Oatmeal and honey face masks: recipes and instructions for use

Hello, friends!

I suggest you bring your beauty and look younger for the New Year. To do this, you just need to regularly make an oatmeal face mask, the recipe for which I will offer you.

Of course, there are many recipes for oat masks, both made from oatmeal alone and with various additives. An oatmeal mask with honey is very popular, an oatmeal mask is made with kefir, with milk and others. I will dwell on some of them in more detail.

But I especially want to highlight among them my favorite mask with oatmeal and lemon, which brings many benefits to the skin. Yesterday I tried adding one interesting ingredient, the effect was amazing!

Why are oat masks so popular? An oatmeal mask is useful due to the microelements contained in oatmeal, such as potassium and magnesium, iron and silicon, iodine, fluorine, chromium, selenium, as well as vitamins B, E, A and K.

Therefore, oatmeal face masks have a complex effect: they cleanse the skin, remove blackheads, moisturize, nourish, soften, refresh, rejuvenate, smooth out fine wrinkles, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

And preparing them is quite simple. Moreover, we always have oatmeal; we prepare a delicious dish for breakfast from it.

Depending on what other products and medications you have at home, you can try different recipes. I prefer simple ones, when you don’t have to cook anything or wait a long time. I mixed it on my face.

How to make and apply an oatmeal mask

First of all, as before applying any mask, you need to cleanse your facial skin. We have already talked about how to do this correctly and what cleaning products to use.

So, tie your hair with a scarf and begin the procedures.

After cleansing, it is advisable to steam the skin. You can also sit over a bowl of hot, freshly boiled water, but I like to simply apply a towel soaked in hot water to my face.

After steaming, the pores expand and the effectiveness of the mask will increase.

For oatmeal masks, we choose good quality flakes, not those that boil quickly. They shouldn't exist in our lives at all.

First grind the flakes in a coffee grinder into flour. Making a mask with flour is faster, and for sensitive skin this option is most suitable. But some recipes also use whole oat flakes.

Next, add the necessary ingredients to them, quickly mix until a homogeneous mushy mass and immediately apply to the face with your hands.

We start with the nose and cheeks, then on the forehead and neck. We remember that masks cannot be applied to the thin sensitive skin under the eyes. You can apply a little cream under your eyes.

We relax, sitting in a chair or lying on the sofa, listening to pleasant music.

Keep the mask on your face for 15-20 minutes.

You need to wash it off first with a cotton swab and warm water, and then wash with cool water.

If after the mask there is a feeling of tight skin, then you need to apply a nourishing cream.

The frequency of oatmeal face masks is usually 2 times a week. For particularly sensitive skin, you can do it less often.

And it is advisable to make an oatmeal mask from the same ingredients in a course of one month.

Well, now, finally, we get to the recipes.

Rules and features of using ingredients

The peculiarity of making a honey mask with oatmeal is that each ingredient requires separate preparation.

The cereal component can be oatmeal or flour. To get the grind, just grind the oatmeal in a meat grinder, coffee grinder, blender or food processor.

Photo: Cosmetology-info.ru

It is believed that flakes scrub better due to their rough surface. But the flour adheres more tightly to the skin and provides a texture suitable for application. The choice between them is a matter of convenience and personal preference.

Oatmeal is not used in dry form. Before adding it to the mask, it should be specially prepared. Measure out the required amount of oatmeal or flour, pour boiling water to cover them completely, leave for 5-10 minutes. Once the grains have absorbed the water, use them in recipes.

Honey that will come into contact with the skin should be liquid and homogeneous. If it thickens, melt the sugar crystals. The heating temperature should be about 40°C. At higher rates, enzymes, fructose and glucose compounds begin to break down. The precious elixir turns into ordinary sweet syrup without the characteristic honey smell.

Photo: detkiexpert.ru

The desired effect can be achieved using a water bath. Do not use the microwave to melt honey.

Properly heated honey will retain its original aroma, flavor, color and thick texture.

