What are the benefits of starch masks for facial skin - recipes for use

There are three types of carbohydrates: fiber, glucose and starch. While many weight loss diets suggest limiting your intake of starches and other carbohydrates, researchers increasingly say this is nothing more than a myth. And with a properly thought-out diet, even starchy flour will not settle as fat on the sides. Doctors also had their say about this substance. Moreover, it is also ambiguous. So what is starch, what is the most popular - potato starch, the benefits and harms of which are topics of scientific debate?

Biochemical properties

Starch (formula - (C6H10O5)n) is a white granular organic substance that is produced by all green plants.

It is a tasteless powder, insoluble in cold water, alcohol and most other solvents. This substance belongs to the group of polysaccharides. The simplest form of starch is a linear polymer of amylose. The branched form is represented by amylopectin. In reaction with water it forms a paste. Hydrolysis of starch occurs in the presence of acids and increased temperature, resulting in the formation of glucose. Using iodine, it is easy to check that the hydrolysis reaction is complete (the blue color will no longer appear).


  • Biochemical properties
  • How it works in the human body
  • Functions in the body
  • Resistant starch
  • Types of Resistant Starches
  • Benefits and harm to the body
  • Effect on sugar and metabolism
  • Starch for weight loss
  • How to get resistant starch
  • Bad starches
  • How many do you need?
  • Starchy foods and fiber
  • Food sources
  • Characteristics of popular starchy foods
  • Acrylamide in starchy foods
  • Combination with other substances and absorption
  • Industrial use

In green plants, starch is produced from excess glucose produced through photosynthesis. For plants, this substance serves as a source of energy. Starch in granular form is stored in chloroplasts. In some plants, the highest concentration of the substance is found in the roots and tubers, in others - in the stems and seeds. If the need arises, this substance can break down (under the influence of enzymes and water), creating glucose, which plants use as fuel. In the human body, as well as in the bodies of animals, the starch molecule also breaks down into sugars, and these also serve as a source of energy.

How to cook properly

The main ingredient of starch masks can be easily prepared yourself:

  1. Peel the potato tubers and grate them on the finest grater.
  2. Prepare a piece of gauze or cotton fabric. Lay out the potato mixture, tie the cheesecloth so that the grated tubers are in a knot.
  3. Pour cold water into a saucepan.
  4. Place the knot in it. The end of the fabric can be tied to the handle of the saucepan.
  5. A white precipitate will begin to form at the bottom of the container. This is starch. To speed up the process, the bag can be slightly crushed.
  6. When the turbidity settles, the water is drained. The resulting starch can be used for masks by adding other necessary ingredients.

Before applying the nourishing composition, the skin must be cleansed. This will enhance the effect.

How it works in the human body

Carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for our body. After the digestive system converts food into glucose, the body uses it to activate all cells and organs. The remains are stored in the liver and muscles. As a universal source of “fuel,” flour products containing starches and fiber are called carbohydrates that promote healthy digestion and control blood sugar. Such sources of carbohydrates break down more slowly than simple ones, providing long-term energy supplies and a feeling of fullness between meals.

Starch mask with Botox effect ↑

This mask is considered an analogue of Botox injections. All ingredients are available, so you won't have any difficulty making it yourself. By regularly carrying out this procedure, you will get rid of shallow wrinkles, as well as moisturize and nourish your facial skin.

So, you will need half a glass of purified water (if you wish, you can take still mineral water), we add a tablespoon of potato starch into it and mix well. Pour the solution into a saucepan and add another half a glass of hot water to it, turn on the heat and wait for it to thicken, then immediately remove from the stove.

When the mixture has cooled a little, add about five tablespoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice, as well as two or three teaspoons of full-fat sour cream. Mix everything and, if the mass has already cooled down enough, apply it in a thin layer to the skin.

Let it sit for about half an hour, then rinse with warm water and use a moisturizer. We put the remaining masks in the refrigerator, here they can be stored for up to three days. This procedure should be done 3 days in a row, then the results will be most effective.

Functions in the body

The only role of starch in the human diet is to be converted into glucose for additional energy.

This process begins the moment starchy food enters the oral cavity. At this stage, saliva surrounds the starch molecules, acting on them, so a breakdown product appears - maltose, a simpler carbohydrate. Then the new substance enters the small intestine, where it undergoes further transformations and turns into glucose. And only after this the body absorbs glucose (through the intestinal walls), the substance enters the blood and moves through the vessels throughout the body, supplying each cell with energy.

