What causes the formation of a light brown halo around a mole?

Causes of brown spots

The color of human skin is determined by the amount of melanin pigment produced by the main layer of epithelium, which protects against the dangerous effects of ultraviolet radiation. A mole with a brown halo appears when the production of melanocyte cells fails, due to the following reasons:

  • weakened immunity, often after exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • suffered stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • an aging body causing hyperpigmentation throughout the body;
  • pregnancy, postpartum period;
  • hormonal imbalances during puberty in adolescents, menopause in women;
  • taking hormonal medications;
  • abuse of sunlight, solarium;
  • the possibility of injury to the formation;


The causes of congenital birthmarks are considered to be the process of migration of melanoblasts during intrauterine development. They are benign and do not pose a danger to the child. All information about moles and spots is embedded in DNA and is inherited from parents to children.


The reasons for the appearance of acquired spots are the development and maturation of the body, the influence of internal and external factors.

The first acquired spots may appear at the age of one year.

They are not dangerous if the shape is not asymmetrical, the color is uniform and the size is no larger than the tip of a finger. Freckles are considered a common type of acquired element.

What to do if the skin around a mole turns red

Moles are new growths familiar to many that do not cause discomfort or unpleasant sensations, but any visible changes that occur with nevi can cause anxiety. Redness often appears around the mole, which may indicate pathological processes occurring in the body. In this case, it is important to find out the reasons for this manifestation, understand how serious the situation is, and, if necessary, select the appropriate treatment.

Why does redness occur?

In its normal state, the nevus does not show any changes in appearance; it does not hurt, does not itch, does not bleed or turn red. Any deviations from the norm should alert the owner of the tumor, as sometimes they indicate the onset of a serious illness. The causes of redness around a mole can be divided into four large groups.

Firstly, redness and inflammation can be caused by any damage to the nevus - mechanical, chemical and others. Moles are quite sensitive to any aggressive influences, so any, even minor, damage can lead to unpleasant consequences. Nevi are often damaged or rubbed by rough or synthetic tight clothing; in addition, they can be torn off during water procedures if the washcloth is too hard, or when combing if the tumor is on the head. Any cosmetics containing dangerous synthetic substances and household chemicals with an aggressive composition can cause irritation and redness of the skin around the mole.

Secondly, a concomitant factor is irrational abuse of tanning. The desire for a bronze skin tone can result in skin problems for modern fashion followers, including the formation of new moles and changes in old ones. The maximum aggressiveness of the sun's rays is observed from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., so experts do not recommend sunbathing during this time period. You should also treat the solarium with caution, because it uses artificial ultraviolet rays, and 10-15 minutes spent in such a booth is equivalent to a whole day on the beach.

Third, hormonal changes can influence the appearance of redness and inflammation. Unlike the previous reason, a disruption in hormonal balance affects the condition of moles quite rarely, but this possibility should not be ruled out. Especially violent surges of hormones are observed during puberty, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as with the onset of menopause in women.

Fourthly, the reason may be the beginning of the process of malignancy. For the most part, nevi are benign neoplasms and rarely degenerate into a malignant melanoma tumor, but in some cases this does happen. If you notice suspicious changes occurring with a mole, you should contact a dermatologist or oncologist as soon as possible. When this disease is diagnosed at an early stage, the probability of recovery reaches 90%, but in advanced cases the possibility of recovery is much lower.

Knowing why the skin near the mole turns red, you can prevent this in the future if the cause lies in damage or excess ultraviolet radiation. Hormonal changes cannot be prevented; they occur randomly, but the degeneration of a nevus into melanoma can be prevented. Most often this happens due to the same damage and irrational tanning, therefore, by treating the tumor with care, you can protect yourself from many unpleasant consequences.

Other dangerous symptoms

If a mole begins to transform into melanoma, that is, become malignant, redness of the skin is not a single symptom; it is accompanied by some other negative manifestations. The presence of at least one of them should already serve as a signal to contact a specialist, and the combination of several factors literally obliges you to do this in the near future. Symptoms of nevus malignancy include:

  • pain, itching, bleeding;
  • change in color, structure, outline, shape;
  • the appearance of asymmetry;
  • the appearance of cracks on the surface;
  • the appearance of black or red dots;
  • thickening of the mole and the skin around it;
  • inflammatory process;
  • appearance of a white halo.

If such symptoms occur, only a qualified specialist can help. You cannot self-medicate, giving preference to cheap pharmaceuticals or traditional medicine recipes, since melanoma can only be removed surgically. All other methods will only damage it, but the infected cells will continue to spread throughout the body at a faster rate, which will very soon cause complications.

