Folk remedies for wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes

Many people suffer from wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. They make a person look older than he actually is. Of course, there are people whose circles are the result of lack of sleep or excessive alcohol consumption, but there are many other reasons for their occurrence. Let's see what else can provoke their occurrence?


What can contribute to the development of wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes?

Although most people blame it on lack of rest, this is rarely true. The most common causes of dark areas under the eyes and wrinkles are the following:

  • Heredity. Oddly enough, sometimes even children suffer from black circles. Some outgrow it, some don't.
  • Allergy. Nasal congestion can dilate blood vessels that drain from the areas around your eyes, causing them to darken.
  • Lack of sleep is the most common cause and the easiest to fix, but it's worth knowing that sleeping too much can also have the opposite effect and will only make the problem worse.
  • Stress
  • Age. As we get older, we lose some of the subcutaneous fat and collagen that surrounds our eyes. This loss, coupled with the thinning of our skin, increases the appearance of those hated lines and dark areas around the eyes.
  • Iron deficiency can prevent the blood from carrying enough oxygen to tissue cells, including the area under the eyes.

Secondary reasons are:

  • Cry
  • Lifestyle. Excessive smoking or drinking alcohol leads to premature aging of the body.
  • Skin pigment abnormalities. The epidermis near your eyes is thinner, so your blood vessels are more easily visible through it.
  • Excessive sun exposure.
  • Various diseases (for example, mononucleosis or orbital cellulitis).
  • Excess salt in the diet causes fluid retention throughout the body, including around the eyes.


An effective procedure against wrinkles around the eyes is massage. The impact should be as delicate as possible; it is important to prevent stretching of the epidermis. One of the massage options that is easy to do at home is a ball massage. You will need to prepare a small smooth ball of glass or ceramic.

The ball is dipped in warm oil (for example, olive oil), and they begin to gently roll it over the skin of the eyelids, without applying strong pressure. The direction of movement is counterclockwise, that is, from the inner corner to the outer along the lower eyelid, and from the outer to the inner along the upper.

Anti-wrinkle masks at home

The epidermis in the eye area is very delicate and thinner than on other parts of the body. Therefore, caring for her should be special. You can get rid of darkening of the skin under the eyes and reduce the number of wrinkles around the eyes with the help of products that can be found in every home.


Even though it may seem incredible, potato slices before bed are an excellent remedy. Potatoes are very rich in vitamins and minerals that work wonders and will be a savior for tired skin. This vegetable refreshes and softens the complexion and works great on any skin type. You just need to apply fresh slices to your eyes and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then remove them and rinse your eyes with cold water.


A potato mask can be an excellent remedy. For it you will need: 1 medium potato and 1 tablespoon of honey. Finely grate the potatoes and mix with honey. The consistency of the mixture should be paste-like. Apply the mixture to your eyes and leave for half an hour. It is recommended to wash off with warm, non-soapy water.


A remedy known to our grandmothers with a refreshing and relaxing effect is cucumber juice. It even works to relieve stress. All you need to do is soak two discs with a little cucumber juice (it's best to grate it to get the juice) and let it run for 15 minutes. You can also use simply sliced ​​cucumber or make a mask of cucumber and lemon juice.


For the mask you will need half a cucumber and the juice of half a lemon. Grate the cucumber to extract juice and place it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. After an hour, add lemon juice to the cucumber juice. Dip cotton pads in this mixture and place on eyes for 15 minutes.


There are several options for banana masks, here are the two most popular.

Option 1: Mix equal amounts of honey, mashed banana and egg white. Apply to the area under the eyes and leave for 1 hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Option 2. Mash a banana and add 1 tablespoon of honey. Apply under eyes. Rinse off with water after 20 minutes.

Banana peels can be cut into thin strips and stored in the refrigerator to be used as eye pads anytime. Simply place the cold peel strips above your eyelids and enjoy the soothing sensation.

Herbal masks

Unusual, but very effective for black circles under the eyes are compresses, masks and creams made from various herbs. For example, a compress of cornflower or rosemary tincture. Method of preparation: pour a couple of tablespoons of dry or fresh herbs with a glass of hot water and let it brew for a quarter of an hour. While the infusion is still warm, wet cotton swabs and place them on your eyes for the same amount of time.

A cream made from, oddly enough, parsley helps improve the condition of the eye skin. It is easy to make and can be stored in the refrigerator. To make the cream, chop the stems and leaves of parsley and mix with melted butter until creamy. Apply at night and do not rinse off.

