Japanese Asahi facial massage: rejuvenating technique by Yukuko Tanaka

Despite modern achievements in cosmetology and plastic surgery, every woman, understanding the shortcomings of these methods, wants to find a natural and safe way to preserve youth. If you look at the beauty secrets of Japanese women, you can be convinced that they most likely have a magic remedy that allows you to look young even at an age when the first wrinkles traditionally appear.

You've probably come across articles about a typical resident of the Land of the Rising Sun, over whom the passing years seem to have no power, and at 42, a Japanese woman looks 20, while these mysterious girls continue to look twenty until old age.

If you delve deeper into the study of the intricacies of oriental cosmetology, you can find mention of such techniques as tanaka massage, or Japanese lymphatic drainage facial massage. Not only Eastern, but also European specialists sing odes to this method, having successfully adopted the positive experience of Japanese women in their work. After mastering the Japanese self-massage technique, the treasured 5 letters will become for you a kind of “code” into the world of beauty and youthful skin, which every fifth woman in this amazing country owns.

What this method is and what is the secret of the amazing youth of Japanese women will be explored in this article.

A little about the author

Yukuko Tanaka began to learn the secrets of skin care from her childhood. Her grandmother owned a beauty salon, where the girl loved to spend time and watch manipulations. Having matured, Yukuko-san received the profession of a makeup artist and stylist. Working with clients, observing the desire to hide wrinkles and look younger, the girl remembered the massage that her grandmother practiced. Having mastered the technique again, Yukuko Tanaka improved it by testing the techniques on herself.

The result of many years of work was the book “Facial Massage”, published in 2007. The publication brought the author popularity throughout the world. Fashionistas tried massage and were satisfied.

Yukuko Tanaka's facial massage technique has another romantic name - Asahi, which means “morning sun”. This name is the highest praise, a kind of sign of quality, indicating that the facial massage created by Yukuko Tanaka, like the image of the rising luminary sacred to any Japanese, brings people goodness, joy, change, and the beginning of a new life.

The main proof of Zogan’s effectiveness is the author’s appearance. At the age of 60, a woman could hardly reach 40. The Japanese woman was fond of smoking, but thanks to the Zogan method, the bad habit did not affect her skin color.

Yukuko-san died in 2013. Opponents of the author’s method and envious people claimed that the reason for his death was massage. But that's not true. The woman was killed by lung cancer, which developed as a result of cigarette abuse. Yukuko Tanaka left early, but left behind a technique that is used by thousands of women.

Features of mature skin

Skin is an external expression of internal changes in the body, the functioning of organs and systems. Medicine claims that after 40, the process of involution, the reverse development of organs, occurs. Maintaining the same skin condition requires more effort and natural resources than in youth.

Over time, the skin becomes thinner, and the thickness of the muscle fibers decreases. Epidermal cells produce fewer proteins that build the muscular framework of the face, so it is not possible to maintain the integument in tone; they seem to “float” down, forming jowls and a double chin. The first signs of tissue sagging are drooping corners of the mouth and eyes.

Dryness and flaking are another characteristic feature of mature skin, caused by a decrease in mucopolysaccharides (component of the intercellular substance, connective tissue of the integument). Thin, moisture-deprived skin reacts sensitively to solar ultraviolet radiation, chemical components of cosmetics, and a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.

What problems does a woman face after 40:

  • skin hyperpigmentation, appearance of brown spots;
  • manifestation of rosacea in the form of spider veins;
  • bags, swelling under the eyes, swelling of the upper eyelid in 35%;
  • feeling of tightness, unusual dryness of the skin;
  • furrows, deep wrinkles on the forehead;
  • a cobweb of wrinkles around the eyes and lips;
  • pronounced nasolabial folds;
  • porosity, looseness of the skin;
  • a “floating” oval, drooping corners of the eyes and mouth - after 40, according to experts, a little more than half of the facial tissues are covered by ptosis.

