Facial scrub: benefits and application
How does a classic scrub differ from a peeling scrub and why is it especially important to use a scrub after 25 years
The upper layer of the dermis becomes keratinized due to dying cells. They are being replaced by new ones. Naturally
Laser hair removal of the deep bikini area. Contraindications, photos, price of the procedure
Introduction For any modern girl and woman, a perfectly smooth skin surface in the area is important.
Cleaning your face at home using a Vidal loop
Why do you need facial cleansing? Not every person can boast of healthy skin. For hormonal
Diamond peeling
Diamond peeling (microdermabrasion) – express rejuvenation in a few days
Every woman, regardless of age, strives to be beautiful. Modern cosmetology is ready to offer a variety of options
Recipes for acne on the face
Homemade masks for acne and blackheads: tips and recipes
Acne - behind the beautiful and mysterious name of the disease lies the most common acne or
How to use facial tonic and whether it should be washed off with water after use - advice from cosmetologists
Facial toner – a caring cosmetic product for removing excess sebaceous glands and residues
Cryomassage of the face, how often can you do it. Indications for the cryomassage procedure
Cryomassage is one of the methods of massage influence on the human body, during which it is used
Removing stubborn makeup
Which makeup remover milk is best - review of 7 brands
Updated: 03/07/2021 15:18:51 Expert: Ekaterina Alekseevna Savitskaya *Review of the best according to the editors of expertology.ru. ABOUT
diamond peeling device attachments
Diamond skin peeling: how much does it cost, where and how is the procedure done?
Diamond peeling is an improved version of microdermabrasion (skin micro-resurfacing), carried out using a special vacuum apparatus,
The girl looks in the mirror
Facial pastiness: why the face becomes puffy
If a puffy face constantly looks out of the mirror in the morning, then this is a reason to seriously think about it.
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