Oatmeal mask with honey

1. The easiest way: mix two teaspoons of oatmeal and the same amount of honey. If the honey is thick, you must first melt it by holding it in hot water.

I personally can’t say anything about the effectiveness, since I am allergic to honey and I don’t make such masks. But there is no doubt that honey is a wonderful remedy and the benefits of the mask are enormous, there are so many vitamins alone!

Oatmeal along with honey both nourishes the skin and rejuvenates.

2.Add a spoonful of olive oil to an equal amount of ground oatmeal and honey. Mix and apply to facial skin.

This mask has an anti-inflammatory, soothing and tonic effect. Suitable for any skin.

3. Add kefir to oatmeal and honey and get an excellent tightening mask, especially useful for aging and tired skin.

First, stir oatmeal in a tablespoon of kefir, then add honey. Mix, apply, wash off after 15 minutes.

Recipes for honey masks for hair, face and body

The benefits of honey-oat cosmetics

Honey is one of the most common means for the production of natural cosmetic preparations. The beekeeping product prevents skin aging, enhances epidermal regeneration, reduces inflammation and kills pathogenic microorganisms. That is why it is often used as the main ingredient in homemade cosmetics.

Oatmeal, which contains many micro- and macroelements, improves nutrition and skin protection. And since this component does not need to be thermally treated before use, the face will also feel the benefits of vitamin elements.

A face mask with oatmeal and honey is a universal cosmetic product suitable for the fair sex of all ages. For example, its use would not be out of place in the following cases:

  • teenage acne, acne, and other signs of problematic skin;
  • dry skin;
  • dull and “lifeless” skin;
  • symptoms of aging (wrinkles, loss of elasticity);
  • skin fatigue (saturates the epidermis with vitamins and minerals).

And if, instead of gentle application, you lightly massage your face with a mixture of honey and oatmeal, you can achieve a scrub effect and exfoliate dead cells of the upper layer of skin.

Oatmeal mask for oily skin

For oily skin, I suggest making an oatmeal mask with kefir. I really like it, like any kefir masks in general.

Preparation of the mask: pour a tablespoon of oatmeal with kefir. You only need a little bit of it so that when stirred you get a thick paste. The mask is ready, then, as usual, apply, hold, wash off.

After a mask of oatmeal and kefir, the skin is perfectly cleansed and oily sheen is eliminated.

You can also make the following mask for oily skin: instead of kefir, add egg white to the oatmeal.

Useful properties of components

Vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, bread, yeast are used in every kitchen. The choice of them for preparing homemade masks depends on the type and condition of the skin. Honey and oatmeal mask is considered a special gift from nature. The beneficial properties of masks based on oatmeal and other ingredients have been known to mankind for a long time. Their action has been tested for centuries by their effective effect on the skin using natural cosmetics recipes.

The benefits of honey

The beekeeping product accelerates skin regeneration, slows down its aging, kills harmful microorganisms, and relieves inflammation. Vitamin C contained in honey supports and increases the protective power of the epidermis. Fine wrinkles are actively smoothed out thanks to the properties of vitamin E.

Honey, whose composition is filled with various minerals, supports optimal metabolic processes of the whole body. This promotes renewal and creates a rejuvenating effect. The combined action of honey and oatmeal for the face acts as an effective scrub.

Benefits of oatmeal for the face

The composition includes a large number of macro and microelements necessary for the preparation of nutritional mixtures. They are completely preserved, since thermal preparation is not necessary. The action of vitamins from group B helps the face retain moisture, it becomes smooth and elastic.

Vitamin A contained in oatmeal accelerates the healing of acne and minor injuries. A complex compound of aneurins triggers regeneration processes and helps the formation of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis. Oatmeal has a healing, moisturizing, tightening effect.

Components of honey

  • Zinc has properties that inhibit the aging process.
  • Amino acids help soften even very dry facial skin.
  • Carotene prevents irritation, eliminates itching and dryness.
  • Vitamin E increases elasticity and eliminates deep wrinkles.
  • Minerals restore metabolism in skin cells.
  • Vitamin C tones and promotes healing.
  • Vitamin B2 protects the skin from adverse environmental influences.
  • The essential oils contained in honey soothe, improve color and promote healthy skin.

