Everything you need to know about the black head face mask

, black mask is increasingly used
to combat acne and comedones . It is rapidly gaining popularity around the world due to its ability to deeply cleanse pores.

After a course of using the product, facial skin becomes smooth, soft and acquires a healthy glow.

From this article you will learn how to apply correctly and how long to keep a black mask on your face . By following the instructions and all recommendations, you will quickly return your face to its irresistibility.

How does cleansing happen?

As a rule, black masks are based on 3 active components that affect the cleansing process:

  1. Activated carbon. The absorbent properties of coal have been known since the dawn of mankind. Charcoal draws out dirt from pores and removes waste products and toxic substances from the skin, rejuvenating and making it healthier.
  2. Black clay. This type of clay has a very high degree of plasticity, thanks to which the black mask, after drying, can be removed in a single layer without having to wash it off. Clay attaches to dirt and binds it together as it dries. All that is required is to carefully separate the mask from the skin after drying the clay mass.
  3. Healing mud. Being a product of the vital activity of millions of microorganisms, therapeutic mud has nothing in common with ordinary mud. Healing mud tightens the skin of the face, blocks the development of inflammation and stimulates blood circulation.


What substances give the black mask its cleansing and regenerative properties?

  1. Black clay narrows pores, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and also eliminates inflammation. It must be remembered that this substance can greatly dry out the skin, therefore, in order to maintain normal hydration, a composition containing clay cannot be kept longer than the developers advise.
  2. Charcoal, which, thanks to its absorbent properties, literally sucks out impurities, will help prevent the appearance of acne and pimples.
  3. The composition includes therapeutic mud, which restores and rejuvenates the skin as collagen fibers are formed.
  4. To give the skin a healthy and fresh look, make it firm and elastic, cool and eliminate swelling, black algae extracts are used.

Black mask for pulling out blackheads: do it yourself using gelatin

Skin care is constant attention to it, a properly built system of cleansing and nutrition, correctly selected products for washing and moisturizing. Blackheads are one of the most common skin problems

Comedones are found not only on teenage skin, but also on mature skin. It is almost impossible to get rid of blackheads by simply washing with gels and scrubs.

A universal home remedy - a black mask that can be easily made at home


Literally after the first use, the black mask will delight you with a fresh face and cleansed pores. And if you use the product regularly, the reflection in the mirror will pleasantly surprise you with smooth, radiant and healthy skin.

A product prepared by yourself will be in no way inferior to the original.

The mask recipe is very simple. So, we need:

Ingredients for the black mask. Photo by the channel author


  • 1 tsp. gelatin;
  • 2 tsp. milk or water;
  • 1 tablet of activated carbon.

Activated carbon

has a cleansing effect, pulls out impurities from the pores.


softens and nourishes the skin.


smoothes, makes a film out of the mask, which draws dirt out of the pores.

How to make a black mask


Grind the activated carbon tablet.


Add gelatin to the tablet.

Gelatin and activated carbon


Mix the mixture thoroughly and add milk (you get a lumpy substance that easily becomes homogeneous when heated).

Add milk. Photo by the channel author


Heat the mixture in a water bath or in the microwave (5-10 seconds).

The mixture was heated in a water bath.


Cool the composition so as not to burn yourself, apply to problem areas of the skin.

This amount of product is quite enough for the T-zone (forehead, nose, cheeks near the nose and chin)


You can make a black mask at home not only with activated carbon, but also with black clay, a mixture of clay and coal, sea salt, and adding a few drops of essential and base oils.

You can experiment and find the composition that best suits your skin.

The black mask must be applied to the facial skin in a certain way:


First of all, you need to wash your face.


Next, it is recommended to steam the skin so that the components take full effect. You can steam the skin over a steam bath (you should add herbal decoctions or sea salt to hot water) using a hot towel.


After steaming, you need to rinse your face with hot water, wipe your skin dry and apply a mask.


The film mask should completely harden and become firm and elastic. It is recommended to apply it twice. The first layer is made thin and uniform. After it has set slightly, you can apply a second, thicker one.

The integrity of the film may be compromised, resulting in reduced effect.

Black film mask applied to the face

Job is done! If there is any residue, you can remove it with a clean cloth, then apply a non-greasy moisturizer. The pores will be clean, narrowed, and the collagen will smooth the skin a little. You need to make this mask at least once a week or as needed.