Mallow petals dipped in cold milk are excellent for removing dark areas under the eyes. For best effect, leave the petals on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Mint has long been known for its invigorating aroma and refreshing qualities. If you are concerned about wrinkles and circles under your eyes, simply chop a few mint leaves and mix with a little water. Apply the resulting paste to the problem area and leave for 10 minutes, and rinse with cold water. Do this mask every evening, and very soon the result of your efforts will definitely please you.

Based on chicken and quail eggs

Effective anti-wrinkle products are prepared using fresh chicken eggs. But keep in mind that chicken eggs are an allergenic product; if your skin reacts poorly to contact with them, you can try using quail eggs.

You can simply grind the yolk of an egg and apply it to the skin of the eyelids in a thin layer. After a quarter of an hour, wash your face. A mixture of yolk and unrefined vegetable oil smooths out wrinkles more effectively.

You can also prepare a three-component composition by adding honey to the yolk and butter. It will be enough to take one yolk of a chicken egg or two of a quail egg and a teaspoon of butter and honey. This mask against facial wrinkles around the eyes perfectly smoothes the skin.

To smooth the skin and tighten the upper eyelid, masks made from whipped protein are recommended. Fluffy foam can be mixed with fresh cucumber juice (dessert spoon). This composition perfectly moisturizes, tightens and fights dark circles on the lower eyelids. To combat deep wrinkles, it is recommended to mix protein with aloe juice. This composition perfectly rejuvenates.

More ways to get rid of wrinkles and dark circles

Pink water

It has properties that have a soothing effect and get rid of black areas under the eyes. It contains antioxidants, strengthens cells, regenerates and rejuvenates tissues. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, protecting your eyes from dirt, redness, dust, itching and inflammation.

It is also recommended to use rose water as an express remedy. Simply soak cotton balls in rose water and leave on your eyes for a quarter of an hour. After removal, rinse with cold water. For better effect, you can add an equal amount of milk to rose water. Apply compresses for 15-20 minutes.

Ice or tea bags

Ice cubes or frozen tea bags will be great helpers in the fight against dark areas under the eyes. For ice, you can use regular distilled water, or infusions of various herbs. Chamomile, rose, mint or lotus are best. All these herbs already have antioxidant properties, and in the form of ice they become excellent substitutes for cryotherapy, which is so popular today.

If you use ice morning and evening, you will soon notice that wrinkles are smoothed out and your complexion becomes more even. The main rule for using ice is to move it over the area around the eyes with quick massage movements and try not to linger on the area for a long time.


It is best to brew tea bags and place them in the freezer in the evening. In the morning, place the bags on your eyes for 10-15 minutes. The tannin contained in tea helps reduce swelling.

Aloe vera

The ointment is known for its natural nourishing properties, anti-inflammatory effects, and is also a very effective natural moisturizer. Aloe Vera will also help correct irregular pigmentation by providing nourishment and hydration.


For the mask, collect some fresh pulp from the leaves of the plant. Apply fresh mixture to the eye area, massage with light movements, and then leave for 15 minutes. There is no need to rinse off the mixture, just wipe off the excess with a cotton pad.

Massage and yoga

The best way to keep your face fresh and firm is massage. It is worth doing it every day, and it is recommended to use coconut or almond oil. On the Internet you can find plenty of videos teaching facial massage.


One of the main reasons why black circles under the eyes recur is stress, depression and a hectic lifestyle. No amount of home remedies will work if you are constantly stressed. Yoga and meditation, if practiced regularly, have a beneficial effect not only on the skin around the eyes, but on the entire body as a whole.

Basic rules of visual hygiene

Follow these simple rules to keep your eyes healthy:

  • Visit your ophthalmologist once a year for preventive care.
  • Don't touch your eyes with dirty hands.
  • Wash off your makeup thoroughly before going to bed and do not go to bed with makeup on your eyes.
  • Use only high-quality cosmetics.
  • Avoid cosmetics to which you are allergic.
  • Clean your eyelids from dust.
  • Apply warm compresses.
  • Massage your eyelids.
  • Put on contact lenses with clean hands using a special suction stick.
  • During acute respiratory infections, give preference to glasses rather than contact lenses.
  • Avoid injury and contact of household chemicals with your eyes.
  • Follow the rules for working with digital equipment.

Now you know everything about eye hygiene. You can ensure comfortable work and be calm about your vision.

