Facial dermabrasion diamond, mechanical, laser. What is it, devices, how to make it at home

What is facial dermabrasion

Facial dermabrasion (diamond, mechanical, laser) is essentially a method of mechanical peeling brought to perfection, grinding the outer layers of the dermal layer of the skin. The effect occurs by scraping off the dead layer of epidermal cells using abrasive milling materials or microcrystals.

The procedure is effective and belongs to the category of the most effective techniques developed to combat skin defects of various etiologies, as well as for comprehensive rejuvenation. The principle of micro-resurfacing is to remove the defective layer of skin. The depth of the exfoliating effect is regulated by a cosmetologist depending on the indications and characteristics of the skin structure.

The goal is to achieve uniformity, smoothness, eliminate flaws, improve health, and solve various cosmetic problems.

The method can be compared to home scrubbing. The abrasive particles of scrubbing compositions act delicately, while hardware dermabrasion is a more aggressive but effective method.

By scraping off the dead upper layer to release the lower layer with young and more active cells, the procedure promotes accelerated regeneration, narrowing of pores, cellular renewal and natural tissue rejuvenation.

The dermabrasion method allows not only to aesthetically improve the appearance of the skin, giving it radiance, a healthy and elastic appearance, but also to normalize internal processes, triggering active restoration, renewal, improving the flow of oxygen and nutrients.

After exposure to abrasive handpieces, there is an activation of the synthesis of collagen-elastin fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of the epidermis, strengthening the skin framework, smoothing the skin texture, and eliminating defects of various origins.

A therapeutic effect is observed after the procedure, which is ensured by the property of microparticles of abrasive powder to easily penetrate into the deep layers, destructively affecting and destroying the bonds of epidermal scales. It is this property that determines the high-quality elimination of the top layer of dead or damaged cells.

After mechanical cleaning, the process of fiber synthesis starts, stimulation of the production of young cells, and normalization of blood flow. This helps smooth out wrinkles, cleanse the epidermis of impurities, smooth it out, strengthen turgor, and optimize the functions of all structural dermal and epidermal components.


With microdermabrasion, only dead skin particles are removed - there is no direct effect on the epidermis and, therefore, the development of adverse reactions is minimized.
We are talking only about procedures that are prescribed by a cosmetologist after assessing existing contraindications. In addition, microdermabrasion should be performed only on professional equipment using certified products.

Indications and contraindications

Dermabrasion is indicated for the following cosmetic defects:

  • photoaging;
  • presence of hyperkeratosis, rosacea;
  • uneven unhealthy tone;

  • in case of dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, increased fat content;
  • manifestations of shallow hyperpigmentation (spots, freckles);
  • in the presence of facial and age wrinkles;
  • coarsening, contamination of the epidermis due to external influences;
  • flabbiness, loss of tone, elasticity;
  • in the presence of imperfections in the skin relief, scars, scars, signs of post-acne;
  • pathologically enlarged pores.

The procedures are used as a method of removing tattoos, as well as as a preventive complex against aging in the skin of the face, décolleté, neck, and hands. When making decisions, it is important to know that the method cannot completely cope with keloid scars and postpartum stretch marks. Dermabrasion will help make such imperfections less noticeable.

Microgrinding has a number of contraindications:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of allergic, inflammatory reactions on the skin;

  • focal rashes, wounds, mechanical damage in the treatment area, including acne;
  • hemophilic syndrome, bleeding disorder;
  • neoplasms, rosacea, any types of dermatitis;
  • itching sensation;
  • epileptic syndrome, complex somatic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus in the decompensation stage;
  • infectious, viral, bacterial, fungal pathologies;
  • fresh burns due to exposure to the open sun;
  • herpes on the face in the active stage;
  • hypersensitivity of the epidermis.

The method should not be used for ARVI, elevated temperature, in case of signs of decreased immunity, after a positive illness. This contraindication is temporary; the body needs to recover so that regeneration processes after microdermabrasion are more active.


