Phytopiling for the face - unforgettable relaxation for the skin

What woman doesn’t want to look beautiful and preserve her youth as long as possible? One of the conditions for beauty is well-groomed, clean and radiant skin. Over the years, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain excellent skin condition. A good remedy for skin rejuvenation is peeling. In modern times there are quite a lot of their varieties: chemical, laser, ultrasonic, fruit. I would like to pay special attention to cleansing with the help of natural ingredients - phytopilling.

What is phytopiling

Phytopiling is a modern method of skin cleansing that is loved by many. The procedure uses cosmetic products consisting only of natural plant ingredients. Natural antioxidants, salicylates and phytoesterogens, which are included in phytopilling products, provide complete relaxation of the muscles on the face, delicate removal of dead cells and their deposits, increase the natural tone and elasticity of soft tissues, smooth out fine wrinkles and acne scars.

Despite the fact that all components for phytopilling are taken from the natural environment, the effectiveness of the cleansing procedure exceeds many chemical peels. The active substances of the herbal remedy penetrate deep into the skin cells and have a positive effect on internal processes, so the final result after the herbal peeling procedure lingers on the face for a long time.

Phytopiling for the face has a minimum of contraindications, and the natural composition does not cause complications. Peeling products have high healing properties, so the procedure is highly recommended for problematic and oily skin.

Long-term medication courses for acne and acne, masking pigmentation on the face and early wrinkles are a thing of the past. Phytopiling can easily cope with skin imperfections; it is especially recommended for use if you have the following problems:

  • Extensive acne;
  • Increased fat content of the epidermis and enlarged pores;
  • Post-acne, residual compactions (infiltrates) and shallow scars;
  • Pigment spots of various nature, including stagnant spots after acne;
  • Expression wrinkles and the first signs of skin aging;
  • Loss of skin tone and turgor.

The phytopilling procedure allows you to even out the relief of the epidermis in several approaches, refresh and correct the complexion, fill the cells with life-giving forces and prevent early age-related defects. The phytopiling procedure will bring a lot of pleasure and will allow you to retain youth on your face longer.

Alternative to chemical peeling

If previously chemical peeling was a panacea when intensive skin rejuvenation was needed, now it has been replaced by the laser resurfacing method. Thanks to the sensitive settings of modern laser devices, a cosmetologist can act on the skin as deeply as required to remove the defect. At the same time, the laser beam does not leave burns, scars or other unpleasant consequences. The latest generation devices are especially effective - for example, the CANDELA CO2RE fractional laser. He can tighten the skin, remove pigmentation, scars and even warts.

To understand which peeling is right for you, it is best to contact an experienced cosmetologist at the Best Clinic Center for Medical Cosmetology and Aesthetic Medicine. He will recommend the most effective, but at the same time gentle procedure, after which you will get beautiful and healthy skin!


Cosmetic products used for phytopilling consist of natural elements. That is why the list of contraindications is so small. The cleansing procedure is prohibited:

  • Hypertensive patients;
  • With open wounds on the face;
  • With an allergy to the components of the peeling product;
  • Increased dryness and sensitivity of the skin.

If your blood vessels are located very close to the surface, or there is a problem with the expansion of blood vessels, then phytopilling cannot be used. Be careful about contraindications so as not to harm your health.

What effect to expect after the procedure

The skin phytopiling procedure guarantees a noticeable result the very next day after cleansing:

  • The pores are narrowed and the skin is without comedones;
  • The greasy shine disappears;
  • Phytopilling accompanies the removal of toxins from epidermal cells, normalizes their saturation with nutrients and oxygen, so it is not surprising to see a fresh appearance and healthy glow of the skin;
  • Inflammatory processes “melt before our eyes”; after a course of phytopillings, not even a speck of acne will remain;
  • Improves blood microcirculation, and the capillary mesh becomes less noticeable;
  • The cleansing procedure with herbal remedies increases the tone and turgor of the skin, making the oval of the face clear.

Facial peeling with herbal remedies helps to cope with problematic rashes without causing any harm to the skin. It can also be used to prevent aging.

Positive effect of phytopilling

Let's summarize and draw a conclusion about the benefits that this procedure can provide:

  • fights acne and prevents its appearance;
  • improves blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin;
  • helps fight premature aging;
  • the skin becomes smooth and elastic;
  • skin cell regeneration improves;
  • scars, scars, stretch marks become less pronounced or disappear altogether;
  • the skin is saturated with vitamins;
  • capillaries are strengthened;
  • lymphatic drainage increases.
If you want to look beautiful and attractive, use phytopilling, then you will be able to maintain youth and charm for many years.