What to do if redness and inflammation appear

If you notice that the skin around one of your moles is red and inflamed, you should contact a dermatologist or oncologist for advice without panic. There is no need to be afraid of this, because in most cases the examination results can be obtained almost immediately. If the fears are confirmed and the redness turns out to be a symptom of malignancy, the necessary tests and subsequent surgery will be prescribed. If there is no cause for concern, the specialist will prescribe a pharmaceutical remedy that relieves inflammation.

You can find out from your doctor whether certain traditional recipes are suitable for you; it is not recommended to use them without consultation with a specialist in order to avoid complications and side effects.

If the initial visual examination of the nevus is insufficient to make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe additional tests - dermatoscopy and siascopy. These are absolutely painless procedures that are performed non-invasively, that is, without damaging the skin. Dermatoscopy allows you to look at the tumor under magnification using a device that operates on the principle of a microscope. Siascopy is performed with a special scanner, which allows you to study the composition of the mole in more detail. In particularly difficult cases, a biopsy is prescribed, which involves taking a certain amount of nevus tissue for subsequent analysis of the nature of its occurrence.

Self-medication methods

Sometimes it happens that incomprehensible changes occur with a tumor, but it is not possible to see a doctor in the near future, for example, if the patient is on vacation. In this case, you can use some pharmaceutical drugs that will not cause harm in any case. However, before using them, it is advisable to consult at least with a nurse if you are prone to allergies.

The most common way to quickly get rid of redness and inflammation of the skin around the tumor is to wipe it with medical alcohol. This must be done several times a day until the problem is completely eliminated or until you can make an appointment with a specialist. It is necessary to moisten cotton wool or a cotton pad with alcohol and apply it to the redness without pressure; there is no need to secure the compress with a bandage or plaster, just wiping is enough. If the pharmacy does not have medical alcohol, you can replace it with Septil.

One of the readily available ways to eliminate redness is streptocide powder. It is sold in pharmacies in finished form or in tablets that must first be crushed. Sprinkle the powder on the reddened mole, without wrapping it with a bandage or securing it with a band-aid, and leave it on for several minutes. This method is not suitable if you have previously used any cream to relieve inflammation, since streptocide will react with it.

Another remedy that allows you to quickly relieve redness and inflammation of the skin is calendula tincture - an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, healing and regenerating agent. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself, for this you will need to pour 2 tablespoons of dried calendula flowers with 100 ml of alcohol or vodka, and then leave in a dark place. It is necessary to wipe the inflamed mole with the tincture several times a day until the problem is completely eliminated.

Folk recipes

If you do not like to use pharmaceutical drugs, but need to relieve redness, you can use traditional medicine recipes. By using them, you will be confident in the naturalness of the ingredients, and the cost will be significantly lower. You should use any of these recipes only after consulting with your doctor:

  1. Twice a day it is necessary to lubricate the red nevus with potassium permanganate until the problem is completely eliminated.
  2. A cucumber compress can help; for this you need to grate a small amount of the vegetable, wrap the resulting pulp in gauze and apply it to the tumor for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Fresh or sauerkraut applied to inflammation for 20 minutes can quickly get rid of the problem; the compress must be applied at least twice.
  4. If you boil juice from sour pomegranate and mix it in equal proportions with natural liquid honey, you will get another remedy for daily rubbing. The juice should be boiled for half an hour over low heat, and the redness should be lubricated with it several times a day.
  5. Grated raw or boiled potatoes can also help relieve redness and inflammation if applied as a compress for 20 minutes.


Is a brown halo around a mole dangerous?

Nevi spread throughout the body, occupying varying depths of the skin. Depending on the location, the risk of the tumor degenerating into melanoma is determined. Some doctors believe that moles and spots appear in places close to diseased organs.

Areas of possible injury (head, face, neck, arms, legs) are considered dangerous.

It is necessary to control large vascular elements located on the forehead, hands, feet, neck and back.

A benign mole is usually surrounded by healthy skin color. Framing a nevus with red, brown, blue, dark or light color is an alarming signal that requires immediate help from a dermatologist or oncologist. A change in the color of the halo signals the beginning of degeneration into cancer. Dangerous signs of different types of color:

White spot

The appearance of a white rim occurs due to the death of the skin pigment melanin. It can be a sign of both benign and malignant nevus. The white edging initially appears along with the mole; this pathology is a consequence of the genetic disease vitiligo.


