NEOGEN - plasma rejuvenation! The latest technology in aesthetic medicine

Sheptiy Oleg Vasilievich

Candidate of Medical Sciences, specialist in laser dermatology and surgery, member of the American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS), member of the Society of Photomedicine Specialists, Moscow

Generalova Taisa Vitalievna

Cosmetologist at the Virsheba hardware cosmetology center, Moscow

The use of plasma technologies is a relatively new direction in cosmetology and is not yet entirely clear. The first devices were created as an alternative to laser rejuvenation, but recent research shows that the possibilities of using plasma are much wider.

Indications for the NEOGEN procedure

  • Age-related skin changes.
  • Decreased skin tone and elasticity.
  • Hyperpigmentation of various etiologies.
  • Ptosis of the upper eyelids. Wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Scars.
  • Problem skin, acne.

NEOGEN is a unique procedure for skin rejuvenation and lifting using nitrogen plasma.

  • NEOGEN is a unique patented technique that has no analogues in the world.
  • The only NEOGEN nitrogen plasma rejuvenation system in the Far East is exclusively presented at the Clinic on Komarova.
  • Numerous clinical studies have proven the high effectiveness of NEOGEN.

Can I do it at home?

The device should only be used by a person with specialized education who knows the anatomy of the face and the features of the plasma rejuvenation technique.

For this reason, companies that sell plasma liners offer preliminary training in how to operate the device. Some distributors do not even sell devices to customers who have not completed a special course.

If you invite a qualified cosmetologist who performs procedures at home, he will be able to carry out the necessary manipulations. But remember: mistakes during plasma lifting are fraught with health problems. Therefore, take the time to go to the clinic, where an experienced professional will supervise all stages of the process.

There are relatively inexpensive devices for home use - for example, the Beauco Plasma Pen (costing about 10 thousand rubles). However, their use, as in the case of a plasma liner, also requires special knowledge.


Name of procedure Number of pulses Cost, rub.
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure (up to 1.0 J/cm2) (face, neck, décolleté)
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 100 imp 5 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 200 imp 7 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 300 imp 9 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure (up to 1.0 J/cm2) (hands)
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 100 imp 5 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 200 imp 7 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation SPA procedure 300 imp 9 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation (1.0 to 1.9 J/cm2) (face, neck, décolleté)
Plasma rejuvenation 400 imp 18 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 500 imp 21 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 600 imp 24 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation (2 to 4 J/cm2) (face, neck, décolleté)
Plasma rejuvenation 400 imp 24 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 500 imp 28 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 600 imp 32 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 800 imp 37 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation (up to 1 to 1.9 J/cm2) (hands)
Plasma rejuvenation 100 imp 6 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 200 imp 8 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 300 imp 10 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation (2 to 4 J/cm2) (hands)
Plasma rejuvenation 100 imp 10 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 200 imp 14 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 300 imp 18 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelid area (1 to 1.9 J/cm2)
Plasma rejuvenation 50 imp 8 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 100 imp 15 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 200 imp 25 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelid area (2 to 4 J/cm2)
Plasma rejuvenation 50 imp 12 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 100 imp 20 000,0
Plasma rejuvenation 200 imp 34 000,0
Plasma treatment of scars (1 to 1.9 J/cm2)
Plasma treatment 15 imp 1 200,0
Plasma treatment 30 imp 2 300,0
Plasma treatment 50 imp 3 500,0
Plasma treatment of scars (2 to 4 J/cm2)
Plasma treatment 15 imp 2 400,0
Plasma treatment 30 imp 4 600,0
Plasma treatment 50 imp 6 500,0
Plasma treatment (0.8 to 4 J/cm2)
Plasma acne treatment 50 imp 3 000,0
Plasma acne treatment 100 imp 5 000,0
Plasma treatment for rosacea 50 imp 3 000,0
Plasma treatment for rosacea 100 imp 5 000,0
Plasma treatment of striae (1 to 4 J/cm2)
Plasma treatment 50 imp 3 000,0
Plasma treatment 100 imp 6 000,0
Plasma treatment 200 imp 10 000,0
Plasma treatment 300 imp 14 000,0
The cost of one pulse on the device


150 rub.

