Composition of Vishnevsky's liniment - indications and instructions for use for children and adults, side effects

  • Composition of Vishnevsky ointment
  • Medical indications for use
  • Methods of using Vishnevsky ointment
  • Vishnevsky ointment for acne
  • Vishnevsky ointment during pregnancy
  • Vishnevsky ointment for infertility
  • Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids
  • Arguments against Vishnevsky ointment
Vishnevsky’s ointment, or among the scientific community, balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky, is a drug that is created to effectively combat various types of harmful microorganisms. Each of us knows the ointment and remembers it by its specific, persistent smell.

What is Vishnevsky ointment

Modern surgeons, when treating purulent wounds and inflammation of soft tissues, rely more on the effectiveness of antibiotics; they rarely prescribe the miracle ointment, although it was developed by a famous surgeon. Why is the original name of this medicine liniment balsamic? This is a pharmacological form, which is thinner in consistency than ointment. Liniment is easier to apply to the skin and distribute evenly. It has a specific smell, color varies from dark yellow to brown. At home, the product is indispensable in the treatment of burns, frostbite, bedsores, boils, and acne.

What is Vishnevsky ointment used for?

Liniment effectively treats wounds, ulcers, and ulcers; the xeroform in its composition has an antiseptic effect. This is the main use of the drug. For varicose veins in pregnant women, this is the only remedy that can alleviate a woman’s condition. An indispensable medicine for the treatment of bedsores, in the treatment of boils and carbuncles, obliterating endarteritis.

Over decades of use, the ointment has developed non-standard applications: ingrown toenails, calluses, psoriasis. Vishnevsky’s special ointment against acne has proven itself to be excellent. According to customer reviews, only this remedy helps get rid of purulent rashes; you need to apply it to an emerging pimple and leave it overnight. In combination with other medications, the antiseptic effect of the ointment is enhanced; it has proven itself effectively in the treatment of gynecological diseases and sinusitis.

For acne

The appearance of frequent skin growths, such as acne, is associated with many reasons, so it is better to consult a dermatologist regarding treatment methods. For occasional acne, Vishnevsky balm is an effective, safe remedy:

  • applied to subcutaneous pimples at night, in the morning the neoplasm decreases or resolves;
  • when applied to a pustule, pus comes out much faster than with other treatment methods;
  • Applying the ointment to pimples that have appeared on the chest, back, and shoulders is also effective.

It is better to apply Vishnevsky balm after bathing, when the skin pores are open, the active ingredients penetrate better, and the effectiveness increases. On large painful pimples, apply a thick layer, cover with a cotton pad, which is best secured with a band-aid. If necessary, the procedure is repeated until the acne disappears completely. It is better to apply liniment to pimples using a cotton swab. Liniment works much more effectively than trendy acne treatments.

For hemorrhoids

Vishnevsky's balm was not developed as a treatment for hemorrhoids, but showed a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of external inflammation of the rectum. Before applying the ointment, the area of ​​inflammation should be washed thoroughly. Liniment is applied in a thin layer to hemorrhoid nodes and inflamed skin. The peculiarity of the ointment is the formation of an impenetrable film, which has a warming effect and does not allow air to pass through. In the affected area of ​​the intestine, blood circulation improves, inflammation disappears, lumps decrease, cracks dry out and heal.

On an open wound

The ointment is used for open wounds with a developed abscess. Clean gauze folded in 4 layers is applied to the wound. The medicine is applied to it, the whole thing is covered with cellophane or paper for compresses, and the compress is kept for at least 10-12 hours. A bandage is used to strengthen the bandage. After this, the skin is wiped with a paper napkin and treated with an antiseptic. It is important that any remaining ointment is completely removed. Treatment should continue until inflammation is completely relieved and the wound heals.

The effect of the drug in the treatment of open purulent wounds caused by anaerobic bacteria is aimed at:

  • to exclude the possibility of further infection;
  • to destroy the source of inflammation;
  • to accelerate tissue recovery;
  • to prevent the formation of rough scars during tissue regeneration.

