What is atraumatic facial cleansing: indications, contraindications, results

From this article you will learn:

  • The essence of the procedure for deep atraumatic facial cleansing
  • Acids used during the procedure
  • Benefits of atraumatic cleaning
  • Cosmetics for deep atraumatic facial cleansing
  • Contraindications to deep atraumatic facial cleansing
  • 6 stages of deep atraumatic facial cleansing + after care

Deep atraumatic facial cleansing is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. It's no secret that people most often turn to a cosmetologist to cleanse their facial skin. Even the deepest home peels and masks cannot achieve the same effect as after a procedure in a clinic. At the same time, cleaning gives excellent results not only on problem skin.

However, until recently, the procedure for cosmetic facial cleansing was quite painful and required long healing. What can we say about truly painful manual deep cleaning techniques! The result was often a deterioration in the condition of the skin. Today's technologies make it possible to achieve complete deep cleansing, while the procedure is absolutely painless and atraumatic. If you still don’t know about this wonderful technique, be sure to read our article to the end.

The essence of the procedure for deep atraumatic facial cleansing

The name “atraumatic cleaning” speaks for itself. The purpose of this procedure is maximum delicacy, which in some cases is very important and necessary. For example, careful manipulation of skin tissue is mandatory for sensitive skin, rosacea, and pregnancy.

Deep atraumatic facial cleansing is performed using a complex of special cosmetic preparations that loosen the epidermis, exfoliate the stratum corneum, and then dissolve impurities, remove sebaceous deposits, and eliminate acne.

The main difference between atraumatic facial cleansing and other similar manipulations is the absence of mechanical impact on the skin. The procedure is performed without the use of tools and devices. Sometimes, with an atraumatic method, ultrasonic treatment is used, which does not injure tissue. Cosmetics do not have hard particles and practically do not contain aggressive elements.

Important! Speaking about deep atraumatic facial cleansing, one cannot fail to mention that this is a mild chemical peeling, which involves thorough preparation of the skin and comprehensive care after the manipulations are completed. During the procedure, the skin is not subject to negative influence.

Steaming the epidermis leads to the opening of pores and the penetration of active acid components into the deeper layers of the skin. As a result, intercellular connections are weakened, which promotes exfoliation (or exfoliation) of keratinized particles.

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At the same time, chemicals soften impurities and change the structure of sebum, thereby facilitating thorough cleansing of sebaceous ducts and the removal of superficial milia and comedones.

The procedure allows you to completely dissolve some of the dirt that clogs the pores.

  • Acids stimulate cell proliferation in the basal layer of the epidermis, resulting in rejuvenation of the cellular composition of the skin.
  • The synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers becomes more intense, resulting in increased skin elasticity and smooth out small wrinkles.
  • The renewed cells have a high moisturizing factor, which allows you to maintain a normal level of skin tissue hydration.

The effect obtained as a result of these processes is renewed, young and moisturized skin.

Thanks to its delicate effects, atraumatic cleaning has no contraindications and is suitable for everyone. The technique is used as a basic or preparatory procedure before more aggressive manipulations.

This type of cleansing is most useful for those who:

  • thin, sensitive skin;
  • rosacea;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • post-acne;
  • comedones and stubborn acne.

For teenagers and pregnant women, it is enough to perform only atraumatic cleaning. There are no restrictions (by age, gender, season). Therefore, this delicate procedure can be considered universal.

Before and after the procedure

Whatever method you choose, there will be several stages: makeup removal, application of antiseptic, cleaning procedure, application of soothing agents.

In some cases, cleaning is carried out before using professional masks: rejuvenating, nourishing, moisturizing, toning. After removing all impurities, the skin becomes especially receptive - so masks become many times more effective.

To make an appointment for facial cleansing in Moscow, just call us by phone or fill out the form on the website. Experienced cosmetologists of the BL clinic will select the optimal method for your case and help you choose home care products to consolidate the positive result.

Acids used during the procedure

It is very important to choose the right drugs, since the result depends on them. The choice of one or another substance is influenced by the condition of the skin and the type of defect.

  • One of the most effective facial cleansers is glycolic acid. This substance contains the smallest molecules, which allows it to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and achieve the best results.
  • A very strong antioxidant, citric acid, neutralizes free radicals that accumulate in the epidermis layer. In addition, the substance is endowed with antibacterial properties and helps eliminate excess pigmentation.
  • To speed up the process of skin cell regeneration, malic acid is used to stimulate the production of natural collagen. The substance has antioxidant properties, provides the skin with protection from harmful external influences, saturates it with useful microelements, accelerates the process of cell restoration, and improves nutrition.
  • Lactic acid is used to thoroughly moisturize the skin.
  • Tartaric acid has excellent whitening properties that help remove pigmentation.
  • Retinoic acid, or tretinoin, normalizes sebum levels, reduces the thickness of the stratum corneum, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. All these properties allow you to effectively fight acne.

Mixtures consisting of several acids will help solve several problems in a comprehensive manner. Vitamins are often added to the preparation for atraumatic cleaning. As a rule, retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E) are added to the composition. The addition of hyaluronic acid helps to achieve a good lifting effect and deeply moisturize the epidermis. If you supplement lactic acid with arbutin, you get an excellent product that evens out the surface of the skin. This combination is used after acne treatment.


