5 hair masks with Avocado: sebum-regulating, nourishing, moisturizing, stimulating, for color brightness!

Hello everyone!

The other day I again came to the conclusion that nature has created everything to preserve and maintain our youth, beauty and health.

For example, avocado.

I have read reviews on the Internet more than once that avocado is a super product for hair!!!

This fruit can replace a whole range of the most expensive cosmetics without any side effects.

Avocado restores hair, rejuvenates skin, and heals the body.

This is truly a product of youth and beauty!


The nutritious fruit does not have any components that can negatively affect the functioning of internal organs or the condition of the skin. It can not be used and cause itching, redness, or other manifestations of an allergic reaction only if there is individual intolerance. People often do not suspect that their immune system reacts poorly to certain substances, so they mistakenly “stuff” the body with harmful foods.

Ideally, you should take laboratory tests for allergens in medical institutions, but few people succeed in this. It’s faster and more convenient to conduct mini-tests at home: smear a little product on the elbow or wrist, wait a couple of hours and look at the results. No itching, no spots, no redness? Then the product is suitable, and you can make masks with it.

There is one more warning - do not use masks with avocado if you have oily dandruff (seborrhea) and psoriasis. Alligator pear definitely won’t help in treating these serious skin problems, and sometimes it can even cause harm. If in doubt, be sure to consult a trichologist.

On a note! A trichologist will tell you exactly what condition the epidermis and curls are in, what types they are, what they need, and what components and finished products it is advisable to avoid.

The positive result from using homemade avocado masks on the hair, as with other formulations, does not appear immediately. Masks usually have a cumulative effect. The first symptoms of improvement are observed after a couple of sessions, and the full effect – after 7-10.

Instructions for use

In order for an overseas product to have a positive effect on your hair, it is important to use it correctly. It is recommended to do an allergic reaction test first to avoid side effects.

Rules for using avocado for hair:

  1. For the mask, you need to use only fresh, ripe fruits, without damage or putrefaction.
  2. Grind the pulp with a blender to make it easier to rinse your hair from product residues.
  3. When applying the composition to your hair, first of all, pay attention to the root zone and ends, and then distribute the mixture along the entire length of the hair.
  4. Be sure to create a greenhouse effect on your head - wrap it in plastic wrap and a towel.
  5. The exposure time of the natural composition on the hair is about half an hour.
  6. Rinse off the mask with warm running water and use shampoo as needed.
  7. Dry your hair naturally.

Avocado can be used for hair and facial skin as an independent product, or as part of a multi-component mask. This is an excellent alternative to expensive cosmetic products for face, body and hair care.

Finished cosmetic products

If you are not used to preparing healing mixtures yourself, you are afraid to start, you are too lazy or feel sorry for buying avocados in the store, get a ready-made mask. We invite you to get acquainted with a short description of three different masks containing avocado. We specially selected different ones in terms of cost and popularity, from well-known and not so well-known manufacturers.

For weakened and dry strands from Barex

The product restores and moisturizes damaged, thinning curls. Due to the presence of avocado, it gives silkiness and softness , thanks to aloe vera it deeply nourishes.

The mask is white, thick, and resembles sour cream in consistency. It should be applied evenly to washed, damp strands. Just leave it on for a couple of minutes and rinse off.

Over time, the positive effect accumulates if you use the mask regularly.

Express remedy “Intensive recovery” from Timotei

Express mask is designed to restore the structure of dry, damaged hair. Contains oils that are quickly absorbed due to the melting consistency of the product. Hair remains light and friable for a long time.

A cream formula with the Botanik-3 complex is used: one hundred percent natural oils, caring components, vitamins C, B5, E. The main ingredients are avocado, macadamia, shea, soybean, rose hip oils, pistachio extract.

Important! There are a lot of silicones in cosmetics, but there are no parabens in this avocado mask at all.

You can apply the mask for just a minute a couple of times a week.

Professional Collection Richair from Egomania

This Israeli nourishing mask normalizes the water balance in the hair, maximally moisturizes, revitalizes and gives silkiness. Oils thicken the hair shaft, reduce the fragility of the structure and make styling easier.

The product protects hair from negative thermal effects (up to 90 degrees), low temperatures, and ultraviolet rays. It seals split ends and adds shine.

