Lip peeling at home and in the salon: everything you need to know about the procedure

The exfoliation procedure is aimed at accelerating renewal processes, restoring hydrobalance, and activating blood flow. Thanks to delicate cleansing, it is possible to improve the quality of the skin and solve a whole range of cosmetic problems. Traditionally, compositions are used for the face and body for the purpose of rejuvenation and restoration.

Lip peeling is a great way to give your lips a velvety feel and combat dryness and flaking. Multicomponent formulations can become an alternative to injection methods. Thanks to increased blood flow, it is possible to add volume without risks or consequences.

Carrying out at home

You don’t have to limit yourself to visiting a salon; you can perform a gentle lip cleansing procedure at home, take care of yourself and prepare peeling yourself. To do this, you need to use ready-made, proven recipes with a large number of positive reviews, including from cosmetologists, which guarantees safety and excellent results. You can do natural peeling yourself.

The cleansing scrub includes two main components that provide:

  • skin nutrition - milk, honey, petroleum jelly, paste;
  • exfoliation of the old layer - ground coffee, ground nuts, salt.

Most homemade peels can also be used as a facial scrub.

Features of conducting with a specialist

Contacting a cosmetologist guarantees professionalism and quality, with noticeable results after the first procedure. In the salon, the exfoliation process takes place under aseptic conditions, which ensures safety and reduces the risks of complications. The specialist identifies skin problems and gives individual care recommendations. In the salon, peeling is enough to be done once a month.

  • How to relieve lip swelling from a midge bite and avoid trouble
  • How to lift downturned lip corners
  • What to do if your new lipstick breaks

Scrub correctly: step-by-step instructions

It’s not enough to prepare a good scrub, you need to know how to use it correctly. For the sake of a decent result, you will have to try a little more and prepare a glass of hot water, a woven napkin (you can use a couple of cotton pads) and a clock with a minute hand. Naturally, lip makeup will have to be removed in advance.

Let's get started.

  1. Soak a cloth or cotton pads in hot but not scalding water and apply to lips and the area around them.
  2. Blot your lips with the dry end of a napkin and apply a small amount of scrub mixture to slightly damp skin, then gently massage the treated area with your fingertips. The massage time should be 1–2 minutes, after which the mass can be left on the skin for another couple of minutes.
  3. Rinse off the scrub particles with warm water.
  4. Blot your lips with a clean napkin.
  5. Lubricate your skin with nourishing cream or moisturizing balm.
    Keep your lips tightly closed and move in soft circular movements: along the top, bottom, and around the lips

Side effects

If you have thoughtfully selected the composition of the scrub, made sure that you are not allergic to its components, and did not rub the resulting product into the skin “as hard as you can”, side effects simply cannot occur. The only thing is, don't hurt yourself by brushing too often - it will cause microscopic damage to the skin, which will gradually turn into a painful problem.

Scrub frequency

You can cleanse your lips with a scrub no more than twice a week. If you plan to go out, scrubbing is carried out 15–20 minutes before applying makeup so that the lipstick goes on more evenly. The main thing is to use a long-tested remedy that will not surprise you with unexpected allergies in the form of itching, burning or swelling.

Cleansing lip scrub

For this recipe you will need thick candied honey. If this is not the case, you need to add more sugar to the mass:

  • 2 drops of mint essential oil;
  • 2 tsp. candied honey;
  • 1 tsp. baking soda;
  • 1 tsp. olive oil.

When we use thick honey, we add sugar in a ratio of 2:1, and if it is liquid, then, on the contrary, the dosage is 1:2.

Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The original should turn out to be a viscous paste. If the skin is severely damaged, it is recommended to keep the finished lip scrub at room temperature before use.

Melted honey under the influence of heat will dissolve the sugar, you should get a delicate mass that will not only gently exfoliate the keratinized layer of cells, but also deeply moisturize your lips.

Peppermint oil will weaken the effect of alkali, and soda, in turn, has an antibacterial and healing effect.

Taking care of your lips yourself

Lip scrub
Proper and constant care will help make your lips beautiful and well-groomed: using only high-quality cosmetics, nourishing, softening and moisturizing masks and, of course, peeling.

Peeling at home

Taking care of your lips yourself is not that difficult. You can go two ways: buy ready-made scrubs or prepare mixtures according to folk recipes.

