The most effective methods for correcting a double chin and jowls

It is not a fact that a “strong-willed” chin is evidence of a person’s strength and fortitude. History knows a lot of examples when truly strong-willed people had a completely different chin shape. For example, the strong character and steely will of Frederick the Great, apparently, had nothing to do with his quite ordinary oval face.

If you are not satisfied with the shape of your chin, then do not worry - it is easy to fix. Mentoplasty and modeling of the shape of the chin at the Medial clinic allows you to increase or decrease its volume according to the patient’s wishes, aesthetic or medical indications.

Chin augmentation

This operation is performed when the chin is underdeveloped and the bite is satisfactory.

Chin augmentation can be done in several ways.
Correction with implants .
Depending on the condition of the soft tissues, they are installed directly on the bone or in a prepared soft tissue pocket. There are several types of implants:

  • special silicone inserts, solid or perforated;
  • bioimplants from the patient’s own cartilage (ear, costal, or excess nasal tissue during simultaneous rhinoplasty);
  • non-silicone porous implants reminiscent of the structure of corals. They take root easily and are firmly fixed by tissues due to their inward growth.

Osteoplastic correction . The protruding part of the lower jaw is cut down (horizontal osteotomy) and fixed in a new, extended position. For strength, the separated fragment is secured with a metal plate with screws. The displaced bone tissue always remains connected to the muscles of the floor of the mouth. This prevents atrophy and preserves the result of the operation for a long time. If the size of the moved bone fragment is not enough to achieve the required size, then contour plastic surgery is performed with one’s own fat (the remaining space is filled with one’s own adipose tissue).

How to do more

There are several ways to enlarge a small chin. “The simplest is the introduction of a dense filler,” says Elena Chirikova, “a very convenient way for the patient to understand how much the chin needs to be enlarged and how much its changes change the appearance. The only drawback of this method is its short duration and the need for correction. Another way is to enlarge the chin with a silicone implant.

From my point of view, the most worthy and quite simple to install. The implant can be selected by shape, size, volume - the most suitable for a particular patient - and, if necessary, changes can be made to it with ordinary scissors or a scalpel, cutting off all unnecessary, working like a sculptor.”

To achieve the desired chin shape once and for all, the best option is to contact a plastic surgeon and use the second method. This method of mentoplasty is more complex, but gives a lasting result. Today there are no problems with choosing a polymer implant. The range is so wide that you can choose an option that exactly matches all the anatomical features of a face of any shape. Only a specialist can decide on the choice of implant.

“To understand how your appearance will change, there are several options for “trying on” a new image,” says Elena Karpova. — It is possible to visualize a picture of a simulated changed appearance by enlarging the chin on a computer.

You can make a 3D model of your face using modern technology and experiment with the size of your chin. And another effective way to understand whether you like your look is to inject a filler based on hyaluronic acid. If you don’t like it, the filler will degrade and everything will return to its place.”

Chin reduction

Reducing correction is performed for heavy and protruding chins. It is more often considered a “female” procedure that allows you to acquire a delicate facial contour.

When reducing the chin, an osteoplastic transformation is performed, similar to an increasing correction. But the bone flap obtained with a horizontal osteotomy is moved not forward, but backward. This makes the chin more invisible. The fabrics are also fastened with screws or a mini plate. Once the bone has fully fused, the metal parts can be removed and the bone sanded down for a smoother-feeling surface.

If you need to significantly reduce your chin, part of the bone tissue is completely removed. With simultaneous dental implantation, it can be used to build up atrophied areas of the alveolar processes of the jaws (sinus lift).

Reducing correction requires careful modeling and formation of the correct facial contour.

Before and after: how to remove a double chin and correct facial asymmetry?

Eyebrows drooped into my eyes. Poor oval face. Crooked smile. Lena decided to undergo Botox, fillers and show her problem areas close-up. And it’s still unclear what was more difficult.

Lately I’ve been sad to look in the mirror and even sadder to select my portraits for articles. 9 out of 10 go in the trash because “no one should see it.”