Meanwhile, the body is not able to use the entire portion of glucose obtained from starches in one “sitting”. The excess is stored as glycogen in the tissues of the liver and muscles. And when the body experiences a breakdown, glycogen comes to its aid.

Rules for applying starch masks to the face

Starch masks get rid of unsightly wrinkles and are an excellent substitute for some cosmetic procedures. It is very important to apply such masks correctly.


  • apply the composition only to the cleansed surface of the face;
  • Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam the area where the mask is applied. The head can be supported over a decoction of calendula or chamomile;
  • apply useful compounds regularly.

Remember: starch has a mild and gentle effect on the body. The effect will not come quickly.

Resistant starch

Most carbohydrates consumed in food are starches. They are chains of glucose found in grains, potatoes and a variety of other foods. But the body is not able to digest all the starches that we eat. Sometimes a small portion of a starchy food passes through the digestive tract unchanged. In other words, this substance is resistant to digestion. Biologists call this type of starch resistant. And in the body it functions as soluble fiber. As many studies show, this particular type has a very positive effect on health. In particular, it improves insulin sensitivity, lowers blood sugar levels, reduces appetite, and this is not all the benefits of resistant starches for humans. Resistant starch also helps cleanse the body of “bad” cholesterol and reduces triglyceride levels.

About rice water

Not only the rice itself is healthy, but also its decoction.

Have you noticed how thick and slimy it is? It is these properties that provide its enveloping effect. It acts as a gel, protecting the gastric mucosa when taken orally, and the skin when used externally.

It is also knitting, cleansing and rich in vitamins and minerals transferred into it when the rice was cooked. It is drunk for weight loss, for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and for general cleansing of the body.

What effects does rice broth have on the skin?

  • Lifting effect: tightens the skin, fills it with natural collagen
  • Toning, mattifying effects, pore reduction
  • Eliminates shine, improves complexion
  • Whitens, fights pigment spots
  • Cleanses and moisturizes

Washing with rice water will cleanse the skin, fill it with health, whiten and smooth it. You can also freeze the finished broth and wipe your face with ice cubes.

With this, dear ladies, I think I’ll end today’s conversation. And I wish you to become even more beautiful, and may the years add not wrinkles to your face, but only life experience and charm.

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The opinion is often heard that masks made of starch and gelatin against wrinkles are more effective than Botox. This idea is confirmed by reviews of women of different ages, for whom ordinary food products helped keep their faces young and radiant, eliminate wrinkles and age-related folds without pain and fear of side effects.

  1. Beneficial features
  2. Review of popular recipes
  3. Recommendations for use
  4. Reviews and opinions of people

Features and effect of the lifting mask

Analyzing and testing the recipes on themselves, the ladies noticed that starch and gelatin give the best results when caring for aging skin. These two substances form a sticky mixture when brought into contact with hot water or brewed. When applied to the face, it hardens, forming a film. After removal, not only a facelift is observed, but also other positive phenomena due to the properties of the main components.

1. Starch.

It has an increased ability to eliminate wrinkles, so it has been successfully used in home cosmetology for a long time. The product is most often obtained from potatoes, from which starch inherits the following beneficial substances:

  • ascorbic acid – it protects cells from damage by free radicals;
  • niacin – stimulates the activity of active cells and awakens dormant cells;
  • iron – saturates the skin with oxygen, improves capillary blood circulation, and maintains the natural balance of moisture.

A starch face mask, used even at home, can solve the problem of sagging skin, tone it, get rid of dryness, cleanse the face of pigmentation, remove pimples and acne.

2. Gelatin.

For the purpose of Botox effect, buy food gelatin. This protein thickener is denatured collagen of animal origin. It is well split and is actively absorbed by the cover. At 30 years old, after 40 and even in more mature years, gelatin rejuvenates and refreshes the face. Thanks to a regular nutritional supplement, the skin becomes firm, elastic, and soft. Homemade masks with gelatin lighten freckles, eliminate various types of acne, even out wrinkles and age-related folds.

Types of Resistant Starches

But not all resistant starches are created equal. There are 4 types of this substance:

  • type 1 – found in grains, seeds, legumes;
  • type 2 - found in some types of flour, raw potatoes and green bananas;
  • Type 3 – Forms when starchy foods, including rice and potatoes, are boiled and then cooled.
  • type 4 is the result of chemical reactions.

However, it is important to note that different types of starches can be found in the same food. For example, as bananas ripen, resistant starches turn into regular starches. The amount of stable substance in food is also affected by the method of its preparation.

Mask recipes

Below are the best recipes for anti-wrinkle starch masks, which are ideal for use instead of Botox and have earned many positive reviews.

