Japanese Kobido massage - the path to perfection and youthfulness of the face

Eastern skin care traditions are an obvious trend. And not least because Chinese, Korean and Japanese women manage to look much younger than their years. However, by nature, the skin of Asian women is quite problematic: increased oiliness, rashes and irritations give beautiful women from East Asian countries a lot of worries, but it’s hard to guess. And it’s not just that the local beauty industry uses the latest scientific advances. The secret is in special skin care rituals. One of them is the Japanese Kobi Do (Ko Bi Do) massage, which translates as “traditional way of beauty.”

This technique was invented in the land of the rising sun in the second half of the 15th century. They say that massage was practiced at the imperial court. In the West, Kobido was introduced only at the end of the 20th century thanks to Shogo Mashuzuki, a specialist in oriental massage, who founded his own school in the USA.

Effect of Japanese facial massage Kobido

It is based on the well-known Eastern principle of influencing active points - acupressure, or reflexology of skin areas associated with internal organs. According to the philosophical concept of Japanese anti-aging techniques, beauty is a reflection of health, the coordinated functioning of internal organs, and proper metabolism. The technique is energetic in frequency and strength, but painless in relation to the muscles and skin. Working with the required points and zones gives the following results:

  • Normalizes blood flow and lymph circulation;
  • Increases the tone of internal organs;
  • Actively removes waste and toxins;
  • Stimulates regenerative processes;
  • The tone of the facial muscles increases, skin color improves;
  • The swelling of the eyelids disappears, the gaze seems clearer;
  • The face glows with freshness;
  • Well-being improves, patients note a surge of energy.

Our website facesave.ru presents another Japanese facial massage technique - Shiatsu.

How Kobido works

Efficiency is associated with unique manual techniques. The massage therapist's hand movements should be light and precise. Each touch to the skin carries several effects - it is simultaneously a blow, a pinch, stroking, rubbing, rotation, but in no case does it displace the skin.

The impact is very profound. It applies to all layers of the skin, as well as the subcutaneous fat layer. Nerve endings, lymphatic and blood vessels react to the effects. Regeneration processes in the skin are accelerated.

Massaging movements are not performed chaotically, but according to the location of the muscle-fascial groups of the décolleté, neck, and face. Deep massage of entire muscle groups along acupuncture meridians has a reflex effect on:

  1. Tone of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract: the removal of toxins, salts, and excess water from the body is accelerated (and the effect persists after completion of the session);
  2. Cerebral cortex: causes a relaxing, calming effect;
  3. Subcortical areas of the brain: breathing and blood circulation are stimulated.

The effectiveness of procedures depends on their regularity. To maintain good physical shape, the body constantly needs movement and feasible physical activity. To strengthen the muscles and maintain an ideal oval, the face also requires deep work on the myofascial groups.

Execution Rules

It refers to real beauty rituals, so the masters conduct thorough preparation before performing the technique itself. The face should be relaxed, ready to restore the movement of vital energy. Before the session begins, problems are diagnosed and areas that need more work are identified.

General provisions:

  • The main movements are rotational. The intensity is determined individually. The strength of the effect depends on the condition of the capillaries.
  • Manipulations are aimed at special points and meridians. Their location coincides with the direction of the massage lines and does not contradict the classical canons of massage.
  • There is an alternation of shock movements followed by pressure without displacing the skin.
  • Performed on the same days of the week, morning or evening. It is enough to take the course 2 times a year to maintain the results of rejuvenation.
  • During the procedure, the master avoids the area of ​​the lymph nodes.

Session duration

Before the procedure, a preparatory stage is required: the facial skin is cleansed, a warming mask is made, and cream is applied.

Then a massage is performed. Its duration is determined by a cosmetologist, and it is at least 25 minutes, but can be much longer, up to an hour and a half. Other care treatments are often added.

Before and after the session, you should not be physically or emotionally overexerted. It is advisable to spend the rest of the day after the session in a calm home environment.

How to consolidate the resulting effect

  1. Every day you need to take care of your skin: moisturize, tone, nourish;
  2. Be sure to remove decorative cosmetics before going to bed;
  3. You should drink enough fluids and eat rationally;
  4. Sleep about 8 hours a day;
  5. Be in the fresh air, move enough;
  6. Get rid of bad habits.