How long should I keep the black mask on?

15 to 20 minutes are recommended. It's all about the thickness of the applied layer. A thin layer sets faster; for a denser application, more time is needed for the film to become elastic.

A completely cured film becomes elastic. This is not to say that it can be removed easily and quickly. As soon as the allotted time has passed, you need to grab the edge of the film and remove it with smooth movements.

There is no need to rush, it is important to remove the film slowly and consistently. Then you can avoid unpleasant sensations

It is best to remove the film from the bottom up, that is, from the chin, gradually moving towards the forehead.

Removed the film from my face

All pore impurities are drawn out.

It is important

The black mask does not need to be applied to the eyelids and area around the eyes. Also, do not apply the composition close to the hairline, on the eyebrows, or close to the nostrils. The product grabs the hair strongly and will be very unpleasant to remove.

Mask with

activated carbon mattifies the skin, deeply cleanses pores, evens out the surface of the skin, refreshes the complexion. The only condition is to take care of your skin not occasionally, but constantly. This is the only way to achieve excellent results even at home.

Indications for use

Black Head mask is recommended for oily and problematic skin prone to comedones and acne. But its beneficial tonic effect makes it possible to use the mask for all skin types. You can use it for the following problems:

  • Severe acne.
  • A large number of comedones (blackheads).
  • Uneven skin surface, with a layer of keratinized particles.
  • Early aging skin.
  • Swelling and tired appearance.

ATTENTION! You should not use film-type masks if there are mechanical damage to the skin or open wounds on your face. The mask has a silky creamy texture

In addition to the main substances (water, polyvinyl alcohol, propylene glycol), it contains some active substances and trace elements. They make Pilaten products very effective:

The mask has a silky creamy texture. In addition to the main substances (water, polyvinyl alcohol, propylene glycol), it contains some active substances and trace elements. They make Pilaten products very effective:

  1. Bamboo activated carbon. It is this component that gives the Black Head mask a deep cleansing effect. Charcoal not only helps deep clean pores, it also has antioxidant and antitoxic effects.
  2. Sprouted wheat extract. Deeply nourishes the epidermis, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration. Normalizes blood flow in the upper layers of the skin. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates collagen production, which helps the dermis in the fight against aging.
  3. Grapefruit zest oil. Has a regenerative and brightening effect.
  4. Panthenol. Smoothes the surface of the skin, promotes the healing of microdamages.
  5. Collagen. Fills small wrinkles and defects, gives smoothness and retains moisture inside the skin.
  6. Glycerol. In the Black Head mask it is of plant origin. Reduces moisture loss, helps water penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.

Helpful tips for use

When using a black face mask, you should consider the following points:

  • Apply to well-cleaned skin; it’s even better to steam it first. You can use a light scrub. This will help cleanse skin pores more effectively.
  • For application, it is better to use a brush (which should be rinsed immediately) rather than smearing the product onto the skin with your hands.
  • Use only warm water to rinse. Leave contrast washes for another occasion.
  • Refuse to carry out the procedure if there is inflammation, damage, or unhealed wounds on the face.

Despite the absence of contraindications, first check whether the mask will cause an allergic reaction. The test is carried out on the elbow.

Benefits and contraindications

The mask is quite a powerful product, designed mainly to combat acne on oily and combination skin. It is not suitable for those who have very sensitive and dry skin. To avoid an allergic reaction, apply a small amount of the black substance to the skin of your wrist or forearm before use. If within half an hour the skin becomes very red or irritated, you should categorically refuse to use the mask.

Particular attention to the mask should be paid to those women who, due to hormonal shifts, have hair growing on their facial skin or whose skin is covered with light fuzz. Like all film masks, it can promote rapid hair growth

Therefore, avoid applying it to the sideburns and around the lips, and it is better to use it exclusively for the so-called T-zone (forehead and nose area). For everyone else, a black mask for blackheads will return clean, fresh and rejuvenated skin.

How to use a mask correctly

For the perfect effect, manufacturers recommend a one-month cycle of 2-3 times a week. But here everyone must choose individually depending on the degree of contamination and skin type. For some, once a week will be enough, while others will need at least three.