Cosmetologists recommend micro-exfoliation of the skin in the following cases::

  • loss of elasticity and keratinization of the skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • to increase elasticity;
  • for acne and acne;
  • to eliminate age-related pigmentation and the consequences of acne;
  • to combat fine wrinkles in the nasolabial triangle and eyes;
  • to normalize sebum production for dry or oily skin.

Before prescribing the procedure, the specialist must exclude all contraindications.:

  • diabetes;
  • active phase of dermatitis;
  • inflammatory infections, including herpes;
  • rosacea (there are more suitable cosmetic procedures to eliminate it);
  • wounds, burns and other skin damage at the healing stage;
  • intolerance to aluminum oxide.

Diamond microgrinding does not involve the use of chemicals, so there is no likelihood of allergic reactions.

This manipulation is allowed during pregnancy.

Find out what bixiplasty of hair is here, and Elos hair removal - here. A dermatologist-cosmetologist will talk about indications and contraindications in the video:

Devices used

Facial dermabrasion (diamond or laser) is usually carried out in a salon setting. The technique belongs to the group of hardware methods for rejuvenation and elimination of flaws, therefore it is performed using special devices. The first grinding units operated on a simple scraping principle.

The manipulator, making circular movements, removed the top layer, rubbing the cream with abrasive particles over the surface. The equipment is divided into several types, the classification is based on the principle of the operating handpiece.

The following devices used for dermabrasion can be distinguished:

  • Microcrystalline. Grinding occurs by spraying fine powder based on aluminum hydroxide under pressure. The mixture is fed through a special tube; the crystals have different shapes, so grinding is effective. The key component is not carcinogenic, so it can be used for sensitive skin.

  • Diamond. The device supplies a fine mixture based on diamond dust. Since the particles are rounded, the method is the least traumatic. The devices are equipped with two containers. One container is for clean powder, the other is for used powder during the session. There are several nozzles included for different impact zones, as well as a compressor with an intensity regulator.
  • Laser. The devices produce laser radiation, which evaporates the upper keratinized layer of damaged and dead cells. The depth of light absorption of such devices is no more than 3 mm. Such micro-grinding devices are equipped with a carbon or erbium laser. In the first case, the work is based on carbon dioxide, and in the second - on the chemical element of the same name.

The most popular devices used for micro-resurfacing of the epidermis in beauty salons and clinics:

  • By rotating the abrasive ring to exfoliate the dead cell layer, the device polishes scars, stretch marks, age spots, and areas with wrinkles. After the initial treatment, the leather is polished with a handpiece containing smaller diamond particles.
  • Deka Smart Xide DOT. A device for safe and painless dermabrasion based on CO2 laser with patented Smart Stack technology.
  • Forma T.K. Israeli multifunctional device for solving cosmetic problems. Characterized by a mild effect and high efficiency for all skin types.

Unlike laser devices, diamond and microcrystalline devices have a similar operating principle; the depth of exposure, speed mode and intensity are selected individually.

History of the development of the method

The history of dermabrasion can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, where techniques for grinding the skin with abrasive materials, such as the well-known pumice, were used.
Over time, technology developed, and more and more advanced instruments were used during the procedure. A dramatic breakthrough in this field occurred in 1905, when the German dentist Ernst Kromeyer first described the technique of performing mechanical dermabrasion using a dental drill and various types of attachments. In those years, there were no devices with high rotation speeds, so it was not possible to polish large areas of leather in this way. In addition, many difficulties arose during the work, so this method did not find its followers for many years. In Europe, the era of mechanical dermabrasion began in 1949, when the German doctor Schreuss proposed the use of high-speed dermabrasion burs. The idea was implemented by engineer Schumann, who created a small-sized Diros motor that provides the required speed. This is how the first SchumanSchreus grinding machine was born. And until the 1980s, dermabrasion using this device was the main method for removing scars, age spots, and tattoos.

