Beauty detox at home and in the salon: 5 rules and 3 wow procedures

Prevention of age-related changes, minimally invasive aesthetic procedures, short rehabilitation period and quick results - these are the current trends in the aesthetic medicine industry. Let's consider the methods that correspond to them.

You should not think that a good aesthetic result can only be achieved after traumatic hardware or plastic surgery. In the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, there are new methods that, with suitable indications and proper execution, act as delicately, quickly and, most importantly, can significantly prolong the youth of the skin, as well as effectively combat its imperfections.

Photorejuvenation BBL

This is a procedure using a machine that generates high-impulse broadband light. This effect allows you to quickly and successfully correct various skin problems: vascular pathologies (for example, rosacea and rosacea), pigment spots, and also fight age-related changes. At the same time, the BBL device does not damage tissue, so rehabilitation is not required after the procedures. The skin becomes fresher, its tone is evened out. BBL is a more modern, improved method of skin photorejuvenation, which, even with increased power (when it is necessary to more intensively act on the problem), does not lead to damage or burns.

Course of procedures:

from 5 sessions, interval of at least a week.

How to deal with toxins, and is it necessary to do so?

Despite the fact that special detox programs for the face and the whole body are offered everywhere, the fight against toxins is a dubious undertaking. The fact is that our body does a great job of detoxifying on its own. Our body has everything to successfully remove potentially dangerous compounds to the outside - with the help of the lymphatic system, kidneys and liver.

The same applies to the skin. Toxins penetrate through the pores into the body, are carried throughout the circulatory system, enter the intercellular fluid, and are then successfully eliminated. Therefore, in general, we do not need a special detox to improve skin condition.


If for some reason the body cannot cope with toxins, creams and serums labeled “detox” will not help you here. This requires a full medical examination and adequate treatment for the “breakdown” that led to the accumulation of toxic compounds.

How to identify the problem:

  • skin suddenly becomes dull or gray;
  • peeling, itching, rashes appeared that were not there before;
  • there is a constant feeling of fatigue;
  • having problems sleeping;
  • immune defense decreases.

If such symptoms appear, you should contact your family doctor or therapist, but not a cosmetologist.

RF lifting

The long-known and very effective radiofrequency procedure is constantly being improved and implemented in new devices. RF lifting is a radio wave heating of deep tissues, due to which the processes of collagen synthesis, which is responsible for elasticity and firmness, are activated in them, and has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Modern devices offer gentle heating, which works not to destroy and subsequently regenerate, but to stimulate skin renewal. For example, Genius from Lutronic

has a patented intelligent rejuvenation technology. Artificial intelligence helps to strictly adhere to exactly the power of influence that the doctor selected in each specific case. And for greater efficiency, radio wave energy is delivered through a variety of attachments with microneedles (for the face, the area around the eyes, working with scars, for the body, delicate areas). Rehabilitation after such exposure is minimal: 3-4 days.

Course of procedures:

2-3 with an interval of at least two weeks.

Find out what modern body modeling technologies exist

For reference

The main goal of detox cosmetics is deep cleansing (not to be confused with makeup remover products). To give the same effect, special components are added to the composition of such products, namely:

  • coffee bean extract or oil;
  • glucasamine (it provides gentle exfoliation);
  • derivative of perfluorocarbon and nasturtium extract (so-called beauty oxygen);
  • Swiss apple stem cells (they improve cellular metabolism and slow down the aging process of the skin).


The thread implantation procedure is one of the most popular among minimally invasive methods for correcting age-related changes. Modern threads and methods of their installation allow you to work on both the face and body and get noticeable results with a minimum rehabilitation period. For example, innovative threads with hyaluronic acid Excellence Visage HA from Aptos

moisturize tissues, have anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Polylactic acid (from which the threads are made) stimulates the production of elastin and collagen, which forms a strong frame in the injection area and provides tissue lifting.

Course of procedures:

a single installation gives an effect of up to 2 years.

Indications and contraindications for facial skin detox

Indications for the use of detox therapy are:

  1. Dull complexion and pigmentation disorders.
  2. Allergic reactions and inflammatory skin rashes, acne.
  3. Uneven skin tone.
  4. Increased porosity and roughness of the skin.
  5. Reduced turgor, sagging and the presence of premature superficial fine wrinkles.
  6. Stressed skin - the presence of dark and pale spots, “marbling”.
  7. The skin of a “smoker” is dry, dehydrated, and clearly yellow.
  8. Excessive oiliness of hair on the head.
  9. Hair stiffness and difficulty in styling.
  10. Loss of hair shine, dryness and fragility, feeling of artificiality at the ends of the hair.

