Diamond peeling (microdermabrasion) – express rejuvenation in a few days

Every woman, regardless of age, strives to be beautiful. Modern cosmetology is ready to offer a variety of options for skin restoration. Including diamond peeling - one of the most popular salon procedures in facial rejuvenation techniques.

Diamond peeling or microdermabrasion is grinding with a special device (for example, a Pristine device) of the upper layer of the epidermis, which erases visible skin defects: loss of tone, clogged pores, wrinkles, blackheads, scars, acne and age spots. Microdermabrasion stimulates skin cell turnover for a fresher, healthier appearance. The treatment does not require long rehabilitation and is highly effective due to the stimulation of further natural production of collagen and elastin.

Operating principle

As we age, the rate of natural exfoliation decreases and the risk of skin blemishes and signs of aging increases. Microdermabrasion is a hardware treatment of the facial skin with special abrasive attachments containing artificial diamonds. By selecting the required degree of pressure on the surface, the cosmetologist removes layers of keratinized cells. The intensity of cleansing and the depth of penetration depend on the size of the diamond particles, so for deep defects (scars and cicatrices) nozzles with coarse coating are used.

The vacuum reservoir of the device stimulates the production of collagen - a substance that provides natural elasticity to the skin, strengthens the lower layers of the skin and reduces visible signs of aging. During operation, the device simultaneously massages the skin and removes dirt from the pores, collecting surface dust into a container.

The procedure takes 20-60 minutes (depending on the size of the area) and takes place with virtually no pain. Many people say that it is rather pleasant - like a deep facial massage.

Procedural points of abrasive grinding

To be fair, it should be noted that it is incorrect to combine all microdermabrasion methods into the category of diamond resurfacing. This type of procedure can be carried out by devices charged with dust based on crystals of aluminum, magnesium, and chloride salts.

Diamond microdermabrasion is a modern abrasive peeling technology, which is based on equipment interspersed with thousands of crushed artificial diamonds. Unlike the standard procedure, diamond microdermabrasion is performed without a directed high-pressure air stream. Its essence boils down to the progressive treatment of skin areas with the device’s attachment.

Mechanically, both technologies are similar:

  • with conventional microdermabrasion, “sand” is applied to the skin with air, “cutting off” dead particles of the top layer along the way;
  • during diamond microdermabrasion peeling, the dead layer is removed mechanically (the master moves the nozzle, removing unnecessary cells with the help of small diamonds).

The difference between diamond and other technologies is safety. Full control of the treatment area when working with a diamond attachment allows the cosmetologist to eliminate any risks of negative effects - cuts, bruises, scar formation. Many patients at the modern peeling clinic compare the sensations of microdermabrasion to a cat's tongue (similar tactile sensations arise when a rough tongue licks the skin).

How does diamond peeling work?

The peeling process itself can be divided into three stages.

  1. Preparation of the treatment area: cleansing the skin before microdermabrasion, collecting hair under a towel, comfortable placement on the couch.
  2. Cleaning and polishing leather with changing attachments (gradual transition from larger diamond particles to smaller ones for processing different sections). The master constantly describes his actions and closely monitors the patient’s sensations.
  3. Treat clean skin with moisturizer. Microdermabrasion not only polishes, but also promotes the activity of metabolic processes in the integument. The skin renews itself faster, absorbs vitamin complexes and moisture better.

On what area of ​​skin can the procedure be performed?

Microdermabrasion can be performed on the face or almost any other area of ​​the skin. Most often the face, neck and chest are subjected to the procedure.

Pros of diamond microdermabrasion

The undoubted advantages of a “precious” session are the following factors:

  • cleanses the upper layers of the skin well;
  • does not injure the dermis;
  • the procedure is hypoallergenic;
  • the process is completely hygienic.

Thanks to gentle peeling, diamond cleansing manipulations help quickly restore facial skin. Immediately after the first cleaning, improvements are already noticeable - a light shade, leveling of the relief, a soft and smooth surface.

The change in skin color occurs due to improved microcirculation of blood flow and saturation of cells with oxygen. The softness and elasticity of the epidermis is ensured by the production of natural collagen. Vacuum air pressure stimulates metabolic processes, which reduces the risk of swelling and injury.