A hyperemic halo (red) means the beginning of the process of degeneration of the formation into melanoma or an inflammatory process. This case requires prompt treatment and surgical intervention. An exception is a stripped nevus, where the redness is the result of injury.


Blue discoloration of the halo is a sign of possible transformation. A transitional condition that requires the attention of an oncologist. After examination, dermatoscopy is prescribed, and possible excision of the disturbing formation.


A frame of light brown or dark brown color is considered an unfavorable sign, indicating the spread of a pigment spot. Associated with the degeneration of melanocytes containing brown pigment, spreading around the circumference.

Black spot

A sign of increased accumulation of melanin in the epidermis. The color change affects not only the area around the site, but also the nevus itself. The beginning of the transformation of the formation into a malignant tumor.

These changes in color are a sign of malignancy of the nevus. Changes occur due to the activation of metabolic processes, leading to the restructuring of mole cells at the biochemical level. Timely response to various types of moles and their color framing will help to avoid serious consequences.

White spot around the mole. Moles on the body

Many doctors call moles a kind of developmental defect. Of course, this doesn't sound very pleasant. However, this reflects the whole essence of such formations on the skin. Usually moles do not cause much trouble for their owners. After all, these are benign neoplasms, and some of them make a person’s appearance more piquant. But questions often arise: “What to do if a white spot appears around a mole? What is the reason for this and is it dangerous?”

The main reason for their occurrence

This is primarily due to the malfunction of the skin cells that are responsible for the production of the melanin pigment. The white spot around the mole comes in completely different shapes and sizes. Usually this is a subtype of nevi. Often, white spots simply appear on the surface of the skin and disappear after some time. There are no traces of their presence left. There are several main subtypes of moles: Sutton's nevus, Setton's nevus, vitiligo.

What is Sutton's nevus

Sutton's nevus is a common mole that is surrounded by skin cells that lack pigment. Such light spots can have any shape, gradually spread out and merge into one large one. Most often, the appearance of such a disease is completely unrelated to melanoma. Often the white spot around the mole gradually disappears, leaving no trace behind.

However, there is a risk that such a nevus will gradually degenerate and become a malignant neoplasm. Of course, this phenomenon is typical for every mole. It is worth noting that Sutton's nevi can occur singly or in large numbers. Most often, such moles appear in teenagers.

What is Setton nevus?

This mole is similar in name to the previous one. However, she looks completely different. Such nevi are more reminiscent of age spots. A white halo forms around the mole. The size of such nevi is not very large. Usually no more than a centimeter in diameter.

Experts have more than once noted cases where white spots around moles look like brown-white formations from which ordinary hairs grow. It is worth noting that such nevi can disappear on their own. But often a mole accompanies the owner throughout his life.

As a rule, treatment for such a nevus is not required. Therapy will be prescribed only in cases where the owner wants to get rid of the mole.


A white halo often forms around the mole, which is associated with the term vitiligo. This concept refers to a change in skin tone. However, it has not yet been proven which factor leads to such a reaction in the body.

Most often this happens if a large mole is located where the skin is subject to frequent damage. These areas include the soles of the feet, knees and elbows. If the nevus suddenly turns into a dark spot surrounded by white skin, then do not worry too much. Perhaps this phenomenon occurred due to a jump from a height or as a result of a long run.

In addition, many believe that the cause of vitiligo lies in genetic predisposition, as well as problems with stress resistance. It is worth noting that a large mole surrounded by a white spot may gradually disappear without any consequences. The skin will simply slowly begin to take on its natural color. If the reason for the appearance of vitiligo lies in stress, then it is quite possible that this phenomenon may go away as a result of the fact that any experiences have disappeared from a person’s life. There are often cases when the nevus itself disappears along with the white halo.

To prevent vitiligo from appearing

Vitiligo has been proven to be a non-congenital disease that is not inherited. It develops gradually and manifests itself throughout a person’s life. Scientists also say that a white spot around a mole most often occurs in young women. After all, they are the ones who most often fall into depression and also suffer from diseases of the endocrine system.

To prevent such a nevus from degenerating, certain rules must be followed. If there is a white circle around the mole, then it should be protected from sunlight. First of all, because ultraviolet radiation has a bad effect on the nevus itself. It is also worth considering that skin without pigment is very sensitive to the sun.

In addition, moles surrounded by a white spot often appear in the summer. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the work of pigment-producing cells practically stops. After all, excessive sunbathing is stress for the whole body. The pigment melanin is produced to protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

Experts also recommend avoiding stressful situations. It is worth learning to bring more peace and harmony into your life. You should control your metabolism and cleanse your body.

How does traditional medicine treat a white spot around a mole?