  • Before starting, you need to wash your face thoroughly and, for better effect, open your skin pores with a steam bath. Pour boiled water into a bowl, you can add chamomile to it, tilt your head over the water, cover yourself with a towel and steam your face for at least 10 minutes. You can remove the towel every 5 minutes to breathe in oxygen.
  • Rinse and dry your face thoroughly, since the mask is applied to dry skin.
  • Apply the contents in a thick layer, using a special brush or finger, avoiding the area around the eyes and mouth.
  • Leave for 20 minutes, allowing the mask to turn into a film.
  • We remove the film, starting from the chin.
  • We wash ourselves again, preferably with cold water, to close the pores and apply moisturizer to the skin.
  • It is advisable to refrain from going outside for at least another hour.

What to do if black mask doesn’t help

This practically never happens, that is, improvements are noticeable after the first use. However, it should be kept in mind that the mask eliminates the consequences, not the causes. That is, if you get blackheads because you don't eat right, and some of the waste and toxins are removed through the skin, the mask will relieve you of acne for a while. But, since you have not eliminated the cause, they will appear again over time. Therefore, look for the cause, as soon as you can eliminate it, you will not need repeated courses of treatment with a black mask.

Benefits of a cosmetic product

Black mask is a new product in the beauty industry. If you use this product correctly, your skin will become clean and soft, and will also gain a healthy glow. Black mask is effective in fighting acne. There are many reviews about this miracle remedy. Women who have tried it never cease to admire it. The main advantage of this composition is naturalness. It includes safe ingredients. Residents of our country recently learned about the black mask. Its main component is bamboo charcoal. It is an effective sorbent.

Bamboo charcoal is not produced in Russia, but you can buy activated one. The sorbent removes all toxic substances from the body. There are no analogues of black coal. You can use clay to prepare cleansing masks. The black gift of nature is compared to coal in its properties. It also draws out harmful substances from the body. Cosmetologists recommend using this natural material to cleanse the skin.

Black clay masks

Each clay mask is specially formulated to benefit different skin types and specific concerns. For example, black clay is actively used by women to prepare anti-inflammatory, cleansing and rejuvenating compositions. According to reviews, a black clay face mask effectively cleanses pores of impurities, restores the natural color of the skin, tightens, smoothes out fine wrinkles, eliminates oily shine, pimples and blackheads.

Such results are achieved due to the natural properties of clay. When it becomes wet, its molecules create an electrical charge that draws out oil, dirt, toxins and other impurities trapped in the pores. People who use clay masks note their beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin (after each procedure it becomes clean, smooth and soft).

The use of black clay as part of masks is recommended for people with oily, combination or problem skin and without contraindications, which include spider veins and rosacea (subcutaneous demodex mite).

To achieve the desired results (get rid of comedones and get additional bonuses for the beauty of your skin), you need to make a black mask correctly and know how to apply it and how long to keep it on your face.


  • preparation: dilute the powder with water at room temperature until it reaches a creamy consistency;
  • how to use: apply to face along massage lines (above the eyebrow line and without touching the area under the eyes);
  • After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

It is recommended to make a clay mask against blackheads after steaming the skin, 1 - 2 times a week in courses (10 - 12 procedures with breaks of two or three weeks). If the skin is normal or dry, it is advisable to add fermented milk products (including milk) and yolks (chicken or quail) to the recipe.

Enriching a clay mask with new ingredients allows you to achieve additional effects or enhance the effect of black clay. For example, an infusion prepared from 1 table is added to a recipe for acne and blackheads. l. string and a glass of boiling water.

Face mask for blackheads with additional effects:

  • moisturizing (1 tablespoon of powder diluted with water, 1 tablespoon of sour cream plus 4 raw quail egg yolks);
  • whitening (2 tablespoons of clay diluted in warm milk, 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley);
  • cleansing (clay powder is mixed with 1 teaspoon of calendula decoction and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice until the consistency of a paste);
  • softening (1 tablespoon of clay diluted in water and 1 tablespoon of chopped cucumber without skin and seeds).

Clay face mask recipe for acne: 1 table. l. black clay is diluted with rosehip decoction and enriched with 1 tsp. jojoba oil, 1 tsp. avocado pulp, essential oils of lavender, geranium and clove (3 drops). The exposure time of the composition on the skin is 20 minutes.

