Steaming gel for facial cleansing: products for deep cleansing of the skin and cold steaming

Why enlarge pores?

Trying to get rid of blackheads by squeezing them out without first expanding the pores, you are unlikely to achieve the desired result. In addition, if the pores are not enlarged, you will have to put in more effort, and this will entail a number of negative consequences - you will damage the skin, leave scars on it, and they will either take a long time to heal or will not heal at all. Therefore, in order not to injure the skin and carry out a deeper cleansing of the face, be sure to expand the pores, and only after that begin the cleansing procedure.

Proper pore expansion

Before you begin to enlarge your pores, you must wash off all makeup from your face, because cosmetics will only get in the way. You should also wash your hands with soap and those devices that you plan to use when cleansing your skin. Next, disinfect the same tools (for example, with perfume or alcohol).

Even oily skin cannot be kept over steam for a long time, not to mention sensitive skin. Normally, 15 minutes are enough to steam your face (sensitive skin will need less time). If you ignore this advice, do not be surprised when you discover a deterioration in her condition. And if you use professional cosmetics for cleansing, never use them without reading the instructions.


This section contains a list of funds whose cost does not exceed 500 rubles.

Premium Skin therapy

The product from the Russian manufacturer Premium is intended for professional cleaning using an ultrasonic device, which contains components that improve the conductivity of ultrasound. The composition includes saline solution, collagen hydrolyzate, which contributes to the overall improvement of the condition of the dermis, smoothes and makes it elastic, removes fine wrinkles and evens out skin tone. The use of this fairly inexpensive product promotes rejuvenation and improves appearance, but it must be used at regular intervals.

Premium Skin therapy gel


  • compound;
  • removes wrinkles;
  • restores complexion.


  • not a pronounced effect.


There are two types of cleansers that it is better to become more familiar with in advance. The first one is warming up. The drug has several useful qualities:

  • eliminates toxins;
  • removes dirt;
  • eliminates clogged pores;
  • improves blood circulation.

Another type of product is for cold steaming. This drug is recommended for use by women whose skin is replete with pigment spots, acne, and enlarged pores. When the tone of the dermis decreases, it is also better to use cold procedures.

Reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists note the need to use contact gel as an active conductor for the ultrasound facial cleansing procedure and its high efficiency. The positive aspects include a beneficial effect on the skin, economical consumption and affordable cost. Special attention is paid to the fact that many try to replace professional preparations with thermal water, but it dries out the skin, so it is better to abandon this idea.

Why is cold steaming necessary?

Cold steaming is a preparatory procedure that is actively used before mechanical, ultrasonic and vacuum facial cleansing. Its main difference is the complete absence of a thermal effect - no water vapor is used during the procedure. The active components of cold steaming products soften the stratum corneum of the epidermis and prevent skin irritation. Also, cold steaming can be carried out before a session of microcurrent therapy, ultrasonic massage and lifting, and disincrustation.

Cold steaming

Modern cosmetology offers preparations that achieve thermal effects without steam.

The method is called cold hydrogenation and involves creating a greenhouse effect on the skin without heating. For this purpose, products containing an enveloping nylon film are applied. The cells swell, soften and are removed.

Advantages of the method:

  • no risk of burns;
  • the composition includes stimulants that increase blood circulation;
  • vitamin complexes help improve skin health;
  • the products not only soften, but also disinfect the epidermis;
  • Thermal cosmetics are suitable for dry and sensitive skin types, as they warm up without dehydration.

Before use, cleanse the skin. Next, you need to follow the instructions indicated on the package.

Often the technology consists of the following stages:

  • The gel is applied to the face in a thick layer.
  • A film with cutouts for the eyes and mouth is placed on top.
  • Hold for 10-15 minutes and remove - perform light circular movements, during which the product rolls into lumps.
  • Residues are removed with a dry cloth.

The principle of operation of steaming gels

It's no secret that deep cleansing of the dermis is one of the requirements that allows you to get rid of sebaceous plugs and unpleasant scatterings of blackheads. Until recently, baths or steam procedures were used for this, which took a lot of time.

Cosmetologists recommend using a facial steaming gel before cleaning with more aggressive preparations. The active components will remove particles of dead dermis, cleanse pores, and prepare the skin for deep effects.

The drug most often consists only of natural ingredients, which allows you not to worry about side effects.

Plant components have a wide range of effects:

  • weaken the connection of dermal cells, promoting the expansion of pores;
  • relax;
  • relieve inflammatory processes;
  • soothe, relieve irritation;
  • disinfected.

Do you know? It is recommended to use a steaming agent before any aggressive cleansing - the procedure will take place without complications or unpleasant discomfort. Herbal ingredients will ensure that the skin is prepared for deep cleaning and does not react with undesirable effects.

What to look for when choosing

Before purchasing ultrasonic cleaning gel, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • Period during which the drug is valid: it is not recommended to purchase the composition if there are less than three months left until the end of the period. If the gel is expired, then its use can lead to allergic reactions even in those who are not prone to it.
  • Type of substance: selected by specialists depending on the type of skin it will be used on.
  • The conditions under which the product is stored, on the product packaging, manufacturers indicate all the necessary information that should be read, since improper storage can lead to changes in the composition, which will affect the result of using the product.
  • It is very important to familiarize yourself with the list of components included in the product.

