay enough attention to this area - in vain. The neck is our indicator of elegance and therefore attracts a lot of attention.

The lines are arranged like this:

  • We draw from the chest up to the chin, reaching the earlobes.
  • From the lobes, smoothly return down to the collarbones.

How to do a facial massage?

This procedure has unique properties: the number of rashes is reduced, the relief is corrected, the color and condition of the skin improves, which certainly affects your mood.

We must remember!

For those with wounds, burns or severe inflammation, massage is contraindicated. You should also avoid the procedure if there is a predisposition to vasodilation. Consult a specialist, he will select the necessary care to solve a particular problem.

So, at home, massage is usually carried out in 3 stages.


Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to clean and prepare the skin. To do this, you should remove your makeup, wash your face with an appropriate product, or use a scrub.

Next, you need to remove the hair using an elastic band; for convenience, put on a headband or a soft bandage so that nothing interferes with the procedure. Take a comfortable position in front of the mirror, so that the lighting allows you to see yourself clearly.

If you have not yet memorized the location of the massage vectors, it is worth making sure that the diagram is fixed in front of you. Next, lubricate the fingers with cream or oil and begin the massage.


Facial massage techniques usually include stroking, circular movements, and light patting. All movements are performed using the fingertips, avoiding strong pressure. The main thing is that the beginning and ending are carried out by stroking. In the middle of the procedure, all techniques are actively used, since the main task is toning. Each massage movement takes time - approximately 1-2 minutes for each direction.

You should start the massage from the top, i.e. from the forehead. The index, middle and ring fingers work in this area. Then they smoothly move to the nose, in this part the index finger rests.

The eye area is treated very lightly and with great care so as not to damage the already fragile and sensitive area around them. This is the area where two fingers work - the little finger and the ring finger. The main condition is not to overdo it with the pressing force.

The chin and cheekbones, as well as the cheeks, are always worked with outward movements, in the hairline, ears, and temples. You can use not only your fingers, but also your knuckles. This area requires more pressure, as the oval of the face is corrected here.

The neck appears as the last number. But we must not forget about her. Start by stroking, using open palms. The contour of the neck will tighten, it will look more elegant and attractive.


When the main procedures have been completed, all zones have been worked out, it is time to proceed to the finish line. Remove the remaining cream with a cotton pad. The law of massage lines also applies here. Afterwards, they wipe the skin again, but now use toner or micellar water to cleanse the face and tone it.

Skin preparation

The first and very important stage. You cannot start a massage without prior preparation. This can irritate the skin and cause more harm than good.

The second important point is hydration. Under no circumstances should you start a massage on dry facial skin. This is not only unpleasant, but also unsafe. There is a risk of stretching the skin or even injuring blood vessels.

Benefits of massage

Massage refers to preventive or therapeutic measures performed on the skin. Usually it has a complex effect, and some results become noticeable immediately after the procedure.

So, the main bonuses of self-massage are:

  1. Preventing wrinkles.
  2. Increasing skin tone and elasticity.
  3. Improving blood supply and lymph movement through the channels of the epidermis.
  4. Color improvement.
  5. Disappearance of swelling and bags under the eyes.
  6. Oxygen saturation.
  7. Strengthening regenerative processes.

In addition to the above advantages, you can highlight a good mood, since the results are pleasing to the eye, in general, massage relaxation puts you in a positive mood.

Useful tips

Is your skin very dry? Day cream can be applied in a special way: wash your face, cover your face with nourishing cream. After 20 minutes, lightly blot your face with a special cosmetic napkin. Do not remove the nourishing composition from under your eyes! Now you can apply the appropriate product.

Oily skin requires careful cleansing of excess sebaceous fat.

Always wipe your face with lotion or toner and only then apply a thin layer of a suitable product;

If you notice any allergies, redness, or peeling of the skin after purchasing a new series of products, immediately change the brand.

We make our own facial scrub masks at home.

Recipes for face masks against peeling:

How often should you do a facial massage?

There are no exact recommendations on the regularity of massage. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. It is usually carried out 1-3 times a week. You can start as early as adolescence, this will help avoid multiple inflammations. The main thing is to follow the rules of massage vectors and know the contraindications.


Never do a dry massage. Always use cream or oil, otherwise microtrauma cannot be avoided.

You can clearly see the massage lines in the video at the link:

Application technique

Want to get more benefits from simply applying cream? Then apply it according to the techniques from the “Boldly NOT” marathon. Thanks to exercise, the skin absorbs vitamins more actively, and wrinkles literally disappear.

Does it ever happen to you that you are too lazy to regularly apply cream not only once, or even twice a day? Or you just can’t bring yourself to do it, because your skin isn’t in such a terrible state yet? Think about skipping care for just a day or two? But it is in regularity that success lies. To do this you need to develop a habit. It has been proven that in order to instill a healthy habit in yourself, you need to repeat the action for 21 days. Our basic marathon “SmeloNET” lasts just that long.

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