Contraindications for detox therapy:

  1. Respiratory viral diseases.
  2. Inflammatory processes on the skin of the face and body, exacerbation of dermatoses.
  3. Intolerance and allergic reactions in the past to components of detox therapy products.
  4. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  5. Oncological pathology.

Larisa, 31 years old: “I do a facial skin detox once a week. I steam it well first or just wash it with hot water when I don’t have time. Then I mix salt and washing gel, take a soft brush and treat the problem areas with this product. This is how you make an improvised salt scrub. The next step is a cucumber mask. I keep it on my face for 20 minutes. After all the procedures, the skin of the face looks so fresh and beautiful, just a sight for sore eyes. I try not to neglect detox in order to preserve beauty and youth longer.”


Attention to your appearance (when it does not take on obsessive forms) is an important detail in maintaining youth. You can correct wrinkles in a timely manner by resorting to botulinum therapy, carry out skin-renewing peelings, moisturize the skin with courses of mesotherapy or biorevitalization, and undergo beauty programs with professional cosmetics. Cosmetologists have long been saying that preventing age-related changes, like timely prevention of diseases, works.

Anti-aging procedures are selected individually in each case. On average, mesotherapy and biorevitalization are carried out twice a year. Superficial acid peels 1-2 times every six months. Botulinum therapy - once every six months.

What is skin detoxification

Living in modern conditions, that is, an unfavorable ecological environment, with poor diet and daily routine, frequent stressful situations, and psychological overwork contribute to the appearance of premature signs of aging. The latter are manifested, first of all, by early aging of the facial skin, loss of shine, silkiness and increased hair loss.

In addition, as age increases, the body’s metabolism slows down, the processes of cell destruction predominate over their restoration, and the processes of blood microcirculation and lymph flow in tissues (including facial skin) slow down. As a result, toxins, toxic products of metabolism and the external environment accumulate throughout the body, the internal resources of the body are reduced, the immune system is weakened, resistance to bacterial and viral infections decreases, body weight increases, cellulite and sagging skin develop, dark circles under the eyes and swelling of the face.

The function of organs (skin, lungs, liver, kidneys) that perform detoxification, that is, removing harmful substances from the body, gradually decreases. All this leads to a slowdown in the renewal of all cells and, in particular, skin cells. A significant number of cells of the stratum corneum accumulate on its surface, which form a “film” that is invisible to the eye, but disrupts the normal processes of tissue functioning.

In these cases, to improve the condition of the entire body, including the function of the skin and, accordingly, its appearance, care programs that include not only general detoxification of the body (removing toxins and reducing their entry into the body), but also detox skin cleansing.

Thus, facial skin detox is a program for its renewal and healing by removing toxins and harmful cellular waste products naturally (through sweat and sebaceous glands), as well as by removing horn cells from the surface layers, which is one of the significant elements of the detoxification program. In other words, it is a program for allowing tissues to develop and function in healthy, natural ways.

Alena, 26 years old: “I regularly detox my skin (not only the face, but also the body) once a week. But I do it at home. Before the procedure, I wash thoroughly, cleanse the skin, then steam it in the steam room (we have our own bathhouse). I rub it well with sea salt and go back to the steam room. Then I wash everything off and rub myself with a mixture of clay and honey. I sit with this mask for 20 minutes and wash myself. After all this, my skin becomes soft and velvety - just perfect!”

Watch the video about detoxification:

Choice of drug

When prescribing injection techniques, you should first of all pay attention to the composition of the drug, the components of which can provide the skin with so-called detox therapy. These include sodium succinate, or succinic acid salt. It is an intracellular metabolite, a product of the Krebs cycle.

Sodium succinate provides essential functions:

  • increasing microcirculation in organs and tissues,
  • restoration of acid-base balance,
  • increasing cell resistance to hypoxia,
  • normalization of the level of pro-inflammatory mediators – histamine and serotonin,
  • prevention of inflammatory acidosis,
  • stimulation of energy production (ATP) in order to compensate for the cell’s energy resources.

The capabilities of sodium succinate allow skin cells to reduce the impact of external aggressive factors, providing them with antioxidant protection. Also, the salt of succinic acid works on the extracellular space, restoration and normalization of microcirculation, which helps reduce tissue hypoxia, and also increases lymphotropy and has a detoxifying effect.

Patient reviews

Products with a detoxifying effect are often used in home care. The results of the procedures are visible, but do not last long. Intensive professional detoxification programs are rarely performed. Many do not believe in the effectiveness of the result.

The patient does not believe in the effectiveness of detox cleansing.

Home cleaning

Procedures can be carried out not only in a salon. There are many options for use at home. Among them are recipes for self-cooking and ready-made cosmetics.