Clay mask recipe for oily skin: add ½ tablespoon to clay diluted with mineral water. l. pharmaceutical tincture of peppermint and 2 table. l. infusion of the series. Leave on face for 15 – 20 minutes.

Each recipe has its own value, so they are worth trying. Reviews suggest that you will be pleased with the results quickly (after the first procedure). Just don’t overexpose the composition on your face, then the clay mask against blackheads and acne will meet your expectations.

Regardless of the product you decide to use to cleanse your face of blackheads: a clay-based composition or a black film mask, the results will not disappoint you, that’s a fact. Be sure to also watch the video to be sure to know all the ins and outs of these skin care products.

What are the benefits of clay for the face?

Face masks based on various types of clay are a very effective cosmetic product. They allow you to get rid of problems on your face in a short time. Colored clay does not contain toxins and has no negative side effects, the main thing is to know which clay to choose for your skin type.

Masks of different types can be used in the following cases:

  1. White. Stimulates cell regeneration and has antiseptic properties. Recommended for thin and sensitive skin. Read more about white clay here.
  2. Blue. Contains a large number of microelements. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Helps get rid of acne. Stimulates blood circulation.
  3. Red. Relieves irritation and allergic reactions, improves blood circulation in the capillaries of the face. It is often used by women with dry skin to get rid of flaking skin. Suitable for sensitive skin. You might be interested in reading about red clay in this material.
  4. Pink. A mixture of red and white clay combines their positive qualities and has a delicate effect on the skin. Often used in anti-aging mixtures.
  5. Yellow. Soothes irritated dermis, normalizes water balance and removes toxins. Together with other ingredients it is used in anti-wrinkle masks. Has high adsorbing properties.


You can purchase a black mask on our portal. The whole procedure consists of several stages:

  1. You fill out a special form and submit your application.
  2. The manager will contact you. He confirms the order and clarifies some data.
  3. The goods are delivered to the client. The process takes a minimum amount of time, it all depends on the region.

Always buy Black Mask only on the official portal, beware of fakes and carefully study reviews from people and doctors! Our website presents exclusively original products and you will be sure of their high quality. Customers are offered attractive prices for black masks; you can purchase goods on favorable terms!

How many minutes should you keep the black mask on your face?

Clean skin/ Masks/ Black mask/ How many minutes should you keep a black mask on your face?

Nowadays, black mask is increasingly used to combat acne and comedones. It is rapidly gaining popularity around the world due to its ability to deeply cleanse pores.

After a course of using the product, facial skin becomes smooth, soft and acquires a healthy glow.

From this article you will learn how to properly apply and how long to keep a black mask on your face. By following the instructions and all recommendations, you will quickly return your face to its irresistibility.

Skin preparation

Black mask is a new cosmetic product. Therefore, many girls are interested in how long they need to keep a black mask on their face for it to work.

You can sit in it all day, but if it was applied incorrectly, there will be no effect.

First, you should thoroughly prepare the skin:

  1. Wash thoroughly using gel, foam, or wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in cleansing lotion. This is necessary to remove excess sebum and other impurities from the surface of the skin.
  2. Soap cannot be used! Any of its varieties contains alkali, which destroys the hydro-lipid mantle - a thin protective film. Without it, the skin will not be able to resist microbes, it will quickly dry out and lose elasticity. These processes are fraught with early aging. Anyone who has washed their face with soap at least once remembers the feeling of tightness on the face that it leaves.
  3. Steam the skin. The simplest and most effective method is to apply a towel soaked in warm water to your face. You can also steam your skin over a bath of medicinal herbs, which are sold at the pharmacy. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes. During this time, the pores will open, and the components of the mask will be able to penetrate deep enough and begin to act.

How to apply a black mask?

You will find out how many minutes to keep the black mask on later, but now you need to understand how to correctly apply the product to the skin.

It is enough to limit yourself to the T-zone - forehead, middle of the nose and chin. Pimples and comedones are mainly located in these places.

If there are a lot of blackheads, you can apply the product to your entire face.

In this case, you should wear a bandage to prevent the composition from getting on your hair. When applying the product, also try not to stain your lips, eyebrows and delicate areas around the eyes.

How long the black mask takes to dry depends on the amount of product you used. Do not apply it too thickly and try to distribute it evenly over your face.

How and when to remove the black mask?

To determine how long to remove the black mask, you need to monitor its drying.

