7 masks to remove age spots and give your skin radiance!

Skin problems concern girls of any age. The most common are wrinkles, enlarged pores and excessive pigmentation. Traditional methods allow you to whiten your face at home without compromising your budget and with minimal time. Whitening masks even out the outer surface of the skin, lighten its color, lighten age spots and freckles. Thanks to the best natural ingredients, the skin of the face returns freshness, health and beauty.

Before answering the question of how to make a whitening mask at home, you should consider different options for a useful procedure.

Recipe No. 1 – Mask with lemon and kefir

Lemon is a leader in the list of healthy foods. A whitening mask with an exotic fruit at home successfully defeats a scattering of freckles, confidently fights age spots, eliminates dark circles and signs of fatigue. The acid contained in healthy citrus lightens the complexion and helps cleanse it of dead particles.

The lemon mask is easy to prepare, is active and gives quick results.
Lemon mask is effective, but aggressive and not advisable for dry skin. You should not use it if your skin is prone to irritation or acne, or if there are scratches, wounds or other damage on your face. Ingredients

  • juice of half a lemon;
  • spoon of honey;
  • spoon of kefir.

Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix with honey. If your skin is sensitive, slightly neutralize the effect of the mixture with a spoon of kefir. The components are mixed, applied to the face for a quarter of an hour and washed off.

A whitening mask with lemon will lighten the skin, restore its structure, stimulate collagen synthesis, have an antioxidant effect and an antibacterial effect. The acids contained in healthy citrus will relieve various skin defects.


Whitening masks are effective preparations that allow you to return the skin to its natural color and remove a number of unpleasant defects from it. At the same time, when forming such a composition, many people do not think about the fact that the drugs use quite aggressive ingredients.

Note! Often, masks are based on various acids, which can have a serious negative effect on the surface of the dermis. It is for this reason that before using the types of products discussed in the article, it is recommended to visit an experienced cosmetologist or dermatologist, who, based on the tests performed, will provide you with up-to-date information regarding the most harmless and effective masks.

As for the main contraindications to the use of bleaching compounds, these include:

  • Serious skin diseases . Papillomas, rosacea, vitiligo dermatitis - all this and much more prohibits the use of popular skin lightening products.
  • Thin, sensitive and excessively dry dermis . Owners of such dermis will have to come to terms with their natural skin color. The use of drugs on such skin can cause a lot of unpleasant complications.
  • Inflammatory process . Acne and pimples will cause pain while using the formulations. First deal with them, and then apply the selected lightening option.
  • Presence of fresh wounds . To avoid pain and discomfort, any whitening composition must be applied only to healthy dermis. Carefully examine your face, paying attention to any, even minor, damage.
  • Recent cosmetic procedures . Tattooing and other targeted activities implemented in the salon require additional rest for the skin. Give the dermis a rest before applying any products.

Recipe No. 2 – Mask for dry skin

Dry and sensitive skin prone to irritation will be whitened, moisturized and softened by a curd mask for dry skin, which is easy to prepare at home. Miracle mixtures based on fermented milk products were known back in the days of Ancient Rus' and have successfully passed the test of time. Cottage cheese whitens and rejuvenates the skin, nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis.

For dry skin, a product with increased oil content is better. The recipe for a curd face mask is simple.


  • spoon of cottage cheese;
  • spoon of fresh parsley juice.

Grind the products and the quick whitening mask is ready. If the cottage cheese is dry and crumbles, milk or kefir, cream or sour cream will dilute it. An additional ingredient will only improve the composition and its whitening effect. The mask is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour and washed off.

It is important that the skin is clean before applying the mask. The procedure should be done regularly, at least once a week. The visual effect will be noticeable within a month.

Useful videos

When conducting a detailed acquaintance with whitening masks, do not neglect the opportunity to obtain useful information from any sources. Next, we bring to your attention thematic video materials that will introduce you to a number of additional benefits of responsibly selected whitening masks, as well as point out the nuances regarding their mode of application to the surface of the dermis.

Take care of the health and visual condition of your facial skin with special masks that have already proven themselves on the market. Choose whitening formulations with practical consistencies that can provide maximum effectiveness during the application process. Visit your local store and pick up the ingredients you need to get started on your journey to a flawless appearance today.