Purposes of diamond-vacuum peeling:

  1. Maximum cleaning of the surface of the dermis - removal of dead cells, dirt and sebaceous plugs, as well as epithelial layers.
  2. Preparing the epidermis for other procedures - resurfacing enhances the effect of subsequent cosmetic procedures.
  3. Stimulation of fibrillar protein synthesis - collagen and elastin, improvement of hyaluronic acid production for rapid renewal.

If the cause of excess spots on the face is long-term exposure to direct sunlight, microdermabrasion has the opposite effect.

Since one of the main functions of the skin is to thicken the surface layer under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, a resurfacing session prevents the formation of a protective dermobarrier. Frequent sunbathing while brushing with diamonds will cause new age spots to appear.

What is the difference between diamond microdermabrasion and dermabrasion?

Dermabrasion is carried out using a device using a rotating roller attachment interspersed with abrasive material - oxidized chromium powder or a laser. The essence of the session is the deep study and removal of the old epidermis for further regeneration of the young layer.

Many cosmetologists call the process of dermabrasion an excellent analogue of plastic surgery. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, and full recovery requires at least eight weeks. This cosmetic intervention is very effective for keloids and scars.

The cleaning method also has a serious drawback - deep exposure exposes the skin, which increases the risk of infected wounds. Therefore, during the rehabilitation period it is necessary to use antibacterial ointments and avoid ultraviolet radiation.

Microdermabrasion with diamonds is a modern way to quickly, efficiently and almost painlessly improve your complexion, remove facial wrinkles, small scars, acne and age spots. The recovery period is short. Correction of the epidermis immediately gives a positive result.

When comparing both cosmetic procedures, we can conclude that diamond cleansing is a superficial stage of skin regeneration, used as an initial remedy. Dermabrasion is a stressful deep cleansing for the dermis, requires long-term observation and treatment, therefore it is used only for medical reasons.

Diamond peeling at home

Even such a complex procedure, which requires a special apparatus, can be done at home. There is a special device on sale called Gezatone. It has 6 attachments (3 diamond and 3 vacuum). You can also adjust its power in 3 modes. The device has a built-in timer that allows you to record time.

Gezatone cleaning is carried out along the main massage lines, paying special attention to problem areas. If you are going to do diamond peeling, then you can save money when purchasing a device. The device itself will cost 7,000-11,000 rubles. rubles

Detailed video about the procedure:


Diamond peeling is an affordable procedure with proven effectiveness that can be done both at home and in the salon. You can get the final result only if you take a course of microdermabrasion, although the improvement will be noticeable after the first visit to a cosmetologist.

The procedure takes little time and there is no recovery required after it, which allows you to return to normal life. If adverse reactions occur, it is better to consult your cosmetologist, although, as a rule, all changes disappear within a few days.

After peeling, you should never go out in the sun to prevent new pigment spots from appearing.

Indications and contraindications

Microdermabrasion sessions are best performed after 25 years. It is at this age that women experience the first signs of skin aging.

Indications for use of diamond facial cleansing:

  1. Elimination of minor stretch marks and defective surface changes (scars, scars).
  2. Signs of irritation, acne, increased greasiness of the epidermis.
  3. Oily or dry skin.
  4. Freckles, acne, pigmentation, ingrown facial hair.
  5. Age-related changes – flabbiness and fading.

Cleaning problem areas is done to reduce severe greasiness, cleanse pores, smooth the surface and remove impurities. In case of increased dryness of the epidermis, the procedure is preparatory in nature - the session is used as an auxiliary session before the main manipulations to normalize hydration and nutrition.

The diamond cutting process does not treat excess skin pigmentation. However, the procedure can accelerate the spontaneous disappearance of natural defects by renewing the upper layers of the epidermis.

Contraindications are:

  1. Fresh wounds, abrasions or inflammatory lesions.
  2. Fungal infections.
  3. Cuperosis.
  4. Sunburn of the surface.
  5. Hyperkeratosis.
  6. Active stage infectious or viral disease.
  7. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  8. Diabetes mellitus of any degree.
  9. Active manifestations of allergies.
  10. The period of menstruation and the first time after it.
  11. Bronchial asthma.
  12. History of epilepsy.
  13. Oncological and cardiovascular pathologies.

Some contraindications are temporary. A diamond session can be performed after eliminating these deficiencies and a complete cosmetic examination of the skin.

For patients over 40 years of age, there are restrictions on the use of this type of peeling. For example, due to age-related changes, frequent sessions are contraindicated due to the risk of developing infectious inflammation. At this age, the skin needs more significant cleansing, since microdermabrasion does not affect the deeper layers of the epidermis.