In gynecology

In the field of gynecology, Vishnevsky's liniment is effectively used for purulent inflammatory processes, erosion, thrush, infertility in combination with other medications (antibiotics, infusions of medicinal herbs). Treatment with ointment lasts 10-14 days, the effect is achieved only at the end of the course. Tampons must be soaked in balm (12-15 g) and inserted into the vagina before bed; the woman should not experience discomfort after the action of the medicine (burning, irritation). The procedure is best performed after baths with chamomile infusion.

What is the difference between Vishnevsky ointment and Levomekol ointment?

Levomekol ointment contains the immunostimulant Methyluracil and the antibiotic Levomycetin. The ointment is prescribed for the treatment of trophic ulcers, burns and purulent wounds, as well as other dermatological diseases of an infectious nature.

Levomekol has a more pronounced effect than Vishnevsky ointment. Another advantage of Levomekol ointment is that it does not have such a pronounced unpleasant odor.

The doctor must determine which ointment to use to treat a specific disease, based on the severity of the skin infection and the general condition of the patient. If a quick effect is needed, then Levomekol with an antibacterial component should be prescribed. With slight suppuration, preference should be given to Vishnevsky ointment.

The antibiotic included in the ointment Levomekol is able to penetrate the blood and have a systemic effect on the body. Therefore, this drug is not recommended for use by women carrying a child.

Vishnevsky ointment is an inexpensive and effective remedy for the rapid treatment of boils and purulent abscesses. To minimize the risk of growth of anaerobic bacteria, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the skin before applying the ointment.


The liniment consists of three components; the name Vishnevsky balm is associated with their colossal healing power:

  • xeroform powder has a strong antiseptic effect, it contains bismuth, bromine, and phenol salts, it promotes active tissue regeneration;
  • birch tar improves blood circulation, promotes enhanced nutrition of soft tissues, a natural, environmentally friendly substance, it contains about 10,000 useful components;
  • Castor oil improves the penetration of active substances deep into tissues and is of plant origin.

All the pros and cons

Studying the annotation for liniment, one can only wonder how just three natural components included in its composition can produce such an amazing pharmacological effect. It is believed that the drug is able to cope with almost any skin problem, and this versatility is easily explained by the natural properties of its ingredients.

The register of positive properties provided by the ointment includes 7 main points:

  1. Stops inflammatory processes.
  2. Disinfects affected areas.
  3. Stimulates skin receptors.
  4. Triggers cell regeneration.
  5. Acts as an antiseptic.
  6. Dries out the skin.
  7. Relieves swelling of external tissues.

Among the advantages, it is also worth noting the low price, availability at any pharmacy without a prescription, and long shelf life. Although Vishnevsky's ointment belongs to the old generation of drugs, attending physicians in medical institutions willingly prescribe it as a safe disinfectant and restorative external agent.

A minor disadvantage is that with prolonged use, liniment can cause dry skin, itching, peeling, and rashes. In addition, the tar included in the composition develops sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, therefore, during the course of treatment, prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided. The main disadvantage of the ointment was and remains its strong unpleasant odor, which in rare cases of individual intolerance can cause allergic reactions.

Instructions for use of Vishnevsky ointment

The ointment is available in metal tubes or glass jars. The product is intended exclusively for external use; it draws out pus. Liniment is applied in a small amount directly to cleansed skin, to a tampon, cotton pad, or gauze bandage, which is secured. The medicine is left on the damaged area for several hours, then carefully removed. After the ointment has taken effect, the skin area is treated with an antiseptic solution, salicylic alcohol.

During pregnancy

This is one of the few drugs that has no contraindications during pregnancy. Women can use the ointment externally; after treatment, the area that was treated must be wiped with alcohol. For varicose veins in pregnant women, wraps with Vishnevsky's liniment effectively relieve inflammatory processes. Apply the product to the gauze, wrap the legs with it, do not remove the gauze until the ointment has completely dried.

When breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, the use of Vishnevsky balm is absolutely safe. External use of the ointment significantly accelerates the healing of postoperative sutures, while the traces after them are much smaller. The only repulsive thing about using the product is its specific smell. For abscesses during lactation, the use of Vishnevsky balsamic liniment has no contraindications.