After 45, the situation with the skin becomes more complicated: itching and discomfort appear, acne becomes a frequent guest, and hopes for a clear contour melt away before our eyes. This is facilitated by changes in a woman’s hormonal background (menopause). Special medications will help smooth out the hormonal surge, and massage and high-quality cosmetics will help reduce the risk of sudden skin aging.

Positive effect

Why did the procedure become popular? After several weeks of use, a person receives:

  • Getting rid of swelling;
  • Reduction of wrinkles;
  • Healthy skin color;
  • Removing toxins;
  • Tightening effect (double chin and sagging cheeks disappear).

Thanks to Zogan, a woman looks as if she has become younger and lost extra pounds.

For another Japanese facial massage technique, Kobido, read a useful article on facesave.ru.

How many sessions will it take?

The number and frequency of sessions are determined by the degree of the problem, as well as the choice of massage technique. Asahi massage movements after 45 years of age in order to correct imperfections on the face are recommended to be performed twice a day, every day. After a month, reduce the intensity of exposure to 2-3 times a week.

Asahi massage for facial rejuvenation after 40 and 45 years is somewhat different (pattern of massage movements, pressure pressure), so there is no difference in the quantity and frequency of performance. Visit intensive care at least twice a year.

The following actions will help to consolidate and delay the achieved effect longer:

  • adjust your diet by filling your diet with vitamin-rich foods, vegetables and fruits, excluding alcohol, fried and salty foods;
  • use high-quality cosmetics, taking into account age and skin type;
  • Be less nervous, watch your facial expressions, don’t squint, don’t wrinkle your forehead;
  • Gymnastics for the face (face building) will be useful and effective.

Reasons for rejuvenation

Why is Yukuko Tanaka's Japanese facial massage so effective? The technique differs from that usual for Russian and European schools. Features of the technique:

  • The action is directed not only to the skin, but also to muscles, bones, lymph;
  • Movements follow the paths of lymph flow, and not along massage lines;
  • Manipulations are carried out with fingers and palms using little physical force.

Thanks to this, blood circulation improves, excess fluid leaves, and along with it swelling. Elasticity returns to the mice, the skin becomes elastic and smooth.

Facebuilding - pros and cons, before and after results, instructors, exercises at home

Discussion: 2 comments

  1. Olga S.:
    05/05/2019 at 4:45 pm

    I decided to try it with the conviction that it wouldn’t get worse. All along massage lines and non-aggressive action. Two weeks! And the effect is already felt. The skin feels smoother to the touch and the loose areas on the cheeks have disappeared. I will continue!


  2. Kate:

    05/05/2019 at 7:41 am

    The drainage massage technique is really very amazing. I have been using it for about a year now, I am very glad that I discovered this method.


Asahi facial massage: indications

Yukuko Tanaka's facelift gymnastics are popular among women over 30 years old. At a younger age, a lighter version is used.

The procedure is especially useful for those who:

  1. Eyelids swell;
  2. There are dark circles under the eyes;
  3. Gray skin color;
  4. Pronounced facial and age wrinkles;
  5. Sagging eyelids, cheeks;
  6. A double chin has formed;
  7. Wide face with unclear contours.

Step-by-step execution

Instructions for performing face-building exercises depend on the age category of the client and his individual characteristics.

For category 40+

The following exercises will help preserve the beauty of your face after 40 and correct flaws that reveal a woman’s age:

  1. Make a fist with your index finger on top. Work on the nasolabial folds, from top to bottom. From the corners of the mouth, move to the middle of the chin, then along the lower jaw to the ears. The exercise is performed symmetrically, with both hands on both sides.
  2. Spread your elbows to the sides and open your fists. With effort, but without pain, apply pressure while rolling your fists along the lower jaw. When you reach the ear, perform the finishing movement.
  3. Impact the active points on the chin, the corners of the mouth and the wings of the nose by applying pressure with your fingertips. Perform each pressure for 2-3 seconds. Smoothly move your palms to your ears and complete the exercise.
  4. Using the fingers of one hand, slightly lift the cheek muscle to enhance the effect, place the fingers of the other hand on top. Slowly move your fingers towards your ear. Then perform a final stroking with one hand, and with the other, massage the skin in the direction from the ear to the center of the chin.
  5. Do the previous massage exercise in the opposite direction.

