Does salicylic acid help with age spots?

Human skin contains melanin, a pigment that gives it a dark tint. Melanin is distributed evenly, but sometimes the pigment begins to accumulate and appears on the body and face in the form of dark spots. They look ugly, and many women have to look for ways to get rid of them.

The women’s website “Beautiful and Successful” has already talked about why such spots appear on the body and how to get rid of them here. Today we will continue the topic we started and figure out whether salicylic alcohol helps with pigment?

Salicylic acid what is it?

Salicylic acid, or BHA acid

is a fat-soluble acid from the category of phenolic beta-hydroxy acids. It is poorly soluble in water and well in alcohol; it appears as colorless crystals. In cosmetology it is found as Salicylic Acid and is a common keratolytic component in the basis of exfoliating formulas and products for oily problem skin.

BHA acid was first obtained from willow bark soaked in hot water at the end of the 19th century and began to be actively used in pharmaceuticals and cosmeceuticals due to its unique chemical properties. Today, the product is manufactured synthetically, including for the purpose of producing a suitable concentration for safe use in cosmetology. Let's look at the beneficial properties of salicylic acid for facial skin.

The main functions of salicylic acid in cosmetology:

  • The bactericidal and antiseptic properties of the component help fight acne and minimize inflammation.
  • Desmosomes destroy the intercellular connections of keratinized cells, promoting intense exfoliation of the skin.
  • The process of regeneration of epidermal cells is accelerated.
  • Reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands and has a sebum-regulating effect.
  • Penetrating into the pores, the acid deeply cleanses them of sebum accumulation and external impurities, reduces blackheads and the occurrence of acne.
  • Evens out the tone and texture of the face, fights visible age-related changes in the skin.
  • Lightens and whitens the skin, reduces pigmentation and post-acne marks.
  • Improves microcirculation and accelerates the tissue healing process.

Effect on skin with age spots

The main property of the product is considered to be the normalization of sebum secretion and the elimination of bacteria.

The substance has a disinfecting effect and penetrates into the inner layers of the dermis. Due to this, beneficial and harmful bacteria are killed.

Excessive secretion of sebaceous glands occurs due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Due to this reason, the dermis begins to pigment. Salicylic acid dries the skin, thereby evening out the complexion.

We recommend reading

  • Injections for age spots on the face: technique and contraindications
  • Melanative cream for age spots: method of use
  • Badyaga for age spots: pros and cons of use

Applications of salicylic acid

The scope of salicylic acid in care is not limited to its inclusion in skin care products. The component is widely used in the treatment of certain diseases and is the basis of many medicines. We'll tell you where BHA acid is used and what its benefits are.

  • In cosmetics

In addition to the fact that salicylic acid is a common component in the basis of corrective care for oily and problematic skin, it is also used in anti-aging product formulas: thanks to its ability to trigger accelerated regeneration of skin cells, the acid smoothes wrinkles, fights pigment spots, and dull complexion.

The substance can also be found in hair shampoos aimed at combating hair loss and against seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff). Highly effective and safe cosmetics based on salicylic acid that have undergone strict dermatological control are best purchased in pharmacies.

  • In cosmetology

In cosmetology, acid is used primarily as the basis for salicylic peels (up to 20% of the composition) for the skin. Despite its acidic properties, the component is highly safe. Salicylic peels are aimed at increasing microcirculation, renewing epidermal cells, and evening out the tone and texture of the face. Preparations based on BHA acid are effective in combating burns, acne and post-acne, the first signs of aging, calluses, and warts.

  • In pharmaceuticals

In medicine, salicylic acid derivatives are found in antiseptic ointments (containing 2, 3, 5, 10%), anti-inflammatory powders, pastes, and alcohol solutions for external use (containing 1 or 2%). Acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in tablets is used as an antipyretic and analgesic and is available without a prescription.

Salicylic acid is successfully used in the treatment of common skin diseases, for example, some types of lichen, psoriasis, seborrhea, alopecia, keratoses, eczema, dermatitis. The composition can also be used to treat burns and wet exuding wounds.

Salicylic alcohol for age spots: recipes

On forums, women call salicylic acid a salvation from acne and age spots. They note that this product costs a penny, and the effect of using salicylic acid is amazing: the skin tone evens out and brightens, pigment spots from salicylic alcohol disappear, and acne disappears with targeted use.

  • Before first use, be sure to check if you are allergic to salicylic acid. Apply a small amount of the drug to your wrist and observe for any redness or peeling of the skin.
  • Start removing spots on your face with salicylic alcohol containing a small percentage of acid (no more than 2%).
  • Before using alcohol with salicylic acid, prepare your skin: be sure to clean it of makeup and dirt.
  • Immediately before the procedure, wipe your face with an antiseptic and only after preliminary preparation start using salicylic acid.

