Facial dermabrasion diamond, mechanical, laser. What is it, devices, how to make it at home
Facial dermabrasion diamond, mechanical, laser. What is it, devices, how to make it at home
What is facial dermabrasion? Facial dermabrasion (diamond, mechanical, laser) is essentially a method
Enterosgel is a medicine for poisoning, diarrhea and vomiting
Pimples are painful and quite often cause complexes and self-doubt.
How to use gel for washing - cosmetic and moisturizing for sensitive skin, the best 14 products
Cosmetic gel is one of the most popular skin care products. He's good
Everything you need to know about the black head face mask
Nowadays, black mask is increasingly used to combat acne and comedones. She's fast
Hyaluronic acid
Filler and biorevitalizant: answers to the most popular questions about injections
The skin of the face is one of the most unprotected areas of the human body, open to the influence of many external
Facial skin cleansing
Is it advisable to use cleansing as a remedy for blackheads and pimples?
Facial cleansing is a hygienic procedure that helps maintain a high level of skin quality. It's running
Serums with hyaluronic acid: benefits and instructions for use
Hyaluronic acid in the skin Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the body that is produced independently. Contained in
Skin care rules in winter
How to care for your skin in winter. 5 questions for a cosmetologist
In winter, the skin of the face, hands and other parts of the body becomes especially sensitive. Due to lack of vitamins,
face massage
Facial massage at home for wrinkles - Shiatsu acupressure
Today I will tell you about another great way to tighten your face and get rid of
Peptides in anti-age cosmetology. Benefit or harm?
Peptides In biochemistry, peptides are usually called low-molecular fragments of protein molecules, consisting of a small number
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