Using ready-made cosmetics is somewhat more expensive. But you can find them in almost any store. Purchased products have a soft and gentle effect on delicate skin. They contain non-aggressive exfoliating agents, oils, vitamins, and herbal elements.

But most girls prefer to prepare scrubs themselves. Firstly, because such products will definitely contain only natural ingredients. Secondly, peeling mixtures prepared at home are in no way inferior to store-bought products in terms of effectiveness.

All folk recipes do not contain any rare exotic products. All ingredients are available: sugar, honey, coffee, oils. Their properties make the skin on the lips softer, more elastic and delicate.

Light lip peeling is done once a week. There is no need to carry out the procedure more often: thin, sensitive skin can be easily damaged. Deep peeling is done no more than once a month. But it is better to entrust such a procedure to specialists.

How to do peeling yourself?

How to make lip peeling at home

Lip peeling performed independently can be classified as a mechanical type of such procedures. This means that the products act only on the surface of the skin, without penetrating into its deeper layers. Due to the content of abrasive particles, small peelings and cracks are removed.

To carry out the procedure correctly and get a positive effect, you need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  • prepare a scrub;
  • clean and dry the skin of the lips;
  • wash your hands thoroughly;
  • apply the scrub with gentle movements, not forgetting the area around the mouth;
  • massage with fingertips with light movements for no more than five minutes;
  • rinse off the exfoliating mixture with warm water;
  • make a nourishing mask;
  • apply a moisturizing balm.

Sometimes peeling is done not only with your fingers, but also with a toothbrush. The bristles should never be hard, otherwise the skin can be easily injured. This tool is more suitable for creamy products.

In what cases should peeling not be done?

Like any cosmetic procedure, lip peeling at home has its contraindications:

  • herpes or other diseases;
  • deep cracks;
  • bleeding wounds;
  • inflammation in the corners of the mouth.

In these cases, you first need to be cured so as not to intensify the inflammatory processes.

You should also pay close attention to the composition of the scrubs. If there is an individual intolerance to any ingredients, you need to use another remedy. To avoid harming yourself, it is recommended to do peeling no more than once a week.

When to abstain from the procedure

Lip exfoliation is one of the most harmless and least invasive procedures, but it also has contraindications. Before you start, carefully examine your lips for the presence of the following on their surface:

  • serious cracks, especially concentrated in the corners of the mouth (jams);
  • foci of manifestation of the herpes virus;
  • bleeding or recently healed wounds;
  • zones of inflammation and development of infections, progressive ulcers;

If one of these problems appears on the lips, you must first contact a specialist for drug treatment, and then restore their beauty using chemical or mechanical peeling.

Exfoliation of the surface of the lips, being an affordable and quick option for their rejuvenation and cleansing of keratinized epidermis, has features that are good to remember. It is better to save the recipes for homemade peeling mixtures and, on occasion, share them with your mother or friends.

Natural scrub recipes

A lip scrub at home is usually prepared from those products that every housewife always has on hand. Sugar, candied honey, fine salt, soda, ground nuts and coffee are used as abrasive ingredients, and butter and vegetable oils, cream, sour cream, and fresh fruit puree are used as the base. Depending on the combination of components, the product can better cleanse, moisturize, saturate with nutrients, promote tissue regeneration, or protect against negative external factors.

Rejuvenating scrub

Ingredients: Sugar (white or brown) – 3 tsp. Grapefruit juice – 2 tsp. Honey – 1 tsp. Olive oil – 1 tsp.

Application: Heat the honey a little in a water bath. Combine sugar with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, add honey and olive oil. Rub the product in for 30 seconds and then rinse.

Nourishing scrub

Ingredients: Honey – 1 tsp. Baking soda – 1 tsp. Olive oil – 1 tsp.

Application: Mix honey and soda until smooth, add olive oil. Using massage movements, spread the mixture over your lips, leave for 2 minutes, wipe off any remaining residue with a napkin and wash. If your skin is too sensitive, instead of honey in this recipe, you can use ground coffee and cinnamon as an abrasive component.