I’m only (already?) 31 years old, but in the mirror I look tired and tired. Ten hours of sleep on weekends doesn't help. It wasn't like this before.

But even worse is what I see in the photo. In profile and three-quarter shots I have a double chin. (True, this is not news; it happened at both 15 and 18 years old.) It doesn’t disappear, even if I lose so much weight that everyone around me wants to feed me. It is usually not visible from the front, only from the side. This is a special kind of meanness: you look in the mirror - it’s beautiful. You open a photo and you feel sick from how you look from the outside.

Yes, you can only shoot from the front. But from the front, the face is a bit crooked because it is asymmetrical :) The smile is shifted to the left side. Smiling is bad. Don't smile either. Previously, asymmetry was not so disturbing. Apparently, now a tired look has been applied to her like a filter. All together: a sad, distorted face with a roll under the chin.

I started talking to cosmetologists. I was advised Thermage, threads, SMAS lifting, injections. I left the office in doubt - should I do it, should I not do it? If you do, then what exactly? There was something about all the recommendations that confused me. At one of the clinics I was offered Zeltiq. The cosmetologist, a very young girl, brought the attachment of the device to check if it suited me. I attached it this way and that way. She frowned. I went to another cosmetologist. They applied and frowned together. As you understand, I did not return to that clinic.

Then I remembered how my peer, makeup artist Seryozha Naumov, removed his tired look with the help of Botox and fillers (they did an amazing job) at the Tori clinic. And I signed up for a consultation.

The Most Terrifying Confession

“What’s bothering you?” asks the cosmetologist, her name is Zaira Abdulaeva.

“Which is disturbing,” I echo. I do not even know where to start. Maybe from the double chin?

Plastic surgeons call the cause of this... um, flaw?... micrognathia - a deficiency of bone tissue in the chin area.

Frankly, it took me courage to show the problem areas in full screen, oh my god. It would be nice to have age spots, wrinkles, protruding ears. But this is a double chin, I will drown in an ocean of shame!

True, Zaira says that it can only be called a double chin conditionally (it’s already easier). This is a feature of the bone structure: the position of the hyoid bone and mild micrognathia. Plus, I unconsciously tuck my chin when talking, which makes it seem even shorter (hypertonicity of the mentalis muscle).

The Zeltiq device has nothing to work with here. The problem is not fat tissue. It is no more than that of any person of normal build. To a greater extent, there are questions about posture.

Zaira: “The oval of the face greatly depends on posture. If I slouch, I will also have a double chin effect. When you straighten up and lower your shoulders, it’s a different matter. Therefore, control is mandatory. It’s not easy at first, but then it becomes automatic. But this will protect you from improper distribution of muscle load - and from premature ptosis, jowls, swelling and a double chin (real).

Say “Y-y-y” and tense your neck.”

Do you see the strand on the side, like a cable? The subcutaneous muscle of the neck is hypertonic. At one end it is attached to the second rib, at the other it is woven into the skin of the lower third of the face and the muscle that depresses the angle of the mouth. When the platysma is overstressed, it pulls the face down, forming jowls and ptosis. If you remove the tension with botulinum toxin, the oval will be clearer.

This is my second point of concern - looking tired. The feeling that the “up” vector has changed to a “down” vector.

The eyebrows seem to have lowered and hang over the eyes. Earlier:


I also complain to Zaira about the asymmetry. Eyebrows and cheekbones are at different levels, I smile stronger at one corner of my mouth than at the other. The right and left sides of my face are like the worst synchronized swimmers in the world. They don’t hear the music, they perform the elements each in their own ri - Zaira.

Do you see the wave above the eyebrows? It should not be. This suggests that the orbicularis oculi muscle is overstrained and “pulling” the eyebrows. If you relax it, your eyebrows will rise.

It seems that no one has ever studied my face as carefully as Zaira. I frowned for half an hour, squinted, wrinkled my nose and told how “the cuckoo sewed a hood for the cuckoo” (it became known that tongue twisters are not my strong point :). Thus, Zaira studied the facial activity of the muscles and compared it on the right and left sides of the face. Do you know what it turns out a person needs to be happy? So that they tell him about the condition of each muscle. Which ones are overstressed, how they distort their appearance, what hypertonicity can lead to in the future.