Some of them are also focused on solving other problems:

  1. For dry skin. The product moisturizes and smoothes wrinkles, has a calming effect. Prepared from vegetable oil, milk and fresh starch, mixed in equal quantities. You need to keep it on your face for 20 minutes.
  2. Powerful lifting. For an emergency facelift, the ideal recipe is 1 spoon of starch, sour cream, 5 spoons of carrot juice and 0.5 liters of water. Mix everything (first starch with water), heat it without bringing it to a boil, and apply it to the face.
  3. Cleansing mask. Prepared from 1 spoon of soda and the same amount of starch. Add some coffee grounds for peeling. Rub into damp skin for about 2-3 minutes. You can use the mask for any part of the body.
  4. Anti-pigmentation. Prepared from 1 spoon of starch and 1 spoon of 5% hydrogen peroxide. Leave the composition for 20 minutes and apply to the face for the same amount of time. Reviews of this starch mask for wrinkles instead of Botox say that it usually exceeds expectations.
  5. For problematic skin. Prepare a mask from protein combined with 3 drops of tea tree oil and 1-2 tbsp. l. starch, adding it to such a consistency that the composition is like fatty sour cream. Apply for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Firming mask. For oily skin, 1 spoon of starch and 1 spoon of kefir are mixed with protein. After the first effect, not only a facelift is noticeable, but also a narrowing of the pores.
  7. For aging skin. A nourishing mask with honey is very effective. Take 1 spoon of salt and 1 spoon of starch, add a little milk and 1 spoon of honey. Stir and apply for 15 minutes.
  8. For oily skin. This recipe is effective: 1 spoon of starch is mixed with protein and a spoon of oatmeal. You can add a little lemon juice.

You should not use masks more than 3-4 times a week. They will not cause harm, but the effectiveness of the products may be noticeably reduced.

The recommended course is no more than 20 masks in a row. Then he takes a break, during which he can use tightening masks instead of Botox based on other components, for example, gelatin.

Benefits and harm to the body

In the human body, resistant starch works like soluble fiber. It passes through the stomach and small intestine undigested, and in the intestines it serves as food for beneficial bacteria (intestinal flora). There are hundreds of types of bacteria that affect health, without some of them the body would not be able to function. And resistant starch feeds these microorganisms. As a result of this interaction, different types of useful compounds are formed - from gases to fatty acids, one of which is butyrate. Starch thus feeds beneficial bacteria and indirectly colon cells by increasing the amount of butyrate.

In addition, the resistant substance has several beneficial properties for the intestines. First, it lowers pH levels, reduces inflammation, and also reduces the risk of colon cancer. Because of its healing effects on the colon, starch may be beneficial for digestive disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease, constipation, diverticulosis and diarrhea. Research has also shown that resistant starch improves mineral absorption. Protects the body from toxic substances by preventing their absorption by the intestines.

But is resistant starch as beneficial as some researchers say? There is no clear answer to this question yet, as scientific experiments continue. And it is possible that all the hypothetical miracles of resistant starch may not be confirmed. But the fact that starch must be part of your diet is clear.


Victoria: I really liked the mask, which contains starch and salt - it’s a great scrub that gives one hundred percent results.

Zhenya: Starch is a very useful component; it has a very good effect on the skin, tightening wrinkles. I often resort to this type of cosmetology - it’s simple and effective.

Karina: I don't think any starch can really change anything. It seems to me that there is nothing better than the cosmetics that are made by cosmetologists specifically for the correction of wrinkled skin.

Effect on sugar and metabolism

Resistant starch is important for healthy metabolism. Some studies have shown that this substance increases the body's sensitivity to insulin and is effective in reducing sugar after meals. In addition, it has another unique ability. If breakfast consisted of starchy foods, then this substance will prevent a spike in sugar levels after lunch.

The effect of starches on glucose and insulin metabolism continues to amaze researchers. Experience has shown that it is enough to take 15-30 g of the substance for 4 weeks to increase insulin sensitivity by 33-50 percent. Immunity to this hormone occurs in type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiac disease and Alzheimer's disease. By increasing insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels, many chronic diseases can be avoided.

Meanwhile, researchers agree that the positive effects of resistant starches on the body depend on individual characteristics.


Healing masks, which consist of potato powder, are indicated for women who:

  • lack of moisture on the skin. Such a face always looks irritated, peels off from any impact;
  • acne;
  • with unregulated sebum production;
  • there is an oily sheen;
  • loose skin;
  • fuzzy oval face.

Also, such masks eliminate deep grooves.