Refreshing mint peeling

Ingredients: Sugar – 20 g Peppermint essential oil – 1 drop Honey – 15 g Olive oil – 7 g

Application: Combine sugar with honey and olive oil, add mint oil and while stirring, pour a little water into the mixture until it reaches the consistency of a paste. Apply the resulting homemade scrub onto your lips with massage movements until completely absorbed. After 20 minutes, wipe off the residue with a damp cotton handkerchief.

Softening scrub with nuts

Ingredients: Nuts (almonds, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts) – 2–3 pcs. Glycerin – 4–5 drops

Application: Soak selected nuts in water for 8–10 hours to soften. Then grind and add glycerin to the resulting mass. Spread the mixture on your lips, leave for a few minutes and rinse.

Semolina Exfoliator

Ingredients: Semolina – 15 g Honey – 4-5 g

Application: Mix semolina with honey. Apply the scrub to your lips, massage for 2 minutes and rinse.

Gentle scrub with rice flour

Ingredients: Rice – 1 tsp. Cottage cheese (low-fat) – 2 tsp. Olive oil – ½ tsp.

Application: Grind the rice in a coffee grinder until it becomes flour, add cottage cheese and olive oil to it. Distribute the mixture over your lips, massage for 2-3 minutes and rinse.

Scrub with aspirin for chapped lips

Ingredients: Aspirin – 1 tablet. Sugar – 4 g Jojoba oil – 1 ml Glycerin – 1 ml

Application: Crush an aspirin tablet, combine the resulting powder with sugar, add jojoba oil and glycerin, mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting scrub onto your lips and massage for 2–5 minutes. Rinse off the remaining product and lubricate your lips with Vaseline.

Strawberry Cleanser

Ingredients: Lemon juice – ½ tsp. Honey – 4–5 g Olive oil – 15 ml Sugar – 8 g Strawberries – 1–2 berries

Application: Wash the berries, remove the tail and mash them into a puree, add oil, honey, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sugar and mix quickly. Apply the resulting paste to your lips, leave for 5–10 minutes, massage and rinse off any remaining product.

Nourishing curd scrub

Ingredients: Cottage cheese (low-fat) – ½ tsp. Chopped oatmeal – ½ tsp. Honey – ½ tsp.

Application: Mix all specified ingredients thoroughly. Apply the mixture onto the skin of your lips with massage movements, leave for 2 minutes and rinse.

Regenerating agent

Ingredients: Brown sugar – 8 g Grapeseed oil – 1 ml Cinnamon – pinch Cinnamon essential oil – 1 drop

Application: Mix the above components until smooth. Distribute the composition with massage movements, leave for 10 minutes and rinse.

Advantages over store-bought products

Homemade formulations are good because they do not contain foreign components. And the price, compared to store-bought scrubs, is significantly different.

Benefits of homemade lip peeling formulations:

  • No allergic reactions.
  • Quality.
  • Low price.
  • The ability to use components at your discretion.
  • Availability of necessary ingredients.
  • Productivity.

The most important thing is that the peeling agent has a delicate and soft structure, and its abrasive particles can dissolve.

As a base, it is better to take ethers, decoctions of medicinal herbs, natural vegetable oils - olive, flaxseed, corn, almond, sunflower, etc.

Auxiliary components may be:

  • sugar;
  • soda;
  • honey;
  • salt.

However, not everything is as rosy as it seems. Homemade peeling compositions have their disadvantages:

  • short shelf life;
  • It’s quite difficult to choose the ingredients for a scrub for a certain skin type.

Opinion of cosmetologists

On forums, experts advise the best ready-made products for gentle exfoliation.

The cosmetologist advises using professional peeling for eyes and lips from the Enerpil company.

The specialist writes about the good quality of the Algologie brand; the series includes lip peeling.

The cosmetologist writes that she took the Algologie series, the result exceeded expectations.

Lip scrub at home - 15 best recipes

Of course, you can buy ready-made cosmetics, or you can make lip scrubs at home - from coffee, sugar, honey and other natural ingredients.

Soft, voluminous, seductive, delicate lips - what girl would refuse such?

And chapped, chapped lips don’t look good on a man at all.

Therefore, to restore softness and smoothness to the skin, peelings need to be done from time to time.

This article contains 15 of the best homemade cosmetics recipes.

How to make a lip scrub at home?

To prepare a homemade lip scrub, you need to mix scrubbing particles and a softening component.

