What is LPG massage: features and technique

Unusual name of the procedure

The name of this type of massage comes from the initials of the founder of the method, Louis Paul Huthe - LPG. He came up with a device that in 1973 helped him cope with post-traumatic scars that appeared on the cosmetologist’s body after an accident. Of course, there was no talk of any procedures similar to those carried out on a similar device today. Later, when the effectiveness of this method in combating scars and other irregularities on the skin was proven, other possibilities for using the device began to be considered, in particular, the ability to model the figure and prevent aging of the skin on the face and décolleté.

The history of this method

It all started in the 80s, when engineer Louis Paul Guitey was involved in a car accident. To quickly get the victim back on his feet, doctors prescribed long courses of very unpleasant massage. This made the engineer think about how to make a device so that it would give the same effect, but without suffering for the patient. Thanks to this, the first model of an LPG device appeared, named after the developer. Then the inventor organized and patented the technology. It was called LPG massage, or endermology.

This method is also called endermology.

At first, the LPG method was used for therapy, and more specifically, to smooth out and soften scars resulting from various injuries. Many studies have proven that the method is truly effective. It also turned out that the LPG method has a pleasant side effect: improved skin, reduction of fat deposits. Next, the method began to be explored regarding the possibility of using it for aesthetic purposes.

Previously, this type of massage was used for other purposes.

Long-term tests confirm that the LPG method is very good for correcting weight and figure, getting rid of cellulite and in other aesthetic cosmetology. It has its own scientific center, where research is conducted by invited professionals from various fields of medicine, coming from all corners of the globe. The effectiveness of the method is also being studied in well-known institutes and hospitals. By the way, LPG Systems is the first company to pass the most stringent FDA medical technology certification system.

The effectiveness of the LPG method has been confirmed

Types of endermology

In medicine, there are 4 types of LPG massage:

  • Aesthetic. This is an effect on the skin for the purpose of lifting it, modeling contours, eliminating unevenness, including orange peel.
  • Lipomassage. The goal is to combat fat deposits – these include local ones.
  • Therapeutic. Helps get rid of muscle and back pain (for example, with rheumatism, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, etc.), accelerate the scarring of wounds resulting from burns and injuries.
  • Sports. Professional athletes often resort to it after hard training and competitions to disperse the lactic acid accumulated in the muscles and tone the muscles; accelerate the healing of damaged tendons and muscles.

Indications for LPG massage

The range of action of the device and its ability to combat skin problems are wide, so the list of problems for which such a massage is effective is extensive:

  • the presence of excess fat deposits, including spot fat;
  • manifestations of cellulite, stretch marks (particularly after childbirth);
  • swelling;
  • stagnation in the body - often they are a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle;
  • scars, burns and other skin defects;
  • pain in muscles and joints, including after intense exercise or as a result of developing illness;
  • loose skin, decreased turgor, signs of skin aging on the face, décolleté, and hands;
  • swollen facial contour, double chin, drooping eyelids, etc.

As you can understand from the list of indications, LPG massage can be done on any part of the body.

For what purposes can the technology be used?

LPG massage has found its widest application in cosmetology, effectively eliminating traces of even neglected and outdated cellulite, effectively correcting body contours, helping to eliminate fat deposits, making the skin firm and elastic. The result can be achieved due to the fact that during the procedure:

microcirculation of blood in problem areas increases, cells receive the full amount of nutrients and oxygen necessary for their life; the removal of waste into the lymph system improves and the outflow of lymph accelerates; metabolic processes are normalized; the condition and texture of collagen and elastin fibers improves, their tone increases, elasticity, firmness; the accumulation of bioactive elements is stimulated, attracting macrophages and fibroblasts, which participate in the synthesis of new collagen and elastin, which leads to skin renewal; muscle tone increases; tissue swelling is relieved.

Thanks to lpg massage, improving nutrition and metabolic processes in the epidermis, increasing skin tone, it is possible to achieve an effect in eliminating fine wrinkles. The vacuum-roller effect perfectly exfoliates and polishes the skin, promoting its renewal and regeneration, restoring beauty, freshness and natural velvety. After a full range of procedures, facial wrinkles are smoothed out, double chin is removed, swelling goes away, and skin elasticity increases.

LPG massage helps in the fight against stretch marks on the body (skin stretch marks), promotes the resorption of scars (burns, cosmetics). Due to massage manipulations, scar tissue softens, brightens, and becomes more elastic.