If white spots appear around the nevi, then traditional healers suggest the use of special baths. This method is relevant if such moles are on the arms or legs. To carry out this procedure, you need to prepare an infusion based on the roots of blood-red geranium.

To prepare the product, you need approximately 50 grams of crushed raw materials. The ground roots should be poured with a liter of boiling water. After this, the container with the product must be tightly closed and left for six hours. The finished infusion should be strained and then poured into a container. Now you can begin the procedure itself.

The infusion should be diluted with water. The temperature of the finished product should be comfortable for the body. After this, you should lower your arms or legs into the container. It is best to carry out the procedure before bedtime. The course of therapy is 10-15 baths.

If the problematic nevus is located on the body, then the prepared infusion of blood-red geranium roots should be poured into the bath. Of course, there are more exotic methods of treating moles surrounded by white spots. Many people use swamp and river plants - duckweed - to treat such nevi. This method was first tested in Cuba.


Should the stain be removed or lightened?

If the stain does not pose a danger, is a benign formation that does not cause discomfort, you do not need to remove it, but carefully monitor it using photography techniques.

If the slightest changes appear, you should visit a doctor.

At the doctor's appointment, the area causing concern will be examined and after dermatoscopy a final diagnosis will be made. A mole with a rim of brown or other color is dangerous and requires surgical or laser removal. The procedure involves complete excision of the malignant tumor, with minor damage to healthy skin. Helps prevent further spread of melanoma cells. Removal must take place in a clinic using a special device. You should not go to beauty salons to solve this problem. Improper excision will lead to serious complications, possibly fatal.

The procedure for lightening moles is harmful; a highly qualified specialist will not resort to it; there is a risk of transformation of the nevus.


During your initial visit to a dermatologist, the doctor will conduct a visual examination of the mole and collect an anamnesis. Usually, doctors carefully analyze the condition of a mole using a dermatoscope - a special device that allows you to enlarge the neoplasm several times, as well as “see” the skin almost right through. Thanks to this, the doctor can scan what is happening in the lower layers of the epidermis and assess the risk of malignancy of the tumor.

In the future, the patient may also need other tests:

  • Examination of skin scrapings.
  • Blood tests.
  • Carrying out a biopsy of the tumor and further histological examination of the resulting sample.

Most often, doctors can make a preliminary diagnosis after the first visit to the clinic. Therefore, you should not postpone a consultation with a dermatologist until later.

Symptoms of nevus malignancy

Dangerous symptoms occurring with the formation are considered:

  • a sharp change in the color of the halo around the mole to black, red, blue, brown or white. A distinctive feature of a white rim with a benign formation is the gradual appearance of color, and a malignant one - a sudden appearance;
  • change in the shape of the nevus, the edges blur, acquiring an uneven contour;
  • the appearance of spots of various colors on the tumor: black, burgundy or purple;
  • the mole begins to grow and becomes asymmetrical;
  • itching appears, the tumor begins to itch;
  • nevus peeling;
  • the appearance of an inflammatory frame;
  • papillomas and warts with elements of necrosis may appear near the mole;
  • burning and tingling nevus;
  • cracks appear that can bleed and hurt;
  • a change in the color of the nevus, possibly complete blackening or the appearance of a black dot on the surface.

If you detect at least one sign, visit a doctor. Do not postpone your visit for a long time. By identifying melanoma in time, complications can be avoided.

Dangerous symptoms

An immediate visit to a doctor is necessary if, in addition to changes in skin color near nevi, the patient is concerned about:

  • A feeling of itching, discomfort, burning and, especially, pain in the area of ​​the mole.
  • Change in color of the mole itself.
  • An increase in the size of the neoplasm, including its thickness.
  • Changing the usual shape of a mole.
  • The appearance of bleeding and any discharge.
  • Peeling of the surface of the mole.
  • The appearance of bumps, cracks, etc. on the mole.

Even if a person has only one dangerous symptom from the above, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible and not experiment with your own health.

Possible complications and precautions

Knowing the causes and signs of the degeneration of benign formations into a cancerous tumor, you can avoid dangerous complications. Melanoma is a serious consequence. Treatment in the early stages will give positive results. If you delay visiting the hospital, the consequences will be serious and will require a lot of effort and money. If the tumor is not removed in time, it will metastasize, affecting the lymphatic system and distant organs. Removing them will not be easy. Treatment will not bring positive results, and death is possible.