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For children

The instructions for using the ointment contain no prohibitions for the treatment of purulent inflammation in children. In young children, the skin is highly sensitive, so itching, redness, and rash may occur. A test for possible individual intolerance to the components will help prevent such phenomena. It is not recommended to apply the balm directly to the child's skin; it is better to use a compress. Apply the ointment to gauze or cloth.

Balsamic liniment (according to Vishnevsky) analogues and prices

Description Hard gelatin capsules of yellow color No. 0, cylindrical in shape with hemispherical ends. Composition one capsule contains: Active substances: Lipoid C 100 in terms of phosphatidylcholine - 50.0 mg, milk thistle fruit extract dry in terms of silymarin - 45.0 mg, dry vitamin E-acetate 50% DC in terms of α-tocopheryl acetate - 30.0 mg, selenomethionine, premix 0.5% in terms of selenium - 0.012 mg. Excipients: calcium stearate, collidon 30 (povidone), colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide (Aerosil-300), maltodextrin, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate.

Composition of the gelatin capsule shell: Gelatin, titanium dioxide E171, quinoline yellow E104, azorubine E122, crimson 4R E124, purified water.

Capsule form Pharmacotherapeutic group Combined drug for the treatment of liver diseases.

Pharmacological properties Combined drug. It has a membrane-stabilizing, hepatoprotective, antioxidant effect. Phosphatidylcholine is a structural element of cellular and intracellular membranes, capable of restoring their structure and function when damaged, providing a cytoprotective effect. Normalizes protein and lipid metabolism, prevents the loss of enzymes and other active substances by hepatocytes, restores the detoxifying function of the liver, inhibits the formation of connective tissue, reducing the risk of fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Silymarin has a hepatoprotective effect due to competitive interaction with receptors for the corresponding toxins in the hepatocyte membrane, thus exhibiting a membrane-stabilizing effect, stimulates the synthesis of proteins (structural and functional) and phospholipids in damaged hepatocytes, thus accelerating regenerative processes. The effect of flavonoids, which include silymarin, is also determined by their antioxidant properties and effects that improve microcirculation. Vitamin E is involved in the processes of cell proliferation, tissue metabolism, prevents hemolysis of red blood cells, and prevents increased permeability and fragility of capillaries. The drug inhibits free radical reactions, prevents the formation of peroxides that damage cellular and subcellular membranes. Improves tissue respiration, stimulates protein synthesis (collagen, enzymatic, structural and contractile proteins of skeletal and smooth muscles, myocardium), protects vitamin A from oxidation, inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Inhibits the oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and selenium (a component of the microsomal electron transfer system). Selenium is one of the essential microelements that plays an important role in the normal functioning of vital organs and systems. Selenium has a protective effect in acute and chronic intoxication with xenobiotics. Selenium is an effective antioxidant at the cellular level.

Indications for use The drug is used in the complex treatment of chronic toxic liver damage; for maintenance treatment in patients with chronic inflammatory liver diseases or cirrhosis, for the symptomatic elimination of loss of appetite and/or heaviness in the right hypochondrium in the following liver diseases: fatty liver degeneration (also in diabetes); hepatitis of any nature, acute and chronic; cirrhosis; toxic liver damage, drug-induced liver damage; alcoholic liver disease, cholestasis.

Contraindications Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, children under 12 years of age (lack of sufficient evidence base). Warnings and special instructions Do not exceed the recommended doses of the drug. Treatment with the drug cannot replace a diet or giving up anything in case of liver damage (for example, alcohol). Use with caution in patients with hormonal disorders (endometriosis, uterine fibroids, breast, ovarian and uterine carcinoma, prostate carcinoma) due to the possible estrogen-like effect of silymarin. If allergic reactions occur, treatment with the drug should be discontinued. Use during pregnancy or lactation It is not recommended to use the drug during pregnancy and lactation. Method of administration and dosage Standard treatment regimen for children over 12 years of age and adults: initial dose - 3 times a day, 2 capsules for at least 3 months, maintenance dose - 3 times a day, one capsule for at least 4 weeks. Take capsules during meals, without chewing, with a small amount of water. The attending physician may recommend a different dosage and duration of treatment, depending on the patient’s condition and the course of the disease.