Epidermology, in addition to cosmetology, has found application in two more areas, sports and therapeutic. In the first case, it is necessary for many athletes to recover from injuries and injuries, speeds up the rehabilitation process, relieves swelling, muscle tension, pain syndromes, and fatigue. In therapy, the method is needed for a general strengthening effect, it helps relieve lower back pain, and complements the complex treatment of burns.

The essence of LPG massage

A similar massage is carried out using high-tech equipment (by the way, only serious cosmetology centers and clinics can afford it), equipped with an unusual handpiece and aspiration (vacuum) system.

The handpiece has mechanical massage rollers that rotate in different directions and at different speeds. The combination of working rollers and vacuum allows the roller to capture the skin fold and effectively act on fibroblasts located both in the superficial and deeper layers of the dermis.

Operating principle of LPG

As a result, the subcutaneous fat in the treated area is subjected to active massage, the intensity of which can be adjusted depending on the problem and the individual characteristics of the patient. This happens automatically, since the professional device is equipped with a computerized complex with customizable parameters.

Depending on the situation, endermology can be either a relaxing or an intense procedure. In many ways, such a massage is similar to a classic manual massage, and the action of the rollers can be compared to the manipulations of the hands of a professional massage therapist. The difference is that LPG massage is carried out much faster, and it is also possible to select a mode depending on the problem and characteristics of the patient’s skin.

Possibility of doing it at home

Since LPG massage in a salon is expensive, many girls are interested in whether it is possible to perform the procedure at home. Yes it is possible. However, it should be borne in mind that to implement the technique you will need an LPG device, which is heavy and expensive. However, in the long term, such a solution will cost you less than periodic visits to the salon. You can learn how to do LPG massage yourself using videos, of which there are quite a lot on the Internet. These videos clearly demonstrate the process of performing the procedure: stroking, pressing and wave-like movements.

To perform a massage at home, as in a salon, you need to purchase a special suit. The latter is intended not only to provide psychological comfort when the procedure is performed by a specialist, but also for some other purposes:

  • treatment even of those areas of the body that are covered with hairs;
  • minimizing the risk of damage to the dermis,
  • simplification of skin capture by the device.

When choosing a suit, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Seam strength. Check the latter carefully to ensure that your suit lasts as long as possible.

    Be sure to check the strength of the seams of the suit by pulling it over your arm.

  • Size. Everything is simple here. Choose a suit one size larger than your everyday clothes.
  • Elasticity of the material. The latter should fit snugly to the body.

At first, when performing LPG massage at home, it is recommended to ask people close to you to monitor the process and help if necessary. With experience, you will understand how to implement the technique to avoid pain and side effects, and to achieve maximum results.

LPG facial massage

To massage the skin on the face and décolleté, the same device is used, but with a handpiece equipped with wings. Thanks to them, it works more gently and delicately than body attachments. The principle of action of the manipule: the wings lightly pinch the skin, carrying out three types of effects: drainage (increasing lymph and blood flow in the tissues), smoothing the skin, restoration. In order to treat the skin around the mouth and eyes, there are separate nozzles that work even more delicately.

LPG facial massage

Carrying out a massage

Since the effect will be noticeable after a course of procedures (usually 10 or more), at the first visit, the specialist determines the nature of the problem and the number of necessary sessions, which are carried out once or twice a week.

The procedure itself lasts from half an hour to 45-50 minutes, depending on which area of ​​the body is exposed.

Very often, aesthetic LPG massage is combined with other cosmetic procedures, for example, mesotherapy, myostimulation, manual massage, anti-cellulite wraps, etc.


As such, there is no rehabilitation period required after LPG massage. In the first hours (with very sensitive skin in the first day) after the procedure, redness and slight swelling of the skin may be observed, which go away on their own.

The patient’s task is to maintain water balance in the body, which requires drinking 2.5-3 liters of clean water per day after the massage. After a body massage, it is not recommended to eat for 3 hours. Otherwise, there are no restrictions: you can immediately apply cosmetics to your face, go outside and sunbathe, visit the sauna, etc.


Many people are trying to find out whether it is permissible to perform LPG massage after childbirth and operations. According to professionals, it can be done in these cases, but one condition must be met: at least a year must pass after childbirth or surgery. Carrying out such a massage before is simply useless.

After childbirth you need a year of rehabilitation

Should I do this massage for varicose veins? The answer is ambiguous. At the initial stage of varicose veins, it is even useful because it relieves swelling. At other stages, such a massage cannot be done - it is dangerous. Be that as it may, you first need to consult a phlebologist.