Salicylic alcohol - spot application

Before you start removing age spots with salicylic alcohol, it is important to decide on your skin type. notes that salicylic alcohol for pigment will help those with oily or combination skin. For dry skin, preparations with salicylic acid are not used.

The easiest way to use salicylic alcohol (2 percent) for age spots is to wipe them in the morning (before applying day cream) and before bed. The course of treatment is 15 days. If you have not achieved the desired result, you need to take a break for at least 5 days and repeat the 15-day course.

This is what one of the reviews says about how a girl removed pigment on her face with salicylic alcohol.

  • I wiped the stains on my face with salicylic alcohol 2% using ear swabs. Apply alcohol to the stain and let it sit for 2 minutes. I felt a tingling sensation on my skin. I then washed it off with warm water and noticed that the stain became lighter. I wiped pigment spots with this alcohol in the morning and before bed. The spots have noticeably brightened. Svetlana.

So, the easiest way to remove age spots with salicylic alcohol is to simply wipe them. This is not the only way to use salicylic alcohol for pigment. Next, let's look at how else you can use salicylic against stains at home.

Lemon juice with salicylic alcohol

You can add lemon juice to alcohol with salicylic acid to get rid of raised pigment on the face.

A cotton pad soaked in salicylic alcohol with lemon juice is applied to age spots for 20-30 minutes.

You will feel a tingling sensation on your skin. Be sure to focus on your feelings. If you feel a strong burning sensation, it is better to remove the cotton pad.

  • Using salicylic alcohol and lemon juice, I was able to remove spots on my face that were 5 or more years old. Pigment spots have decreased by 20 percent, and new spots have completely disappeared. Since this product greatly dries out the skin, immediately after salicylic acid with the addition of lemon, I made a mask with sour cream and applied a rich cream to my face. Be sure to keep in mind that salicylic acid is very drying to the skin. Mine is oily, and I felt like I was drying it out. Be sure to moisturize your skin after using salicylic acid. Faith.

Salicylic alcohol and zinc ointment for pigment

You can purchase a ready-made salicylic-zinc paste, which will help you remove age spots or acne marks on the skin, or you can prepare this paste at home.

Add a few drops of salicylic alcohol to zinc ointment and get an inexpensive but effective whitening agent.

Using a cotton pad, apply the resulting paste to the stains and leave for about 20 minutes. After the first procedure, the spots are noticeably lightened, and after several days of use, the fresh spots disappear completely. Some reviews say that zinc-salicylic paste is applied at night, instead of cream, to even out the tone of the face.

White clay with salicylic alcohol

By adding an alkaline component (salicylic acid) to white clay, you will get a very good whitening mask.

This mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes and washed off with water. It will help even out skin tone and remove excess pigment on the skin.

A mixture of aspirin and salicylic acid for age spots

Salicylic alcohol and aspirin lighten pigment spots well.

Crush the aspirin tablet and add a few drops of salicylic alcohol to the powder to make a paste. Apply the resulting mixture to the stains. To enhance the whitening effect, you can add either lemon juice or parsley juice to the composition.

Badyaga with salicylic alcohol

Badyaga, to which you should add salicylic alcohol 2%, will also help cope with the problem of age spots. Those who have removed age spots using this method report excellent results.

By the way, many cosmetologists use 2% salicylic acid as the main component for professional peeling.

Lotion made from salicylic alcohol and chamomile infusion

It’s easy to make a wonderful alcohol-based facial lotion using salicylic acid at home. To do this you will need salicylic alcohol, chamomile infusion and lemon juice.

You can use chamomile infusion with salicylic alcohol and lemon juice for oily skin, as it is very drying. You need to use it intermittently - after every 2 weeks, take a break for 5-6 days, and then reapply.

This lotion will get rid of dark spots on the face and perfectly cleanse oily skin.

Indications for the use of cosmetics with salicylic acid

Summarizing the main beneficial properties of BHA acid, we can conclude that the product is most effective in the fight against the following imperfections:

  • Pigment spots
    It is used as a means of whitening and lightening pigment and stagnant spots.
  • Enlarged pores
    Reduces sebaceous and sweat ducts, destroying the connections between keratinocytes in them, narrows pores, regulates sebum production.
  • Blackheads
    Cleans pores from sebum residues, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory elements and new imperfections.
  • Acne
    Used as part of local SOS products, which are applied precisely to inflammation and pimples and left, for example, overnight for effect. Suppresses the activity of propionibacteria acne, prevents recurrence of rashes.
  • Expression wrinkles
    Renews the upper layer of the epidermis, helps smooth out fine wrinkles.
  • Dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema
    Dissolves dead cells, minimizes flaking, itching, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Dandruff (seborrhea)
    Effectively removes seborrheic formations, dandruff particles, cleanses the scalp and has an antimicrobial and antipruritic effect.