Side effects The drug is well tolerated. The following side effects can rarely be observed: From the gastrointestinal system: nausea, dyspepsia, diarrhea. On the part of the skin and skin appendages: in some cases, allergic skin reactions are possible - itching, rash. Others: It is rare to see an exacerbation of existing vestibular disorders. Side effects are transient and disappear after stopping the drug.

Overdose There is no evidence of drug overdose. In case of accidental ingestion of a high dose, induce vomiting, perform gastric lavage using activated charcoal and symptomatic treatment if necessary. Interactions with drugs and other types of interactions Interactions with other drugs due to the presence of silymarin: When silymarin is used together with oral contraceptives and drugs for hormone replacement treatment, the effect of the latter may be reduced. Silymarin can enhance the effect of drugs such as diazepam, alprazolam, ketoconazole, lovastatin, vinblastine due to its inhibitory effect on the cytochrome P 450 system. Interactions with other drugs due to the presence of vitamin E: Increases the effectiveness of anticonvulsants in patients with epilepsy in whom An increased content of lipid peroxidation products in the blood was detected. Enhances the effect of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and antioxidants. Increases the effectiveness and reduces the toxicity of cardiac glycosides, as well as vitamins A and D. Cholestyramine, colestipol, and mineral oils reduce the absorption of alpha tocopheryl acetate. High doses of iron enhance oxidative processes in the body, which increases the need for vitamin E. With the simultaneous use of alpha tocopheryl acetate with cyclosporine, the absorption of the latter increases.

Impact on the ability to drive a car, work with equipment . No effect.

Pack of 10 capsules in a blister pack. 3 or 6 blister packs in a cardboard pack.

Storage conditions : protected from moisture and light at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life: 2 years. Do not use after the expiration date stated on the packaging.


In medicine, Vishnevsky's liniment has been known and widely used for more than 100 years. It can be used by pregnant, lactating women and children. The product has virtually no contraindications, the only one being associated with individual intolerance to the ingredients of the ointment. The product can only be used as prescribed by a doctor. Use not recommended:

  • with erysipelas;
  • for the treatment of immature neoplasms (pimples, boils, abscesses, fresh wounds);
  • people with chronic kidney disease;
  • for application to mucous membranes.


The proportion of plant-based, environmentally friendly components in the ointment is large. The balm is intended only for external local use, applied in a thin layer or soaked in gauze bandages and tampons with the medicinal mixture. Therapy is prescribed in dosed courses. Signs of overdose are observed only with prolonged use of the drug. Rash, itching, redness, peeling and other allergic skin reactions appear in a mild form. When you stop using the drug, the symptoms disappear.

Composition and medicinal properties of the ointment

Balsamic liniment has birch tar as its main active ingredient.

Vishnevsky's ointment contains only 3 components, each of which enhances the effect of each other.

  1. Purified birch tar. This component is natural. It is obtained from birch bark. Tar looks like a thick, dark, viscous liquid. This is the strongest natural antiseptic that is effective against most pathogenic bacteria that can cause inflammation in humans. Additionally, the component actively enhances blood circulation at the site of application and increases the ability of tissues to regenerate. The property of tar to eliminate pain, burning and itching is also valuable. Its use is also possible on wet wounds, since the substance helps dry them. For burns, wounds, bruises and wen, tar has been used for a long time.
  2. Castor oil (a number of manufacturers replace it with fish oil, but this is not a desirable option). The component in the ointment enhances its ability to quickly penetrate tissue. Additionally, the substance in combination with tar also acts as a strong sedative for the affected skin, relieving pain and itching.
  3. Xeroform. Promotes drying of the wound surface and enhances the antiseptic effect of the drug.

The ratio of active ingredients in the drug is as follows:

  • 94% castor oil,
  • 3% tar,
  • 3% xeroform.