Sometimes this method was used as a rejuvenation procedure, but difficulties arose due to its pain, risk of infection and long recovery period. These reasons became the basis for the search and development of safer methods of exposure. As a result, new devices for performing dermabrasion services appeared, other, more advanced anesthesia techniques began to be used, as well as modern wound coverings based on hydrogels.

Diamond dermabrasion

Facial dermabrasion is presented in several ways, one of them is diamond resurfacing, the principle of which is to treat problem areas with special attachments with finely dispersed diamond chips. The device is equipped with additional vacuum suction, which allows particles to easily penetrate the tissue.

This technique is used to treat various areas - the face, neck and décolleté, as well as the hands.

It is these areas of the epidermis that are most susceptible to aging and negative changes under the influence of external factors. The handpiece used in this method of skin resurfacing is microcrystals - a diamond abrasive with high exfoliating properties.

They are hypoallergenic, safe, provide gentle exfoliation without wounding or irritating the epidermis during treatment. Each microcrystal has the shape of a star or snowflake; they delicately remove the keratinized layer of cells from the surface, releasing a younger and healthier layer, accelerating regeneration in the area affected by abrasive particles.

The session follows the standard algorithm:

  • A preliminary consultation with a doctor is carried out to determine the depth of exposure.
  • The skin is thoroughly cleansed of impurities and makeup. In case of high sensitivity, local anesthesia can be used.
  • The doctor carries out cleaning using a device with vacuum attachments and diamond abrasive on pre-determined areas.
  • After micro-resurfacing, the skin is treated with anti-inflammatory and soothing agents, and a mask with an anti-edematous effect is applied.

A session of diamond microdermabrasion helps smooth out the relief, eliminating small scars and scars, improve complexion, activate internal rejuvenation processes and restore elasticity. Microgrinding with diamond dust continues for no more than 35-50 minutes.

The result of this effect is visible after the first procedure. The cost of a session in metropolitan clinics is from 2000 rubles, in the regions the price of one procedure will be 1200-1500 rubles.

Preparatory stage

Microdermabrasion does not require special preliminary preparation of the skin. It is enough to maintain health and eliminate contraindications. When performing a session at home, you need to carefully examine the integument, identifying violations of integrity, inflammation, and irritation.

In a clinical setting, before the initial session, the doctor conducts a preliminary consultation. This helps to eliminate contraindications, select the optimal treatment regimen and follow-up care.

Stop sunbathing 2 weeks before the procedure. For 3–5 days, they refuse antibiotics, hormones, antispasmodics, anticoagulants, and alcohol. In 2–3 days, finish using cosmetics with loosening properties. The procedure is performed only when you feel well.

Mechanical dermabrasion

Mechanical dermabrasion is a more radical and traumatic, but effective method of rejuvenation, as well as solving cosmetic problems. The main difference from delicate diamond microgrinding is the deeper impact. During the procedure, the upper layer of the epidermis is removed using hardware, without affecting the papillary layer and the upper layer of the retina of the skin.

Processing is carried out using compact cutters mounted on special equipment.

The depth of treatment is controlled electronically and by the cosmetologist himself. This technique is used for radical changes - eliminating deep wrinkles, removing tattoos, removing severe hyperpigmentation, noticeable scars, cicatrices, keloids, and other visible skin imperfections.

The procedure is quite traumatic and is characterized by a long recovery period, so the use of painkillers is mandatory.

The session takes place in stages:

  1. The doctor conducts an examination and prescribes an examination of the body, including tests, ECG and fluorography.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, the cosmetologist marks the treatment areas.
  3. The selected area is cooled with compresses for 30 minutes.
  4. Anesthesia is performed, most often patients are given general intravenous anesthesia.
  5. The optimal abrasive attachment is selected, and the cosmetologist begins the grinding process. First, surgical excision of the affected areas is performed, then the area is mechanically polished, and then the result is secured with Bucca irradiation to destroy the germinal part of the keloid zone.