At what age is it recommended to use Kobido?

The age at which it is necessary to regularly do Kobido facial massage to maintain a youthful face is usually considered to be 40 - 45 years. But if you start at a later age, a bright anti-aging effect will still occur. By the way, Kobido is equally suitable for both ladies and men.

Fading of facial skin gradually accelerates after 30 years, so from this age Japanese massage sessions will also bring benefits: they will add freshness, shine and radiance to the skin, strengthen the facial muscles, lift your spirits, and invigorate.

The initial course consists of 10 procedures performed over 5 weeks. Then you need to repeat the sessions. Recommended frequency is one session every one to one and a half weeks.

Interesting: Facial massage with herbal bags

Is it possible to perform Kobido massage on your own?

Kobido facial massage has a profound effect on the condition of not only the skin but also the body as a whole. The quality requirements for its execution are high, as are the costs of the cosmetics used. Considering this, the price per session is quite reasonable. In Moscow cosmetology centers and clinics it is 1500 - 5500 rubles.

There is an alternative way: perform the massage yourself. If a person feels capable of subtle manual actions or has some previous experience, you can undergo training and do massage at home.

There are Kobido massage courses, including for beginners. In addition, numerous videos are available on YouTube, by watching which you can see the massage procedure itself in detail, hear or read the explanations of professionals.

History of creation

Only in the twentieth century did the technique spread beyond the borders of the Land of the Rising Sun. An important role was played by Shogo Mashizuki, who founded a school of Japanese massage in the United States. One of his talented students, Vilan Kogan, contributed to the use of Kobido in cosmetology.

Like other techniques - Shiatsu, Asaha Zogan - is based on the doctrine of the movement of Qi energy. In the Western interpretation, more attention is paid to technique, as in the lessons of Alena Sobol.

In Kobido it is important to find harmony between internal and external. Improvement and rejuvenation of the face and body is impossible with mental imbalance. The Eastern approach to skin care is much broader than that of Europeans.

The emotional state is more important than genetic factors and environmental influences. A feature that differs from other types of massages is the use of techniques such as rubbing, pressing, and tapping.

Indications for use

Regular Kobido sessions will relieve many symptoms that indicate both unhealthy skin and age-related changes. The list of indications for Japanese facial massage includes:

  • Unhealthy skin color
  • Peeling, dryness,
  • Excessive oily skin
  • Age pigmentation,
  • Photopigmentation,
  • Fine and deep wrinkles,
  • Comedones,
  • Residual effects after acne, demodicosis (lumpy, small scars),
  • Swollen, edematous skin on the eyelids,
  • Violation, vagueness of the oval line,
  • They also shaved my double chin.

The last trouble, that is, a double chin and/or jowls, is especially intensively eliminated with the combined use of the Kobido technique and myofascial head massage.

Considering the relaxing effect of the procedures, they can be used (after consultation with a neurologist) to improve the well-being of patients with

  • Emotional and nervous overstrain;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Depression;
  • Headaches.

Instructions for implementation

Each appointment is repeated 3–5 times depending on the condition of the skin and aesthetic goals. The active phase combines acupuncture and lymphatic drainage techniques, thereby improving overall well-being.