Homemade oatmeal face masks

Rolled oats flakes are an ideal natural, healthy component for making inexpensive scrubs and face masks. Cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing masks based on oatmeal are so useful and versatile that they are suitable for everyone, regardless of age and skin type, especially since they are easy to prepare at home. After using them, the skin looks moisturized, healthy and fresh. From rolled oats you can prepare simple recipes for rejuvenating, nourishing masks against wrinkles. Using oatmeal as a scrub to cleanse pores at home, you will quickly and permanently get rid of inflammation and acne.

See also...

✅ Homemade mask for problem skin

✅ Recipes for the best cleansing face masks

✅ Face masks with honey: 10 recipes

✅ Masks for combination skin at home

Oatmeal face mask against wrinkles: application

You can get rid of wrinkles with the help of rolled oats - this is a wonderful, affordable and effective remedy that can restore elasticity, freshness, velvety to the skin, slow down the aging process and reduce the number of fine wrinkles. As a rule, all anti-wrinkle recipes include the main component - oatmeal. To prepare it, you will need a coffee grinder, which will turn oatmeal into flour in a matter of seconds.

How to make an effective anti-wrinkle remedy? Take 2 teaspoons of oatmeal flour, yolk and 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix the ingredients to form a soft paste; if the mixture turns out thick, dilute it with milk. Application procedure: first cleanse your face, carefully spread the oatmeal mask, trying to avoid the eye area, and leave it on the skin for 15 minutes to dry, and then rinse. The rejuvenation effect is immediately visible: the skin is noticeably tightened, looks healthy and rested, and fine wrinkles become less noticeable.

A rolled oatmeal face mask – how is it useful?

The benefits of oatmeal for the skin are undeniable. Oatmeal is the basis of effective masks that can cleanse the skin, give it softness and help it become younger and more beautiful. The cosmetic product made from rolled oats contains the necessary set of vitamins. Thanks to thiamine and ascorbic acid, the processes of regeneration and renewal of aging skin are accelerated, its dryness is reduced, and its elasticity increases. Retinol helps reduce inflammation and rapid healing of microtraumas. In combination with additional natural ingredients included in the mixture, oatmeal helps to narrow enlarged pores, cleanse them, and also tones and nourishes any skin type.

Acne remedy: reviews

The oatmeal cleanser is a godsend for problematic oily skin and an indispensable remedy for acne, as evidenced by the positive reviews of many Internet users who have been using it for a long time to treat acne. Acting as a gentle peeling, the cleansing mask fills enlarged pores with beneficial substances and acts on problem areas, clearing acne. This effective method of cleansing facial skin is successfully used both to combat existing problems: blackheads, acne, pimples, and is a wonderful preventative against skin inflammation and acne.

Kira 29 years old

“...It was a discovery that oatmeal can cleanse pores. I tried it two years ago. Since then, she has become my favorite on the cosmetic table...”

Vera 45 years old

“...I always knew that my grandmother’s recipes were the most effective. When I was young, my grandmother told me a recipe with oatmeal for a facelift. I didn’t attach any importance to it, but now it is she who helps me fight my age-related changes. Thank you, grandma!..

Larisa 32 years old

“... Anyone who has ever tried to smear oatmeal on their face will forget about expensive pharmacy cleansing scrubs and masks. It’s cheap and the most effective of all the ones I’ve tried...”

Svetlana 51

“...Girls...young and old. Do not buy expensive caring masks and creams. At home, in the closet and in the refrigerator there is everything you need for beauty and health. One oatmeal is worth it..."

Oatmeal for the face: before and after photos

The effectiveness of using masks can be seen in the following photos. Skin looks fresh, clean and healthy.