Typically, sugar or salt, semolina, coffee, poppy seeds and amaranth are used as abrasive (scrubbing) particles.

In addition to mechanical exfoliation, components that act on the skin with acid are often used - citric, cranberry, viburnum juice, honey and kefir, tartaric acid.

As a result, we get an effective, but not aggressive substance.

We strive to slightly stimulate blood circulation and cell renewal of the delicate skin of the lips and do not want to damage them at all.

You have a good dozen scrub ingredients in your kitchen.

Reviews of lip scrubs made at home from honey, sugar and other improvised means confirm the effectiveness and safety of such products.

And as a bonus, you get the opportunity to control the quality of all components - after all, you will be making the scrub with your own hands.

In addition, natural homemade cosmetics are cheaper than industrial “chemicals”.

But it is important to remember that the skin of the lips is thin and can react violently to irritants. Be careful not to overdo it - it's better to repeat the procedure several times over the course of a month than to try and rub your lips as hard as you can, hoping to get it done in one go.

Be careful not to overdo it - it's better to repeat the procedure several times over the course of a month than to try and rub your lips as hard as you can, hoping to get it done in one go.

We have collected ideas for making the best homemade scrubs for our readers.

Recipes for lip scrubs with honey and sugar at home

The most popular recipes for scrubs at home are those made with honey and sugar.

The mixtures are effective, moisturize the skin well and make it soft.

You will need:

  1. 1 tsp. honey
  2. 1 tsp. Sahara
  3. 2 drops shea butter
  4. 2 drops tea tree oil
  5. 2 drops olive oil
  6. A pinch of cinnamon, turmeric, cocoa, ground ginger

Mix all ingredients and apply to skin.

Massage until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved, then leave the mixture for another couple of minutes. Rinse as usual.

Scrub with honey and sugar is universal

How to make a lip scrub at home without honey

If you are allergic to honey or bee products, it is better to choose more neutral recipes, otherwise you may get hives, itching and flaking, allergic runny nose and swelling.

How to use homemade lip scrubs

By making a volumizing lip scrub at home, you can get beautiful, plump and soft lips.

But if you rub excessively, the skin will become injured and your lips will begin to dry out and crack. And the most diligent ones can even damage the skin - “wipe it to holes.”

How the procedure goes:

  1. Before the procedure, it’s a good idea to steam your skin - to do this, place a damp, warm cloth on your lips for 15-20 minutes.
  2. The scrub should be applied gently, without rubbing it or stretching the skin.
  3. After applying, leave the mixture on your lips for a few more minutes - so that the skin has time to be saturated with all the “benefits” that you added to the scrub.
  4. Rinse off the scrub with warm water, gently massaging the skin.
  5. At the end of the procedure, blot your lips with a towel and immediately apply a generous amount of nourishing cream.

Use scrubs correctly

You can apply scrubs with your fingertips, and for a light massage, a toothbrush with soft bristles is perfect.

If you don't have one, massage the skin with your fingertips, being careful not to stretch it.

No matter what you use to massage your lips, try not to apply too much pressure to the skin.

Advice: do not do the procedure too often - even gentle formulations dry out and thin the skin with frequent use. Once a week will be enough to keep your lips in well-groomed condition.

The scrub should be felt, but not cause unpleasant or even painful sensations.

In addition to scrubs, do not forget about other lip care methods.

Cosmetics adhere better to well-groomed skin - even the most expensive lipstick looks ugly on chapped lips.

You will learn a few more simple recipes for lip scrubs at home from the video below:


When should you not cleanse?

The lip peeling procedure is strictly prohibited in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to certain components in the peeling product;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • excessive amounts of vitamin A in the body;
  • dermatological diseases caused by fungal, viral, bacterial infections.

Acid peeling is contraindicated in the following situations:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • use of tetracycline antibacterial drugs.

Peeling is an easy way to give your lips a well-groomed look. The procedure can be carried out in a salon or you can prepare cleansers yourself at home. With this type of exposure, dead skin cells are eliminated and the regeneration process is accelerated. After peeling, lips become velvety, elastic, and fine wrinkles disappear.

What types of peelings can be used at home?