When I left the office, I wanted to write to a friend on WhatsApp and generally share my happiness with the whole world. How lucky is it that nothing has been done yet? That's the whole point. And, if you want, a sign of the right cosmetologist. It hasn't started working yet, but you already know it's going to be awesome.

Brief action plan

You will have to come to the clinic twice for injections, and drop by once to check how the Botox has worked.

The first stage - injecting botulinum toxin

  • Where? In the muscles of the upper and lower thirds of the face, the back of the nose and its base.
  • For what ? Relieve muscle hypertonicity, minimize the number of fillers at the second stage. In addition, the filler will lie unsightly in the chin area if I press it in as usual.
  • Expected effect? A more symmetrical, narrow, toned face. Open eyes, raised eyebrows.

Second stage – fillers and lipolytic (after two weeks)

  • Where ? Fillers in the chin area and middle third of the face (not to be confused with cheekbone augmentation), lipolytic in the area of ​​the double chin.
  • Expected effect ? Lifting and clear contour of the lower jaw.

How it was?

Zaira asks me to frown and smile while she makes the markings. I, like an obedient trained cat, do it.

How many points can you count?

The correct answer is 39.

Injections into the neck do not hurt.

It's unpleasant here :)

But here it’s very unpleasant :)) Eyebrows turned out to be the most painful place.

Here you can see how I unconsciously tuck my chin, making it seem even shorter.

Do you want to ask why they did the injection at the base of the nose? There's a muscle that controls the tip of the nose. For some, when smiling and talking, it lowers (the same tongue twister test about the cuckoo). No, I won’t become a snub-nosed person. But the tip will stop dancing and visually widen the nose.

We discuss with Zaira how long the botulinum toxin will last (individually, but on average - 4-6 months). I shake my cat’s whisker: “It is advisable that the neurotoxin be injected by the same doctor. This is important for selecting the dosage. For example, you are the primary patient. Naturally, I start with a small amount so as not to overdo it. Everyone has different susceptibility to the drug and metabolic rate. Imagine that the next time you say: “The effect lasted for three months.” So I'll increase the dosage to make it last longer. Going to a new doctor every time is like playing the same game from the beginning level.”

Next stage . To correct the chin we use two types of fillers – Juvederm Volux and Voluma.

“Volux is designed specifically for the lower jaw and chin. It is dense, so it better defines a clear shape. Where you need smoothness and softness of lines, Voluma is good,” explains Zaira, but I don’t understand it too much yet. I hope to figure it out along the way.

All drugs contain lidocaine, so administration should be painless. I confirm: it is even easier to tolerate than botulinum toxin. Feels like dental anesthesia. But, fortunately, the burr is mild and does not last long (an hour?).

I expect that now Zaira will begin to sculpt her chin, as if from clay. It turns out not. After the third injection, she hands me a mirror.

And I see - a chin!!! Stretched out, sharpened. Anticipating events: this is the only time (well, almost) that I noticed changes. Now it seems to me that he has always been like this.

But Zaira says we are not done with him. It is necessary to trim the sides so that the chin does not look like Hottabych’s protruding beard. Now it’s clear why Voluma is used to correct the shape of the face. I have it smooth, rounded, and it will remain that way.

The filler lasts longer than botulinum toxin (about a year). I ask Zaira: what will my face look like in six months? :) When my facial expressions return and my chin remains in place.

“The changes are not obvious. Firstly, facial activity remains reduced for some time even after the botulinum toxin wears off (muscle memory effect). Secondly, the filler does not dissolve instantly. In six months, its volume will be proportionately reduced,” Zaira.

There are, one might say, trifles left. Injections of Voluma filler into the middle third of the face (for a lifting frame and correction of asymmetry) plus one injection of Mesoscalpt lipolytic in the area of ​​the double chin.