This procedure is not carried out in the warm season, since at this time ultraviolet rays actively affect the skin. The best time is from October to March, at which time solar activity is minimal. The cost of mechanical treatment in metropolitan clinics ranges from 1000 per 1 sq. cm.

The price may vary depending on the qualifications of the doctor, the type of device, and the area of ​​treatment.

Patient reviews

I have had skin problems for a long time - post-acne, and the scars are very visible. I decided to fight this. I was in the mood for chemical peeling, but the cosmetologist recommended microdermabrasion. The procedure is pleasant and painless. I immediately felt that my skin became more elastic, cleaner and even younger. And most importantly - no traces of inflammation, like after regular cleansing - after 15 minutes, clean, healthy skin!

Natalia, Nizhny Novgorod

I have already done two microdermabrasion procedures. The skin after it is very smooth, I would say perfect. No redness or swelling - an excellent option for those who do not have the opportunity to recover for a long period while sitting at home. I will do the procedure more than once.

Marina, Novokuznetsk

When I turned 30, I started thinking about how to slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. I didn't even think about plastic surgery. And then the cosmetologist recommended hardware cosmetology. We settled on microdermabrasion as the most gentle method. The procedure is painless, the skin condition has noticeably improved after it. Because of my rhythm of life, it is important for me that immediately after the procedure I can return to normal life - my face did not turn red, there was no irritation. I recommend!

Katerina, Samara

Originally posted 2018-03-29 05:18:42.

Laser dermabrasion

Progressive cosmetological techniques include laser, or fractional, resurfacing. At its core, the method is a deep peeling, the epidermis is completely removed, and the upper dermal layer is partially removed. The depth of the laser thermal effect is 150 microns, corresponding to the depth of the basement membranes.

Processing is carried out with several types of lasers:

  • carbon dioxide;
  • erbium;
  • low intensity.

The first method is the most traumatic, but also the most effective. The action of the erbium laser is more delicate, and the risk of developing negative manifestations is minimal. A low-intensity laser practically does not injure the epidermis and dermal layers, but it is ineffective for deep defects.

The principle of the method is to heat the covers with subsequent absorption of photons of radiation. By adjusting the depth of action, the power and duration of the pulses change. When heated, the problem area is evaporated, followed by tissue coagulation and destruction of the old structural protein.

The treatment promotes the production of young cells and accelerated regeneration around laser-damaged areas.

The session takes place in several stages:

  1. The doctor identifies problem areas, thoroughly cleanses, and applies local or intravenous anesthesia for pain relief.

  2. The areas are treated with an antiseptic, and the eyes are protected with special glasses.
  3. The cosmetologist begins the initial beam treatment. When the skin becomes chalky, the laser reaches the basement membrane.
  4. After 5-7 minutes. the manipulation is repeated. Heating is carried out until drops of blood appear, which indicates that the manipule has reached the papillary layer.
  5. After the session, a soothing mask with an absorbent and embalming effect is applied to the skin, this will help speed up the regeneration and healing process.

The cost of laser resurfacing is higher than similar methods; in metropolitan clinics it will cost at least 40,000 rubles. for treating the entire facial area. You can get rid of stretch marks from your stomach from RUB 27,000. Calculation 1 cm sq. laser resurfacing - from 500 to 1500 rubles.

