Rejuvenating gymnastics Khadu for the face: Zviad Arabuli’s technique

Greetings, dear reader! Now we will tell you about wonderful gymnastics, the author of which is Zviad Arabuli. Khadu’s gymnastics for every day is his brainchild and quite successful. Try it! And you yourself will be surprised how powerful the result will be. In this case, you can get rid of several problems at once.

You will feel lightness in your body, improve blood circulation, and Khadu is also an excellent remedy for weight loss.

It can also be used as a rejuvenating gymnastics, because it can maintain our youth and longevity.

About the creator of gymnastics

Khadu rejuvenating gymnastics for the face is an integral part of the system of exercises for rejuvenation, created, patented and brought to life by Zviad Arabuli. He named his brainchild in honor of the Georgian village of Khadu, where he was born in 1967. The unique gymnastics itself was developed during the years of Arabuli’s life in Moscow and, thanks to its real effectiveness, quickly gained a wide circle of followers.

The system is based on an original and truly masculine solution: to use slow movements of various muscles to prolong youth. Now Zviad Arabuli lives and works in Kyiv. The Hadu Federation of Trainers, which includes over 100 specialists, operates fruitfully there.

Author of the method

The Khadu technique was invented, implemented, perfected in practice and actively promoted by the Georgian athlete Zviad Arabuli. The author gave the name of the technique after the name of the village in which he was born in 1967. Although he developed gymnastics and began to practice while living in Moscow.

The technique quickly gained popularity. Followers note the uniqueness and effectiveness of the classes. Attention is drawn to a truly masculine approach to the formation of the necessary reliefs and maintaining youth.

Currently, the author of the Hadou method lives and teaches classes on the method in Kyiv. You can get acquainted with the author's presentation of technology through numerous video tutorials.

Basic principles of Hadu for the face

The main principle of Hadou gymnastics for the face is the alternation of exercises that tense and relax various muscle groups. In this case, no facial simulators are needed - the effect is achieved only through the work of muscles.

Its founder based his gymnastics, which started in 1996, on the postulates of Indian hatha yoga, partially changing and modernizing them. As a result, the Arabuli technique releases the body's hidden reserves and increases its vitality.

  • The set of exercises is designed in such a way that not only the main muscle structures are actively involved in the work, but also those that remain inactive during normal training. The results are not long in coming: the tone increases, which has the most favorable effect on the appearance;
  • Perform exercises measuredly and smoothly. However, the active part of the workout requires serious stress, causing quite severe fatigue. This is fine;

Intense physical activity is the main condition for obtaining results.

  • The harsh technique significantly enhances tissue metabolism and maximally involves all body systems;
  • Khadu gymnastics is contraindicated in any improvisation or deviations from the established rules. For visible results, strict adherence to the sequence of actions and all the requirements of the trainer is mandatory.

By the way, most likely you will also be interested in this article on 17 super-anti-aging exercises - facial beauty yoga by Lourdes Doplito.

Rules for performing exercises

The Hadou technique does not allow improvisation. To achieve the stated effect, you must strictly follow the procedure and the trainer’s recommendations. Gymnastics has existed since 1996, tested and improved many times.

The method, invented by a man, is characterized by a harsh approach to classes. The dynamics of training can significantly increase metabolism in tissues and actively involve all body systems. It is intense physical activity that plays a leading role in achieving results.

Attention! A special feature of the technique is the absence of tactile contact with the skin when training muscles. The exercises are based on detached muscle work. The quality of each approach is indicated by the onset of noticeable fatigue.

Who can benefit from Hadoo gymnastics for the face?

The classes will help those who are serious about:

  • Make your body younger;
  • Preserve beauty;
  • Restore freshness to the skin, get rid of wrinkles;
  • Make the outline of the face clear.

All these metamorphoses with appearance are quite achievable if training that triggers the processes of restoring beauty becomes daily and is carried out according to all the rules.

Therapeutic bed exercises

1. Lying on your back, do an intensive massage: with your thumbs behind your ears, with your palms pressed, move from top to bottom 30 times so that your index fingers move along the ears. Full concentration, eyes closed.

Physiological effects

): protects the face from wrinkles, improves vision, strengthens teeth, increases blood circulation in the temporal region, and has a strengthening effect on the functioning of all internal organs and systems.
2. Place the palm of the right hand on the forehead, the left hand on the right and move along the forehead: left and right 20 times so that the little fingers move above the eyebrow. FV
: increases blood circulation and improves blood circulation in the brain, eliminates stagnation of venous blood and reduces headaches, activates mental ability, calms the nervous system, improves vision and protects the eyes from diseases. 3. Using the back of your large bent fingers, massage your eyeballs, up and down, using medium-intensity pressure – 1-5 times.


: protects the eyes from diseases and aging, improves vision, calms the nervous system, improves blood circulation to the muscles and skin of the face.

