Herpes on the lips of a child: what is important to know about it

Herpes is a viral disease that affects not only adults, but also children. This term refers to various types of herpes viruses. Such a virus, once it enters a child’s body, remains in it forever. If the immune system is good, then the disease may not manifest itself. When the immune defense is weakened, relapses and exacerbations, even complications, are possible. The disease has several varieties, but children are more often infected with the simple type of herpes of the first type. This is what is colloquially called “herpes on the lips of a child.”

The causative agent of herpes on the lips

Herpes type 1 is part of the DNA family. It is because of this that, having become infected with this virus for the first time, a person will become a carrier of this disease for life.

Infants and children under 3 years of age usually do not become infected due to the immunity they receive from their mother. Children become susceptible to the disease from the age of 3-4 years. At the same time, by the age of five, most children (60% to 80%) already have immunity to herpes. Infection occurs from parents who are carriers of the virus or from other children.

Let's talk about how an infection can occur in a child. If we talk about herpes on the lips, the reasons for its occurrence in children are as follows:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • lack of one or more vitamins and microelements in the body;
  • stressful and other negative emotional situations, including mental and mental stress;
  • severe manifestations of allergies;
  • hypothermia or overheating outdoors;
  • constant colds, frequent illnesses, the presence of chronic ailments.

Acne classification

When classified by age group, there are mainly two types of acne:

  • In newborns and young children. The belief that acne only affects teenagers and adults is wrong. Infants, children of preschool and early school age, although not often, also suffer from acne. Newborns face this problem because their mothers transfer hormones to them shortly before birth. Acne also occurs when the stress of childbirth causes the baby's body to release these hormones.
  • Teenagers and adults. Acne affects 80% of people aged 11 to 30 years. Usually occur during pubertal changes in hormonal levels. Increased production of sex hormones during puberty makes the sebaceous glands more active.

Table - Classification of childhood acne by age

FormChild's age
Neonatal from birth to 6 weeks
Infantile (early childhood) from 6 weeks to 12 months
Middle childhood from one to 7 years
Pre-adolescent from 7 to 12 years (for girls before menarche)

Neonatal acne develops during a period of hormonal changes. In all forms of acne, additional provoking exogenous factors play a significant role.

Symptoms of herpes on the lips in children

How does herpes appear on the lips of a child? Depending on the stage of the disease, manifestations will vary. Common symptoms at first are fever, feeling tired, aches, and irritability. Before a rash appears on the skin, it usually feels itchy, tingling, and painful. Over time, the rash can develop into ulcers and wounds; the child often scratches them until they bleed due to itching. This prolongs the healing process. If the herpes is uncomplicated, localized, then such herpes on the lips of children does not require treatment. It will pass in 1-2 days or last a little longer, but without any discomfort for the child.

Other symptoms of the disease: mouth ulcers, swelling and bleeding of the gums, enlarged lymph nodes. Damage to the mucous membrane of the throat with the formation of ulcers may also occur. In this case, the small patient should not be given solid or hot food, otherwise the healing process will be significantly delayed (2 weeks or more).

Methods of disposal

What medications are available?

You can stop the inflammatory process at home using lotions made from the essence of potassium permanganate.
White pimples in the lip area need to be treated only after consulting a pediatrician and determining the nature of their occurrence. At home, you can prepare baths using a solution of potassium permanganate, through which it is possible to stop the inflammatory process. At the same time, during treatment it is worth observing the rules of hygiene and carefully monitoring the child so that he does not drag dirty objects into his mouth. White pimples can be treated with the medications presented in the table:

Medication groupName
Antihistamines against allergic reactions"Kestin"
Medicines against herpes"Acyclovir"
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs"Ibuprofen"
Medicines against helminths"Vermox"

Are cosmetic procedures allowed?

In the case of an advanced form of the disease, a specialist may prescribe cryotherapy to remove rashes.
It is not recommended for children to eliminate white pimples on the lips in this way, but older children can do so as prescribed by a dermatologist. The basis for treating rashes is proper care of the skin, not only of the area near the mouth, but also of the entire face. It is possible to get rid of the problem in childhood with the help of masks made from natural products. Teenagers are recommended to use lotions, tonics, foams, micellar water and milk to wash their skin. If the acne is large and neglected, then the specialist may decide to remove the child’s rashes using laser or cryotherapy.

In no case should you carry out cosmetic procedures at your own discretion, since many such manipulations against white pimples are prohibited in childhood, and others can provoke irreversible complications and worsen the condition of the mucous membrane.

