Egg white face mask: the best recipes you can prepare at home

Egg white has a very valuable composition, so it has found its use in skin and hair care. This product will refresh the dermis, remove acne, reduce inflammation, narrow pores, tighten facial contours, and stabilize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Making masks at home from eggs is simple and easy, and with regular use, the skin is restored and saturated with useful substances.

  • For normal skin
      With banana
  • Strawberry
  • For dry skin
      With cream
  • With sour cream
  • For combination skin
      With sugar
  • With carrots
  • With honey and oatmeal
  • For sagging and aging skin
      With cucumber and oils
  • With olive oil
  • Masks for problem skin
      With tea tree oil
  • With oat flakes
  • With boric acid and alum
  • With starch for skin prone to rashes
  • With vitamin E
  • Egg film mask
  • With apple
  • Super-nourishing mask with oils
  • Basic tips for making masks
  • Recommendations for using funds
  • Contraindications to the use of egg white masks
  • Do face masks with protein help against wrinkles?

    The appearance of wrinkles on the face can significantly deteriorate your appearance. Unaesthetic folds age the skin and give the face a tired expression. Many women mistakenly believe that the appearance of wrinkles is associated with physiological changes. In reality, wrinkles occur for a wide variety of reasons.

    The appearance of folds in the forehead, chin, cheeks, nasolabial triangle and under the eyes is influenced by unfavorable heredity. However, much depends on the woman’s lifestyle and the characteristics of facial skin care.

    Important! Wrinkles can be divided into facial wrinkles (associated with emotions) and age-related wrinkles (due to skin aging). Folds can also be both superficial and deep.

    The following factors are identified that cause the appearance of wrinkles on the face:

    • pronounced facial expressions;
    • physiological processes of aging of the body and skin associated with a decrease in the production of collagen and elastin;
    • frequent visits to the solarium;
    • prolonged insolation in the absence of the use of special cosmetics with SPF;
    • bad habits;
    • insufficient sleep (chronic);
    • malnutrition;
    • unfavorable working conditions and poor environment.

    Often, pronounced wrinkles are characteristic of the menopause. Typically, during this period, wrinkles can be significantly corrected through surgery. In order for wrinkles to appear much later, you need to properly care for your face. Early prevention of skin aging and the formation of facial wrinkles is essential.

    Prevention and correction of wrinkles require a set of measures that are used in parallel. Masks that include healthy ingredients are quite effective. To improve your facial skin, you don’t have to buy expensive products. You can use simple products to make homemade masks.

    Cosmetologists recommend including egg white-based masks in your care. This component has pronounced anti-aging properties, helps cleanse the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles and acne.

    Masks with egg white help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, lighten and tighten the skin. Experts emphasize that they work no worse than numerous expensive products when used correctly.

    Protein masks are distinguished by their availability. Regular use can solve a number of cosmetic problems:

    • eliminate increased skin oiliness and shine;
    • give the face a matte finish;
    • smooth out wrinkles and reduce their depth;
    • tighten the skin and restore its turgor;
    • tighten and cleanse pores;
    • lighten the skin;
    • get rid of peeling.

    Attention! The effectiveness of protein masks depends on the freshness of the ingredients used. Regular application of the cosmetic product is essential.

    Cosmetic "benefits" in the composition

    The tandem of yolk and white, when added to homemade masks, turns into an endless source of benefits.

    • Vitamin A. This is the first element in the fight against acne. It gives healing, smoothes aging skin, completely eliminating fine wrinkles.
    • Vitamin B2. Responsible for the unity of the texture of the epidermis.
    • Vitamin B5. Participates in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism of cells. Dr. Roger Williams, who first synthesized pantothenic acid, claimed that it could prolong life.
    • Vitamin B12. Eliminates dullness of the face. Once on the skin, this vitamin helps retain moisture in it, thus protecting it from premature fading.
    • Vitamin D. Increases the elasticity of the skin, stimulates cells to produce collagen, which resists wrinkles. Moreover, this element suppresses inflammatory processes associated with acne.
    • Vitamin N. Protects against harmful environmental influences. Fights dermatitis and inhibits the formation of excessive dry skin.
    • Vitamin RR. Keeps the face smooth, even, increasing blood circulation. It is an active participant in the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
    • Iron. Provides body tissues with oxygen.
    • Iodine. Increases blood flow, relieves rashes on the face, heals, promotes cell regeneration.
    • Selenium. Removes excess free radicals, which only bring old age to the skin, so this microelement is the keeper of youth.