If you leave the product on too long, it will stick firmly to the surface of the skin, and you will have to peel it off with force, which will cause pain.

The optimal period for which you can leave a black mask on your face is 25 minutes. During this time, the product will soften the contents of clogged pores and draw them out.

The method for removing the mask is very simple. Gently pull it up by the edges on your chin and it will come off entirely, like a film.

If 25 minutes have not yet passed and the skin begins to tighten, this means that the mask is drying out faster than planned. Sprinkle it lightly with water to soften.

After the procedure, you should lubricate your face with a nourishing cream. Also keep in mind that after removing the black mask, the sensitivity of the skin temporarily increases, so you should not go outside right away.

Knowing how to apply and how long to keep a black mask on your face, you can carry out a whole course of procedures and completely get rid of acne and comedones.

Research shows that 9 out of 10 people notice improvements after the first use of the product. Within 2 weeks of daily use of the mask, the skin acquires a healthy, fresh and well-groomed appearance.

After completing the full course, which lasts 1 month, the blackheads completely disappear.

Photos before and after using a mask with gelatin and activated carbon

The photo shows very clearly what the skin on your face was like before and after using a homemade black mask. On the strip itself you can see everything that was in the clogged pores. Beauty and the struggle for it – that’s what you can see in these photos.

Black mask – BioAqua film

The BioAqua blackhead anti-blackhead mask is similar to similar products that contain activated carbon (it is no better or worse than them). After its use, the skin is transformed, becomes clean and rejuvenated. However, there are also difficulties in the process of use. For example, a thick layer takes a long time to dry (about an hour) and dries out the skin.

Characteristics: 60 g of black viscous mass is not in a sachet, but in a tube, which, in my opinion, is not entirely practical. You don’t know for sure how much you need to squeeze out for one procedure. It smells like alcohol - an additional minus. In addition to bamboo charcoal, the composition contains: vitamin E, B3, hyaluronic acid, plus several non-useful ingredients. You can buy the product on the Aliexpress online site for two and a half, three dollars.

Directions for use: Apply the product to a clean face or problem areas.

After 15 - 20 minutes, carefully and smoothly pull off the film. The instructions also say: use two to three times a week (depending on skin type)

My experience tells you that a tube is enough for 6 procedures (10 grams covers the face with a thin layer that dries quickly and is easily removed).

Results: with frequent use, this mask helps get rid of acne, blackheads and inflammation (after about two weeks). Disadvantages: if you leave it on for longer than 20 minutes, then the film does not pull off the skin, but comes off with pain. Cleans surface impurities (comedones remain after the first procedure).

Acne and pimples are a curse for the skin

According to medical terminology, beauty destroyers, blackheads or comedones, are essentially open pores tightly clogged with a mixture of fat and keratin. For those who don't know, keratin is a type of protein that has high mechanical strength. In our body it is part of nails and hair.

Many believe that the main reason for their appearance is insufficient facial skin hygiene. However, for the most part, dirt is not the main culprit. The appearance of acne can be caused by incorrectly selected cosmetics, external irritants, too fatty foods, liver diseases and, last but not least, hormones. They are the ones who provoke the formation of animal fat inside the pores. In turn, excess fat mixes with dead skin cells, and when exposed to air, this mixture oxidizes, acquiring a characteristic black color.

Knowing what acne is, it becomes clear why most remedies that promise magical healing turn out to be unable to cope with this scourge. Since the pores are clogged with a very strong and hard substance, it is not so much vitamins and moisturizers that are required, but physical strength that can pull them out without damaging healthy skin cells. And since squeezing out blackheads with your hands is strictly prohibited, in order not to introduce an infection, Asian manufacturers offer a mask that has the necessary mechanical strength that can literally cleanse the pores of blackheads.

Advantages of a mask

The black mask-scrub from China consists of natural ingredients and does not contain genetically modified elements and esters for preserving the product (parabens).

The use of a mask leads to the following cosmetic effects:

  • effectively cleanses contaminated pores from sebaceous plugs, comedones, eliminates acne;
  • normalizes the excretory function of the sebaceous glands (reduces secretion production);
  • soothes the skin, reduces inflammation in the sebaceous ducts and adjacent tissues;
  • regenerates the skin (strengthens the epidermis);
  • activates the production of collagen fibers (increases skin elasticity and firmness);
  • slows down the process of skin aging, restores a healthy complexion.