You can make your own exfoliants to gently cleanse the skin. You can purchase the ingredients in a store, pharmacy, or order online by choosing the appropriate product. The cost of the finished product does not exceed 100 rubles; vegetable and essential oils, beekeeping products and other available components are used to prepare effective formulations.


A mild abrasive effect and nourishment for thin skin is provided by a natural product prepared with your own hands. As a result of regular use, it is possible to prevent flaking, dryness, and give a well-groomed appearance.


  • 5 gr. Sahara;
  • 5 ml shea butter;
  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Wash off your makeup and dry your lips with a tissue. Mix the ingredients before applying so that the granulated sugar does not have time to dissolve. Apply a thick layer to the skin and massage for a minute. Then remove the residue with a sponge.


Home peeling stimulates blood flow, promotes the activation of nutrition and breathing functions, removing dead cells. As a result of application, softness and elasticity are restored.


  • 5 gr. ground coffee;
  • 5 gr. honey

Combine the ingredients, stirring thoroughly until smooth. Apply to clean, dry skin and leave to act for half an hour. Then rinse off the composition and treat the skin with a nourishing balm.


The recipe will help protect the delicate skin of your lips from adverse weather conditions during the winter. Provides gentle exfoliation, as well as hydration and nutrition.


  • 5 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 5 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 gr. daisies.

Grind chamomile flakes and flowers in a coffee grinder until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Combine with cottage cheese, spread the prepared paste on your lips, massage for a minute. Carefully remove the residue with a cotton swab.


Activates blood flow, saturates the skin with a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Prevents dryness and flaking; the use of a natural remedy accelerates regeneration processes.


  • 5 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. semolina;
  • 5 drops of tocopherol.

Mix the candied honey with semolina, add vitamin E. Prepare the cosmetic product immediately before the procedure. Remove makeup from lips, spread in a thick layer, and massage for a minute. Then rinse off the composition and apply a nourishing balm with oils and vitamins.


It is one of the most effective peelings due to its fruit acid content. Effectively removes dead skin cells, stimulates blood flow, enhances color, and increases lip volume.


  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 5 ml castor oil;
  • 5 gr. plantain.

Squeeze fresh citrus juice, combine with castor oil, add ground plantain. Spread the prepared paste on your lips and leave for 3-5 minutes. Then wash off the composition with a damp sponge.

With seaweed

Restoring the firmness and elasticity of your lips is quite simple, you just need to do a spa treatment based on kelp. Natural ingredients restore hydrobalance, remove dead skin cells, and give a beautiful, even tone.


  • 10 gr. kelp;
  • 10 ml almond oil;
  • 2 drops of bergamot ether.

Grind the dry seaweed in a coffee grinder, mix the finished powder with warm almond oil. Leave for 10 minutes, then add bergamot essential oil. Spread the mixture on your lips, massage for a minute, then leave for another 10. Finally, remove the residue with a damp cloth.

The best options for ready-made funds

There are ready-made cosmetics that allow you to exfoliate at home. Balanced compositions gently cleanse delicate skin, help restore color, and increase blood flow.


The VVVIC scrub from the South Korean brand has a complex effect. Cleanses the skin of keratinized particles, gives lips softness, and provides a moisturizing effect. Active ingredients include olive oil, beeswax, mint extract, chamomile, shea butter.

To carry out, you need to apply a small amount of the product and massage for 30 seconds, then rinse and apply a nourishing balm. You can buy 10 ml for 432 rubles.


Milk and honey scrub is intended for delicate lip skin that is prone to peeling and cracking. The main components are milk proteins and honey extract; the balanced composition promotes not only cleansing, but also nutrition at the cellular level. As a result of use, elasticity and velvety are restored, lips acquire an even, healthy tone. You can buy 8 ml in the store for 443 rubles.


Professional peeling for the contour of the eyes and lips contains glycolic acid 15%, lactic acid 13%, argireline 2%. After use, it is possible to delicately cleanse the skin, normalize hydrobalance, and increase skin elasticity.

Important! Performed according to the protocol in a salon environment.

Cost 10 pcs. 3 ml about 3900 rub.

Choosing lipstick

Since you can’t do without lipstick and other aesthetic cosmetic products that are needed virtually every day, you need to approach the choice of these products responsibly. Low-quality cosmetics can cause a lot of problems and lead to dry skin of the lips, the appearance of cracks and inflammation, as well as various types of irritation.

