Correction of nasolabial folds with injectable fillers

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Nasolabial folds are two symmetrical longitudinal grooves of the skin running from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth.

There are nasolabial folds in the form of a thin superficial wrinkle, in the form of clearly defined creases with a significant downward displacement and overhang of the soft tissues of the cheek, as well as gradient nasolabial folds formed due to a significant difference in the height of the upper lip and cheek.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds occur sooner or later in most people and appear for the following reasons:

  • age-related loss of skin elasticity due to lack of collagen;
  • gravitational ptosis (sagging of facial tissues under the influence of gravity);
  • features of the anatomical structure of the face;
  • hypertonicity or, conversely, relaxation of the facial muscles;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • intense facial activity and emotionality of a person;
  • incorrect bite, which provokes the early appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • bad habits that worsen skin condition;
  • lack of fluid intake;
  • excess fluid intake, leading to swelling and stretch marks of the skin;
  • external factors: sun, wind, ecology;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • sudden weight loss, etc.
Correction of nasolabial folds at the Gradient clinic:

Doctor: Kwak Yu.V.

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How to remove nasolabial folds?

In cosmetology, there are many methods for eliminating nasolabial folds - from filling with fillers to tightening the oval of the face. A cosmetologist will help you choose the best method for you during a face-to-face consultation, based on your individual characteristics.

Thread lifting

Thread lifting is the introduction of special absorbable caprolactone threads, around which, as they are absorbed, their own fibrous tissue is formed. The upper part of the thread is fixed, and the lower part, due to notches, holds the lifting zone.

Allows you to lift the cheek areas, thereby smoothing out nasolabial wrinkles and achieving a pronounced lifting effect and tightening the oval of the face. Thread lifting is effective for moderately severe gravitational ptosis.

A thread facelift is performed on an outpatient basis using local anesthesia. After the procedure, no long-term rehabilitation is required and the patient can maintain his usual lifestyle, observing only simple restrictions on the activity of facial expressions in the first days.

The effect after a thread facelift lasts from 2 to 5 years. More details

Correction of nasolabial folds with fillers

This procedure involves replenishing the missing volume and smoothing the tissues by introducing hyaluronic acid fillers into the nasolabial folds using a very thin needle under local anesthesia. This procedure is also safe for health, does not cause rejection, allergic or toxic reactions, and does not leave scars. The result can last from six months to 3 years depending on the chosen drug and skin condition. Hyaluronic acid is excreted from the body on its own. More details

Botulinum toxin injections

Botulinum toxin is a special medical preparation based on highly purified dosed botulinum toxin type A, under the influence of which muscle relaxation occurs, and then wrinkles and folds are smoothed out. The effect of botulinum toxin is reversible - after 3-6 months, the ability to transmit nerve impulses is restored. The result of correction of nasolabial folds using botulinum toxin injections can last up to 9 months, then the procedure must be repeated. Over time, the muscle gets used to being inactive and the interval between repeated procedures increases significantly. More details

Important! Only with a direct examination of your face can a cosmetologist accurately determine which methods of correcting nasolabial folds and dosages of medications will help achieve the desired result in your particular case.

Facial skin lifting with algae

Algae are often used as a component for the production of anti-aging cosmetics. At home, you can make a face mask with spirulina.

It contains microelements, vitamins and valuable amino acids that help stimulate the regeneration of skin cells and accelerate metabolism. This product also perfectly moisturizes the skin. Preparations containing spirulina extract can be purchased at the pharmacy.

To make a mask, mix 2 tablespoons of gelatin with 50-70 ml of water and leave the mixture to swell. Dissolve 4 spirulina tablets in 2 tablespoons of water. As a result, you will get a thick mass, to which you need to add 2 drops of vitamin A and ½ dessert spoon of lemon juice.

Place the swollen gelatin to heat in a steam bath. Once completely dissolved, mix it thoroughly with the spirulina mixture.

Apply the finished mixture to the nasolabial folds for 20 minutes. Rinse off the composition with warm water. The mask must be repeated every 3 days for a month.

Firming masks

All masks, including tightening ones, must be applied both to the face and neck, avoiding only the area around the eyes.

For greater effect, face masks for women over 50 years of age are washed off with softened water or herbal infusions, after which cream is applied. After 20 minutes, the cream is soaked with a napkin to remove excess, unabsorbed residues that weigh down the skin. For better absorption, wipe with pieces of ice from herbal infusions.

The leading place among tightening face masks after 50 years is occupied by the gelatin mask.

