Hardware facial cleansing from a cosmetologist - what is it, what types are there, prices and reviews
From this article you will learn: The essence of mechanical facial cleansing The advantages and disadvantages of mechanical cleansing
Jessner peeling – features and progressive possibilities of a complex procedure
Jessner peel (Hollywood peel) - a procedure that allows you to intensively exfoliate dead skin for stimulation
Mechanical facial cleansing: detailed description of the procedure
At the “Health” center of medicine and cosmetology, high-profile specialists perform facial cleansing of all types,
Causes of blackheads on the face
Let's wash away troubles: how do anti-blackhead remedies work?
Probably every second woman and every first man had to deal with them. Ancients like
Joel Ciocco
Buccal or intraoral facial massage inside the mouth
What is buccal facial massage? Massage technique was invented in France. Basic methodology
Buccal facial massage - how to do it yourself, how often to do it? Buccal facial massage - benefits, indications, contraindications, reviews, before and after photos
Muscle tension on the face is responsible for most signs of aging: deep nasolabial folds, glabellar creases, purse-string
mesoroller for face reviews
Why use a mesoscooter for the face: reviews from cosmetologists, how to choose one for your home, TOP 7 best
Innovative technologies in cosmetology are developing very rapidly. Increasingly, the fair half of humanity is beginning to use
Microcurrent facial therapy - a beneficial procedure for your skin
From this article you will learn: What is microcurrent therapy and how it works Microcurrent
Self-massage for wrinkles
How to do a facial massage for wrinkles yourself at home
Your face is covered with wrinkles, and you are already mastering facetune to retouch and apply patches.
IPL facial photorejuvenation: pros and cons - appointment with a cosmetologist, contraindications to the procedure - MEDSI
Photorejuvenation is a hardware rejuvenation method based on intense pulsed irradiation of the skin. This procedure
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