In addition to the type, color, texture and texture of the lipstick, when choosing it, you should pay attention to the composition and expiration date. A quality product will most likely contain components beneficial to the skin of the lips:

  • natural beeswax - gives lipstick the desired consistency
  • natural oils - they will take care of moisturizing the skin and prevent it from drying out. Quality brands mainly contain castor, olive, coconut and other vegetable oils. Cheap lipsticks use lanolin, petroleum jelly or mineral oil made from petroleum products.
  • vitamins A, E, F, C - promote the healing of wounds and cracks on the lips
  • solar filters (usually SPF5, 10, 15) - will protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. For the summer period this is a mandatory component.
  • natural medicinal herbs - will prevent skin inflammation and provide it with microelements

It is worth paying attention to the appearance of the lipstick. The lipstick pencil should have a uniform consistency and be free of drips, droplets of liquid, cracks and dents.

The lipstick should have a pleasant scent or no scent at all. An unpleasant odor indicates the expiration date or the use of low-quality and hazardous ingredients.

Indications for use and effectiveness

The skin of the lips is more susceptible to the influence of aggressive factors than the tissues of the face. The absence of sebaceous glands makes it vulnerable to temperature changes, dry air, and gusts of wind. As a result, microcracks appear and are replaced by peeling and an uncomfortable feeling of tightness. The process of exfoliation of keratinized cells is quite long.

Using decorative cosmetics does not solve the problem; as a result, makeup looks untidy on chapped lips. Nourishing balms and creams only soften, but do not eliminate peeling. Therefore, it is worth regularly using peeling compositions to care for the thin skin of the mouth.


  • dryness, flaking due to chapping;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • to solve the problem of sloppy makeup;
  • for skin rejuvenation, prevention of aging;
  • to restore healthy color and elasticity;
  • for tissue regeneration during smoking.

It is recommended to perform the peeling procedure regularly; you can make an appointment with a cosmetologist or exfoliate yourself at home. The active elements of the compositions destroy dead cells, accelerate blood flow, nourish and moisturize. As a result, the lips acquire an attractive swelling, the level of hydration is normalized, and the color becomes more saturated.

Precautionary measures

The delicate lip procedure has a number of limitations for its implementation. Before carrying out cleansing, you should make sure that there are no contraindications:

  • painful jams in the corners;
  • foci of herpes;
  • fresh or open wounds;
  • inflammation accompanied by infection, formation of ulcers.

Attention! To speed up healing, you should consult a doctor to determine treatment tactics. Only after complete regeneration can you begin cosmetic procedures.

Side effects occur when using aggressive compounds. As a result, dryness problems become more pronounced and microcracks appear. For quick recovery, it is recommended to use aloe-based balms, as well as normalize hydrobalance by drinking at least 2 liters of water per day.

Cleansing, moisturizing and nutrition

You need to start caring for your lips at home by removing cosmetics and other substances that could get here, for example, dust or remnants of a delicious bun. All you need is one cotton pad and a little cleanser - milk, lotion, micellar water, cream or vegetable oil. Since the “smile zone” has a small area, only a few drops of the product are needed. It is enough to gently rub the disc over your lips several times to remove all excess. During this execution, it is not recommended to stretch them too much, so as not to cause the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Once a week or two you also need to do deep cleansing, that is, peel your lips at home. This procedure allows you to separate dead cells and stimulate skin regeneration. The implementation is the same as in the case of peeling, for example, for the face. Only the particles should be more delicately ground, because the skin of the lips is very delicate in structure.

Nutrition and hydration are an integral part of the exercise routine of a girl who wants to get beautiful lips with minimal effort. For this purpose, you need to have several hygienic lipsticks and a special cream that is designed for this area. It is advisable to purchase a moisturizing balm at a pharmacy, but it is better to make it yourself. The more natural ingredients it contains, the better. The basis of homemade balms is beeswax and base oils (coconut, almond, castor or any other). They perfectly protect lips from external influences and are the basis for makeup.

Lip care should include a nourishing cream. It should be applied before bed: during this time the skin will draw out all the useful things from it. An even better result can be obtained if you do a small massage while applying the product.