  1. It begins with stroking the side surface of the neck and shoulder area at a medium pace. The movements are smooth and cover the maximum area.
  2. Sliding stroking in the center starting from the décolleté to the lower jaw line.
  3. Stroking from the line of the lower jaw to the cheek bone on the right side. This allows you to prepare the skin for more intense exposure. Then patting and pinching manipulations are carried out on this area. Repeat for the left side.
  4. Kneading the chin area with circular sliding movements. Gradually reach the cheekbone, then moving along the temporal region, work the center of the forehead.
  5. Smoothing movements are carried out under the lower eyelid in the area of ​​the apples of the cheeks. The end point is the outer corner of the eye. Then the same movements are performed along the line of the eyebrow arches in the direction of hair growth, affecting the area of ​​the bridge of the nose.
  6. Use rubbing techniques to work this area, movements directed towards the center of the forehead, perpendicular to the lines of the arcs.
  7. The forehead is massaged with strong circular movements from the bridge of the nose, to the center and to the temples. This is followed by patting and pinching techniques.
  8. Intensively rub the areas near the wings of the nose from top to bottom. This is followed by stroking along the cheekbone, ending at the point of the hollow of the temples.
  9. Massaging the mouth area begins by grasping and stretching the lips with the index and middle fingers. Then the index fingers press on the points in the dimple above the chin and under the upper lip. After applying pressure, draw forcefully along the line of the nasolabial triangle. The index fingers will meet at a point under the nose.
  10. Rub the area of ​​the nasolabial folds intensively with 2 fingers - index and middle. Then stroke along the nasolabial triangle, grabbing the cheekbones, ending at the temples.
  11. Fold your fingers into a triangle, as if to pray. The palms are fixed at the wings of the nose, the tips of the fingers reach the bridge of the nose. Press your palms to the sides, smoothing the skin.

Important! The massage ends with stroking the scalp. Thanks to the therapeutic effect, it is possible to get rid of depression, migraines, and tension in the eye area.


Kobido massage should not be performed in the following situations:

  1. In the postoperative period, but especially after operations on the head, neck, facial area (the ban lasts about 6 months);
  2. Neck injuries;
  3. After Botox injections;
  4. After peeling;
  5. Dermatitis and eczema;
  6. Fragility of blood vessels and tendency to rosacea;
  7. Infection of the skin of the face and neck (with pimples, acne);
  8. Violation of the integrity of the skin in the massage area (cuts, scratches, burns, wounds);
  9. Pregnancy (the procedure can increase the tone of the uterus);
  10. Some endocrine diseases;
  11. Enlarged lymph nodes;
  12. For all infectious diseases.

In any case, before starting the procedures, you should consult your doctor and cosmetologist.


No special preparation is required for the massage. The recommendations are as follows:

Cleanse your skin before massage

  • Remove all makeup
  • Steam your facial skin by placing a hot towel on it. This makes it easier for dirt to come out and helps open pores.
  • Clean your face thoroughly and wipe with lotion. If the skin is excessively oily, use a fine scrub.
  • Wipe dry with a towel.
  • Apply an oil-based massage product. Any natural oils are suitable: grape seed, almond, flaxseed, cottonseed.


In numerous photos and videos, you can easily notice the beneficial effects that Japanese facial massage has, and customer reviews after a course of procedures are only positive. The reviews from people over 45 are especially impressive. All clients note good health, absolute painlessness, the disappearance of age spots, and the formation of a clearer contour of the oval of the face. Such unanimity in the assessment of Kobido is not surprising, given the centuries-old practice of this massage, as well as the traditional success of the Japanese in the field of healing and rejuvenating procedures.

Result appears

The results appear after the first session and are expressed:

  • improves complexion and gives a healthy glow;
  • in reducing muscle tension;
  • in improving mood and charging with positive emotions.

The Kobido massage technique is described in this video:

After performing 8-10 massages, visible facial defects are eliminated, especially swelling and bags under the eyes. There is a leveling of the relief, a reduction in wrinkles, general strengthening, etc.

The results will appear faster if you resort to such a massage at the initial signs of skin changes and follow the procedures according to all the rules.

Possible complications

If the technique is violated or key secrets are not observed, some complications may occur. In most cases, they go away on their own with the termination of the course of procedures or a change in the tactics of its implementation.

Possible complications are:

  1. Increased swelling on the face. This option occurs if the oil chosen for massage is not suitable for the skin or manipulations are performed late in the evening. In this case, you need to purchase another product and move the sessions to the morning.
  2. Significant decrease in elasticity. It is necessary to increase the application of the massage product to the facial area and reconsider the technique of its implementation, especially related to stretching the epidermis.
  3. The appearance of redness or skin rashes. It is necessary to finish the procedures for a while and allow the skin to fully recover.

All possible complications will be minimized if all the features of the epidermis are taken into account before starting the massage, and if the procedures are performed by an experienced master.

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