    Beneficial properties of protein face masks against wrinkles

    The benefits of protein compositions are due to the content of healing components. Protein has less value when compared to protein. It contains water in an amount of 85%. Other useful substances include:

    • vitamins belonging to group B;
    • minerals: iron, sodium, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium;
    • proteins such as lysozyme and ovomucin.

    And also the composition of the protein is represented by the following components:

    • carbohydrates;
    • fats (including glucose);
    • enzymes.

    Protein-based cosmetics have the following properties:

    • tonic;
    • antibacterial;
    • tightening;
    • anti-inflammatory.

    Protein is often included in care products for mature and aging skin. Egg white helps:

    • smoothing out wrinkles;
    • skin tightening;
    • brightening and toning of the face.

    Compositions with protein are also indicated for enlarged pores, oily shine and acne. Protein masks are used to correct facial problems and prevent them.

    Basic tips for making masks

    To maximize the effect, it is recommended to follow a few cooking tips:

    • Do not use store-bought products, but homemade ones. It has many more useful substances and components.
    • To make it easier to separate eggs into whites and yolks, use special funnels.
    • To ensure a uniform consistency of the egg white, beat it for 4-5 minutes with a mixer or blender.
    • Take all products fresh.

    You cannot prepare masks in advance and store them in the refrigerator. An egg is a good nutrient medium for microorganisms, so if you use it in a stale form, you can provoke the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the skin.

    How to properly make protein masks against wrinkles

    Self-prepared cosmetics, if used incorrectly, can worsen the condition of the skin of the face. That is why you should follow certain rules for making and applying protein masks:

    1. To prepare the products, you should use clean utensils, which also include a spoon or a special spatula.
    2. Masks are applied from bottom to top, following massage lines. It is recommended to avoid contact with the area in close proximity to the eyes and lips.
    3. To prevent the appearance of new wrinkles, it is advisable to maintain facial calm. After the film dries, the surface will be subject to excessive stretching during conversation.
    4. Masks are used once a week for dry facial skin. Oily and combination skin types require applying products to the face 2 times a week. The number of sessions should be increased during the hot season.
    5. Before applying masks, you must thoroughly cleanse your facial skin: rinse off cosmetics, scrub, and steam the skin.
    6. The effect of a protein-based cosmetic product can be enhanced by a tonic applied before and after the session. To eliminate tightness, you need to apply a cream with a nourishing effect.
    7. Protein masks are not applied to the décolleté and neck area.
    8. The product is removed with warm water, which can soften the crust. Cosmetic ice cubes help close pores, increasing tone and increasing blood flow to the face.

    It is advisable to use protein-based masks in the evening, for example, before bed. At night, skin regeneration is noted, which makes it possible to enhance the effect of the mask. At this time, the pores of the skin are not clogged with various cosmetics.

    Recipes for anti-wrinkle masks with egg whites

    It is convenient to apply protein masks with special brushes. Before the procedure, clean water, napkins and a towel are first prepared. To beat the egg whites, you also need a fork, whisk or mixer. It is necessary to properly separate the whites from the yolks. Otherwise, the mass will not be able to whip into foam.

    Attention! The composition is not prepared for future use. The prepared mass is suitable for one use only.

    There are many recipes for making masks with protein. The simplest of them is one-component. The protein is separated and whipped using a blender or whisk. The exposure time of the composition is 20 minutes. Then wash your face with cool water.

    With clay

    Using protein with green or white clay helps tighten the skin and improve facial tone. Two teaspoons of powder are mixed with protein until the consistency of sour cream is obtained. The mask is applied to the face and washed off after 20 minutes. The product is recommended to be used twice a week.