Lip products should contain the following ingredients:

  • beeswax – moisturizes and smoothes;
  • natural oils – moisturize, nourish, heal, protect;
  • protein – softens;
  • vitamins A, E, C and F – heal cracks and wounds;
  • protective filters – from ultraviolet radiation;
  • medicinal herbs - treat inflammation and heal wounds.

Patient reviews

There are many rave reviews about natural peelings on the Internet.

A participant writes about the need to care for lips in the same way as other parts of the body; he prefers a recipe with sugar.

A user writes about the effectiveness of using honey.

In the review, the user writes about using a recipe based on coffee, sugar, and butter.

The user writes that in summer you should not add lemon to homemade lip peeling to prevent photodermatitis.


You can speed up metabolic processes, restore cellular respiration and blood circulation in the skin of the lips using a salon or home procedure for special exfoliation: peeling.

Lip peeling, or in other words, exfoliation, is most often carried out using a ready-made mixture. It usually contains natural oils, mild antiseptics, delicate abrasive particles and natural vitamin components.

Treatment of leather at home can also be of a chemical type: in this case, the composition usually includes fruit acids.

Toothbrushes and scrubs with grains of sugar or coffee also come to the aid of beauties, which are mechanical ways to tidy up their lips.

Both products can be purchased in specialized stores or pharmacies, or made on your own.

Due to the low concentration of chemicals, in particular, and the very essence of the procedure, in general, such peeling is superficial. It returns elasticity, youth and a pleasant coral color to the skin, improves barrier functions and susceptibility to care products.


And although lip peeling is one of the most gentle interventions, it also has certain contraindications (even at home):

  • Large cracks (so-called “jams”): for example, in the corners of the mouth;
  • Herpetic infection (not only on the lips, but also on the face): if it has occurred in the last six months, then after the session there is a high possibility of relapse;
  • Wounds on the skin of the lips and around them (for example, after depilation);
  • Ulcers, inflammation, various infections.

If you find yourself with any of the above, you should first consult a dermatologist, undergo a course of treatment, and only then restore your beauty at home.

Pros of a home procedure

Despite the fact that in recent years there has been a real boom in beauty salons with techniques promising mouth-watering sugar lips, there are no obstacles to caring for this part of the body at home. Moreover, it even provides a number of advantages:

  1. Saves time. You can conduct a “session” without interrupting your household chores (freelancing, relaxation, etc.).
  2. Saves money. According to many girls, the procedure performed at home is about 2 times more profitable.
  3. Protects health. The composition of your own cosmetics can be controlled, and its effectiveness will be quite comparable to some professional beauty products.

How to properly peel lips at home

The mixture for peeling the skin of the lips at home is prepared in advance (unless, of course, it is a purchased product). It can be stored in a dark, cool place and, as needed, remove a little of the composition with the pads of dry fingers.

When the right moment is finally chosen (for example, on the weekend after taking an evening bath), you need to make sure that the skin of your lips is clean and dry, and only then proceed with the treatment.

Mechanical peeling. Massage the delicate area with light circular movements for no more than 5 minutes, otherwise there is a danger of injuring it

We definitely pay attention to the areas around the mouth and in the corners of the lips, where the most dead cells accumulate.

Chemical peeling. Before use, carefully read the instructions (if we are dealing with a pharmaceutical drug), and scrupulously follow the recommendations on the duration of exposure of the composition on the skin.

Then we wash off the remaining exfoliants with plain water at a comfortable temperature, apply a moisturizing mask or cream for 15 minutes, then be sure to use a balm (for example, based on beeswax).

We repeat this home “spa” every week. When the first signs of allergy appear, the product must be washed off immediately!

Pros of a home procedure

There is no need to doubt your ability to exfoliate your lips on your own. This type of peeling is one of the simplest and most affordable. Its implementation does not require deep cosmetological knowledge, the presence of scarce drugs or professional skills. You can purchase everything for the procedure at any pharmacy, decorative cosmetics store, and in the case of homemade peeling composition, at a supermarket or market on the way home.

As a result, you will experience such undoubted advantages of a home procedure for cleansing and rejuvenating your lips, such as:

  • saving time - peeling will not interfere with household chores, work or hobbies. It can be combined with a facial cleansing session or weekly body care;
  • saving money - a home procedure will cost 1.5-2 times less than visiting a salon;
  • The effectiveness of natural homemade cosmetics for peeling has been proven to be higher than the effect of a ready-made industrial product from a store.