You can protect yourself by following simple preventive measures:

  • do not sunbathe in the sun during dangerous hours (between 11 o'clock in the afternoon and 5 o'clock in the evening);
  • use sunscreen;
  • visiting a solarium is not recommended;
  • timely treatment of damaged nevi;
  • Regular examination of all moles and spots.

If suspicious signs appear, see a doctor immediately. Vigilance is never superfluous; timely and high-quality treatment will help avoid complications.

What skin phenomena can this indicate?

A change in the color of the mole area indicates the presence of a number of diseases and disorders. The task of a dermatologist is to identify the causes of the disease and comprehensive treatment of the patient. Common diseases are Vitiligo and Setton's nevus.

Vitiligo is a disorder of skin pigmentation that affects men and women in equal proportions. The mechanisms of development of pathology are unknown to science. It is known that the disease is not transmitted by contact. The formation of the disease may indicate a number of dysfunctions in the body, namely:

  1. Malfunctions in genes. People with brown/brown eyes have a high predisposition.
  2. Immune system disorders. The antibodies produced attack your own cells. Over time, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus erythematosus develops.
  3. Pathology of the endocrine gland. Diseases directly affect the functioning of the ovaries, pituitary gland and adrenal structures.
  4. Skin disorders after burns. The production of melanin provokes disruptions in the pigmentation of the skin.
  5. Decreased liver performance, which leads to stagnation of bile. As a result, the symptoms of vitiligo worsen.
  6. Complications due to medication.
  7. The result of the activity of chemical elements.

Setton's nevus is a dermal disorder that has single and multiple manifestations. The disease occurs in 1% of the population. However, treatment should not be neglected. The disease causes complications and indicates a number of dysfunctions in the body:

  • the course of leukopathy;
  • formation of autoimmune pathologies;
  • specific skin reaction to solar activity;
  • the presence of cytotoxic antibodies in the bloodstream. The mechanism of nevus depigmentation is the breakdown of melanocytes due to the activity of immune cells.

A dangerous consequence of the above-mentioned pathological processes is damage to the stain when scratching. Microbes and toxins enter the cracks, provoking an inflammatory process. Over time, intoxication of the patient’s entire body develops. In such cases, hospitalization and complex therapy of the patient is required. Explain to children that moles should not be scratched.

The method of treating white spots with surgery is carried out when the nevus has transformed into melanoma. Effective and safe options are:

  1. Application of laser. The approach eliminates the risk of additional disorders. The equipment simply does not come into contact with blood during surgery.
  2. Thermal impact. In this format, connective tissues suffer thermal damage. The operation is harmful for the child.
  3. Removal of pathological structures using radio waves. The mechanism is based on the evaporation of affected cells.
  4. Surgical intervention using nitrogen compounds. Low temperature conditions destroy the tissue structures of the nevus. Pathology should be removed gradually.
  5. Scalpel incision. A significant disadvantage of the operation is the formation of a scar. During the wound healing period, treatment with antiseptic substances will be required. In practice, a bandage, lotions and powders are used. If pus comes out, drainage is done. The goal of manipulation is to prevent infection.

Is the white halo dangerous?

In most cases, a white border around the mole (ring shape) is a harmless phenomenon. At the same time, light pigmentation is a sign of degeneration. Dermatologists and oncologists advise not to delay visiting specialized clinics. Timely treatment is the key to health and longevity.

The system of preventive measures consists of following a number of measures:

  • when going outside, rub yourself with creams and ointments for protection;
  • Do not overuse the solarium. People with pale and dark skin should not visit such places;
  • do not go out into the sun in the hot summer from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Otherwise, the mole may turn white/light;
  • buy natural cosmetics from famous brands;
  • minimize the number of salon procedures;
  • follow the recommendations of experienced cosmetologists after performing certain manipulations with the body;
  • promptly and efficiently treat acne;
  • treat endocrine dysfunction systemically;
  • periodically get tested for the development of skin diseases;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle and quality nutrition;
  • Take medications and dietary supplements in recommended doses under the supervision of a doctor.

Discolored skin develops a small rim over time. Constant stress and depression can provoke the formation of a structure. Syringomyelia is the source of the disease; the cavity in the spinal cord becomes inflamed. Metabolism affects the condition of the area around the mole. If this process is disrupted, difficulties will arise. Benign tumors are also possible.

High-quality drug therapy can inhibit the pathogenesis of the light spot. To do this, dermatologists create effective regimens using modern drugs. Medicines eliminate pigment and normalize endocrine functions. As a result, the liver is activated. The therapeutic method PUVA (photosensitizers) is effective. Doctors often prescribe hormonal substances based on the copper element and ascorbic acid. The above measures stop the progression of the pathology.

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