There are contraindications and possible side effects. Before use, consult a specialist.

Anti-wrinkle oils

Although there are many commercial anti-aging products available, the most beneficial are still natural products. Olive oil is incredibly healthy and has antioxidant activity and gets rid of free radicals that cause wrinkles. It moisturizes the area around the eyes and prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, stimulates tissue cell regeneration and collagen restoration. It is recommended to use twice a day.

Castor oil – moisturizes and protects against oxidizing substances. It is one of the most effective methods in the fight against wrinkles. It is perfectly absorbed and penetrates deep into the epidermis. Helps increase blood flow to the skin, resulting in more nutrients and oxygen. It is best to apply a thin layer at night.

Apricot oil contains vitamins A and E and has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. It absorbs quickly and is considered non-greasy, so it can be used for almost any skin type, but will be especially useful for dry skin.

, peach oil easily penetrates cells, nourishes, moisturizes them and, most importantly, gives the cells elasticity, as a result of which small folds completely disappear and deep ones become less noticeable.

Jojoba oil is one of the most moisturizing oils in the world. It is rich in vitamins C and E, promotes rapid cell regeneration, tissue elasticity, and slows down the aging process. Perfectly softens and moisturizes, prevents irritation and peeling, helps fight pigment spots that appear with age.

Folk remedies for eye care

Folk remedies help maintain youthful skin around the eyes, preventing the formation of early wrinkles and making age-related changes less noticeable. In addition, there are folk recipes for masks and compresses for puffiness under the eyes to obtain a lifting effect.

At a young age (up to 25-30 years), preference should be given to light moisturizing creams and masks; in adulthood, it is advisable to use nourishing masks of a slightly thicker consistency, enriched with vitamins from the pharmacy. Vitamin E is the most valuable for caring for the skin around the eyes, which makes the skin smooth and elastic and protects it from the negative effects of the environment.

Curd compositions

Fresh cottage cheese perfectly moisturizes the skin. If you make this product yourself at home, then set aside a spoonful of freshly brewed cottage cheese (there is no need to squeeze the whey out too much). Spread the cottage cheese on gauze napkins and apply to the skin of the eyelids. If store-bought cottage cheese is used for this procedure, it is recommended to mix it with cream until it becomes a paste.

A Swedish mask for eliminating wrinkles on the eyelids is prepared from a mixture of liquid honey and fatty cottage cheese, the products are mixed in a ratio of one to three. Apply the mixture to the lower and upper eyelids for half an hour.

You can prepare curd and berry masks for the skin of the eyelids; such procedures perfectly moisturize and refresh. Fresh cottage cheese is mixed with berry puree (in winter, you can use fresh frozen berry puree). It is recommended to use strawberries, raspberries, sea buckthorn, and rowan.

The green curd mask rejuvenates and moisturizes well . To prepare it, use fresh cottage cheese and parsley and dill. Take a bunch of greens, grind in a blender or finely chop and grind in a mortar. Mix green puree and cottage cheese in equal quantities. Apply to the skin of the eyelids for half an hour.

Yeast for beauty

Yeast contains many B vitamins necessary to maintain youthful skin. Therefore, they can be used to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes. To prepare the anti-aging product, you can use fresh compressed yeast, but it is more convenient to use dry, instant yeast.

Dilute a packet of dry yeast with a small amount of warm milk (about a quarter glass) in which you first stir a quarter teaspoon of honey. Leave the mass for a few minutes to rise. Then pour in a teaspoon of unrefined vegetable oil and add enough flour to make a dough from which you can make two “cakes”. Apply these cakes to your closed eyes for half an hour.

Honey compositions

Honey contains many biologically active substances necessary to maintain youthful skin. Therefore, honey compositions very effectively smooth out wrinkles. But before using them, make sure that honey does not cause allergies.

Mixing honey with the other ingredients will not be easy, especially if the honey has thickened. To make your task easier, the product needs to be heated in the microwave or in a water bath. But it is important not to heat honey to high temperatures, as the beneficial substances will begin to be destroyed.


  • mix 5 grams of honey with a tablespoon of cold infusion of strong green tea, thicken the mixture with potato starch. Apply for twenty minutes;
  • mix honey and unrefined vegetable oil in equal quantities, apply the composition with a brush for half an hour;
  • mix a spoonful of honey and thick sour cream, apply to the skin of the eyelids for twenty minutes.
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