Cleaning your face at home using a Vidal loop

Why do you need facial cleansing?

Not every person can boast of healthy skin. With hormonal imbalances, poor diet and other health problems, excessive production of sebum begins. This leads to the appearance of blackheads - comedones and pimples, which clog the sebaceous glands. And this prevents the outflow of sebum, which is a kind of protective lubricant for the skin, protects it from drying out, evaporation of moisture, softens and makes it elastic.

Facial skin care involves periodic cleansing. The procedure will not only improve your appearance, but will also help cosmetic products work better.

Cleaning is, first of all, hygienic skin care, and only secondarily - aesthetic, that is, improving appearance.

Dirty skin cannot fully perform such important functions for the body as:

  • respiratory;
  • thermoregulatory;
  • absorbent;
  • protective;
  • tactile.

Usually, when the skin is contaminated, its immunity suffers greatly. Bacteria live in “dirt” as if in paradise.

Uncleaned skin is susceptible to rashes in 100% of cases.⠀

Cosmetologists recommend that you clean your skin at least once every 1.5-2 months.

During the procedure the following occurs:

  1. Exfoliation of the upper keratinized layers of skin.
  2. Removing blackheads and blackheads.
  3. Cleansing the skin of impurities and toxins.
  4. Restoring the skin's protective mantle and pH.
  5. Stimulates blood circulation and metabolism.
  6. After cleansing, the skin breathes better, which significantly reduces the number of new acne and blackheads.
  7. The skin looks younger, fresher and more attractive.
  8. She gains gloss and radiance.

How does the Vidal loop instrument work?

The instrument is named after its inventor, a bacteriologist from France, Vidal. The design consists of a loop on a rod that acts as a handle holder. The instrument is made of medical metal.

The face cleaning loop can be of different sizes. The wide ear is used when processing the chin, forehead, and nose. A narrow loop for facial cleansing is used in places where the pores are almost not enlarged, for example, on the cheeks.

Similar devices

This pore cleaning loop isn't the only beauty tool you can use. Experts use tools with a similar method of action.

Spoon Uno

The facial cleansing device is a metal rod with a hemispherical tip. The kit may include additional attachments that are also used for cleaning the skin.

How to use the tool is usually indicated in the instructions.

The spoon must be placed so that there is a pimple in the center of the hole, after which you need to lightly press on the skin.

Cosmetology spoon (skimmer)

This metal structure (one of the varieties of the Uno spoon) allows you to get rid of contamination by the secretions of the sebaceous glands of the upper layers of the skin.

Vidal's needle

The facial cleansing needle is a metal handle with a sharp steel tip.

It is used to remove acne and leaves almost no residue on the surface. The needle manages to extract the contents of the pores without harming the skin. In some cases it is better to prefer it to other devices.

Before using a Vidal needle, the area of ​​skin should be disinfected and disinfected. The instrument is also sanitized.

How to use a Vidal loop at home (recommendations from cosmetologists)

Before using a facial cleansing tool, you need to prepare for the procedure. An important condition for its implementation is compliance with sanitary rules.

Preparation for the procedure

The pimple loop must be disinfected. For this purpose, you can use medical alcohol.

The surface of the face is cleansed. For oily skin, it is recommended to use alcohol-based products. For dry and mixed types, a solution of chlorhexidine or miramistin is suitable.

Before using facial cleansing tools, it is recommended to take a herbal bath to open up the pores.

For it, you can use coltsfoot, calendula, celandine and other medicinal plants. The herbs are brewed for 3-4 minutes, after which you need to bend over the bowl with the decoction, cover yourself with a towel and remain in this position for 7-10 minutes.

Excess moisture is removed from the skin, after which the chlorhexidine solution can be reused.

Loop cleaning process

Remember, to avoid infection, treating your hands, skin and instruments with disinfectants is mandatory.

The best disinfectants are alcohol, chlorhexidine and miramistin.

The procedure itself consists of the following steps:

  1. The instrument is applied to the affected area.
  2. The pimples or blackheads should be in the center of the loop.
  3. The instrument is lightly pressed against the skin.
  4. Once unwanted buildup has been removed, the surface is disinfected.

There is no need to make any effort; there should be no pain or discomfort after the procedure.

Next, another affected area is treated.

Before using the cosmetic loop on another area, the instrument should be treated with medical alcohol or a similar product.

Healing period

To avoid problems after the procedure, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Cleaning is best done in the evening, before bed.
  • After the procedure, it is not recommended to engage in physical labor that may cause you to sweat or go outside.
  • You can place gauze or a soft cloth moistened with chlorhexidine, miramistin or other disinfectant on the surface of the skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • For the first few hours, it is not recommended to wet the treated areas with plain water.