Cosmetic products for phytopilling

To properly carry out the phytopilling procedure and achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to perform the cleansing procedure in a cosmetology salon or purchase the entire set of herbal remedies for home use. It includes the following cosmetic products:

  • Special milk with lactic acid;
  • Liquid soap with antibacterial action - blocks the spread of infection to healthy areas, stabilizes the acidity of the skin;
  • Phytolotion for deep cleansing - contains a number of plant extracts (in particular, chamomile, calendula, plantain and mint extract), as well as particles of salicylic and citric acid;
  • Phytopiling tonic – does not contain alcohol, only plant extracts, amino acids and panthenol. The special composition will harmoniously complete the preparation for cleansing, returning the skin’s natural radiance and natural shine;
  • Dry mask for phytopilling and a solvent for it - contain the main active ingredients, phytoplankton, seaweed, magnesium, kaolin and herbs collected using a special technology;
  • Cream mask with the addition of avocado oil extract - will accelerate the restoration of the skin after peeling, has tonic and anti-inflammatory properties;
  • The product for additional protection against ultraviolet radiation is also based on plant components, contains liposomes and the main vitamins of youth (vitamins A, E).

Let's start peeling

The phytopiling procedure includes 7 stages and will take you about 1 hour. Cleansing can be done at home, but only if you have experience with similar peelings. Otherwise, entrust your face to a cosmetologist, then cleansing will not cause discomfort and will leave only pleasant impressions.

To achieve maximum results from phytopilling, cosmetologists recommend strictly adhering to the procedure plan:

  1. Perform make-up removal and pre-cleansing using special milk. It will rid the pores of fat and sweat particles.
  2. Use the disinfecting soap from the phytopilling kit. It will eliminate foci of inflammation and perfectly fights harmful bacteria. Phytosoap normalizes the acid balance in the upper layers of the epidermis, creating an environment that is uncomfortable for the development of infection.
  3. Apply phytolotion. It gently affects problem areas, softens dead skin layers and helps restore skin breathing. The product penetrates deeply into the pores and
  4. Replenishing the lack of moisture in the epidermal cells is the next stage of peeling. The tonic included in the peeling kit can moisturize and soothe the skin after the cleansing lotion.
  5. The time has come for action. Mix the dry mask powder with the solvent (from the peeling kit) until it becomes creamy, making it easy to apply to the face. Perform the massage with light movements for 10 minutes using the prepared phytomask. The powder for the mask contains algae and coral particles, so the phytopiling agent causes tingling and makes it difficult to carry out the procedure on your own; you will need the help of a cosmetologist.
  6. The next task is to soothe the skin, because the face will burn and tingle at the same time. First, rinse off the remnants of the phytomask with warm water and wipe with tonic. Follow with a soothing avocado oil mask. You need to leave the mask on for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and wipe with phytopiling tonic.
  7. To consolidate the cleansing procedure, apply a moisturizer with SPF filters.

Painful tingling sensations from touching the skin can last up to 12 hours. There is no need to take any measures, the unpleasant sensations will fade away over time, and the next day you will be pleased with perfectly smooth and toned skin.

Stages of implementation in the salon and at home

The peeling procedure consists of several stages. very important to carry out all the steps in strict sequence when doing it yourself .

But it is better to contact a professional cosmetologist. He will cope with the task at the highest level, and the client will not experience discomfort during the procedure.

  1. Removing impurities from the face . Using milk, the remnants of decorative cosmetics, fat, dirt, etc. are removed from the surface of the face.
  2. Skin cleansing . With the help of phytomap, the acid-base balance is restored and disinfection occurs.
  3. Next, the skin is covered with phytolotion . It softens the structure of the stratum corneum and promotes its permeability.
  4. And the last stage of cleansing is tonic . It removes lotion residue.
  5. Applying a phytomask . It contains vitamins, medicinal components and beneficial microelements. These substances are absorbed by young and healthy cells, in which biochemical processes then begin.
  6. Next, apply a cream mask . Tightens the skin, gives a lifting effect, prevents inflammatory processes.
  7. Concealer . Strengthens the effect of the entire procedure, nourishes the skin with additional substances.

Important! The products are applied in precise sequence one after another.

How often can you clean?

To achieve a solution to imperfections on the face, one cleansing procedure is not enough; you will need a course of sessions with a set frequency. The frequency of cleaning using herbal remedies depends on the problem of concern:

  • To get rid of skin hyperpigmentation, the procedure is recommended to be performed daily until complete healing and in the evening. Please also note that the course of phytopilling lasts no more than 15 days;
  • To stabilize the secretions of the sebaceous glands of the skin, 4–6 cleansing procedures are sufficient. They need to be done two times a week, no more often;
  • Treatment of acne involves a course of 5–10 phytopillings over 3–4 weeks. Additionally, it is recommended to perform preventive procedures once a month;
  • Patients with hyperkeratosis (thickening of the stratum corneum of the skin) require frequent cleansing procedures, every other day. But the total number of phytopillings should not exceed 15 sessions;
  • To smooth out post-acne, you will need 10–20 daily phytopillings;
  • Weekly phyto-peelings can strengthen blood vessels, improve the condition of the skin and prevent its early aging.

Taking into account the individual characteristics of the client, the cosmetologist can adjust the frequency of phytopilling procedures. If you decide to carry out the skin cleansing procedure yourself, then consultation with a specialist is required.

Phytopiling is a unique method of cleansing, treating and rejuvenating the skin. Natural cosmetic products will transform your skin without complications or side effects.

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