The smell of the ointment is specific and very pungent, which is provided mainly by tar. Even under a bandage, it is clearly noticeable to others. The color of the drug, depending on the manufacturer, is brown or dark dirty yellow.

The drug is produced in the form of liniment, which is thinner than ointment and penetrates tissue more easily.

The main medicinal properties of Vishnevsky’s ointment (liniment) are as follows:

  • local immunomodulatory;
  • pulling (cleansing);
  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • healing;
  • pain reliever;
  • antipruritic.

In some cases, it is recommended to mix the medicine with Shostakovsky balm (vinilin). The drugs enhance each other’s actions and have an even more active effect on the body.

The ability of the drug to stimulate the regeneration of the skin and deeper tissues allows it to be used to treat third-degree burns, which in this case, after healing, do not leave strong scars, which is of great importance for tissue damage in open areas of the body.

In addition to skin lesions and injuries, the ointment is also used for internal inflammation of the genitourinary system and mammary glands.

The drug is prescribed in the following areas of medicine:

  • gynecology;
  • dermatology;
  • traumatology;
  • surgery;
  • urology;
  • proctology;
  • dermatology;
  • cosmetology.

The product is available over-the-counter because it is not an antibiotic or hormonal drug.


The composition of balsamic liniment is unique; the drug has no analogues in its pure form. There are pharmacological forms that are similar in action and can effectively combat purulent infections, these include:

  • levomekol, used to treat open wounds, burns, ulcers;
  • chlorophyllipt, herbal antiseptic;
  • zinc ointment;
  • ichthyol ointment;
  • Shostakovsky balm;
  • dermatol paste;
  • solcoseryl.

Most of these dosage forms contain antimicrobial chemicals and components that promote active tissue regeneration. Liniment has a strong specific odor; in case of olfactory hypersensitivity, you can choose an odorless analogue of Vishnevsky ointment. For this purpose, they choose levomekol, syntomycin, ichthyol ointment, panthenol, their composition is radically different from liniment, and they are more expensive.

Action of liniment

The effectiveness of the drug is achieved by a combination of selected components that enhance each other. Vishnevsky ointment for purulent wounds:

  1. Gently acts on the open damaged area.
  2. Increases blood circulation in inflamed skin.
  3. Eliminates pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, the ointment prevents the development of wound infection.
  5. Vishnevsky's liniment removes inflammatory signs: swelling, redness, pain in the pathological area.
  6. Removes purulent, necrotic deposits in an open wound.
  7. It has a resorption effect, which manifests itself in the upper and lower layers of the epidermis. Thanks to this ability, liniment is used in gynecology to treat the pelvic organs, and in proctology to get rid of hemorrhoids.
  8. Vishnevsky ointment improves regeneration processes and promotes rapid healing of open wound defects.


  1. Doctors recommend applying Vishnevsky ointment to a purulent wound. It draws out pus from the open damaged surface.
  2. The medication accelerates the cleansing of skin infiltrates: abscesses, acne, boils, carbuncles.
  3. The drug is used to treat closed injuries with severe inflammation.
  4. Vishnevsky ointment treats trophic ulcers and bedsores.
  5. Liniment fights stagnation: lymphangitis, lymphadenitis.
  6. The drug is used to combat dermatological and infectious skin diseases: erysipelas, streptoderma.
  7. The medication can be used to lubricate abrasions and lacerated open wounds.
  8. Surgeons use the medicine after operations.
  9. The ointment is used to treat burns and frostbite.

Vishnevsky's liniment is a sought-after assistant in medical practice. A wide range of indications allows the drug to be used for various diseases.

Ointment price

To the question of how much Vishnevsky’s ointment costs, one can rightfully answer - inexpensive in comparison with other drugs of similar action. The price of a metal tube with a volume of 40 grams is 40 rubles, a glass jar of ointment of the same volume will cost about 100 rubles. It’s easy to order from catalogs and buy in an online store at an even more affordable price. Home medicine cabinets must have such a balm; it will help quickly and effectively solve skin problems better than cream, the cost of which is several times higher.

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