Recipe No. 3 – Strawberry mask

Like all homemade skin whitening masks, the strawberry mixture is easy to prepare but very effective. This sweet natural delicacy is beneficial when taken orally and fills the body with a unique vitamin complex. The tasty berry has a beneficial effect during external procedures. It can act as an independent ingredient. To do this, it is crushed, ground into a paste and applied to the face for a few minutes.

The most popular among women who take care of themselves is the strawberry mask, supplemented with other products. Under its influence, pigment spots disappear, acne goes away, pores narrow, small wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, mouth and on the bridge of the nose are smoothed out. Preparing a homemade whitening mask is simple.


  • 3-4 large strawberries (if you don’t have fresh berries, you can take frozen ones);
  • 1 yolk;
  • a teaspoon of olive oil;
  • a pinch of oatmeal (added for thickness if the composition is too thin).

The products are ground to a puree-like mass. Apply the composition to the face with a cosmetic sponge and leave it on for no more than 15 minutes. Skin whitening occurs quickly and effectively. Freckles and pigmentation after acne disappear.

There is only one caveat. The mask is not suitable for those who are allergic to domesticated strawberries. It is advisable to do a test on the inside of the wrist and apply strawberry juice to a delicate area of ​​skin on the hand. If there is no reaction, a mask for age spots with strawberries is suitable. It is also worth refraining from a procedure involving sweet berries for cuts or mosquito bites on the face.

Rules of application

To ensure that the use of whitening compounds brings only benefits, try not to neglect the generally accepted rules of procedure. A careless attitude towards whitening can play a cruel joke on you and “give” a number of undesirable effects, from peeling to the appearance of various redness.

To prevent this from happening, be sure to consider the following nuances:

  • Do not apply the composition before going outside . It is advisable to use whitening compounds at times when you don’t have to go anywhere for at least a couple of hours, when you can relax and unwind. After them, the surface of the dermis is extremely sensitive, and any negative factors, including the harsh environment, can seriously harm it. Spots and redness are the effect of neglecting this recommendation.

  • The ideal time to use the products is before bedtime . Overnight, your skin will completely calm down and absorb the composition that was provided by the created mask. Moreover, before going to bed after using the product, it is recommended to apply a small layer of nourishing cream.
  • Mandatory facial cleansing . Before applying the prepared product, be sure to thoroughly clean your skin of cosmetic residues. They can harm the effect of the structure of the drug.

  • Remove the composition carefully . Once you have completely cleansed your face, you can begin applying the composition. It is distributed evenly over the surface of the dermis. Having completed this task, cover your face with any natural fabric and allow yourself to relax for 15-20 minutes. This is exactly how much a good product needs to have its effect on the surface of the dermis. Then, after the expiration date, carefully remove the composition and rinse your face with cold water.
  • Use sunscreen . In spring and summer, women who want to lighten the dermis of their face are recommended to apply high-quality preparations that protect against ultraviolet exposure. In the autumn and winter periods, it is enough to use ordinary nourishing creams.

  • Clean your skin regularly. To make your appearance shine with tone and cleanliness, a whitening mask alone will not be enough; it is recommended to constantly clean the surface of the skin from impurities.

Recipe No. 4 – Whitening oatmeal mask

A lot has been written about the benefits of oatmeal. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle will always have a place on the shelf for an inexpensive product. Crushed flakes are a universal ingredient in a mask responsible for whitening facial skin. An additional bonus will be their ability to cleanse, moisturize and nourish skin of any type.

Effective mixtures prepared from homemade liquid products - juices and purees, herbal infusions and serums, cream and kefir - require a natural thickener. Oatmeal comes to the rescue, complementing the usefulness of the composition. A mask with oatmeal whitens the skin, soothes, cleanses and vitaminizes it.


  • 2-3 tablespoons of crushed flakes;
  • 2-3 spoons of lemon juice.
  • If the mask is being prepared for oily skin, add hydrogen peroxide to the composition.

Gently mix all products and apply to face with fingers or brush. Leave for 20 minutes and rinse.