4. With bent palms of your hands, massage the thyroid gland from top to bottom, hugging the latter 30 times.


: improves the regulation of metabolic processes and the functioning of internal organs, strengthens the nervous system. 5. Massage your stomach: place your right palm with its edge on your bare stomach. Place your left palm on your right palm for weights and make clockwise circular movements 20-30 times, but so that you move up and down. This is achieved by turning the palm.


: blood circulation improves, food absorption process improves, peristalsis increases, abdominal muscles strengthen, internal organs are massaged. 6. Lying on your back, strongly pull your stomach towards your spine, pressing your hands on your stomach, and then inflate your stomach - 20 times (this must be done several times during the day).


: has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates stagnation of bile and blood. Helps get rid of excess fat in the abdominal area, stimulates the circulatory system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, relieves nervous tension. 7. Lying on your back, alternately pull your leg towards your chest so that all internal organs are massaged. 15 times each leg.


: improves the functioning of all internal organs, strengthens the abdominal wall, stimulates the digestive system, bile formation and excretion, improves overall blood flow, promotes weight loss. 8. Sitting on the bed, lower your feet to the floor, place them on your right hand, massage the indentation of the foot with the palm of your right hand - 20 times, then the indentation of the other leg - 20 times.


: treats rheumatism, gout, regulates heart function, reflex effect on the work of all internal organs, tonic effect on all body systems. 9. While continuing to sit, make a “lock” of your fingers, place them on the back of your head, massage it in both directions or up and down 10 times, tilting your head back, while your hands offer resistance.


: improves blood circulation and movement of cerebrospinal fluid, eliminates venous congestion, stimulates hair growth, improves trophism of the cervical spine. 10. While continuing to sit, place your palms on your ears, press tightly and alternately hit the back of the head with the fingertips of both hands, thus creating vibration - 20-25 times.


: stimulates the cerebral cortex, protects against deafness, relieves tinnitus, improves blood supply to the brain, treats headaches.

After morning exercises, it is recommended to sip a glass of raw water with a spoonful of honey infused in the evening.

The main rules of Hadu for the face

Hadu training is completely different from traditional gym training. They are performed:

  1. Without using your hands - all exercises are based only on tension and relaxation of muscles;
  2. By straining your muscles to the utmost, you cannot work without full effort; only by giving your all, you can turn on the recovery processes at full capacity;
  3. Except for sudden movements - everything is done slowly and measuredly, otherwise injuries are possible.

Safety rules for performing Hadu gymnastics include the following requirements:

  • Exercises are performed while sitting with a straight back, on a hard surface;
  • Before training, you need to wash your face with cool water;
  • Don’t forget about the correct breathing technique: tense your muscles only when you inhale, and relax only when you exhale;
  • Increase the pace of the exercises gradually.

In cases of dizziness and lack of air, classes are interrupted and breathing as usual for a few minutes. After the discomfort disappears, return to training.

Limitations and recommendations

The Hadou method is a highly safe workout. The possibility of injury is minimal if you strictly follow the author’s recommendations:

  • exercises are performed with sufficient load, but smoothly;
  • the load is increased gradually as you become familiar with the practice;
  • at the initial stages of mastering, it is advisable to perform a minimum number of repetitions and take a short recovery break between exercises;
  • If health problems arise (dizziness, muscle spasms), immediately stop training and allow the body to fully cope with the unpleasant manifestations.

There are no tangible contraindications to Hadu classes. It is advisable to refrain from training if you feel unsatisfactory. Chronic health problems impose individual limitations. You may have to give up a particular exercise, reduce the load or pace.


Gymnastics is a powerful stimulus for the activity of any human systems and internal organs, including those for which excessive stress is harmful due to a painful condition. For this reason, Khadu classes are contraindicated:

  1. Hypertensive patients;
  2. Suffering from pathologies of the facial nerve;
  3. Having inflammatory skin diseases.

It is absolutely contraindicated for people who have undergone plastic surgery or use Botox injections.

How is such gymnastics useful?

What exactly are the benefits of simple short gymnastics for Had?

  • First of all, regular exercise quickly improves your overall well-being. Blood flow accelerates and metabolism normalizes. Having become accustomed to the fact that half of the muscles in our body are constantly inactive, we do not notice the lethargy and fatigue accumulating in them - and we understand the difference only by comparing the sensations.
  • Khada gymnastics cannot be considered a miraculous way to combat excess weight. However, the combination of exercises with a diet and a proper daily routine brings excellent results - but only a little time is spent.
  • Muscles develop while remaining the same in volume. This will especially please women who are often simply afraid to take up dumbbells - excess muscle does not go well with a feminine appearance.
  • A vigorous, well-developed body is a source of good health and positive mood. In addition, along with muscle development, general immunity is strengthened and skin condition improves.

Have you realized that you really like Hadou gymnastics? It is not necessary to limit yourself to the basic movements given. On the Internet you can find video lessons about Hadu gymnastics for the face, back, arms, legs, and create a lesson plan to work out literally every part of the body. However, first it makes sense to focus on the “basics” - you will quickly understand the essence of gymnastics, therefore, creating a personal training complex will become easier.