What is the essence of NEOGEN technology?

The unique method of plasma rejuvenation has no equal. The plasma generated under high energy in the nozzle penetrates the skin without damaging the surface layer - the epidermis. Due to the fact that the procedure is non-ablative, recovery time is reduced, there is no swelling and there are no side effects. The nitrogen plasma rejuvenation method is used to reduce skin flaps, correct wrinkles and scar tissue, treat acne and remove pigmentation.

NEOGEN plasma skin regeneration is an innovative method for improving the surface of the skin. During the procedure, thermal energy is dissipated at various levels and depths in the epidermis and dermis.

During the treatment, NEOGEN Nitrogen Plasma uniquely preserves the surface layers of the skin, which act as a natural protective bandage until your new healthy skin is restored.

When treating the surface, natural processes of regeneration and remodeling are launched in the deep layers of the skin. As a result, young layers of skin fill in superficial imperfections over time.

Possible negative consequences of plasma exposure

Despite the non-invasiveness of the rejuvenation procedure, the effect of the plasmaliner somehow affects the structure of the cells. Immediately after the manipulation, swelling and slight redness are observed. At the site of treatment with the device, the skin becomes covered with small light brown crusts, which disappear after 3-5 days. All symptoms go away without special treatment. Complications are indicated by the persistence of swelling and hyperemia for more than 3 days, increased discomfort, the addition of itching, and general malaise. If such signs appear, you should consult a cosmetologist to prescribe therapy.

Sometimes side effects are a consequence of the cosmetologist’s unprofessionalism, lack of experience and skills. Serious complications include bruises, severe hematomas, pigmentation and even burns. These consequences require mandatory treatment by a dermatologist, as they affect the final result and can cause scars.

To speed up the process of cell restoration, it is important to carefully care for your face throughout the entire rehabilitation period. Complete washing with care products is possible after complete healing of the epidermis. To moisturize, it is enough to irrigate the skin with micellar water from a spray bottle.

Any procedures after plasma rejuvenation are carried out 3-5 weeks later to prevent increased trauma to the skin. It is unacceptable to treat the skin with scrubs and other abrasive compounds to reduce peeling, as this can damage the dermis and cause the appearance of deep cosmetic defects.

World top product

Plasma treatments have been well studied and are very popular in Japan, the USA and Europe. Numerous clinical studies have been conducted confirming that plasma rejuvenation is a safe and effective treatment.

For example, in Japan, NEOGEN is widely used to treat acne, age-related changes, as well as to improve the quality and rejuvenation of skin.

Neogen (NEOGEN) is a unique technology of plasma exposure to the skin, which achieves a rejuvenation effect in quality comparable only to surgical intervention.

3) Manufacturers do not guarantee anything other than the performance of the device.

Let's start with foreign manufacturers: in the best case, when you purchase, you will receive a piece of paper with a foreign certificate in Korean, Chinese or another language and a seal. The technical characteristics of a medical device must indicate the power, pulse duration, depth of penetration into tissue, and point diameter. There is no such information in any instructions, we translated it. This means the impact is unpredictable.

A number of foreign devices have a certificate of conformity of the Eurasian Economic Union, which was issued by the distributor (individual entrepreneur or LLC) and notifies that the product complies with safety standards for perfumery and cosmetic products. Such a certificate is at least somehow related to cosmetology, but it regulates exclusively technical and component parameters, not medical parameters.

An example of such a declaration:

In a number of cases, outright forgeries have been recorded: GOST 9001-2015, indicated on websites and in accompanying information, does not notify the quality of products, but confirms that the organization is effectively functioning in a management system for the quality of products and services produced in the organization. This document is aimed at improving the company’s image, distinguishing it from competitors, but most importantly, allowing the company to enter the international market.