Criterias of choice

Recommendations on what to look for when purchasing:

  1. Facial skin type. Most masks are universal, but it is better to choose one for your skin type. The older you get, the more important this indicator is, because each product contains drying components that can harm you.
  2. Age. This criterion should not be overlooked. Age-related cosmetics can harm young skin; they contain anti-aging components that produce certain substances in the body.
  3. Compound. Products containing additional elements that improve and nourish the skin will work in combination with whitening, the result will be much better than when using products only for whitening.
  4. Types of means. They are available in the form of gels, creams, fabric masks or alginate products. Each of them has its own characteristics and positive aspects. The gel one does not flow when applied, the alginate one has a great effect, but it requires a mask activator for dilution. Oxygen bubble therapy is quite effective, but some people find it convenient to use. When choosing, rely on your feelings, which means are more convenient for you to use, also take into account your capabilities, as well as the result you want to get in the end.
  5. The best manufacturers. Undoubtedly, the market leaders are Korean manufacturers; their products are the most widespread and one of the most effective. Products from China are the most inexpensive, the material for their production has a minimum cost, and the effect of its use is quite large.
  6. Where can I buy. Such products are quite easy to find; they are sold in any cosmetics store or can be ordered online in an online store. When ordering on online resources, pay attention to how much each model costs from different suppliers, choose the appropriate option. The functionality of these masks will be the same, but you can save significantly on the difference in price.

Recipe No. 5 – Whitening mask for age spots

Pigmentation, freckles and red spots can be dealt with at home using available products from the refrigerator. By combining the most effective products, you can end up with a mask for age spots. The composition with a high content of vitamins and microelements will simultaneously have a nourishing and restorative effect on the scalp and restore the hair structure.


  • spoon of oatmeal;
  • a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • spoon of honey;
  • spoon of olive oil;
  • spoon of yogurt.

The composition of the products is carefully mixed, applied to the face for 20 minutes and washed off.

Before each procedure, the face is cleansed with lotion. After the mask, you should definitely apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream to your face. Thanks to folk recipes, skin problems can be solved at home, using natural products, with minimal budgetary losses.

When is whitening necessary?

Face masks intended for whitening are indicated for the following problems:

  • freckles, pigmented areas. Whitening will help make these imperfections less noticeable, and in some cases even get rid of them forever;
  • acne marks, blackheads. Getting rid of pimples and blackheads “manually” often leaves unsightly marks on the skin: red spots and small scars. Whitening masks will help eliminate these undesirable consequences;
  • grey, yellowish, red. These troubles can arise due to external factors: for example, due to intense tanning or smoking. And also due to health problems;
  • rosacea After whitening masks, the highly visible network of blood vessels becomes less bright, and the face acquires an even tone.

Procedures for whitening age spots are contraindicated if you have thin, dry dermis that is sensitive to the effects of any drugs or cosmetics. And also if the skin has acne or large areas of inflammation, as well as wounds, cuts or diseases (melanoma, dermatitis).

Tan lightening

Using a mask leads to the death and rejection of dead cells containing tan. The epidermis layer is renewed, brightening the skin. A three-day tan is eliminated after using 2 masks; to whiten a deeper tan, the course consists of 10 procedures. You should not lighten your skin during solar activity.

The purchased whitening face mask must contain:

  • glycolic acid – exfoliates;
  • retinol – accelerates cell renewal;
  • phenols – antiseptics;
  • fruit acid – removes dead skin cells;
  • retinoids – stimulates collagen production.

Effective homemade masks:

  • vitamin C – stimulates collagen production, slows down melanin production;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids – remove the top layer of skin, antiseptics;
  • phenols (quinone, thymol, anethole, eugenol, vanillin, arbutin) – antiseptics;
  • sulfides are antioxidants that protect against UV rays.

Elimination of post-acne

Masks cleanse the skin of dead cells, traces of sweating, and third-party contaminants to avoid new inflammations. Vitamins and lightening enzymes penetrate the cleansed skin faster, breaking down scars prone to red, purple and brown pigmentation.

A whitening face mask is applied to intact skin.

A mask purchased in a store to eliminate marks and scars from post-acne must contain:

  • iodine – antimicrobial effect;
  • ascorbic acid - regenerates, rejuvenates, slows down the production of melanin;
  • B vitamins – moisturizes, rejuvenates;
  • nicotinic acid – protects against UV rays, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and blood microcirculation;
  • alginates – purify, absorb.

Fast-acting homemade masks contain:

  • triterpenes - heal;
  • phenolic acids;
  • carotenoids – antioxidant, relieves inflammation;
  • B vitamins – moisturizes, rejuvenates;
  • sulfides – protect against UV rays.
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