Wherever you perform the procedure for exfoliating the surface of the lips, remember that you can repeat such peeling no more than once a week. If an allergic reaction occurs, it is better to stop the sessions altogether or replace the composition.

Scrubbing process

You should prepare your lips for the procedure by steaming. Before you start using steam, you need to get rid of the remnants of decorative cosmetics and partially remove already non-living cells. A compress will provide invaluable assistance in this matter.

  1. Hot water is poured into the container, a clean napkin is lowered and applied to the lips. Hold until the fabric begins to cool.
  2. Methodically perform the procedure 3-4 times. After simple manipulations, you should feel that the skin has softened.
  3. Remove excess moisture by applying a dry handkerchief to your lips.

Apply lip scrub only to dry skin, remembering to cover a small area. Movement algorithm:

The prepared consistency is carefully applied to the problem area, leaving no open areas. Hold for 2–3 minutes. The nutrients included in the composition must penetrate into microcracks and have time to “saturate” them

Using your fingertips or a toothbrush with soft bristles helps achieve maximum effect: gently massage your lips in a circular motion. Such manipulations will ensure intense blood flow to the upper layers and speed up cleansing. After waiting the allotted time, remove the remaining scrub

Wash off the particles with warm water. It should be at room temperature. Too cold or hot liquid will provoke the formation of spider veins. The skin will lose elasticity, and all the work will be in vain. Then gently blot your lips with absorbent movements. Rubbing is strictly prohibited. The skin here is very thin and sensitive, so the slightest awkward movements will provoke new cracks and bleeding. The final touch is to evenly distribute the nourishing balm. Particular attention should be paid to olive, castor, almond or coconut oil, which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, amino acids and antioxidants. They are able to restore elasticity to the skin, cope with cracks, and protect against drying out.

You should not use hygienic lipstick or greasy cream. They serve as a protective factor, the dense texture of which does not nourish the skin, but, on the contrary, clogs and prevents the access of oxygen.

It must be remembered that vitamins should be supplied to the body not only as external components, but also in the form of a balanced diet and fluid.

Lip care rules

Let's consider general recommendations for lip care:

  • Before going outside in the winter, do not forget to apply hygienic lipstick to them, and only after that - an ordinary lipstick.
  • Lipstick for dry lips needs a greasy one, and even better, apply gloss over it (oily, not water-based).
  • In summer, it is better to moisturize your lips with special products sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies.
  • If you have flaky, chapped skin, you should never tear off dried wounds with your hands. This is a sure way to get an infection.
  • In summer, lips will dry out and crack if there is a lack of water in the body. The skin of your lips will become rough, and you will definitely start licking it, resulting in cracks. Drinking regimen – 2 liters per day.
  • Before and after swimming in salt water, do not forget about additional lip care. Sunscreen is not enough here; it is advisable to add some effective oil to it.
  • It is advisable to warm up lip oils a little, this way they are absorbed better and faster.
  • Herpes on the lips is a taboo for any cosmetics. No lipstick should touch lips with visible or just beginning herpes. The exception is special medicinal lipstick.
  • There is no need to bite your lips or touch them with your hands in excitement. This habit leads to serious consequences: at first, barely noticeable bruises appear on the lips, which over time turn into quite large bruises. Improper blood circulation begins, the mucous membrane acquires a bluish tint in the places where the bites occurred.
  • Don't get carried away by kissing in the wind. Lips, wet from kisses, instantly become chapped, cracked and crusted over. This is especially true in the cold season.
  • The air in offices and other work areas is often too dry. Therefore, you need to try to take care of your lips at work. How to do it? Take a tube of baby cream with you, it will always come in handy during a break: remove the remaining lipstick with a clean napkin, spread the cream on your lips (with clean hands), blot off the excess. After this, you can use your usual lipstick.
  • Evening removal of daytime makeup from the face is an indispensable condition for healthy and beautiful skin, including the skin of the lips. A simple makeup remover will be enough for them, but you will have to take a separate napkin. Use a cotton pad lightly moistened with makeup remover to sweep over your lips and massage them a little. The remaining lipstick was wiped off and the lips were lightly massaged to improve blood circulation.
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