When to see a doctor

Symptoms of the virus may be typical or atypical. Regular herpes on the lips of a child will go away on its own in a few weeks or a little later. However, even with an uncomplicated disease, it is better to consult a specialist. This will help relieve the baby’s discomfort; antiviral drugs will be prescribed for external and internal use. These medications will reduce the intensity and duration of the first stages of the disease. Manifestations of common herpes include blisters on the lips (gums). There may also be a fever, severe sore throat and enlarged tonsils.

You should immediately show your child to a specialist if atypical manifestations of herpes appear. They are as follows:

  • The baby developed a rash or sores and a strong fever. Such signs indicate the manifestation of a chronic infectious herpes simplex virus;
  • rashes around the eyes. The disease often provokes inflammation of the cornea;
  • headache, convulsions, increased body temperature, loss of orientation in space. In this case, there may be a manifestation of cerebral infections provoked by the herpes virus.

When answering the question of what to do if a child has herpes on the lip, we advise you to contact a dermatovenerologist or pediatrician. You can make an appointment with these specialists without leaving your home. This can be done on our website. JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg) is located in the central district of the capital.

What is this disease?

Herpetic stomatitis is a pathological process that develops in the mucous membrane lining the oral cavity. The causative agent of this disease is herpes simplex virus type 1. In children under the age of five, this virus is detected in 60% of all cases. By adolescence, it is detected in the vast majority of people. Herpes stomatitis in children develops during the baby’s first contact with the virus. This occurs most often before the age of three.

The high incidence is explained by:

  • low level of production of own antibodies;
  • immaturity of cellular immunity;
  • the fact that the baby does not receive antibodies from mother's milk;
  • high reactivity of the child's body.

If the baby is bottle-fed, he may get sick in the first months of life. Viral infection often goes into a latent state. It persists in the nerve ganglia.


During your initial visit, you can visit a pediatrician or dermatovenerologist. However, if the disease often recurs, you should be examined by an infectious disease immunologist. He will make a qualified conclusion after all diagnostic measures. If the diagnosis is confirmed, antiviral drugs and immunostimulants are prescribed. The course of the disease is monitored by a specialist without fail. He will monitor whether positive changes have occurred. Periodic observations with a doctor will help keep the situation under control. Parents should not do this on their own. The child needs to undergo regular examinations for changes in well-being. In addition, after the first diagnosis, doctors will advise how to choose the baby’s diet and prescribe other measures that can improve the child’s condition. You can get diagnosed by an immunologist as soon as the first symptoms of an unpleasant illness appear. It is better to prevent the disease than to deal with its consequences and complications, especially since it is impossible to remove this virus from the body.


Preventive measures are aimed at preventing infection. This presents certain difficulties, since the vast majority of the population is infected with it. It is better if the child gets sick from it at an older age.

For this it is recommended:

  • avoid contact with infected people;
  • will provide personal utensils and personal hygiene products for the child;
  • Kissing people with herpetic rashes is prohibited;
  • strengthening the baby's immune system.

It is recommended that the child be provided with adequate nutrition and regularly given vitamin and mineral complexes.

Treatment of herpes on the lips in children

To find out how to treat herpes on the lips of a child, it is better to visit a specialized clinic as soon as possible. Here, the optimal treatment regimen will be individually selected for you, taking into account the condition of the little patient’s body. However, we can tell you in advance how the treatment will proceed and what medications may be prescribed.

These are the following drugs:

  • immunostimulants;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • interferons.

The disease should be combated at the first sign of infection. This is a guarantee of a prompt and successful recovery. If herpes is not treated, it can develop into a complicated or chronic form. Then relapses will become common. Treatment here consists of reducing symptoms and suppressing the manifestation of the viral infection. Since it will not be possible to completely remove herpes from the body, everything must be done to reduce its manifestations to a minimum, as well as to minimize the activity of the disease virus. The specialist should prescribe ointments, tablets, antipyretic drugs.

For babies up to the first year of life, ointments and gels are prescribed as therapeutic agents. Older children are prescribed tablets and, in special cases, injections. Healing medications and antiseptics are also prescribed.

An immunologist prescribes immunostimulants. These funds are needed so that the baby’s body actively fights the infection and so that herpes does not affect other areas of the mucous membranes and internal organs.

Interferons are needed to destroy the infection and to prevent its uncontrolled reproduction. They come in the form of tablets and suppositories.