You should keep the mask on your hair for 5-10 minutes.

DIY cosmetics

Hair cosmetics with avocado have found a wide response among the fair sex; the product is rightfully considered a wonderful remedy for strengthening and restoring hair. Preparing such a mask with your own hands, at home, will not be difficult, it will take little time, you will save on the family budget and benefit in quality. Avocado hair mask is a striking example of natural homemade cosmetics. By the way, the tabloids claim that this is one of Beyoncé’s favorite hair cosmetics.

To achieve the maximum effect from the use of natural hair masks, it is necessary to use the masks correctly depending on the type of hair and determine what problems they are used to solve.


If we are talking about ready-made store-bought masks that include avocado cosmetic oil, then they are usually used after washing the hair. The optimal frequency of use is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. You can do it more often and keep it longer only if you see positive results and do not encounter side effects: accelerated pollution, oiliness, weighting of strands.

It is also advisable not to overexpose homemade masks with this fruit, so as not to end up with inexpressive dry “feathers” or, conversely, greasy “icicles” instead of luxurious hair. The regularity of using folk remedies can be adjusted according to your hair type. For too oily skin, one procedure every 14 days is sufficient; for normal and dry skin, 1-2 times a week.

Indications for use

Avocado is a fairly fatty, high-calorie product, so you won’t eat a lot of it. There is no need to throw it away either; it’s better to use half for the beauty and health of your curls. Extra food definitely won't hurt them.

Avocado masks are good to use:

  • on dry hair damaged by curling, dyeing, or blow-drying;
  • with regular use of cosmetics for styling, straighteners, stylers;
  • if the color has faded, the strands have become lifeless and inconspicuous;
  • for fragility and confusion;
  • owners of hair prone to oiliness;
  • for split ends.

The fruit is also useful as a preventive measure. It will saturate the follicles and shaft with valuable elements, moisturize, detangle and “breathe” new life into your hair.

Homemade Avocado Hair Mask Recipes

Folk recipes allow curls to provide comprehensive care. Thanks to the content of B vitamins and mineral elements in avocado, hair receives complete nutrition from roots to ends. A large amount of moisture and fatty acids provide hydration and restoration of the keratin cuticle.

Mask for enhanced growth

Effect: to enhance hair growth, nourish hair follicles, improve microcirculation.


  • avocado;
  • 10 gr. cinnamon;
  • 30 ml chamomile decoction.

Production and method of application: pass the fruit through a meat grinder twice, add spice and cooled broth to the pulp. Distribute with a sponge at the roots, leave to act for seven/eight minutes, rinse as usual. To achieve the desired result, repeat the cosmetic session once a week. Harm is possible if there are cracks in the scalp.

Mask against hair loss and strengthening

Effect: it is worth using a natural composition to strengthen and prevent seasonal hair loss.

Recipe Ingredients:

  • main ingredient;
  • 20 gr. yeast;
  • 3 yolks.

Production and application method: grate the pulp, add yolks and fungal granules, dilute the too thick mass with nettle decoction. Apply to hair two hours before washing, wrap with film and a towel.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.

Recovery mask

Effect: dull and brittle, lifeless curls damaged by coloring, extensions and tightening require resuscitating procedures.


  • avocado;
  • 15 ml cognac;
  • 15 ml castor oil.

Production and method of application: in a kitchen machine, bring the overseas pear until smooth, add castor oil and warm alcohol. Spread the restorative mask with a brush, hide it under cellophane, and leave to act for two/three hours.

Mask for shine and softness

Effect: Natural hair products help restore healthy shine and elasticity to strong curls.


  • half an avocado;
  • 25 gr. honey;
  • 6 drops of orange ether.

Production and method of application: add honey and aromatic drops to the oily mass, stir, distribute on damp strands instead of balm after washing. After half an hour, remove the remnants of the nourishing mask.

Mask for split ends

Effect: It is effective to prepare a mask at home to solder split cuticles and restore damaged hair. It is enough to use once a week to achieve quick results.


  • 10 gr. fruit pulp;
  • 5 ml wheat oil;
  • 3 drops of rosewood ether.

Production and method of application: Make a paste from alligator pear in a blender, add wheat oil and wood liquid. After washing, distribute onto damp ends, remove any residue after twenty minutes.