There is a company in Russia that produces a domestic plasma device - Plasma Pen, maybe everything is fine with its guarantees, and the registration certificate is only a matter of time?

The company claims that all products have all certificates and licenses, but upon closer examination, a funny fact emerges: the needles for the plasma device (consumable material) have a registration certificate from Roszdravnadzor and they are a medical product (!!!), while the device - no!

The device itself is issued with: a certificate of conformity (in which Rostest confirms that the device complies with the Technical Specifications of the manufacturer itself (TU 26.60.11-001-39562978-2017) and a certificate of conformity of the Eurasian Economic Union (which declares the device’s compliance with the standards of “safety of low-voltage equipment” Do you get the idea? - / “children’s flashlight” / “electric shocker” (or any other low-voltage device) and declares that it is made according to its own specifications. Where is the medicine here? - well, of course: needles! Certified as medical products. That The plasma itself is collected at the tip of the needle!

Why doesn’t it occur to anyone to use a wood burning device for cosmetic purposes? (Oh... that was a bad idea...)

If you stick a medical needle into a burning device, will it become suitable for cosmetology?

Whether these documents are enough for MEDICAL is up to you to decide for yourself.

Non-surgical blepharoplasty NEOGEN

Due to clinical studies, NEOGEN is also called a soft blepharoplasty procedure. The NEOGEN procedure can reduce the sagging of the upper eyelid and reduce bags under the eyes. Therefore, in the early stages, when surgical blepharoplasty is not yet indicated, NeoGen soft blepharoplasty is successfully used.

In addition to the lifting effect, wrinkles in the crow's feet area are also reduced and dark circles around the eyes are eliminated.

  • NeoGen reduces wrinkles around the eyes and mouth with long-lasting results.
  • NeoGen reduces post-acne, corrects skin unevenness, and tightens the oval of the face.
  • NeoGen brightens the skin, giving it a fresh, rested look.
  • NeoGen eliminates signs of photodamage on the neck and décolleté.
  • NeoGen removes pigmentation and age spots on the hands.

NEOGEN offers a wide range of treatment options and meets the most demanding expectations of patients.

During your consultation, the doctor at our clinic will tell you in detail the dynamics of changes day by day and how to properly care for your skin. Physicians can customize treatments to suit clients' needs, from a "no pain, no downtime" treatment to a procedure equivalent to a full ablative treatment, naturally with a more pronounced and dramatic result.

Each procedure has both indications and contraindications.

Contraindications for the NEOGEN procedure

  • Acute inflammatory processes.
  • Chronic skin diseases during exacerbation.
  • Tanning or using self-tanning products 1 week before treatment.
  • Patients with damaged skin in the treatment area.
  • Pregnancy or lactation period.

Reference. What is plasma?

Plasma is the fourth state of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma) created by electrical discharges in a gas at a sufficiently high voltage.

Plasma is an ionized quasi-neutral gas consisting of positively and negatively charged ions.

The state “Plasma” was discovered by the English physicist Williams Crook in 1879. The term “Plasma” was first used in 1923 by American physicists Langmuir and Tonks, who began to designate it using a special ionized state of matter.

So, let's summarize

The main indications for plasma renewal are wrinkles, post-acne scars and some superficial damage, acne, acne. In addition, a slight tightening effect can be obtained.

NEOGEN is intended for correction of the eyelids, periorbital zone and works on the basis of plasma energy technology, which allows dosed delivery of heat to the skin.

Biomedical effects of plasma

Plasma is a source [2]:

  • heat;
  • reactive forms of oxygen, nitrogen and free radicals;
  • various types of radiation (from ultraviolet to infrared).

The specific effects upon interaction with target tissues will depend on the type of plasma used, its dose, flow rate, pressure, exposure time (parameters that can be influenced by modification of devices) and the characteristics of the tissue itself [3].