Such healing compositions are useful for any woman to use.

How to get resistant starch

Some foods in many people's traditional diets are sources of resistant starch. Among the most saturated are raw, boiled and then cooled potatoes, green bananas.

Another way to obtain this substance is ordinary potato flour, a tablespoon of which contains approximately 8 g of the resistant substance and has almost no carbohydrates, which means its calorie content is not dangerous even for those on a diet. Potato starch can be added to prepared foods and mixed with drinks. But you should not exceed 50 grams per day, as flatulence and stomach discomfort are possible. The “starchization” program can last about 2-4 weeks.

Sources of resistant starch include bananas, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, pearl barley, oatmeal, lentils, and brown rice.

The process of transformation of ordinary starch into resistant starch directly depends on temperature exposure. And what’s interesting is that hot starchy dishes contain more of the usual substance, while chilled ones contain more of the resistant substance. This means that if you are worried about your figure, you don’t have to eat mashed potatoes, but indulge in potato salad without remorse.

And there are some interesting numbers on this matter. Chilled potatoes contain slightly more than 3% resistant starch, which is 4 times less than regular potatoes. Lentils are 75% starch, but the amount of resistant starch no longer exceeds 25%.

Starch mask for aging skin ↑

This mask is a kind of scrub, and ordinary salt will act as an exfoliating ingredient. To prepare this peeling product, you will need to mix a tablespoon of starch, a teaspoon of fine table salt, a teaspoon of fresh honey and dilute it all with a small amount of warm milk so that the mixture acquires a less thick structure.

You need to use this scrub according to the standard procedure: cleanse your facial skin of any remaining makeup and wash with warm water. Apply our mixture to still damp skin and use your fingertips to massage lightly. After a few minutes, wash with warm water and let the skin dry.

If desired, after the procedure, you can additionally apply a moisturizer to the skin, this will help your dermis recover faster. It is better to use this scrub no more than once or twice a week. If your skin is too sensitive, then it is better to avoid such a mask altogether.

I suggest you become more familiar with home procedures to slow down the process of skin aging, read the articles “Recommendations for skin care for skin renewal”

“What procedures rejuvenate facial skin”

“What should be your daily facial care routine?”

Bad starches

This may seem strange, but not all starchy foods can serve as sources of starches for humans. This primarily applies to white flour and instant rice. As a result of mechanical processing, these products lose a significant amount of nutrients, including starch. Nutritionists advise avoiding these types of foods, because not only are they not beneficial, but they can also cause health problems. Also, don’t look at cakes, cookies, pretzels and cornflakes – you definitely won’t find healthy starches in these products.

How many do you need?

In order to satisfy the body's daily needs for a starch product, it is enough to consume 100 g of whole grains. This is an indicator for women. For men, it is advisable to increase the portion to 120-130 g. In general, carbohydrates should make up approximately 45-65 percent of the daily diet.

In order to get enough of the substance, about a third of the diet should be foods containing this substance. Meanwhile, these indicators may change, for example, during illness.

Doctors say that adults need 300-450 g of starch daily. But its use is justified only on the eve of heavy physical activity or before frequent meals are impossible. Smaller portions are also beneficial - they protect the stomach walls from digestive acid. But excessive consumption of this substance can cause constipation and the formation of fecal stones.

Food sources

Starchy foods are the main source of carbohydrates and are important for maintaining a healthy diet. Products such as potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, and cereals, according to the advice of nutritionists, should make up a little more than a third of all food. Most of them contain fiber, calcium, iron and many vitamins.

Products high in starch are primarily legumes (beans, lentils), vegetables (potatoes, zucchini), nuts, cereals and flour made from them.

Whole foods rich in starch are also sources of fiber, vitamins and many minerals.

There are several starch-rich sources that you can include in your daily diet. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn, peas, and zucchini contain fairly high levels of the substance. Whole grain bread, dark rice, and pasta are also important sources. A serving of flour food can provide the body with 15 grams of starch.

Characteristics of popular starchy foods


Especially healthy - made from wholemeal and rye flour. Both options contain B vitamins, fiber, and a wide range of beneficial minerals. White bread also contains many nutrients that the body needs, but the amount of fiber in this product is much lower.

Some people refuse baked goods for fear of gaining extra pounds. Meanwhile, you cannot completely cross out this product from your menu, since along with it a person deprives himself of many useful elements.

By the way, only fresh bread that is stored at room temperature is healthy.


Whole grain cereals are a storehouse of iron, fiber, proteins, and B vitamins. Among the most healthy are cereals made from oats, barley, and rye. Cereal products are an excellent option for preparing a nutritious and healthy breakfast. In addition, do not forget about barley, corn and other grains, which are also considered important for the body.


