What is pumpkin peeling used for: effectiveness, in the salon and at home

To maintain healthy skin, you need to know how to properly care for your face, using masks, creams, and scrubs. One of the modern means of maintaining beauty is pumpkin peeling, which allows you to clean the skin without injuring it, and the effect is visible immediately after the first visit to the cosmetologist. This cosmetic procedure for cleansing the surface and middle layers of the skin also provides complete nutrition.

The composition of pumpkin peeling includes:

  • pumpkin pulp;
  • acids: hydroxypropionic or lactic, salicylic, glycolic;
  • keratin;
  • vitamins of groups A, C, E.

Pumpkin peeling belongs to a number of intermediate chemical cleansings, but less painful and traumatic. It is also called gentle, because its main effect is to nourish the skin with useful substances and microelements.

Description of peeling

Pumpkin peeling is an effective procedure for cleansing and renewal. It was developed by American scientists. Even the most gentle product injures the skin. However, the pumpkin remedy makes the cleansing process more delicate.

Pumpkin pulp is used in peeling. The benefit lies in the presence of vitamins A and E, which moisturize the skin, slow down the aging process, and heal wounds. Vitamin C lightens age spots.

In addition to pumpkin, the composition includes:

  • acids (lactic, mandelic);
  • orange extract;
  • lactobacilli;
  • pumpkin enzymes.

A composition of the above ingredients is applied to the face. The skin is cleansed and renewed.

Important! The pumpkin preparation belongs to the middle method of purification. Although the product is very delicate, experts recommend doing it not at home, but in beauty salons. An experienced cosmetologist will minimize risks and perform the procedure at a high level.

What is the procedure

This type of peeling is far from the usual homemade masks, although it contains pumpkin pulp in a concentration of 40%. The use of this component is due to its rich composition: it includes various acids (glycolic, lactic, salicylic), an enzyme complex and vitamins A, E, C.

As a result, the skin becomes smoother and more radiant after the first procedure, and a noticeable rejuvenating effect is achieved. During the course of therapy, even pronounced age spots are minimized.

The advantages include a delicate effect only on the upper and middle layers of the dermis. Therefore, unlike a chemical analogue, the use of pumpkin-based products does not require a long rehabilitation period.

This type of procedure is indispensable for people with oily skin, the problems of which are eliminated due to the vitamin A included in the composition. Additionally, internal processes for the production of collagen fibers are activated, thanks to which it is possible to correct the first signs of aging.

Buyanov Sergey Yurievich (Expert Doctor):

The widely known antiparasitic function of pumpkin seeds is also used in cosmetic masks. The destructive effect against skin mites has a positive effect on seborrhea.

Indications for use

  • Comedones;
  • Acne;
  • Excessive production of sebaceous secretion;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Pigmentation (including freckles);
  • Painful skin tone;
  • First wrinkles;
  • Peeling;
  • Porous structure of the dermis;
  • Dry skin;
  • Acne;
  • Traces of fatigue in the periorbital area.

Indications for use

Cosmetologists say that this type of cleansing is indicated:

  • for acne, enlarged pores;
  • to prevent age-related changes;
  • for age spots;
  • with an unhealthy complexion.

The procedure is suitable for all skin types. The composition of the product allows it to be used even on dry and sensitive skin, which is prone to irritation and redness. Peeling will help those with oily skin; it optimizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This product is used both in adolescence and in adulthood to prevent wrinkles.

Indications for use

It is worth using pumpkin peeling as one of your regular facial care products. It is especially important to pay attention to it for those who:

  • porous skin;
  • the first wrinkles appeared;
  • age spots, freckles;
  • acne, acne, pimples;
  • oily shine on the face;
  • feeling of dryness, tightness;
  • signs of fatigue around the eyes;
  • peeling.

In other words, everyone can use this cleansing , but it’s worth it for those who have problems with the dermis.

Efficiency of the procedure

Properly executed pumpkin peeling is highly effective. After the procedure, the face looks fresh, a healthy glow appears on the skin, small wrinkles are smoothed out, pimples are dried out.

The number of procedures depends on the client's characteristics. Medium peelings are carried out no more than once every 1–2 weeks. In complex cases, it is necessary to do up to 10 procedures. The skin is completely cleared of rashes, acne marks disappear.