Mask for oily hair

Effect: hair that is oily at the roots also needs to be moisturized and restored; it is useful to carry out a care procedure to protect it from ultraviolet radiation and dry air.


  • 15 gr. avocado;
  • 25 gr. henna;
  • 5 gr. ginger

Production and method of application: steam the henna powder with tea and leave for half an hour; after that, add the crushed fruit and spice. Distribute the resulting product over the entire root area, leave for thirty/forty minutes, and complete hair care in the usual way.

Moisturizing mask for dry hair

Effect: to normalize the level of moisture and beneficial elements, it is worth using natural compounds. To prevent loss of shine and fragility after dyeing, repeat the procedure twice a month.


  • fruit;
  • 15 ml aloe juice;
  • 5 ml grapefruit juice.

Production and method of application: mix the fruit mass with the juice of a home plant and citrus fruit. Treat wet strands, leaving three/five centimeters from the roots. Wrap up and rest for about an hour.

Video recipes: Homemade masks for moisturizing dry hair with avocado

Avocado and Olive Oil Recipe

Effect: for deep restoration of dull, damaged trunks, prevention of fragility and delamination, it is worth using a proven composition. The procedure is also useful for caring for long curls; repeat at least twice a month.


  • fruit;
  • 20 ml olive oil;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 20 ml beer.

Production and method of application: beat the liquid ingredients with a mixer, mix with fruit paste. Apply the avocado mask at night, under film and a towel. When you wake up, wash and leave to dry naturally.

Video recipe: SUPER hair mask made from avocado and olive oil at home

Avocado and honey

Effect: provides shine and elasticity, makes curls soft and manageable. To restore dry strands, conduct a course of eight sessions.


  • 15 gr. fruit pulp;
  • 30 gr. honey;
  • 10 ml of serum.

Production and method of application: pass the fruit through a meat grinder, mix with honey and whey. Distribute the natural product evenly over the main part and ends of damp strands and leave for sixty/eighty minutes.

From avocado and banana

Effect: for smoothness and silkiness, as well as nutrition of the hair, it is worth using natural cosmetics created with your own hands.


  • avocado;
  • banana;
  • 8 drops of patchouli ether.

Production and method of application: combine the ingredients, spread on clean, damp strands, the composition works for about half an hour.

Avocado and egg

Effect: the unsweetened, oily fruit is useful for dry, colored strands; together with the egg, it helps protect the trunks from mechanical damage and exposure to high temperatures.


  • 15 gr. main ingredient;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 15 drops of tocopherol.

Production and method of application: turn the exotic berry into a paste, add beaten eggs and vitamin drops. Distribute the product onto clean curls and leave the mixture on for about forty minutes.

Video recipe: Nourishing hair mask at home

Avocado and lemon

Effect: to protect pigment, healthy shine and prevent yellowness, use for blond curls.


  • 20 gr. fruit pulp;
  • 25 ml lemon juice.

Production and method of application: after mixing the ingredients, distribute on damp strands, wrap in cellophane, warm for several minutes with warm air. After leaving it for another hour, rinse as usual.

From avocado and kiwi

Effect: a fruit cocktail will help maintain, maintain softness and elasticity during the winter season.


  • main ingredient;
  • two kiwis.

Production and method of application: puree the pulp in a kitchen machine, apply liberally to the curls to the very ends, leave for about thirty-five minutes. Apply the composition three/four times a month.

Avocado and coconut milk

Effect: gives curls softness, prevents tangling and porosity.


  • main ingredient;
  • 30 ml coconut milk.

Production and method of application: combining the components, distribute evenly on clean, damp strands, retreating five/six centimeters from the beginning of growth. After warming, rest for at least an hour, rinse off the avocado pulp mask as usual.

Avocado and mayonnaise

Effect: for damaged hair that is prone to brittleness along its entire length, it is worth conducting a course of caring sessions.


  • 30 gr. fruit pulp;
  • 20 gr. mayonnaise.

Production and method of application: prepare the sauce according to the classic recipe, add butterberry paste. Distribute the mixture onto dry strands, after fifty/sixty minutes you can finish.

Useful video: Summer avocado mask for beauty and health of hair
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