Video about using a mask

Chinese black mask provides a comprehensive treatment for facial skin. The result of its use is comparable to expensive cosmetic programs for facial skin care. The advantage of Black Mask is its affordable price and lasting effect. You can order this unique product online directly in China through the Aliexpress trading platform.

How to take care of your skin at first

After the mask, you must apply a suitable moisturizing or nourishing cream.

You can use an egg and lemon mask to tighten pores.

Take a teaspoon of lemon juice for one egg white, mix it all well, and then apply it to your face and leave it until dry. Then the mask should be washed off with cool water.

After the procedure, you should not go outside for several hours . There are no other skin care features after using the Black Mask.

Film masks for blackheads: recipes

Film masks are most effective in the fight against blackheads. They are a composition of thick consistency, and eliminate comedones according to the same principle as wax strips when removing hair: the mask is applied to the skin of the face, allowed to dry, and then “ripped off” from the surface of the skin along with impurities that were previously located in the pores.

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Masks for blackheads with gelatin

Gelatin is a natural source of collagen - an organic protein that is located in the deep layers of the skin and is responsible for its firmness and elasticity. Therefore, any face masks that contain gelatin keep the skin tight and fresh.

When gelatin is diluted with warm liquid, the substance acquires a thick and sticky consistency, which, after drying, sets on the face as a dense but elastic film. During the drying process, gelatin penetrates into contaminated pores and captures sebaceous plugs, and when the mask is torn off the face, the contents of the pores remain on the film.

A mask with gelatin can be made without using additional ingredients. The recipe for its preparation is as follows:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. granulated gelatin (without a slide) and 1 tbsp. l. warm water.
  2. Leave the composition for 3 minutes - during this time the gelatin should absorb water and swell.
  3. Heat the mask in a water bath. Oma should have a thick sticky consistency.
  4. Distribute the gelatin mask in an even layer over the entire face, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes. You can apply gelatin only to problem areas, for example, the nose and chin.
  5. Wait until the composition “sets” completely on the skin.
  6. Remove the mask from your face manually. To do this, grab the protruding edge of the resulting film and pull it in the opposite direction. You can tear off the mask in small parts, but you should not remove it in one sharp movement - this will cause acute pain.

A mask with gelatin for open comedones is also prepared according to the following recipe:

  • granulated gelatin – 1 tbsp. l. (without slide);
  • milk 3.2% fat – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • activated carbon tablets – 3 pcs.

Mode of application:

  1. Crush activated carbon tablets.
  2. Mix the resulting powder with gelatin and milk.
  3. Heat the mixture in the microwave. 5-10 seconds are enough for this.
  4. Apply the mask to problem areas of the face.
  5. Allow to dry completely.
  6. Separate the film from the skin.

Film mask for blackheads with egg

When dried, raw egg white also forms a film, but it is thin and loose, unlike gelatin. You can make it stronger by using a paper towel. The recipe for such a mask is as follows:

  1. Separate the white of a raw egg from the yolk.
  2. Beat the egg whites.
  3. Cut the paper towel into several small pieces, for example 5x3 cm.
  4. Dip pieces of paper into the mask one by one, then apply tightly to problem areas.
  5. Layer one piece of paper on top of another several times until the film on the face becomes dense.
  6. Wait for the mask to dry.
  7. Remove the seized mask from the face along with any dirt.

Benefits of facial cleanser

A product prepared at home, unlike a store-bought product, does not contain harmful chemical additives that extend shelf life, is more effective and has a lower risk of side effects.

The black mask affects the skin as follows:

  1. Deeply cleanses the dermis . Using a mask helps cleanse the face of various types of impurities.
  2. Nourishes the skin . Thanks to its rich composition, the mask saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals.
  3. Prolongs the youthfulness of the face . The active substances included in the product, penetrating deep into the dermis, help accelerate metabolic processes, as a result of which the skin remains young longer.
  4. Eliminates various skin problems . Using a black mask, you can get rid of blackheads, pimples and greasy shine, relieve inflammation and swelling, and speed up the process of skin regeneration.

Thanks to the above beneficial properties, after the first use of a black mask, the condition of the skin significantly improves. With regular use of a home remedy, the surface of the skin is smoothed, the face acquires a beautiful contour and a healthy color.

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