Initially, medicine adopted the thermal effects of plasma. Thus, a high-speed plasma stream obtained by exposing inert gases to high-power electric current is known as a plasma knife and is used for cutting and removing tissue. The ability of plasma to heat tissue (albeit with less intensity) has become the basis for its use in cosmetology [4].

However, it must be said that in recent years, the technology of cold low-temperature plasma (35–40°C), which allows one to achieve therapeutic effects without damaging living tissues, has attracted more and more attention.

Currently, the possibility of using the ability of cold low-temperature plasma to generate free radicals and ultraviolet radiation to disinfect human skin, as well as for the treatment of wounds, is being studied. This effect makes it possible to kill antibiotic-resistant microorganisms (which is especially important for hospital-acquired infections) without damaging the skin itself. The antimicrobial activity of plasma has been demonstrated not only in laboratory animals, but also in randomized controlled trials in humans: two-minute treatment of wounds with cold argon plasma caused a significant reduction in the number of both gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria in wounds [5].

In addition, it was found that treating wounds with cold low-temperature plasma accelerates their healing [6]. Recent work published in the journal Scientific Reports demonstrated that such plasma stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes by activating the β-catenin signaling pathway and inhibiting E-cadherin, which is responsible for contact inhibition of cell growth. In mice whose wounds were treated with low-temperature plasma, after 15 days there was almost complete restoration of the epidermis and muscle tissue, as well as a high density of collagen fibers, while in wounds that healed naturally, these processes proceeded much more slowly ( Fig. 2 ) [7].

The wound on the left healed naturally, the wound on the right was treated with cold low-temperature plasma 3 times a day for 5 minutes for 2 weeks [7].
In another study, it was demonstrated that treatment of a fibroblast culture with cold low-temperature plasma increases the expression of genes responsible for the synthesis of type I collagen , fibronectin and vascular endothelial growth factor [8].
Recent studies have also found that cold plasma causes a temporary decrease in the barrier function of the stratum corneum and increases the permeability of the skin to medications and cosmetics. It is assumed that this is due to the restructuring of lipid bilayers under the influence of plasma and the formation of temporary channels that facilitate the passage of various substances ( Fig. 3 ) [9].

1. Stratum corneum 2. Intercellular lipids 3. Hydrophilic group 4. Hydrophobic group 5. Before plasma treatment 6. After plasma exposure 7. Return to the original state

It has also been demonstrated that pulsed electric fields formed when plasma comes into contact with the skin are capable of changing the electrical charge of cell membranes and forming pores through which various active substances can enter the cell. This phenomenon is known as electroporation [10].

In addition, plasma influences blood clotting, the immune system, and the proliferation and apoptosis of cancer cells [10].

Results before and after the NEOGEN procedure in the photo

Non-surgical blepharoplasty using the NEOCEN device. Before and 1.5 weeks after the procedure

Blepharoplasty using the NEOCEN device. Before and 3 months after the procedure

Non-surgical blepharoplasty using the NEOCEN device. Before and 2 months after the procedure

Correction of the area around the eyes using the NEOCEN device. Before and 2 months after the procedure

Correction of the area around the eyes using the NEOCEN device. Before and 1.5 weeks after the procedure

Correction of the neck area using the NEOCEN device. Before and 3 months after the procedure

Rejuvenation of the neck area using the NEOCEN device. Before and 1 month after the procedure

Plasma facial rejuvenation

Plasma facial rejuvenation using the NEOCEN device. Before and 10 weeks after the procedure

Plasma facial rejuvenation using the NEOCEN device. Before and 4 weeks after the procedure

Treatment of post-acne using the NEOCEN device. Before and after the procedure

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of plasma liner rejuvenation:

  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • noticeable effect after the first procedure;
  • lasting results;
  • painless use of the plasma liner;
  • wide range of uses;
  • prolonged effect.

The disadvantages include:

  • an impressive list of contraindications;
  • risk of complications;
  • the high cost of using a plasma liner, especially if you need to perform several procedures;
  • special care that a person needs after lifting.
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