    With banana

    A tablespoon of banana pulp is mixed with 1 egg white. The resulting mass is applied to the facial skin and left for up to 20 minutes.

    Attention! Instead of banana, you can include raspberries, apples, cherries, cranberries, and currants. To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, use an apple and add 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

    With starch

    A tablespoon of starch and the same amount of kefir are added to the protein. The composition should be applied to the face with a brush in several layers. The duration of the application is 20 minutes.

    With cucumber

    The mask smoothes wrinkles and tightens the skin. The benefit of the composition is to brighten the face and even out the tone.

    To prepare the product, you need to grind the cucumber in a blender or grate it with shavings. Add a tablespoon of olive oil (almond, peach) to 50 g of cucumber. Beat 1 egg white in a separate container and add to the cucumber and butter.

    The mask is applied to a cleansed face and removed with a napkin after 20 minutes. The remaining product is washed off with warm water.

    With cream

    This protein mask is suitable for oily skin types. It smooths out wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Regular use of the composition allows you to remove age spots on the face.

    The recipe for making a mask is quite simple. Beat the white of 1 egg and pour in the cream (a tablespoon) in parts. The mask is applied in 3 layers. The layer is renewed after the previous one has dried. The composition should be washed off after 10 minutes. If there is a feeling of tightness, apply a cream with a moisturizing effect to the face.

    With boric acid

    The composition reduces the appearance of large folds and smoothes out fine wrinkles. An additional effect is to eliminate peeling. One protein is mixed with a teaspoon of cream, a solution of boric acid 3% (1 ml). Then add 1 g of burnt alum and mix the components. The composition is applied to the face after preliminary scrubbing. The exposure time of the mask is 20 minutes.

    With honey

    The composition has a whitening and toning effect. A tablespoon of honey is mixed with the same amount of kefir. Then add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Before adding the protein, shake it first. The honey mixture should be applied in a thick layer while lying down. Place a damp cloth on top. After 20 minutes, the mask is removed with warm water.

    With strawberry

    Five strawberries are ground until a paste is obtained, and then protein and a tablespoon of cream are added. Before applying the mask, mix all components thoroughly. The composition is washed off after 20 minutes.

    With oatmeal flour

    The egg white must be whipped to the consistency of dense foam. Then honey and oatmeal flour are added in equal proportions. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps. The mixture is applied with a brush to the face and washed off after 20 minutes.

    With sugar

    Adding sugar produces a lifting effect, which is especially important for aging skin. To prepare the mass, you need to beat the egg white and add sugar (2 teaspoons). The sugar should dissolve in the protein foam. The composition is applied in a thin layer. After it dries, make light patting movements.

    With barley flour

    Honey (half a teaspoon) and barley flour (2 teaspoons) are added to the protein. The mask can be applied to the entire face, including the area under the eyes. After the procedure, it is recommended to make a compress from birch leaves.

    With lemon juice

    Beat the egg whites and add olive oil and lemon juice (1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon, respectively). The exposure time of the mask is 25 minutes.

    With salt

    Salt and lemon juice are added to the protein in small quantities. The mass can be applied to individual areas and to the entire face.


    Healthy masks based on chicken protein can cause allergic reactions. Their use is contraindicated if the facial skin is prone to irritation or hypersensitivity. The compositions are applied with caution to the face if there is peeling. In this case, the product will help exfoliate dead particles. To avoid aggravating the defect, you should use a moisturizer after the procedure.

    Protein masks are not used if the following are present on the face:

    • purulent elements;
    • benign or malignant tumors;
    • swelling.

    Attention! Using protein if you have an allergy can cause itching, irritation and redness.

    Indications for use

    The product is used in almost all areas of human life. If we talk about facial care, the main areas here are:

    • problems of excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
    • loss of firmness, elasticity;
    • pigmentation;
    • contaminated, enlarged pores;
    • peeling;
    • small wrinkles.

    Important! None of the above points will have any effect if the problem has a non-standard source. For example, caused by some serious illness. This situation requires mandatory contact with a specialist.

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