I say goodbye to my favorite heart-shaped expanders. I squeezed them when it was, ummm, unpleasant. There are only a couple of injections left, they won't be useful anymore.

They say that after injections there are bruises and swelling. It worked out for me. Count for yourself: 50+ injections and one small bruise from the lipolytic under the chin (where it is not visible).



I once injected botulinum toxin into my forehead, but I didn’t think that it could be used for complete beauty. The effect was noticeable as soon as I got home. The face is narrower, the cheekbones are more pronounced, the corners of the lips are raised.

But I had to get used to the physical sensations. For ten days it seemed to me that I had poor control over my face. Again, it can probably be compared to the remains of anesthesia after a dentist. Talking and eating is a little awkward. Therefore, at presentations, I preferred not to give speeches, but to smile silently.

Moreover, I unexpectedly liked smiling!

I can’t say that I was shy before. But, yes, I didn’t think my smile was very beautiful, and I tried not to show my teeth. Now she is almost si-mm-three-chna-ya. I feel more relaxed. Bliss.

The same Waso presentation where I tried to smile more than talk-)

I didn’t fully understand the meaning of the injection in the nose, but I trusted Zaira. The effect is wow! How can I describe it more precisely? The nose does not expand when I smile and does not speak in parallel with the mouth. I would never have thought how much this affects the perception of a face. It turns out - very much.



I only believe that my chin has lengthened when I look at photographs.



When I look in the mirror, for the life of me, my chin is the same as usual. Well, yes, the oval of the face has become better.


I am grateful to Zaira for the fact that I now look like in the “after” photographs and not the “before”.



By the way, about photographs: the filming process is emotionally easier and takes less time. 5-6 frames – taken. And then it’s not scary to go into the source folder!

Even if you do not plan to undergo cosmetic procedures, I advise you to go to Zaira Abdualaeva for a consultation. I guarantee more impressions than from Dune and Squid.

Clinic : Tori, 3rd Donskoy pr-d, 1.



  • Consultation – 2100 rub.
  • Neurotoxin injections “Dysport” – 200 rubles. (1 unit).
  • Juvederm Voluma filler injections – RUB 25,850. (1 ml)
  • Juvederm Volux filler injections – RUB 30,450. (1 ml).
  • Injection of lipolytic “Mesoscalpt” – RUB 19,300.

Double chin removal

This defect in appearance occurs due to excess adipose tissue and sagging muscles and other soft tissue structures that form the floor of the mouth, the upper part of the neck and the lower third of the face.

To eliminate a double chin, non-surgical liposuction and muscle correction are performed.

Non-surgical liposuction (cavitation) . Impact on tissues from the outside with ultrasonic waves, as a result of which fat is removed independently.

Muscle correction . To obtain an elegant contour, muscle tightening is performed after eliminating the fat pad. Depending on your age, this may be a thread lift or a platysma lift (the muscle that runs from the chin to the collarbone). In case of excess skin and in patients over 45 years of age, sagging tissue is resected.

Surgical liposuction.

The crushed fat cells are sucked out through a special cannula inserted into the tissue incisions.

We also recommend reading: How to remove a double chin?

Preparing for surgery

Preparation begins with a consultation with a surgeon. The doctor conducts an examination, collects anamnesis, and will definitely need an ECG and fluorography. Further tests may be prescribed, such as:

  • coagulogram;
  • general urine analysis;
  • clinical and blood biochemistry;
  • blood test for group and Rh factor;
  • blood tests for hepatitis, syphilis, HIV.

The results of examinations and tests must be shown to the therapist to determine the possibility of surgery. When preparing for surgery, the patient will be consulted by an anesthesiologist.

At SM-Clinic you can take all tests, usually on the same day of treatment, and also visit all specialists at a convenient time.

During preparation, it is recommended to stop drinking alcohol and smoking, avoid blood thinning medications, and not sunbathe.

Features of the procedure

The manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia, sometimes it is supplemented with intravenous sedatives.

Tissue cutting is possible in two ways:

  • inside the oral cavity (intradentally), in this case no visible traces remain outside;
  • external access, under the chin. In the future there will be a small scar, over time it will become less noticeable.