Dissolve gelatin in heavy cream and apply to face and neck. The mixture should not be too liquid; after complete drying, the mask is soaked in warm water and gradually washed off.

ATTENTION! Under no circumstances should we remove gelatin from our faces! Namely, we soak it carefully and gradually. Otherwise you may damage your skin!

Various components can be added to the gelatin cream base.

  • Cottage cheese – hydration, nutrition.
  • Cucumber for a big lift.
  • Strawberry – refreshes the complexion.
  • Carrots (juice) – saturates the skin with keratin.
  • Butter – nutrition, wrinkle removal.

One of the simplest is a tightening face mask after 50 years based on egg white. Separate the protein, beat, apply on the face. Leave until completely dry, wash off. We don’t add anything else to this mask.

Patches are a new word in hardware-free cosmetology

Patches are special patches or fabric strips impregnated with special compounds designed to effectively solve problems in a specific area of ​​the skin.

There are patches that are completely ready for use (they are wet) and those that must be pre-treated with thermal water before applying to the face. All factory-produced patches are offered in hermetically sealed packaging, allowing them to preserve their properties for as long as possible.

Patches are convenient because they can be used independently at home or in conditions with limited opportunities for facial skin care due to circumstances (for example, while traveling, long train trips, etc.). The advantage of this format of care is practical in that the product has a local enhanced effect precisely on the area where its action is especially necessary.

In their classic form, it is difficult to use folk recipes as an objective alternative to patches. But if you apply your favorite anti-wrinkle cream or gel in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, not with the usual technique of delicate application to this area, but in the format of a sponge or napkin soaked in a homemade substance, then you can significantly increase the effectiveness of the drug.

This format is convenient when working with already clearly visible wrinkles. Homemade patches are best attached to the skin using small pieces of adhesive tape. For masks that begin to work at high temperatures, it would be correct to place a plastic film on top of the sponge, which will provide a sauna effect and allow the ingredients to open better.

Local compresses with natural essential oils can also be an improvised analogue of patches. They can be added to ready-made creams and masks or used diluted (for example, with olive oil).

Homemade cream, face gel or mask must be prepared in accordance with hygiene standards. Since such preparations do not contain preservatives, they are especially susceptible to infection by pathogens. To avoid this, it is recommended to prepare a new portion of the cosmetic product each time, and in cases with multi-component preparations, use bottles with dispensers (with them, germs and bacteria will not get into the cream).

Beauty is usually identified with the image of blooming youth. Each age is beautiful in its own way. Women over fifty often have their own unique charm, causing the gaze of random passers-by to involuntarily dwell on their faces.

The years go by and take their toll. The advantages of appearance given to us in our youth cannot be extended throughout our lives. But if you learn to take the required measures in time, then the situation can change radically.

Anti-wrinkle face mask after 50 years: nature’s help in rejuvenation

Homemade face masks after 50 years

There is no need to delve into distant history, remember Cleopatra and Nefertiti, admiring their ideas for skin rejuvenation. In Rus' the power of herbs and berries has always been known. Russian women may not have known recipes for face masks after 50 years, but they washed their faces with dew, refreshed their tired faces with herbal decoctions, and used sour cream and honey to make their facial skin soft.

In addition to cleansing procedures with soft water infused with herbs, mature skin is rejuvenated with special homemade face masks after 50 years, according to folk recipes. For example, the upper, uneven layer of the epidermis can be easily removed with a scrub made from sugar and natural apricot oil, with vitamin E. Instead of apricot oil, you can use heavy cream or homemade butter.

  • Granulated sugar (1 heaped tbsp).
  • Apricot oil (1.5 tsp).
  • Vitamin E (3 squeezed capsules or 4 drops).

Mix all components, carefully apply to facial skin (clean, without makeup) and lightly massage along massage lines for 10 minutes. Never touch the area around the eyes. Next, rinse with water, preferably warm, and apply moisturizer.

Another rejuvenating face mask after 50 years, with an unsurpassed rejuvenation effect. This is an oat bran mask. Bran, a rich product containing a lot of useful elements for mature skin. One of the first helpers for tired epidermis and aging skin.

  • Steam your face with herbal compresses (chamomile, cornflower, tea rose).
  • Make a thin paste from ground or simply steamed bran, with heavy cream or kefir.
  • Add lemon juice, crushed parsley sprigs, vitamins A or E. Mix, apply to face, after 15 minutes rinse and moisturize with cream.
  • Sugar and bran are one of the main components of anti-aging skin masks for the face after 50 years, which are almost always “at hand”. The remaining components must be selected wisely and carefully, taking into account allergies, if any.
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