Rice and rice-based foods are an excellent choice among starchy options. This cereal will provide energy and contains virtually no fat.

There are different varieties of rice, and all of them are beneficial for humans, as they contain vitamins, fiber and protein. This product can be consumed both as hot dishes and cold snacks. But in order for it to be truly healthy, it is better not to reheat the prepared dish, and if necessary, store it in the refrigerator between reheatings, which will protect against the proliferation of harmful bacteria. But under any circumstances, the finished rice dish cannot be stored for longer than 24 hours. And during reheating, keep it at a temperature of about 70 degrees Celsius for 2 minutes (possibly over steam).


It is better to give preference to dough made from durum wheat and water.
It contains iron and B vitamins. Whole grain pasta is even healthier. Table of starch content in products

ProductStarch (percentage)
Flour (wheat, barley)72
Fresh bread66
Potato chips53
Rye bread45
Puff pastry37
French fries35
Raw potatoes15,4
Boiled potatoes14

Best Recipes

Now let's take a look at the recipes, which, according to reviews, have been recognized as the best in the fight against wrinkles, imperfections, aging and other age-related skin changes.

Interesting! Anti-aging face masks with turmeric

Recipe 1. Classic: starch + water

This mask can be used either independently or as a base, combining it with other components.

  • Take 2 tbsp. spoons with a heap of starch;
  • 200 ml hot water;
  • 50 ml cold

Preparing the paste. Pour cold water over the starch and stir thoroughly until the lumps disappear. Next, carefully pour the resulting substance in a thin stream into hot water. Place the container on low heat and, stirring continuously, bring the mixture to a thick consistency. But do not boil so that the starch does not lose its valuable properties! After this, cool the mixture. That's it, now you can use it.

To combine with other components of this starch base, it is enough to take 3-5 tablespoons.

Recipe 2. With cocoa and rosehip oil for aging skin

This mask with starch instead of Botox is very good for women over 50, as it has a direct effect on deep wrinkles. To prepare you will need:

  • 4 tbsp. spoons of starch base;
  • 20g cocoa powder;
  • 6 drops of rosehip oil;
  • 15-20g natural yoghurt.

Mix the paste, cocoa powder and yogurt to the consistency of sour cream. Then add the oil and mix again. Apply to face and neck for 25 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Recipe 3. With carrot juice and sour cream against expression wrinkles

  • Take 30g of ready-made starch base;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of natural carrot juice;
  • 10g sour cream 30% fat.

Interesting! Benefits of coconut oil for the face

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to a clean face using a brush. Wait 20 minutes, after which you can go wash.

Recipe 4. With protein and tea tree oil

And this mixture will help cope with rashes on the face in the form of pimples and blackheads.

  • Take the white of a chicken egg;
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of starch base;
  • 3-5 drops of tea tree essential oil.

Beat the egg white until fluffy, then mix it with the paste and essential oil. Apply a thick, even layer to your face and leave on for 15 minutes.

Recipe 5. Firming mask with gelatin and honey

Perfect for women over 40 years old. To prepare, take:

  • 5g starch;
  • 3g gelatin;
  • 50ml water;
  • 10g honey;
  • ¼ tablets of acetylsalicylic acid;
  • 50 ml vegetable glycerin.

Mix starch and gelatin in one container. Next, fill them with the specified amount of water and place on low heat for 6-8 minutes. Remember to stir constantly until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Now cool it, then add glycerin, honey and aspirin. Beat everything with a blender until creamy, then place the mask in the refrigerator, where it should thicken. Apply a thin layer of it to your face 2 hours before bedtime. There is no need to rinse off, and the excess is removed with a regular napkin after 20 minutes.

Recipe 6. With milk for the area around the eyes

  • Take 15g starch;
  • 20-25ml warm milk;
  • 5 drops of peach oil.

Combine all ingredients, mix and let brew for a while. Apply the mask with a brush around the eyes for 20 minutes.

Acrylamide in starchy foods

Acrylamide is a chemical that can be found in some flour products after frying, grilling, or heating at very high temperatures.

Some studies have shown that this substance may be dangerous to humans. Therefore, nutritionists are against frying (and especially burning) starchy foods such as potatoes, croutons, and root vegetables.

Acrylamide is practically not produced during cooking, steaming or microwave baking. And by the way, storing potatoes at very low temperatures increases the concentration of sugar in their composition, which also contributes to the release of a large portion of acrylamide during cooking.

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