The results of the procedure last for 3 months. A full course of cleansing prolongs the results for another 2-3 months.

Types of peelings

The following types of pumpkin peeling are distinguished:

  • Dermaquest - normalizes sebaceous secretions, cleanses and tightens pores, has a lifting effect. Dermakvest contains strontium nitrate, which has an anesthetic effect. The client does not feel discomfort or burning. A 118 ml jar will cost 15,000 rubles.

  • Meillume - enzyme peeling with pumpkin. Not suitable for sensitive skin. Unlike the previous product, Meillume is a facial scrub with a subtle aroma. The composition includes acids, microspheres of corn starch, pumpkin pulp. The cost of a package (120 ml) is 8,000 rubles.

  • HydroPeptide is a professional product developed in the USA. The creators call it “powerful.” The drug contains peptides that are used to combat age-related changes. One package (118 ml) of Hydropeptide costs 5,500 rubles.

Benefits of pumpkin as a skin cleanser

Pumpkin is known for its rich chemical composition, which accounts for its beneficial properties for the skin:

  • Vitamin B – protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • B2 – fights inflammation;
  • E – rejuvenates, refreshes;
  • PP – improves color;
  • nicotinic acid – provides freshness, healthy glow;
  • carbohydrates – tone, cleanse the upper layers;
  • starch – brightens the tone, fights increased pigmentation.

Preparatory stage

The first step that is best not to be overlooked before any cosmetic procedure is a consultation with a cosmetologist. During the consultation, a specialist will examine the condition of the skin and determine the indications for peeling.

Important! During the conversation, the cosmetologist will determine whether the person has contraindications. For example, dermatological diseases, pregnancy, cancer, wounds and cuts.

Don't forget about preparing your home. If before the procedure the woman has already used products with acids, then preparation for the procedure should begin 2 weeks in advance. If you haven’t had such experience, then in 3 weeks. The girl should start using products containing acids (creams, serums). It is better to discuss the choice of product with a cosmetologist. A few days before the procedure, it is necessary to exclude products with AHA acids. A week before peeling, you should not use products that cause skin damage (scrubs).

Before the procedure, it is recommended to take a course of vitamins. This will help prevent herpes. It is not advisable to do pumpkin peeling in the summer. Cosmetologists insist on carrying out the procedure in autumn and winter. Possibly held in the spring (for example, March). If a girl does have peeling in the summer, she must forget about tanning for at least a month and use sunscreen for a month.


Pumpkin pulp contains many useful substances and has many advantages over other exfoliants:

  1. Gently removes unnecessary cells;
  2. Does not irritate the skin;
  3. Well moisturizes and vitaminizes;
  4. Does not cause redness or discomfort;
  5. Replenishes mineral deficiency;
  6. Treats minor inflammations;
  7. Gives results quickly;
  8. It has a pleasant smell and contains up to 90% organic elements.

Reviews about pumpkin peeling are predominantly positive: both among users and among specialists. Pumpkin cleansing is gentle on the skin and inexpensive. But it perfectly moisturizes, cleanses and vitaminizes, so it’s worth trying.

There is a distinction between salon cleansing and home cleansing.

Pumpkin pulp contains many useful substances:

  • Vitamin B2 is an excellent helper in the fight against inflammation;
  • Nicotinic acid, which improves complexion;
  • Vitamin B , which can protect the face from photoaging;
  • Vitamin E is an ally in regeneration and anti-aging;
  • Starch is an anti-pigmentation agent;
  • Carbohydrates are a source of nutrition
  • and etc.

Indications and contraindications

Pumpkin cleansing is one of the most gentle and painless procedures. It is recommended to everyone who wants to renew their skin, fill it with vitamins and nutrients, and moisturize it. But in some cases such cleaning is especially useful:

  • Peeling;
  • Enlarged pores and excessive activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • Dry skin and a feeling of tightness;
  • Pronounced photoaging;
  • Skin withering;
  • Dull complexion;
  • Dark circles under the eyes;
  • Freckles;
  • Whiteheads;
  • Comedones;
  • Redness and rashes;
  • Dark spots.

The method is suitable for both dry, normal and oily skin.