This complex is recommended for women over 40. Its main task is to correct nasolabial folds and prevent sagging cheeks.

For those over 45

For clients 45+, it is recommended to pay special attention to the cheeks and chin area. Perform the following massage exercises:

  1. Using your fists, apply pressure in the direction of the corners of the mouth - the auricle, along the lower jaw. Make the finishing move.
  2. Work the nasolabial folds from top to bottom using moderate pressure, as if you were smoothing them out. Complete the exercise.
  3. Place one palm on the other and on the temporal area, apply pressure, moving towards the ear. Complete the exercise with one hand, and with the other make smoothing movements in the direction of the chin, along the lower jaw.
  4. With one palm, fix the cheek muscle near the corners of the mouth. Using light pressure on the skin, smoothly move your palm towards the top of the ear. Perform the finishing movement.

Before performing Asahi massage exercises, we recommend watching video tutorials or visiting a massage therapist.

For a thin face

The active effects on the skin suggested by the Asahi massage technique model the correct oval of the face and contribute to its weight loss. For those with a naturally thin face, massage is indicated to combat swelling.

A massage exercise against puffiness under the eyes is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. Perform smooth stroking with the pads of your middle fingers towards the inner corners of the eyes from the outer ones.
  2. Pause for a few seconds on the bridge of your nose.
  3. Move in the opposite direction along the upper eyelid (closer to the eyebrow line).
  4. Pause for 2-3 seconds at the outer corners of your eyes.
  5. Return to the inner corners of the eye along the lower eyelid. This time the force should be reduced.
  6. Move towards the outer corners with light pressure.
  7. Apply targeted pressure to the temples.
  8. Perform the finishing movement.

Attention! When the problem is solved, stop exercising, and in this case, age-related deficiencies will be corrected by gymnastics. Otherwise, excessive thinness will only add age and emphasize visible defects.


Yukuko Tanaka's facial massage involves a forceful effect on the body, therefore it has some contraindications:

  1. Dermatitis, rash, redness;
  2. Problems with facial vessels;
  3. FLU, runny nose, sinusitis;
  4. Sore throat;
  5. Inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  6. Diseases related to the lymphatic system;
  7. Cancer.

After the procedure, the face becomes thinner, so those with thin oval shapes and fragile girls should avoid it.

Negative consequences

Lymphatic drainage facial massage has very contradictory reviews. This is not surprising - there are two reasons why the rejuvenation technique may not work. First, there were contraindications to the use of the Zogan technique. Second, the massage was performed incorrectly.

If mistakes were made or warnings regarding contraindications were ignored, the consequences could be as follows:

  • rash;
  • irritation;
  • swelling;
  • excessive facial weight loss;
  • general deterioration of health;
  • exacerbation of ENT diseases.

In order not to harm yourself, you should not use the Zogan technique if there are contraindications. You also need to strictly adhere to the massage rules.

Basic principles of Asahi facial massage

Asahi facial massage is performed in beauty salons. You can independently study the technology of self-massage and do it yourself at home. Another option: master the technique with a friend and do it to each other.

For Yukuko Tanaka’s facial massage to be beneficial, you need to follow the basic rules developed by the author:

  • Clean skin. It is important not only to get rid of makeup, but also to cleanse the pores. Use a proven cosmetic product to which you are definitely not allergic;
  • Clean hands;
  • Moisturizing with cream (oil). Hands should glide over the skin so as not to injure it;
  • Knowledge of technology. Ideal option: take a course or read a book;
  • Accuracy, precision of movements. There should be no pain during the massage;
  • Straight back. If it is difficult to sit upright, you can lie down.

Interesting: How to train yourself to drink more water.