Cleansing recipes

Steaming has excellent detoxifying properties. You can periodically visit the sauna or bathhouse. It is useful to create aromatic steam, use decoctions of medicinal herbs, and steam with fresh brooms. At home, steam baths are performed with essential oils (sage, lavender, tea tree, cypress).

The procedure takes 5–10 minutes and brings tangible benefits. After steaming, you can carefully perform mechanical cleansing to achieve a more pronounced skin cleansing effect.

You can get a detox effect by performing a honey massage or clay-based masks. Kaolin powder is poured with water or a decoction of herbs until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained; the mixture can be supplemented with a drop of a suitable essential oil. The mask is applied to the face and left for up to a quarter of an hour.

Enzyme masks with a peeling effect have good cleansing abilities To prepare the composition at home, take pineapple and papaya. The fruits are cut into cubes. The pulp in an amount of 100 g is crushed to a puree. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. swollen gelatin. The mass is distributed over the skin and removed by rinsing with water after 15–20 minutes.

Important! It is not recommended to carry out procedures at home on the same day, using all possible recipes. It is better to divide the program into several approaches. You can devote 1-2 weeks to the effects, performing the steps sequentially.

Ready-made products

There are many products on sale with components that have a detox effect of varying degrees. Popular options among consumers:

  • Faberlic. Oxygen radiance detox mask. A product for deep cleansing, healing, and oxygen “recharging” of tissues based on red clay. A 50 ml jar is bought for 350 rubles.

  • Payot. Clay mask for express care that eliminates signs of fatigue. A tube of Payot 50 ml is bought for 800–1700 rubles.

  • L'Oreal. The magic clay mask for detox and radiance is based on a mixture of 3 varieties of kaolin with the addition of charcoal. The product deeply cleanses and revitalizes the skin. A 50 ml jar of Loreal can be bought for 300 rubles.

  • Vilenta. Exfoliating mask with fruit acids. The manufacturer also offers options for charcoal and fruit juices. Disposable bags sell for 80 rubles.

  • Eveline. The manufacturer offers detox options with volcanic clay, charcoal, and silver for deep cleansing of oily and combination skin. Disposable bags sell for 50 rubles.

  • Bio world. The film mask contains charcoal powder, lemon and ginseng extracts and is intended for deep cleansing of oily, problematic skin. 75 ml tubes sell for 120 rubles.

  • Compliment Slim & Detox. Fat burner mask with kaolin, elastin. The product has a cleansing and healing effect. Tubes of masks sell for 200 rubles.

  • Caudalie. The manufacturer offers a detox cream, night oil with an absorbent effect, and a deep cleansing gel mask. The cost of options from Kodali starts from 1.5 thousand rubles.

  • Levrana. The manufacturer offers micellar water, cream, mask and even toothpaste with Japanese oak soot. The cost of funds starts from 350 rubles.

  • Propeller. Mask with cincidon to eliminate acne and pimples. A 100 ml tube costs 120 rubles.

  • Skinlite. Charcoal mask with activated carbon, marshmallow, calendula, lotus. This option cleanses pores and has a detox effect. The cost of the Skinlight package is from 65 rubles.

  • Nature Siberian. Soap "Northern" based on coal. The product has a gel-like texture and is suitable for deep cleansing of any skin type. Cans of 120 ml are sold at a price of 450 rubles.

  • Arabia. Tonic with bioflavonoids for cleansing and healing tissues. A 250 ml bottle can be bought from 600 rubles.

  • Malin Goetz. Oxygen mask with almond extract, soybean, vitamins C, E. The creamy texture of the product releases oxygen when used, turning into many bubbles. A modest bottle with a dispenser can be bought from 3.5 thousand rubles.

  • Shaking Rubber. Alginate cocktail mask with glutathione, sea buckthorn, grapefruit, tangerine. You can buy a bottle of extraordinary design for 1 thousand rubles.

You can purchase an option that meets different needs. You can choose the product yourself, focusing on the manufacturer’s promises, and turn to a cosmetologist for help choosing a product.

Why Artromed?

The Artromed Beauty and Health Center is a center for those who understand that health, strength and beauty help them achieve success in life, improve their quality of life, and look attractive and stylish. We hope you will be surprised and delighted by our affordable prices.

We value our regular customers, and our doors are always open to new visitors.

Sign up for a peeling and detox cleansing procedure at the Artromed beauty and health center in Samara - and get quick and affordable body rejuvenation. We are waiting for your applications for the procedure!

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors perform detoxification cleansing programs and use separate products in their work. Cosmetologists notice positive changes, but often the results are ineffective. It is also not always possible to get a bright instant result.

The cosmetologist sees the effectiveness of detox cleansing.

The cosmetologist likes to use products with a detox effect.

The cosmetologist sees the results of detox cleansing, but the effectiveness is weak.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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