After using a cosmetology loop to cleanse your face, it is recommended not to use foundation and BB creams, powder, scrubs and peels for 2-3 days. Let your facial skin heal.

During this period, it is better to refuse to visit the gym, bathhouse, or sauna.

Post-procedure care

Caring for the dermis after the procedure is of great importance. At this time, many bacteria can accumulate on it, so it is very important to disinfect. This can be done using a compress:

  • We take gauze, fold it in several layers, cut out slits for the eyes, lips and nose;
  • We wet the material in a weak alcohol solution, apply it to the face and leave for 20 minutes.

Here it is recommended to take precautions and not allow alcohol to come into contact with mucous membranes. This procedure allows you to speed up the restoration of the skin, heal microcracks and dry out oily sheen.

In addition to the alcohol solution, you can use Chlorhexidine - just wipe your face with a cotton pad.

If the skin is prone to dryness, it is recommended to use a decoction of chamomile or calendula instead of alcohol-containing preparations. They have disinfectant and soothing properties and easily relieve irritation.

How to care for your skin after cleansing

Facial skin after the procedure requires special care. Experts recommend choosing the right products and devices that you will need for cleaning at home.

Facial skin care is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. We wash off cosmetics using micellar water, hydrophilic oil, and two-phase makeup remover.
  2. We wash ourselves with gels, mousses and foams. If desired, you can use silicone brushes
  3. We tone the skin with micellar water or toner without alcohol.
  4. If necessary, treat acne or inflamed areas with tea tree oil, rotokan or pharmaceutical mash.
  5. Facial scrubs are used no more than 1-2 times a week.
  6. You can use fruit peels for the face (if your skin is very oily).

Do not wash your face with regular soap because the pH of the skin is 5.5, the pH of soap is 9–10. Alkaline soap shifts the acidity of the skin and opens it to infections, but it is through the cells of the epidermis that most bacteria enter the body.

Silicone facial cleansing brushes

Cosmetologists and beauty bloggers recommend using silicone brushes. Their advantages are as follows:

  • removal of dead cells;
  • deep cleansing;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • getting rid of dryness and flaking.

Brushes can be mechanical or automatic. In the latter case, several attachments are provided, including for daily use.

Scrub: which one to choose

When purchasing a scrub, you need to pay attention to your skin type.

For oily skin, it is better to use products with sea salt, apricot or cherry kernels, etc.

Dry or combination skin is more suitable for soft products with a light gel or cream structure and a minimal amount of abrasive particles.

For problematic surfaces, peelings should be chosen.

Chatterbox and Rotokan products from the pharmacy for lubricating the face

An inexpensive but effective remedy has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects. It can be used daily for dermatological problems.

Tonics and micellar water

Tonics and micellar water cleanse and moisturize the skin.

They are characterized by universal action and are suitable for different types.

Tea tree oil and care products containing it

Tea tree oil is a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic.

Products containing it are recommended for use on oily, problematic acne-prone skin.

Types of tools

Let me tell you in more detail about what tools a cosmetologist has for facial cleansing. By the way, you can now easily buy them in medical equipment stores and use them at home.

However, it is very important to follow the precautions described below.

What is included in cosmetology instruments?

Spoon Uno

It is a base handle made of high-quality medical steel, on both sides of which there are spoon-like attachments. One has a hole with a diameter of about 2 mm. The other looks like a strainer with small holes. This is a device for removing blackheads and blackheads.

A strainer is very convenient for cleaning the wings of the nose. If you press them with your hands, the patient may experience severe pain, since many nerve endings are located in this area. The spoon is smoothly rolled over the surface of the epidermis, periodically cleaning the collected fat and dead cells with a cotton pad.

The side with a hole is convenient for removing deep-seated blackheads. It is positioned so that the head is in the middle, and after vertical pressing, the contents of the pore appear in the spoon. In this case, the surrounding skin is not injured at all.

A loop

The metal loop attached to the handle is designed to work with acne. It is positioned to cover their base. And further actions are the same as when working with a spoon with a single hole.

It is important to take special care when working with ulcers. It is better to first carefully open them with a sterile needle so that the contents do not splash or get into the eyes or onto clean skin.

Wigdahl needle

It looks like a small spear attached to a handle. Serves to remove sebaceous plugs, open subcutaneous pimples and deep-seated comedones. I don't recommend using it yourself. In the absence of skills and careless handling, it can seriously injure the skin.

