What is LPG massage: features and technique
Unusual name of the procedure The name of this type of massage is made up of the initials of the founder of the method, Louis Paul
Almond peeling: why is it needed and what problems does it solve?
Oddly enough, to rejuvenate facial skin, one often has to resort to violating its integrity.
15 simple ways to get rid of blackheads on your nose forever at home, reviews
From this article you will learn: The essence of mechanical facial cleansing The advantages and disadvantages of mechanical cleansing
Japanese woman in kimono
Japanese Asahi facial massage: rejuvenating technique by Yukuko Tanaka
Despite modern achievements in cosmetology and plastic surgery, every woman, understanding the shortcomings of these methods,
Mesotherapy - what is it and when should it be done?
From this article you will learn: The essence of the method of fractional mesotherapy for facial skin The effectiveness of fractional mesotherapy
An excellent proposal came to the girl’s head.
Dermatillomania: what is it and how is it dangerous for acne?
Modern trends to look decent in society often run counter to maintaining health. Beginning with
face fitness, Elena Karkukli
How to “raise” the oval of the face? A set of exercises from a face fitness trainer
Attention! In each issue of our magazine, catch a new portion of exercises from Elena Karkukli. Collect
In the photo: a greatly enlarged structure of activated carbon and the principle of carbon adsorption
Black mask for blackheads. Cleansing black mask with activated carbon for acne and blackheads at home: the best recipes
Oh, these oriental women! How beautiful their skin is, well-groomed and without blemishes! A
RF lifting: what is it, indications and contraindications
From this article you will learn: What is radiofrequency lifting Why radiofrequency lifting and thermage
RF face and body lifting. Modern method of tightening and rejuvenation
From this article you will learn: What is radiofrequency lifting Why radiofrequency lifting and thermage
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