Choosing a massage product

To perform daily facial massage using Zogan technology, you need to choose a massage oil or milk that suits your skin type. Depending on your skin type and existing problems, you need to choose a massage product that will complement and enhance the effect of the massage.

Here are the best options:

  • oat milk - to improve complexion and active nutrition;
  • coconut oil – to eliminate wrinkles and improve skin elasticity;
  • flaxseed oil – eliminates puffiness, evens out skin tone;
  • cosmetic cream – for dry and sensitive skin;
  • avocado oil to tighten the contour, eliminate deep wrinkles;
  • apricot oil for those with oily skin.

The best way to choose an effective massage product is to consult a cosmetologist. After diagnosing the skin condition, the specialist will recommend the best option that will help achieve maximum results in combination with massage.

Possible problems

Speaking about the positive effect of Zogan, it should be remembered that errors and side effects are possible. Undesirable consequences and ways to combat them are outlined in the table.


Japanese gymnastics has found numerous followers of this technique among Russian women. It solves the problems of facial wrinkles and age-related wrinkles, representing almost an equivalent replacement for plastic surgery.

Even expensive cosmetics cannot compete with Japanese technology in terms of effectiveness. With its help, you can maintain a well-groomed face, regardless of external environmental factors, for a whole year. The skin also benefits from such exercises - it acquires elasticity, becomes more elastic and fresh.

Useful tips

  1. Until you master the technology completely, you can turn on video tutorials and do massage synchronously;
  2. Zogan is designed for women, but if men have indications, the procedure will benefit them;
  3. Refrain from long manicures to avoid injury during the session;
  4. Wash your face with warm water after the session to remove any remaining oil.

Yukuko Tanaka gave the world the secret of youth of Eastern women. The massage she has perfected makes you feel younger, more beautiful, and more confident.

Preparation for the procedure

Preparing for massage exercises is a simple but important factor. You need:

  1. Remove hair and pin it up so that it does not interfere during the massage procedure.
  2. Remove makeup residue, particles of dust, grease and sweat. In a word, the skin should be perfectly clean. A mild cleanser is suitable for this. Many cosmetologists recommend cleaning the skin with a scrub on the eve of massage procedures.
  3. After cleansing, dry the skin and remove droplets of moisture using a clean cloth (paper) napkin.
  4. Apply a little massage cream or oil to a clean, dry face. Please note that massage therapists do not recommend using oil for self-massage, based on the inability to deeply work the skin on your own. It is important to check the product for an allergic reaction before the massage.
  5. Lie down on a flat surface or sit on a chair. The main thing is that your back is straight.

Clean, humidified air in the room, relaxing music and a few drops of essential oils in an aroma bowl will put you in a positive mood and help you relax.


No matter how much Asahi’s technique has been praised all over the world, it is, alas, not accessible to everyone. There are certain conditions in which facial massage is strictly prohibited. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the precautions before the session - it is important to understand that neglect can adversely affect your health.

Massage should be avoided in the following cases:

  • for diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • for colds;
  • if there are inflammatory processes or open wounds in the affected area;
  • for infectious skin diseases;
  • if the subcutaneous layer of adipose tissue on the face is minimal. For a thin face, massage is contraindicated, since the technique promotes rapid weight loss.

A session should be carried out with particular caution in case of autoimmune diseases. If rosacea is diagnosed, it is necessary to consult a competent specialist.

Exercise technique: it's simple - try it!

Since Asahi massage affects the lymphatic system, before starting it, you should carefully study the movement pattern and also remember the location of the lymph nodes.

To learn massage techniques, carefully watch the video of Japanese massage.

The massage technique is not complicated, but don’t be scared by the fact that some exercises need to be performed against the “massage lines” that we are all accustomed to.

The complex consists of simple exercises, each of which must be repeated at least three times. Before starting the massage, as well as at the end of each exercise, be sure to walk with gentle movements from the lymph nodes near the ears, then along the neck and finish near the collarbones. In this case, everything must be done very smoothly, without pressure or massaging movements.

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