Such massage is not always allowed for varicose veins

What is the recommended frequency of treatments?

The frequency of procedures is determined by the severity of the problems, health, and the purpose of the course.

For the body and face, the duration of the course is different, as is the time interval between procedures.

The minimum number of sessions is ten. Usually 10-20 procedures are performed.

Carry out 10-20 procedures

The effect lasts 6-8 months. But this is an approximate period. It depends on the following factors:

  • Lifestyle;
  • whether support sessions were held;
  • physical activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • individual characteristics.

Many factors influence the duration of the effect

Is it possible to combine LPG massage with any other aesthetic procedures?

This technique is compatible with the following:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • ozone therapy;
  • pressotherapy;
  • mesotherapy;
  • microcurrent therapy;
  • Elos therapy;
  • myostimulation.

LPG massage is compatible with many procedures

These techniques are an excellent addition to LPG massage if the patient has no contraindications to them and follows the specialist’s recommendations.

Is the quality of LPG massages the same?

There are a lot of conflicting reviews about this technique. Some people are happy with the results, while others see no change. Let's talk about what determines the effectiveness of the course.

The most important factor here is the LPG massage device. Let us repeat: the patent for LPG technology is also owned by its creator, Louis Paul Guitey. It turns out that only this company has the opportunity to improve the technology in a way that will benefit patients. After all, only developers know all the necessary nuances. Alas, as soon as something goes on sale that quickly gains popularity due to its quality, other manufacturers immediately begin to produce analogues, trying to fake the product. In this case, the fake LPG massage machine looks like the original, the rollers are also very similar, but there is no result from the procedures. There are many unscrupulous medical and cosmetic establishments that use LPG for advertising purposes, but in fact possess only counterfeits.

It is better to contact well-known clinics for an LPG massage course.

Now endermology (LPG body massage) is done using the following devices:

  • Cellu M6 Endermolab;
  • Cellu M6 Integral;
  • Cellu M6 Keymodule 2.

Cellu series devices are extremely popular for LPG body massage

Liftmassage and cosmechanics (LPG massage on the neck, chest, face) - with the following devices:

  • Lift M6;
  • Cellu M6 Keymodule 2;
  • Cellu M6 Integral;
  • Cellu M6 Endermolab.

Cellu and Lift series devices are used for the face

Anyone who uses massage using the original LPG technology will definitely be satisfied with the result.

It is also necessary that the doctor performing LPG massage be highly qualified. This is another one of the conditions necessary for a high-quality result, and therefore pays a lot of attention to the ability of specialists to work with devices. And every doctor, before starting work, first trains with authorized LPG trainers.

A doctor must be an expert in his field

We have an official website where anyone can choose a country, city, procedure, and then find a medical or, alternatively, a cosmetology establishment that has specialists trained to properly use the LPG massage machine, and also get information about the generation of devices. continuously improves its equipment and, consequently, its products. The newer the generation of equipment, the higher both the results and the cost of the procedure.

You can visit the LPG Systems website for more information.

Finally, the patient himself. LPG massage itself will not give much if the patient does not put a lot of effort into it. Most of all, this concerns such a goal as reducing volumes. The gym and hard training are of no use here. You just need to reduce your consumption of fatty and floury foods, or better yet, stop them altogether. It is also best to consume less carbohydrates and more proteins and water. Your doctor can tell you more about the required diet. If you follow it, the massage will give more pronounced results.

You need to make an effort yourself if you want to lose weight.

Counterfeits are always noticeably worse than the original, so before going to the salon you should inquire about the devices used there. In addition, it is necessary to take into account that LPG massage has contraindications. Remember that it is better not to expect instant results. After all, this is a course of procedures, and its duration is determined by the doctor.

So, the keys to the effectiveness of the procedure:

  • equipment - if not from LPG Systems, it will not bring any benefit;
  • specialist qualification;
  • additional effort by the patient.

LPG massage has contraindications, so before doing it, you need to consult a doctor

Contraindications for LPG massage

They exist, and you should definitely tell your doctor about them (if present) in order to prevent future health problems:

  • problems with blood circulation, including varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc.;
  • oncological, dermatological, infectious, chronic (in the acute stage), endocrine diseases;
  • pregnancy (in exceptional cases, the advisability of massage must be discussed with your doctor).

It is not recommended to perform LPG massage while breastfeeding or in the first days of menstruation.

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