Precautionary measures

  • It is not recommended to apply products containing more than 10% salicylic acid to the skin to avoid tissue burns.
  • Alcohol solutions based on BHA acid from the pharmacy dry out the skin and can cause dehydration; it is not recommended to apply the solution in its pure form to the skin.
  • Hypersensitive and very dry skin may react to pure salicylic acid with irritation, redness, peeling, and hives.
  • Salicylic acid in La Roche-Posay skincare products is absolutely safe and completely devoid of the disadvantages of using acid in its pure form.

Effective recipes

Salicylic acid perfectly whitens the skin and gets rid of age spots. It can be used in its pure form (if you have oily skin, but not often) or you can prepare various mixtures. The effect is visible after two weeks of regular use. The most popular face and body masks based on salicylic acid:

  1. Take 2 teaspoons of the product and mix in a mug of boiling water. Wipe your face with the solution 2 times a day with a cotton pad.
  2. Dilute 10 g of talc and the same amount of soda in 2% salicylic alcohol. Add 50 g of clay and mix. Apply the mask to your face and wash off after 10-20 minutes. If you feel a painful burning sensation, remove the mixture immediately with warm water and soap.
  3. Mix 2 tsp. lemon juice with 1 tsp salicylic acid, add honey, milk. Mix the slurry thoroughly. Apply to face and do not wash off for 20 minutes.
  4. Take lemon juice (0.5 tbsp) and cucumber chopped in a blender, add a spoonful of salicylic alcohol or acid. Apply for 10 minutes to problem areas and rinse with water. After the mask, you can apply sunscreen. This will consolidate the result and prevent the appearance of new age spots. Lemon has the same effect as cosmetic peeling. It polishes the upper layer of the dermis and gently whitens.
  5. Add a few tablespoons of salicylic acid to the white clay paste. The mask perfectly whitens the skin, makes it uniform and velvety. You need to keep it on your face for 10 minutes, and 15-20 is allowed on parts of the body.
  6. Crush two aspirin tablets in a tablespoon and add a couple of drops of alcohol. Stir until porridge forms. Apply the mixture to the most problematic skin areas. To enhance the effect, add parsley juice.
  7. Squeeze a tube of badyagi into a plate and mix with acid. It is not recommended to keep it on your face for a long time. The mask is considered one of the most effective.
  8. Boil the chamomile and let the tincture cool. Then add salicylic acid and lemon juice. All ingredients are made up in the following proportions: tincture – 50%, solution – 20%, juice – 30%. Then mix the mixture thoroughly. It can be used as a lotion. The tincture is suitable for repeated use. It perfectly whitens and tones the skin.
  9. Mash cucumbers and parsley into a paste or squeeze into a juicer. Then add salicylic alcohol and a few drops of sunblock. It is recommended to apply the mixture half an hour before going outside to reduce exposure to ultraviolet rays.

Features of the use of salicylic acid for different skin types

For oily and problem skin

Salicylic acid for the face, according to its key functions in cosmetology, is intended primarily for the care of oily skin types. However, you should not overdo it with its use. Combine drying products based on BHA acid with moisturizing products that prevent tissue dehydration.

For dry and sensitive skin

Salicylic acid dries the skin if you neglect the recommendations for its use. Therefore, dermatologists do not recommend using products with a high content of it in formulas. When caring for sensitive skin, acids should be used with caution, as aggressive components irritate the skin and increase its reactivity.

For normal

To care for normal skin types, it is recommended to use products based on salicylic acid for regular exfoliation of the skin: wipe your face with a tonic or lotion based on salicylic acid (1-2, maximum 5% of the composition). It is better to avoid aggressive salicylic peels. If inflammation or acne occurs, it is recommended to apply salicylic acid-based cream locally.

For combined

To care for combination skin, use products with formulas based on salicylic acid and hyaluronic acid to prevent dehydration in the dry areas of the face in the U-zone.

Causes of age spots on the face

Pigmentation on a woman’s face can appear for a variety of reasons. Unsightly pigment spots from light yellow to deep brown begin to spread all over a woman’s face. Particularly susceptible to pigmentation are areas of the skin such as cheeks, cheekbones, forehead, and upper lip.

Pigmentation occurs due to excessive production of melanin in the skin. Melanin is a substance produced by body cells called melanocytes.