The duration of the intervention depends on the technique, the purpose of the procedure and its complexity. For small changes, for example, when removing a double chin, which is considered the easiest option, 30-40 minutes are enough; when increasing the chin using implants or when injecting your own fat, it will take 1.5-2 hours, but a reducing correction, which is The most complex type of operation can last up to 2-2.5 hours.

The recovery period lasts about 2 weeks, and the full effect of the operation is visible after an average of 90 days.

Mentoplasty cost, price (genioplasty):

How much does it cost to remove a double chin? The cost of chin surgery is low, depending on the amount of work and correction technique. Estimated total cost - 80,000 rubles. For detailed information about the price of the operation, please contact the clinic administrators by calling the numbers listed on the website.

Today, almost anyone interested in changing and improving their appearance can undergo mentoplasty (genioplasty). With a professional approach to business and a positive attitude, you can change not only your desired shape, but also gain self-confidence, since your own appearance is very important for many people. First of all, women pay attention to aspects of their faces, but representatives of the stronger sex have also recently become more attentive to their appearance. A person may have beautiful eyes, nose, lips, but the lower part of the face can easily negate other advantages of the external image. There is no need to be afraid of mentoplasty. It is believed that this type of operation is not the most difficult and can be successfully performed for the patient. It is important that after completion of the operation, during the recovery period, the patient carefully follows all the recommendations of the attending physician, since compliance with this condition will greatly contribute to achieving the expected results.

Rehabilitation period

  • At first, you will be concerned about pain, tissue swelling, and numbness of the skin in the area of ​​intervention.
  • If necessary, a special bandage will be applied to secure the site of the procedure.
  • Intraoral access will require food restrictions: at first only liquid food is allowed with careful removal of its remains.
  • It is recommended to reduce physical activity in the first days, limit visits to the gym for a month, and for people involved in martial arts to postpone training for at least 2-3 months.

Plastic surgeons at the clinic

Yakimov Dmitry Konstantinovich

Experience - 38 years

Doctor of the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Member of the Society of Plastic Surgeons. Author of more than 30 works in the field of surgery, teacher at the Military Medical Academy.

Gvaramiya Eka Yurievna

Experience - 17 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: mammoplasty (breast plastic), blepharoplasty, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, lipofilling, face lift, lip plastic, ear plastic, intimate plastic, body plastic, reconstructive plastic, solving aesthetic problems.

Abzaleva Guzel Rinatovna

Experience - 15 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: blepharoplasty, lipofilling, intimate plastic surgery, abdominoplasty, breast plastic surgery.

Kalita Valeria Denisovna

Experience - 4 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: mammoplasty, blepharoplasty, liposuction, abdominoplasty.

Garifulin Marat Sagitovich

Experience - 19 years

Priority areas: mammoplasty and gynecomastia (including in men), waist shaping, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, abdominoplasty.

Karpuschenko Maxim Alekseevich

Experience - 18 years

Specializes in nasal plastic surgery: rhinoplasty, septum correction, surgery after a nasal fracture.

How are we different?

  • We compare ourselves to world standards. The clinic uses instruments, equipment and consumables from the world's leading manufacturers. Chin mentoplasty is performed using modern technology, which gives a predictable and stable result.
  • We use reliable implant models. The American implants that we install last without problems for the rest of your life.
  • We reduce the risks of complications to zero. Patients are carefully examined on the eve of surgery. The correction is performed by one of the best mentoplasty surgeons in the country.
  • We put patient care first. We have created all the conditions for the psychological comfort of patients. Friendly staff, comfortable rooms, round-the-clock monitoring after surgery - all this helps our patients feel calm and confident.
  • We offer a convenient payment system. The price for chin augmentation is calculated on an all-inclusive basis. If necessary, patients are provided with assistance in obtaining interest-free installments for surgery.
  • We are at the forefront of plastic surgery. According to TOP 25 Diamond Companies & Persons, ours is in Moscow. And numerous grateful reviews from our patients confirm this.
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