Benefits of Microdermabrasion

Unlike other peelings, microdermabrasion has a number of undeniable advantages:

  1. No pain. The cosmetic procedure does not require the use of anesthetics, since it does not cause pain.
  2. Diamond peeling is less traumatic and can even be used to polish ultra-sensitive facial skin.
  3. Mechanical peeling removes more than 80% of dead cells from the top layer of the epidermis.

Due to the removal of dead cells, dark spots, freckles, expression lines, acne, and acne from the face and neck disappear after the procedure.

Expected Result

Diamond peeling perfectly removes pigmentation, cleans and tightens pores, and also normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. After the session, the result is noticeable from the first day - the surface of the epidermis brightens, wrinkles and folds are smoothed out, the skin acquires an even and beautiful shade.

The expected effect depends on the initial condition and skin type. Immediately after the procedure, the skin will become noticeably smoother. The result lasts up to 3 months.

The more aggressive the treatment, the better the results. The degree of aggressiveness will depend on the condition of your skin and the goals you set for yourself. The standard number of procedures varies from 5 to 15 times. For example, to remove pronounced unevenness of the epidermal layer, up to 20 resurfacing sessions are necessary, and in the treatment of cellulite, 6 procedures will be sufficient. You can completely get rid of stretch marks in 12-15 cleanings, and you can smooth out facial wrinkles and folds in literally 2-3 sessions.

For medical reasons, the intervals between diamond grinding processes should not be less than two weeks. Time is necessary for the complete restoration of the surface epidermis, normalization of tone and a real assessment of the effectiveness of cleansing.

Photos “before and after”

Possible complications

The effectiveness of the cleaning largely depends on the professionalism of the cosmetologist. For example, excessive pressure on the skin or the wrong choice of nozzle provokes the occurrence of spider veins, small abrasions and hyperemia.

When the patient takes vasodilators, inflammatory complications may develop during diamond resurfacing - hyperpigmentation, bruising, herpes rashes. In these cases, it is more advisable to wait until the end of the course of conservative therapy.

Preparation and carrying out peeling

Leading experts recommend that you undergo a cosmetic examination before a diamond cleaning session. The specialist will determine your skin type and select the correct level of impact of the attachments.

Preparation and implementation of the procedure are standard. There are three main stages of a cosmetologist’s work.

  1. Preparatory activities, the quality of which determines the effectiveness of peeling. To open the pores, the skin is steamed and cleansed before micro-resurfacing. At home, a compress made from a towel soaked in hot water is ideal for this purpose.
  2. The specialist treats the surface with circular movements of the selected nozzles. Depending on the relief and sensitivity of the skin area, different devices are selected. Every centimeter undergoes careful and thorough processing with varying degrees of pressure.
  3. Final steps. The cosmetologist applies a soothing mask to relieve possible irritations, then lubricates the treated skin with a moisturizing composition.

The diamond facial cleansing process takes about 30-40 minutes. Cleansing other areas of the body is completed in an hour.

During the session, dead cells and dirt are sucked by a vacuum air stream into a special reservoir. This prevents particles from entering the lungs of the cosmetologist and the patient when breathing.

Sequence of the cleaning process

The procedure is performed in several stages:

1. skin preparation;

First you need to prepare the surface of the skin for cleaning. For this purpose, it is steamed, and then a special moisturizer is applied to it to achieve maximum peeling effect.

2. performing cleaning;

When all preparatory procedures have been completed, you can proceed directly to cleaning. The surface of the skin is treated using diamond-coated attachments, and there should be several of these attachments in order to treat the entire surface of the facial skin with maximum effect. During the peeling process, the cosmetologist changes the attachments several times.

Facial cleansing unclogs skin pores, eliminates flaking and promotes rejuvenation, which is why diamond peeling has recently become increasingly popular.

3. treating the skin with nutrients.

The final stage of the procedure is applying a nourishing mask to the skin. After peeling, the skin becomes more receptive, so with the help of specialized products it is saturated with necessary microelements that activate protective mechanisms.

The total duration of the peeling procedure is about 40 minutes.