Service cost

Moscow2,100 rub.
MedCenterService in Northern Medvedkovo1,850 rub.
"Through the Looking Glass" on Bolshaya Tulskaya2,100 rub.
VolgogradSalon "House of Beauty"From 1,700 rub.
Center for Aesthetic Medicine and Medical Cosmetology “Professional”2,000 rub.
MinskSalon "Infiniti"50 BYR
Beauty salon “Vianika”40 BYR
Beauty Salon Iteira Sensation80 BYR
KazanMedical cosmetology clinic LR CLINIC2,000 rub.
Laser hair removal and cosmetology studio “Gladko”1,500 rub.
SPA2,000 rub.
Vitebsk43 BYR
Beauty studio "Agat"From 50 BYR
DnepropetrovskCosmetology500 UAH
Cosmetology400 UAH
Salon "Sofia Thiess Beauty Studio"From 300 UAH.
PenzaBeauty salon "Spa and Beauty"1,200 rub.
Salon "Louis D'or"RUB 2,990
AlmatyMedical5000 tenge.
Studio of hardware cosmetology “Estetic PRO”10,000 tenge.
Beauty salon "Harmony"11,000 tenge.
Medical Center for Hair Treatment and Cosmetology AMD Laboratories12,000 tenge.
GomelSalon "Come il faut"39 BYR

Which devices are suitable for home use?

Facial dermabrasion (diamond, mechanical or laser) is a hardware technique and therefore cannot be performed without special equipment.

There is a gradation of grinding devices, which divides them into stationary or professional ones, used in salons, and portable ones with a simplified set of functions that can be used at home without visiting a salon or clinic. The table below provides a list of equipment suitable for use at home.

With a description of the characteristics and an indication of the approximate cost:

Device nameDescriptionPrice
GezatoneThe device is characterized by compact size and portability, designed for diamond grinding. Combines the function of grinding with diamond microparticles and vacuum cleaning. Equipped with three nozzles with varying degrees of abrasiveness, vacuum nozzles and a timer From 5000 rub.
Remington Reveal MD-3000A convenient device for doing diamond microgrinding sessions yourself at home. The operating principle is based on a vacuum suction system. Set includes 3 antimicrobial tips for normal, sensitive and hard-to-reach areas. Has 4 speed modes and a regulator for changing the intensity of exfoliation From 8000 rub.
Rio Crystal RenewThe device combines the synergy of the effects of vacuum and finely dispersed diamond powder. A diamond mixture is supplied under pressure, cleansing the keratinized epidermis. Equipped with 2 containers for supply and waste powder. Operates from the network, easy to operate From 7000 rub.
Venus Derma SmoothCompact size handheld device for diamond dermabrasion. The set includes 3 vacuum attachments, as well as 3 diamond grinding handles. From 6000 rub.

It is not recommended to carry out the procedure without prior preparation in order to avoid injury to the skin and to avoid negative consequences during the rehabilitation period.

How to do dermabrasion at home

At home, as a rule, diamond grinding is carried out using simple portable devices.

Step-by-step instructions for conducting a session:

  1. Prepare the device for action by selecting several attachments for different zones.
  2. Clean the skin of dirt and makeup, degrease with alcohol lotion.
  3. Place a special gasket on the base rod, and then the selected nozzle.
  4. Select the optimal mode and treat the problem area.
  5. After manipulation, apply a soothing agent to the areas.

The handpiece should be moved along the massage lines without unnecessary haste, without staying in one place for more than 1 second. It is recommended to first make a pore-expanding mask at the skin preparation stage, and during treatment slightly stretch the skin for an improved aesthetic result.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors use different exfoliation options. Diamond grinding and microdermabrasion products are praised and recommended to patients. The procedure will not solve glaring problems. Cosmetologists understand this very well.

The cosmetologist recommends cosmetics with a diamond exfoliation effect.

A cosmetologist praises the result of diamond polishing.

The cosmetologist classifies diamond peeling as a useless procedure.

How many procedures do you need to undergo?

To obtain a visible lasting result, eliminate blemishes and age-related changes, 5-12 sessions of diamond dermabrasion may be required with a break between them of 7-10 days. The method is gentle, delicately and gradually eliminating skin imperfections. The effect is noticeable after 1 procedure, but to consolidate the result you need to complete the course.

As maintenance therapy, it is recommended to undergo 1 session of diamond dermabrasion every 1-2 months.