We recommend: Recipe for smooth skin: PEELING FOR STRETCH MARKS

Eminence Peter Thomas Roth

The technology has no obvious contraindications , but it is better to avoid it if:

  • Purulent inflammation;
  • Open and fresh wounds, cuts, abrasions;
  • Allergic reaction to pumpkin;
  • Herpes;
  • Menstruation and pregnancy;
  • Immediately after sunbathing;
  • Skin infections;
  • If there are warts and dubious formations on the face.


Professional preparations are the most popular in beauty salons


Their implementation involves the following steps:

  1. Cleansing from dirt and makeup.
  2. Preparing the face with special formulations based on lactic, glycolic and salicylic acid. Together, these substances remove grease and dirt.
  3. Application of substances with a mild analgesic and degreasing effect.
  4. Exfoliation (10 minutes), there may be a slight tingling sensation.
  5. Wash off with plain water.
  6. Nourishing mask.

Before leaving the salon, the face is treated against ultraviolet radiation.

How is the procedure done in the salon?

The client will have to spend at least an hour (60–80 minutes) in the salon. During this time, the cosmetologist will perform the following steps:

  1. At the first stage, the cosmetologist cleanses the skin of dust and makeup residues. For this purpose, two products are used, the first directly cleanses, and the second prepares for the application of the next stage of products.
  2. At the preparatory stage, a solution is applied to the face, which opens the pores, prepares the skin, and has an anesthetic effect.
  3. Next, peeling is applied to the skin. The exact time of exposure is determined by a cosmetologist. The client may feel a burning, pinching, or tingling sensation.
  4. The cosmetologist applies a nourishing mask. It soothes the skin. Masks with peptides are often used.
  5. The last step involves applying a strong moisturizer with UV protection.

Attention! Only a qualified cosmetologist can perform the procedure correctly.

Review of pumpkin facial cleansing products

Today, in the line of professional cosmetic peelings you can find different products that are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin:

Photo of a cosmetic productDescription
One of the most commonly used peelings is Dermakvest . This professional chemical product made in the USA allows you to deep clean your skin atraumatically and in any season of the year. In addition to pumpkin, it includes fruit acids, stem cells of medicinal plants and peptides. The line includes several types of pumpkin peeling, each of which is designed for a specific type of epidermis and is selected taking into account skin problems.
Hydropeptide . Peeling made in the USA. One of the most powerful, it fights not only inflammation and acne, but also rejuvenates thanks to the content of peptides. Smoothes wrinkles, brightens, prevents further skin aging. HydroPeptide is a peeling from a series of professional cosmetics that includes 65 types of peptides that effectively fight the aging of the dermis.
Pumpkin Peel . Peeling mask with pumpkin slows down the formation of any wrinkles, dissolves keratinized parts of the epidermis, stimulates regeneration processes and exfoliates well. It also removes excess fat and fights bacteria. Suitable for oily or acne-prone skin, helps against age spots and age-related changes. Contains lactic, glycolic, fruit, salicylic acids, pumpkin enzymes, L-arginine, peptides.
Meillume . Peeling ENZYM PROFI-PEEL gently cleanses the skin, makes it velvety, refreshes, and gently brightens. Suitable for any type of epidermis, its consistency resembles a scrub with a delicate aroma. Contains proteolytics, corn starch, organic acids, which simultaneously cleanse and protect the skin.

These products are intended for use by professionals because they contain a high concentration of acids. If applied incorrectly, side effects may develop.

Healing period

The condition of the skin immediately after pumpkin peeling depends on your skin type and other characteristics. There is slight redness and peeling. The skin should be velvety and smooth. After 4–7 days, the client will see the full result of the transformation.

You cannot wash your face for 24 hours after the procedure. It is not advisable to use decorative cosmetics for 2–3 days after. Creams that accelerate skin healing should be used. A woman should drink more water and nourish her body from the inside with supplements and vitamins, such as Omega-3.

Features of peeling at home

Pumpkin peeling can also be done at home. Main differences from the salon version:

  • simpler preparatory stage;
  • the procedure time is shorter;
  • the home option is safer;
  • peeling at home is less effective.

Cleansing with pumpkin is a virtually painless and gentle method. It suits everyone. However, before carrying out, you should familiarize yourself with the full list of contraindications and pay attention to precautions.