Typically, one microdermabrasion session costs from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

Skin care after diamond peeling

After grinding, it is recommended to follow a few simple rules for the rehabilitation period:

  • reduce exposure to the sun, use of a solarium or sunbathing on the beach to a minimum;
  • Wear sunglasses outdoors throughout the year (this precaution is required during a diamond peeling course);
  • in order to avoid possible infection of open pores, for the first ten days, avoid visiting baths, saunas, and swimming pools;
  • you cannot engage in physical activity - increased sweating provokes irritation;
  • For two weeks after the procedure, do not use alcohol-based cosmetics or decorative cosmetics - this can dry out the surface of the epidermis.

After cleansing, together with a cosmetologist, you need to select special skin care products - nutrients and lotions that stimulate the full restoration of the skin.

According to experts themselves, grinding the face with diamonds dries out the epidermis, thickening its surface. Therefore, the cosmetologist prescribes subsequent skin treatment with moisturizing serums and softening creams.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure at home?

To cleanse your face at home, you need to purchase a Diamond Peeling Gezatone device. The kit includes the device itself, three attachments with different degrees of grain (for all skin types) and three vacuum tanks of different diameters. The device is equipped with a convenient power control system, as well as a timer, which allows you to independently set the time and gentle grinding cycle.

Processing is carried out in stages:

  1. Cheeks and chin - from the center to the side area.
  2. Lips - from the center to the corners.
  3. Forehead - horizontal movements from bottom to top.
  4. Nose – from the back to the wings.
  5. Eyes - from the outer corner and ear along the lower eyelid to the inner corner. Then from the inner corner to the upper eyelid and to the temple.

During a home peeling procedure, the skin of the eyelids should not be touched.

After cleaning, the treated areas should be lubricated with a soothing and nourishing cream.

Patient reviews of diamond microdermabrasion

Alena, 35 years old:

The procedure was not exactly cheap, but the result exceeded all my expectations. The face became soft and elastic, the wrinkles under the eyes smoothed out.

Anna, 30 years old:

I am satisfied with the diamond peeling. The procedure is painless, and facial rejuvenation occurs literally before our eyes. Acne marks on the cheekbones and oily shine have disappeared, the scar on the chin is almost invisible, the skin has become even and smooth as velvet.

Lyudmila, 40 years old:

I wear glasses and often squint. With age, wrinkles in the eye area have become very noticeable. I did a diamond peeling. The procedure is expensive, but I really liked it. Wrinkles and facial folds near the mouth have disappeared, the number of freckles and age spots on the face has noticeably decreased, and the skin has become smooth and youthful.

Peeling effectiveness

This type of peeling is highly effective. It is used for the following purposes:

1. removal of scars left after acne treatment;

2. fight against fine wrinkles, stretch marks;

3. removal of freckles, age spots;

4. smoothing the skin surface;

5. return of the skin to its natural color;

6. cleansing clogged pores.

Diamond vacuum facial cleansing is recognized as the most comfortable cosmetic procedure, since it is not only painless, but also hypoallergenic.

Answers on questions

How many diamond peeling procedures do you need to do?

The number of procedures is determined by the doctor after examination, assessment of the condition and type of the patient’s skin. The course includes no more than 15 procedures on the face. For safety reasons and to prevent possible complications, an interval of at least two weeks is made between sessions.

When can you do diamond peeling?

Peeling can be done between the ages of 25 and 45. Older patients (from 40 to 45 years old) are recommended to undergo a medical examination by a therapist before contacting a cosmetologist.

How many days does the recovery period last after diamond cleansing?

Noticeable improvements will be visible the very next day. Then, for a week, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor and follows the necessary recommendations. Typically the healing period takes no more than one week. However, for safety reasons, cosmetologists recommend waiting at least 14 days. During this time, the skin will be completely restored and strengthened.

Let's sum it up

It’s not for nothing that diamond peeling is called express rejuvenation in one week. The painlessness of cleansing means that the skin is not injured, which means the risk of possible infection is minimal. Vacuum massage ensures hygiene and activation of metabolic processes of the epidermis. The rehabilitation period is not burdened with consequences - for example, redness or swelling. But in order to see a new face in the mirror tomorrow, you need to flawlessly follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations today.

You can learn more about the diamond cleaning procedure by watching the video:

Contraindications to the use of the procedure

All people are different, and not everyone is allowed certain manipulations with the body and face. And diamond peeling will not remain on the sidelines. There are few contraindications, but they should be taken into account when choosing a procedure in a beauty salon:

  • Fresh scars, scratches. May complicate the situation;
  • Large and protruding above the surface of the skin, moles and neoplasms;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Spider veins;
  • Increased body temperature.
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