This course will help eliminate visible defects and provide effective prevention of age-related changes. Mechanical and laser dermabrasion guarantees profound changes and elimination of serious aesthetic problems. Depending on the extent of the problem, 1 to 3 sessions may be required, with an interval of at least 3 months between them.

Grinding efficiency

The basic goal of microdermabrasion is to cleanse the surface of the skin: exposing fresh layers of tissue and opening pores. This allows you to activate your metabolism and launch your own update program. The mechanical action of diamond bits contributes to:

  • improving skin color and texture;
  • reducing the severity of age spots, scars, wrinkles;
  • normalization of integument turgor;
  • deep tissue cleansing;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes.

Microdermabrasion is usually performed as part of a complex of intensive care programs, but it can be used as an independent procedure. The procedure is performed once as needed or in a course of 5–10 treatments. The interval between sessions is at least 7–14 days. The cleansing result of diamond peeling is visible after a single intervention, while the rejuvenating result is visible only after a course of procedures.

Recovery period after peeling

Facial dermabrasion (diamond, mechanical or laser) is effective and safe only if certain rules of care are followed during the rehabilitation period.

After the grinding session it is recommended:

  • do not touch the treated areas with your hands on the first day after grinding;
  • after 1-10 days, clean the skin with delicate products or a weak antiseptic solution;
  • within 2-5 days, exclude the application of decorative cosmetics;
  • avoid physical activity, going to the sauna and bathhouse, visiting the pool for 7 days;
  • Before going out into the open air, apply cream with high SPF protection; do not apply scrubs, cleansing masks and peelings, or pick off scabs.

Following simple rules during the rehabilitation period will help speed up healing, enhance and prolong the aesthetic result obtained.

Cosmetical tools

You can achieve the same effect as after hardware microdermabrasion by using cosmetics. Options in different price categories that are popular with consumers:

  • Dr brandt. Luxury cosmetics for a vibrant effect. Options from Dr. Brandt in the form of scrub, peeling, cream with microscopic exfoliating particles, acids, plant extracts can be selected for any skin type, different problem areas. The cost of options starts from 4.5 thousand rubles. for a capacity of 60 ml.

  • Mary Kay. The manufacturer offers a set that includes peeling with scrubbing particles of aluminum oxide, caffeine, vitamins C, E and regenerating serum. Mary Kay cleanser acts like a scrub. Serum replaces cream. The cost of the Mary Kay option starts from 1.2 thousand rubles.

  • Faberlic. Micropeeling of the Expert series with fruit acids, enzymes, and an oxygen complex copes with keratinized epidermis, giving cleanliness and freshness. The cost of the Faberlic option starts from 400 rubles.

  • Belita Vitex. Gel serum from the Ms series. perfect for cleansing, smoothing the relief, narrowing pores. Unique patented components create antioxidant protection, whiten, moisturize, and eliminate toxins. The version from Belit is bought for 150 rubles.

Note! There are many peelings, scrubs, and cleansing creams with the effect of superficial diamond peeling on sale. The choice is made based on individual characteristics.

Results of the procedure: before and after photos

Cosmetologists and patients positively evaluate the technique, and the results can be seen in the photos before and after the procedure.

After the full course of grinding and subsequent healing of the treated areas, the following effect can be observed:

  • mimic and age wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • the skin brightens, a healthy and uniform complexion returns;
  • tone is restored, firmness and elasticity returns;
  • pigment spots are eliminated, freckles are visually less noticeable;
  • pores are narrowed and cleansed;
  • traces of acne and post-acne are eliminated;
  • the skin is rejuvenated, acquiring a healthy appearance.

Inside the layers of the skin, regeneration and cellular renewal occur, and the processes of synthesis of collagen-elastin fibers are activated. Any facial dermabrasion, but especially the diamond method of exposure, can be supplemented with botulinum therapy, nanoperforation, ultraphonophoresis and contouring.

To generally improve the condition of the skin, you can additionally conduct several sessions of mesotherapy and biorevitalization.

Article design: Anna Vinnitskaya

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