You may have to contact specialists in the future. This virus is not eliminated from the body. It tends to periodically escalate. At this time, your child may feel a certain discomfort in his health, unpleasant sensations. Doctors' recommendations will help alleviate this uncomfortable condition for the child. They will not only prescribe you medications and a diet, but will also tell you what kind of lifestyle your baby should have. Most often, specialists, in addition to medications, prescribe proper and balanced nutrition and vitamin complexes. They may also recommend taking appropriate antiviral drugs and immunostimulants during influenza epidemics.


If herpes is detected in a child, the following treatment is prescribed. These are antiviral drugs (tablets and ointments), immunostimulants, and interferons are also prescribed. The method of use - tablets, ointments or even injections - is determined exclusively by the attending physician. The dosage is prescribed individually for each little patient. Self-medication in this case is extremely dangerous and can lead to tragic consequences. You must strictly follow all doctor's instructions to avoid further complications.

Let's talk in detail about medications that can be prescribed to infants:

  • drugs to suppress infection;
  • immunomodulators and immunostimulants;
  • antipyretics and pain relievers (suppositories, suspensions);
  • antihistamines;
  • antiseptics;
  • antibacterial agents if microbial infections have joined the virus;
  • To heal and dry wounds and ulcers on the body, brilliant green and sulfur-based ointments are prescribed.

Also, if a child has symptoms such as convulsions due to herpes, then anticonvulsant medications are prescribed. To relieve itching on a child's skin, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used. This is chamomile, calendula. You can also use rosehip oil, etc. Such products will not only remove discomfort on the skin where there is a rash, but will also help the wounds heal faster and relieve inflammation.

The baby needs to drink plenty of fluids. If a mother feeds her baby with breast milk, then she needs a balanced and proper diet. You should consume foods rich in vitamins and microelements. As auxiliary measures, isolation of the newborn from contact with strangers and maintaining the personal hygiene of mother and baby at a high level are used. Care must also be taken to ensure that the baby does not scratch the affected areas. To do this, use clothes that cover the baby's fingers. It is sold in special stores for newborns. They also use so-called scratch pads, hand pads, etc.

How to make an appointment with a pediatrician, dermatovenerologist, immunologist-infectious disease specialist

You can make an appointment with specialists from JSC “Medicine” (clinic of Academician Roitberg) on ​​the website or by calling +7(495)995-00-33. The clinic is located in the Central Administrative District of the capital. If there are symptoms of herpes on the lips of a child, contact experienced specialists. For diagnostics, our clinic uses modern innovative equipment of the latest generation.

As soon as the first signs of the disease appear, do not delay visiting a doctor. Get advice from experienced doctors at JSC “Medicine” (clinic of academician Roitberg). You will be prescribed an individual course of treatment and your child will be monitored throughout it until complete recovery.


The cause of the development of the pathology is the herpes simplex virus type 1. It belongs to DNA viruses belonging to the Herpesviridae viral family. The pathogen multiplies rapidly in the epithelial cells of the oral mucosa. Then it enters nearby lymph nodes (submandibular) and continues to reproduce in them. Then it enters the blood and migrates to the parenchymal organs (spleen, liver, kidneys). There it multiplies and enters the bloodstream again. As a result, it again appears in large quantities in the epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes. They are massively defeated. It is localized in the oropharynx, oral cavity, nose, lips, and nearby skin. Stomatitis and herpes of the skin and mucous membranes develop when the infection generalizes simultaneously.

Children become infected with it as follows:

  • through contact and everyday life (using shared utensils, toys, through kissing);
  • airborne (coughing, sneezing);
  • from a sick mother to the fetus through the placenta or during childbirth.

A baby can become infected from sick adults, children, and carriers.

The following factors contribute to the development of the disease:

  • previously suffered inflammatory processes;
  • previous antibiotic therapy;
  • deficiency of microelements and vitamins in the body;
  • mechanical damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • poor oral hygiene.

In children, the virus is especially easily transmitted through contact. The infectious process quickly spreads to healthy areas.

What to do if a child has diathesis

Local therapy using ointments is one of the components of complex treatment. But both hormonal and non-hormonal drugs should be prescribed by a doctor individually for each baby, taking into account the characteristics of the diathesis.

Self-medication in such a situation is not only ineffective, but also dangerous for the child’s health. Therefore, it is better to contact competent specialists. PsorMak employs doctors with extensive experience in treating diathesis.

We take a comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment, and for local therapy we use ointment made according to our own recipe without the addition of hormones.
She has been helping our patients at our clinic for more than 25 years, so we guarantee a complete cure without side effects. Contact us for a consultation so we can begin solving your problem. April 5, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

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