Excessive melanin production is provoked by the following factors:

hormonal changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, menopause,

improper use of certain medications, such as hormonal drugs, antibiotics,

Ignoring sunscreen during prolonged exposure to the sun,

some diseases of internal organs, for example gastrointestinal tract, liver, thyroid gland,

use of certain cosmetics in violation of the manufacturer's recommendations. For example, using whitening creams that contain acids, vitamin A, hydroquinone, arbutin, in the morning immediately before going outside,

improper skin care after peeling and skin resurfacing. After such procedures, there is a whole range of procedures that will help avoid the appearance of age spots. Read my article Facial skin care after peeling.

Forms of release of cosmetics with salicylic acid

Let's look at the formats in which salicylic acid products are produced:

  • Cleansing foams and gels for oily problem skin, for example, Effaclar gel micro-exfoliating gel for washing.
  • Lotions and tonics for the second stage of cleansing and toning for oily problem and combination skin. Choose Effaclar pore tightening lotion with a mattifying effect.
  • Deep cleansing masks with a mattifying effect for oily and problematic skin.
  • Peels and scrubs for intensive exfoliation at home and accelerating cell regeneration are used no more than once a week.
  • Cream for correcting imperfections: post-acne, acne, blackheads, oily shine and early signs of aging (expression wrinkles and pigmentation). Corrective cream-gel for problem skin Effaclar Duo (+) eliminates sebaceous shine, reduces imperfections, preventing their reoccurrence, and moisturizes.
  • SOS products with an accelerated effect against imperfections: relieve inflammation, redness, have an antimicrobial effect, and prevent the formation of stagnant spots. Local corrective agent Effaclar AI is suitable

Rules of use and contraindications

Salicylic alcohol and acid are used as preventive agents against pigmentation. But in order to get the maximum effect at home, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • avoid getting the drug on mucous membranes, especially the eyes;
  • For best results, use sunscreen before every time you go outside;
  • after 2 weeks of use, take a break for 7 days so as not to dry out the skin;
  • consult your doctor about using the product if there are a large number of age spots on your body;
  • Do not apply to open wounds on the legs and arms, scars or burns.

This pharmaceutical drug has the following list of contraindications:

  • prohibited for use by children under three years of age;
  • It is not recommended to apply to large areas of skin;
  • do not use the product during pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • It is prohibited to apply to the mucous membranes of the body (tongue, eyes), intimate organs.

Review of cosmetics with salicylic acid from La Roche-Posay

Moisturizing mattifying emulsion Effaclar Mat


Mattifying sebum-regulating emulsion

Contains the Sebulyse component, which reduces sebum production, providing a mattifying effect and helping to tighten pores. Intensely moisturizes and prevents skin from dehydration.

RUB 1,714 more details

Based on salicylic acid, perlite and sebulise, it is suitable for oily and combination skin: it regulates the synthesis of sebum, reduces the greasy shine of the face for up to 6 hours, moisturizes the epidermis and has a non-comedogenic texture.

Consumer reviews:

Nadezhda: Suitable for makeup. Mattifies for the whole day, while not drying, but moisturizes the skin. I've been using it for six months. There are fewer rashes.

Anna: Super cream. It really mattifies! I liked it the first time! Light texture, the skin is immediately velvety and matte) an excellent base for makeup.

Effaclar concentrated serum


Ultra concentrated serum for skin with imperfections

Reduces pronounced imperfections and visibly tightens pores, preventing the reappearance of marks on the skin

RUB 2,392 more details

With a formula based on three acids and epidermis-soothing niacinamide, it reduces imperfections and evens out skin tone and texture. Suitable for anti-aging care and for oily problem skin.z>

Consumer reviews:

Anastasia: Excellent serum, I really liked it! A really good solution for problem skin. It is better to use it once a day, I do it at night, since the product contains acids. It is better not to use it twice a day, as it dries out the skin. I use it only on those places where the skin is oily in the T-zone. A lot of inflammation has gone away from my chin. It works well on spot pimples and I also use it as an SOS product. I recommend the product!

Frequently Asked Questions About Salicylic Acid

Dermatologist Alexander Prokofiev, an expert of the La Roche-Posay brand, answers the questions.

Is it possible to apply salicylic acid to acne?

Formulas with salicylic acid are designed specifically for the care of oily skin prone to imperfections. Safe corrective care for oily problem skin can be purchased at pharmacies in your city.

Is it possible to wipe your face with salicylic acid?

It is not recommended to wipe your face with a pharmaceutical alcohol solution of salicylic acid, even with very oily skin. The product dries out the epidermis, which will provoke increased sebum synthesis; the skin will begin to self-hydrate, which will cause clogged pores and rashes. It is better to wipe your face with a salicylic acid-based toner, for example, Effaclar mattifying pore-narrowing lotion.

Who is salicylic acid suitable for?

Salicylic acid is most often found in skin care formulas for oily, acne-prone skin. If you have sensitive, dry skin, you should avoid using acid-containing cosmetic products.

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