Rejuvenating gymnastics Hadou for the face

It is better to do classes in the morning. All exercises should be performed at a slow pace, but with extreme physical effort, as a result of which fatigue must certainly occur. Breathing should not be interrupted, but should be even and smooth throughout the entire workout. Inhalation is done through the nose, exhalation is done through the mouth.


The main classes are certainly preceded by a warm-up that warms up the facial muscles. To do this, the muscles are first compressed: helping with the eyebrows and cheeks, the eyes are tightly closed. Then follows the stretching stage, for which the mouth is opened as wide as possible. The movements are repeated alternately until you are ready for more serious loads. It occurs individually for everyone; over time, an intuitive definition of such a moment is developed.

Core workout

During training, the following exercises are performed sequentially:

  1. Gradually accelerating the pace, lower and raise your eyebrows, recreating the appearance of a surprised and frowning person. First do it slowly, then you need to speed up the pace of the exercise by 2 times:

  2. "Cute rat face." With all our might we wrinkle our nose, eyebrows and forehead as if towards the center of the face and stretch it out just as strongly:

  3. With force and tension, reproduce the sound combinations “oo-o-y” or clearly pronounce the English word “wow”:

  4. Move your lips as far as possible, either to the right or to the left:

  5. Alternately, with accelerating speed, stretch and squeeze your eyes and lips - outwardly, such grimaces are associated with the desire to scare your own reflection in the mirror. Then these movements are supplemented by turning the head in different directions:

  6. The workout ends with the same stretching with head turns up, down and to the sides.

Each exercise must be repeated as much as possible and level of training allows. The normal range of repetitions for people who have mastered the Hadu technique is from 40 to 60. The tempo also increases. Visible and pleasing changes in appearance are brought only by constant and intense training.

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Zviad Arabuli has many followers and admirers in his work, among them his son Georgiy Zviadovich, a successful young physics teacher and an ardent supporter of his father’s methods. And this is Valentin Dikul, who has repeatedly given positive feedback about the Arabuli system.

Everyone who practices Hadu gymnastics gets excellent results. In their opinion, no massages, masks, etc. can compare with the effect obtained as a result of classes. Wrinkles appear from muscle atrophy. With the exception of laughter, which can sometimes cause pain in the face and stomach, the facial muscles do not receive any stress and lose their tone. But how often do we laugh? Hence all our problems, which cannot be solved without efforts on the part of each person. You have to earn beauty and health yourself. In addition to this, you will also get a good mood, and therefore laughter and smiles. Be healthy!

When will the result appear?

Hadu's anti-aging gymnastics for the face has secured its reputation as an affordable and safe method of postponing aging for a considerable period. It has become an alternative to many anti-aging procedures, including plastic surgery. Training according to the Zviad Arabuli system gives the body ideal tone, healthy skin, a delicate glow and a flawless oval face. The effect is visible after the first lessons. After a month of training, wrinkles are smoothed out and unnecessary volumes disappear.

Naturally, the more complex the task at hand, the longer the revival period will be. But in any case, the results will appear in the form of good health and the return of beauty. The choice is obvious: 15 minutes of daily exercise is worth several years of delayed aging.

What results will there be after regular training in the morning?

  1. Blood circulation will improve, which means that the cells will receive much more nutrients that they need for normal functioning.
  2. Gymnastics is healthy for the whole body. After all, she helps keep him in good shape. It is also useful for the eyes, because it has a positive effect on vision, improving it over time.
  3. The number of wrinkles will be significantly reduced. After intensive work, they will smooth out, and the skin will become more elastic, acquire smoothness and a healthy, admirable appearance.
  4. In addition, practicing in front of a mirror will greatly amuse both the woman herself and everyone who watches her funny actions.

What's not a way to improve the atmosphere in your home and get closer to loved ones?

Hadoo for the face: pros and cons

A very wide range of people can practice Hada. The technique is easy to learn at home. Gymnastics techniques are covered in detail in a large number of video lessons. The effect of the classes does not take long to see.

Although this rejuvenation technique rarely receives negative reviews, the disadvantages of gymnastics include scrupulous adherence to the technique of performing a set of exercises. An incorrectly performed action will not lead to negative consequences, but it will not provide any significant benefit either. Strict training requirements also reduce the enthusiasm of beginners.

A high level of workload will have to be accepted: Khadu requires complete dedication.

general information

The set of exercises consists of several phases:

  • muscle stimulation;
  • relaxation;
  • self-massage.

Popular techniques:

  • gymnastics from Carol Maggio;
  • Japanese gymnastics "hadu" for facial rejuvenation;
  • facelift from Galina Dubinina.

Note! Simple exercises, often similar to the usual “cranking”, are selected in a special way. Failure to comply with the technique of the procedure or being carried away by one type of exercise will not bring any benefit.

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