Pore-cleansing mask for blackheads

Recipes for masks that cleanse pores, as a rule, in addition to oatmeal, include an abrasive substance that has a scrubbing effect on the skin. Sea salt is an excellent choice for such a substance, as it will thoroughly cleanse and remove blackheads from the skin. Recipe: mix 2 tbsp. l rolled oats flakes with 1 tbsp sea salt, add olive oil (1 tsp) and egg (yolk). Mix well and then apply with light massaging movements to the skin, rinse with water.

Rejuvenating step-by-step recipe

For a quick rejuvenating effect on the face, we recommend an oatmeal cleanser with blue clay and lemon, which is easy to prepare at home. The effectiveness of the mask is obvious: the skin will tighten, clear of acne, and the face will become flushed, see photo Step-by-step recipe: 1. Grind 1 tbsp in a coffee grinder. spoon of oatmeal 2. In a bowl, combine oatmeal and 1 tbsp. l blue clay 3. Squeeze juice from lemon and add 1 tsp to the mixture 4. Mix the mixture well in a container and apply to clean skin for 10-15 minutes.

Face-lift mask at home after 50 years with oatmeal

Oatmeal masks perfectly tighten and restore elasticity to aging skin that requires delicate care; it is recommended for women over 50 years of age.

Firming face mask made of oatmeal, honey and kefir

To prepare, take honey, oatmeal in equal quantities (1 tsp), add a little salt and 1 tbsp to the ingredients. l kefir. Mix everything and apply the tightening mask to your face for 25 minutes.

Firming mask with a lifting effect made from oatmeal, honey, glycerin and cream

For the lifting effect, you will need gelatin (1.5 tsp), which must be diluted in 100 grams of cream (milk is possible), which must be infused. Then add 1 tbsp to the diluted gelatin. l honey and glycerin (2 tbsp). Mix the ingredients well. The composition of the mask should be warm. Apply the mask for 35 minutes on the face, the neck also needs such a mask. A tightening mask gives excellent results - rejuvenation and nutrition of the skin, see photo

Honey and Oatmeal for Aging Skin

Place a little cottage cheese of any fat content, a spoonful of oatmeal, honey, as well as 7 drops of vitamin E and lavender essential oil into the blender bowl. Beat until you obtain a homogeneous consistency. Spread on face and rest for 20 minutes. Remove the mask with warm water using a soft sponge.

Mix ½ cup of cooked oatmeal, a quail egg, a few drops of almond oil, ½ banana puree and a spoonful of liquid honey in a clean bowl. Apply the mask to your face and wait until it is absorbed. This mask has a lifting effect and perfectly nourishes.

Steam ¼ cup of oatmeal with strong black tea. Next, mix a little orange juice into one spoon of liquid honey. Mix all ingredients until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to skin and wait 15 minutes, then wash with cool water. Remains can be washed off with tonic.


Creating an ideal mask with 1-oatmeal, 2-honey and other beneficial substances is possible by taking into account the characteristics of your skin and the whole body. In this case, it is an allergic reaction to the incoming components. It is recommended to conduct a test check in advance.

If negative sensations appear, the product must be washed off immediately. There are no other contraindications for using a highly effective cosmetic procedure at home.

A cosmetic procedure that keeps your face looking youthful does not require large financial outlays. It is useful and beneficial. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and method of preparing the composition.

Rules for conducting procedures

In order for the oatmeal-honey product to have the desired effect, do not neglect the basic rules of home cosmetology:

  • apply the composition only to cleansed skin;
  • use a brush or small soft sponge to apply the mixtures;
  • the skin near the lips and eyes is thin and sensitive, so do not apply masks to these areas;
  • for a good effect you need no more than 1-2 procedures per week.

And don't forget about possible side effects. Oatmeal has virtually no contraindications. Cosmetologists claim that it is absolutely safe for everyone if used in its pure form. But honey and other common additives can cause an allergic reaction: itching, rash, redness. To prevent this from happening, always test a new mask on your earlobe or wrist. If your skin reacts normally, then the product is suitable for you.

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