To be honest, I generally prefer to work with sterile needles, replacing them every time after contact with the purulent contents of the pores. Only this approach gives one hundred percent confidence that the skin will not be additionally infected. And the Wigdahl needle must be constantly well treated with a powerful antiseptic solution.

Brushing brush

It cannot be called a cosmetology tool in the full sense, but it is often used for high-quality superficial facial cleansing and copes well with blackheads. In the salon, this is usually one of the attachment options for a cosmetic multifunctional combine. Small portable devices powered by mains or batteries are sold for home use.

It is important to understand here that the brush also needs regular additional treatment with disinfectants. Otherwise, instead of solving problems, she will start creating them.

When working with it, sebum and dead cells remain on the bristles. And if you don’t wash it well with soapy water, it becomes an ideal place for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms that will get on your face during the next procedure.

Therefore, at least once a week, the brush should be immersed in a disinfectant solution for several minutes. And store it in a dry place and preferably in a closed case to protect it from dust and other contaminants.

Contraindications, precautions

It is not recommended to use the Widal loop if you have:

  • skin diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • burns, cuts;
  • bruises;
  • infectious lesions;
  • other skin pathologies.

The procedure is not carried out if redness or irritation appears on the surface.

A tool for cleaning the face should be individual for each family member, just like a toothbrush.

After each procedure, it is thoroughly disinfected.

Indications for use

The Vidal loop is a cosmetic instrument for deep mechanical cleansing of the skin on any part of the body. As a result of pressure, the contents come out of the skin pore.

Using a loop you can get rid of:

  • blackheads;
  • acne;
  • acne;
  • closed comedones.

After proper and careful treatment, there are no scars or red inflamed spots left on the body, and the appearance of post-acne is excluded.

You can do cosmetic facial cleansing yourself, but to treat your back, shoulders and other inaccessible parts of the body you will have to ask a loved one for help.

How to choose a good tool

In order for cleaning pores with a loop to be effective, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a tool.

Pharmacies and specialized retail outlets offer a wide selection of products. A high-quality device is made of medical steel. The surface of the loop must be perfectly smooth so as not to injure the skin.

When choosing a tool, you need to pay attention to the reliability of the design. The loop itself must be securely attached to the handle and should not wobble.


The cosmetic loop produced by the brand is made of medical steel. The product is versatile. On one side of the structure there is a large sharp loop, on the other there is a small loop. The company's products are popular among cosmetologists due to the favorable ratio of quality and cost.


The brand's products are chosen by both novice cosmetologists and professionals.

The manufacturer offers a wide selection of products of various configurations.

The Vidal loop from Staleks has a lot of positive reviews.

Experts recommend the company's tools for their versatility and quality.


The cost of a cosmetic loop is influenced by several factors, including:

  • appointment;
  • material of manufacture;
  • availability of additional attachments, etc.

Simple tools can be found at the pharmacy from 99 rubles. Professional loops for facial cleansing are sold from RUB 399.


Based on numerous user reviews, using the Widal loop is not accompanied by any difficulties and allows you to achieve effective results. If handled correctly and carefully, cleaning your face with this device will eliminate the development of complications.

The Widal loop is a common tool that allows you to effectively get rid of various inflammatory formations. However, before purchasing and using this device, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist.

What types of facial cleansing exist and what are the differences?

Today there is a wide variety of cleaning methods: mechanical, ultrasonic, combined, chemical, vacuum, galvanic, laser.

Let's briefly look at these methods.

  • Mechanical - cleansing the skin using the hands of a cosmetologist and cosmetology instruments.
  • Ultrasonic – carried out using an ultrasonic scrubber; under the influence of ultrasonic waves, impurities, keratinized scales, and sebaceous plugs are “pushed out” of the skin, and the accompanying micromassage improves metabolism.
  • Combined - a combination of mechanical and ultrasonic cleaning.
  • Chemical - involves the use of a variety of products based on glycolic, salicylic, and fruit acids.
  • Vacuum - carried out using a device whose operating principle resembles a vacuum cleaner.
  • Galvanic (disincrustation) is a hardware method that involves cleaning pores and removing sebaceous plugs under the influence of electric current and special means.
  • Laser - heavy artillery. The laser beam, penetrating the upper and middle layers of the epidermis, completely removes the damaged layer of skin, simultaneously eliminating pigmentation, blackheads, acne and traces of them. The procedure is quite painful and aggressive, in comparison with others, but with an undeniable rejuvenating effect.
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