Reviews about pumpkin peeling

To verify once again the effectiveness of such facial cleansing, it is worth reading the opinions of those who have already tried this product.

Maria, 28 years old:

Dermakvest peeling has simply become my salvation from constant rashes and acne. I haven't tried anything better yet.

Alla, 49 years old:

I went to the salon for a pumpkin peeling procedure, the specialist recommended Hydropeptide. I was satisfied, and now I will always use only it.

Yana, 21 years old:

Once a week I use a homemade scrub based on pulp, it exfoliates the skin well and at the same time moisturizes. An excellent product for young skin.

Precautionary measures

It is forbidden to use peeling for allergies, wounds, ulcers, severe inflammation, exacerbation of chronic diseases, during pregnancy and lactation. It is not recommended to use products with acids in summer, as this can cause pigmentation. Precautionary measures include: conducting an allergy test, using sterile instruments, thoroughly cleansing the skin, using peeling no more than once every 10 days, and avoiding manipulation of the skin after the procedure.

If precautions were violated during the procedure, the girl may encounter infectious complications, allergies, erythema, hyperpigmentation, and scars.

Attention! Burns, new acne, age spots, inflammation after peeling are not the norm. Their appearance should prompt you to immediately consult a dermatologist.

Briefly about cleansing your face with pumpkin

Modern cosmetologists have appreciated the beneficial qualities of pumpkin and its magical effect on the skin. Many companies have even created their own peeling products based on vitamin pumpkin.

Pumpkin peeling is a fresh direction in skin cleansing. It not only gently cleanses the surface of the face, but also strengthens cells, replenishes the lack of mineral components, and improves the condition and tone of the skin. Pumpkin also contains a large amount of fatty acids. They soften the epidermis, increase its protection against moisture loss and external factors.

This peeling technique has many advantages:

  • Gently but effectively removes dead cells that interfere with proper breathing and skin rejuvenation;
  • Fills the epidermis with important microelements and organic acids, stimulates metabolism and the process of restoration of integument;
  • Does not cause pain or discomfort;
  • Does not irritate the skin;
  • The effect of the pumpkin procedure is noticeable immediately after peeling;
  • Pumpkin peeling cosmetics will delight you with a pleasant, delicate aroma;
  • The procedure for transforming skin with pumpkin does not take much time;
  • The achieved effect after a course of pumpkin treatments lasts for at least six months.

A lack of nutritional components in the cells, clogged pores and the accumulation of dead skin particles interfere with its normal functioning and breathing. Pumpkin peeling will solve all these problems in one fell swoop.

Pumpkin-based peeling solves many skin problems, the main ones:

  • Pigment spots on the skin;
  • Withering of integument, signs of photoaging;
  • Comedones;
  • Enlarged pores and excessive oiliness of the epidermis;
  • Acne, early stages of acne;
  • Peeling of the integument, lack of moisture;
  • Vitamin deficiency, unusual pallor, gray skin.

Transforming the skin with pumpkin peeling, unfortunately, is not available to everyone. The procedure still has minimal contraindications:

  • Allergy to pumpkin pulp;
  • Fresh wounds, cuts;
  • Purulent rashes, herpes;
  • Questionable growths on the face, warts.

An allergy test before pumpkin facial peeling is a mandatory procedure. It will relieve complications of the skin situation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Compared to other types of chemical peeling, pumpkin peeling has its pros and cons.


  • gentle effect;
  • fast recovery period;
  • mild pain or its complete absence;
  • Suitable for any skin type.


  • poor effectiveness in difficult cases;
  • the need to carry out a course of procedure to obtain a lasting result.

Patient reviews

In order to form a final opinion, it is worth considering the opinions of patients:

This patient believes that peeling is worth the money.

This girl describes an amazing result - the skin tightened, the pores narrowed, as if she had been using expensive cosmetics for a long time.

This client considers pumpkin peeling to be her favorite. It is suitable both in cost and in effect.

The pumpkin procedure even helps some people get rid of acne scars.

Our skin needs care. Salon treatments are highly effective, but you can also take care of your skin at home. Pumpkin peeling will come to the rescue and transform your face. If the procedure is carried out correctly, the effect can be seen both after salon care and after home care.

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