Modern cosmetology has in its arsenal a variety of techniques based on chemical and physical effects on our body. For example, atraumatic facial cleansing with compositions of fruit acids is one of the most popular and effective procedures for rejuvenating and healing the skin. Chemical peeling allows you to get rid of many cosmetic problems and significantly improve the condition of the epidermis. The technique has a number of indications and contraindications, and can also be carried out using different technologies, so the specifics of the procedure must be clarified in each specific case.

Benefits of atraumatic cleaning

  • The main advantage of atraumatic cleaning is the absence of direct mechanical impact. The skin is not subject to any damage during this cleansing process. The surface of the epidermis is not stretched or compressed.
  • At the end of the procedure, no traces remain on the skin. Slight redness disappears after some time on its own. Therefore, you should not be afraid to do atraumatic cleaning immediately before an important event.
  • Women who have a low pain threshold can afford manipulation. After all, during such a procedure there are no unpleasant sensations, as during deep peeling and manual cleaning. The preparations used have a low concentration of acids, so they cause only a slight tingling sensation.
  • During the procedure, the skin is treated with a gentle, gentle effect. But despite this, the epidermis is cleansed well, and the condition of the skin improves significantly.
  • An important advantage of atraumatic cleaning is its versatility. The method is suitable for cleansing especially sensitive thin and dry skin, as well as normal, combination, and oily (prone to inflammatory processes).
  • The procedure has virtually no contraindications. Fruit acids included in the drug are allowed even for rosacea.
  • The solutions used for the procedure have an antiseptic effect, therefore they relieve inflammation and significantly minimize the risk of skin infection.
  • If you do not need to treat the entire face, but only problem areas, fruit acids are suitable for this purpose.
  • It is not necessary to apply a vaporizer to the skin before the procedure.
  • Atraumatic cleaning can be done independently at home, since the technique is simple and does not require special professional equipment.
  • There is no need for a rehabilitation recovery period, since after a few hours the redness and swelling become unnoticeable.
  • The result will be visible immediately after the end of the session: the pores will be significantly narrowed, inflammation will be relieved, and skin color will improve.
  • Atraumatic facial cleansing can be performed regardless of the time of year and the degree of solar activity.

How is it carried out?

Cleaning is performed once every few months. The result obtained lasts for a long time, since fruit acids help normalize metabolic processes.

The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Cleansing the skin surface from impurities.
  2. Gentle peeling.
  3. Warming up with oily solutions.
  4. Application of the drug from HolyLand.
  5. Skin cleansing.
  6. Toning the face with lotion.
  7. Distribution of nourishing cream and application of antibacterial powder.

On our website you can sign up for a consultation with a specialist. An experienced cosmetologist will conduct a diagnosis and select the best cleaning option.

Cosmetics for deep atraumatic facial cleansing

During the procedure, the skin is exposed to a complex step-by-step effect. Before carrying out atraumatic cleaning, the optimal composition of cosmetic products is selected. Different brands that produce these products have their own programs.

The most popular lines are:

  • Holy Land

An Israeli brand specializing in the production of cosmetics produces a variety of products designed for different skin types. In this way, an individual approach is implemented to solve a specific client problem.

What makes Holy Land products different:

  1. The effect of the drug is to stimulate the proper functioning of epidermal cells.
  2. Cosmetics have virtually no side effects such as allergies, therefore they are safe for health.

All products undergo rigorous clinical testing and are tested by professional dermatologists working in laboratories in different countries around the world. The quality of cosmetics is confirmed by international certificates.

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  • Dr. Kadir

This brand of cosmetics is produced in Israel. Although the brand is little known, its products are high quality. The assortment includes professional preparations, as well as products intended for independent use.

You can highlight the “B3 home care 5 products” line, specially designed for caring for problem skin at home without contacting a cosmetologist.

  • Christina Comodex

The Christina brand produces a line of professional cosmetics called Comodex, designed for gentle treatment of acne-prone skin.

These products cope well with the problem of acne and help eliminate post-acne. In addition, thanks to the use of drugs, the protective properties of the skin are improved, thereby ensuring control over the course of the disease and preventing relapses. Active elements cleanse pores naturally, dissolving sebaceous glands. Such cosmetics do not leave scars.

Important! If you use vitamin A and retinoids at home, you must remember that the products not only have a specific yellow tint, but also increase the photosensitivity of the skin tissue, which can cause sunburn.

  • Renew

OSA Laboratory is a well-known laboratory (Israel) that produces products called Renew, intended for self-care at home and professional care in the salon.

Advice! To obtain optimal results, you must contact a professional. However, there are products from these brands that can be used at home.

Opinion of cosmetologists

The position of professionals regarding atraumatic cleaning is clear: the technique cannot cope with serious defects and diseases. However, it is good as a comprehensive care for normal, combination or oily skin.

Contraindications to deep atraumatic facial cleansing

Before the procedure, you should definitely study the contraindications and do allergy tests.

Possible side effects:

  • allergy;
  • the occurrence of dermatosis due to improper selection of cosmetics;
  • pustular rashes formed due to poorly processed instruments during mechanical or ultrasonic cleaning.

In what cases is atraumatic cleaning contraindicated?

  • The skin is covered with inflamed, purulent pimples.
  • There are pustular diseases (furunculosis, sycosis, carbunculosis).
  • Herpetic infection in the acute stage (in the presence of a rash).
  • Oncology.
  • Damage to the skin.
  • The presence of skin diseases such as psoriasis, urticaria, dermatitis, eczema.
  • Feverish conditions.
  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage.
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