Components included in ultrasonic cleaning gels

So, a high-quality drug should contain the following components:

  • AHA acids (fruit) have the ability to gently exfoliate dead cells, help accelerate the renewal of the dermis, smooth out facial wrinkles, giving the skin elasticity, and also even out the complexion;
  • vitamin complexes, thanks to which the synthesis of collagen and elastin is activated, protect against the harmful effects of free radicals, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, act as antioxidants, help eliminate dark circles around the eyes and moisturize;
  • macro and microelements, such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, they provide deep cleansing of pores, increase the delivery of nutrients, normalize fluid balance, thereby removing puffiness, toning and stimulating cell regeneration;
  • extracts from medicinal plants, such components have anti-inflammatory, soothing, antiseptic, rejuvenating, and also strengthening effects.

You should also know that ultrasonic peeling products should not contain the following components:

  • wax;
  • paraffin;
  • fatty acids;
  • parabens;
  • fragrances and various dyes.

Such substances will have a negative effect on the dermis, contaminate the pores, and also cause irritation and other negative reactions.

How to use

There will be no particular difficulties with the use of the products - the use of a steaming product is no different from other skin care procedures. Manipulations are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Clean your face thoroughly, use natural-based lotion or milk; it is better not to use aggressive products so as not to irritate the skin.
  2. Apply a thick layer of gel, distribute evenly over the skin, use a wide brush to facilitate the process.
  3. Cover your face with polyethylene film, be sure to make holes for the eyes and nose.
  4. Leave for a quarter of an hour, remove the film.
  5. Perform a light massage; during the process, the drug will begin to roll into small lumps, which can only be removed with a damp cloth.
  6. If, after steaming, deeper cleaning is carried out, remove blackheads and comedones with a spoon of uno or a special lotion.
  7. Treat problem areas with a special antiseptic powder.

Be sure to complete the procedure with a soothing mask. There are a number of special products that relieve inflammation and protect cleansed skin from infection.

Some cosmetology companies offer kits that immediately contain a steaming gel, a mask to relieve irritation, and special protective agents. This is quite convenient - you don’t have to experiment.

Top 3. Premium Skin Therapy

Rating (2021): 4.65

Best price Russian professional gel with collagen costs just over 300 rubles. For such products this is a very good price.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 328 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 150 ml
  • Active ingredients: collagen
  • Effect: restoration, nutrition, hydration

A professional product made in Russia, intended for hardware cosmetology procedures. Improves current conductivity, ensures delivery of active substances to the deep layers of the skin. Suitable for microcurrent therapy, myostimulation, iontophoresis. The main active ingredient of the gel is collagen hydrolyzate, which intensely moisturizes and softens the skin.

One of the advantages of the gel compared to other similar products is its affordable cost with a fairly large tube volume. Buyers also like the simple composition. There is nothing superfluous in it, no unnecessary additives. The disadvantages include a small number of reviews; it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price
  • Professional product
  • Simple composition
  • Suitable for all devices
  • Few reviews

See also:

  • 20 best facial cleansers

Rating of the best funds

Numerous reviews from both ordinary customers and cosmetologists indicate that the following products are the most effective:

  1. “Cetaphil” is a truly deep cleansing product for the epidermis. When applied correctly, it not only promotes effective opening of pores, but also has an antibacterial effect. Lightens comedones and prevents their reappearance. Can be used not only as a steaming product, but also as a regular daily cleansing gel.
  2. Another effective steaming product is the steaming gel for problem, oily or combination skin from Alpika. It is the best product that prepares the skin for mechanical cleaning.
  3. The fairly well-known brand Eveline has released a steaming mask with a gel texture. The advantage of this remedy is its double effect. It simultaneously softens the epidermis, opens its pores and immediately acts on it as a nourishing and moisturizing agent. The gel texture easily and quickly penetrates deep into the epidermis.
  4. EcoLab brand has also launched an excellent and highly effective “Deep Cleansing” , which has proven itself to be an excellent steaming agent. Ideal for even the most sensitive and problematic skin. It has no contraindications for use.
  5. Series of products “Clean Line. Ideal Skin” contains a mattifying gel for washing. It also proved to be excellent not only as a cleansing gel, but also as a product steamer. After its use, the epidermis softens very well, and the pores open wide, which significantly increases the effectiveness of further effects on the skin.
  6. And the domestic brand “Granny Agafya’s Recipes” could not stand aside, and therefore provided customers with a deep cleansing facial gel. Thanks to the presence of a huge number of natural extracts, this product can compete with many well-known brands in terms of opening pores and softening the epidermis. Gently and gently affects the skin without causing any unpleasant sensations.

In principle, any gel intended for deep cleansing of the epidermis can be used as a steaming agent. But it was the above products that showed the greatest effectiveness.

What types of gels are there for ultrasonic facial cleansing?

On store shelves you can find a wide variety of ultrasound gels, but they are selected depending on the type of skin and what problems will have to be eliminated:

  • moisturizing, these are suitable for almost all skin types, but will have the best effect on dry dermis;
  • delicate, recommended for use on sensitive and irritation-prone skin;
  • anti-rosacea, help strengthen blood vessels and prevent the appearance of spider veins;
  • whitening, help restore natural skin tone and reduce pigmentation;
  • lifting ones are used to tighten and smooth out wrinkles;
  • for problematic epidermis, such products have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect.

If there are no obvious problems with your facial skin, then you can opt for gels with a moisturizing effect, as they are considered universal.

What is more effective – gels or steam baths?

A question that often worries women is what is better to use to cleanse the skin, steam baths or softening gel? Cosmetologists recommend not to complicate your life - using special products will allow you to easily get rid of the problem.

The peculiarity of steam baths is that if used incorrectly, it is easy to burn the skin, especially for those with overly sensitive dermis. If you use cold liquid, the pores will not open, so cleaning later will not be very effective. The main thing in steam procedures is to correctly guess the water temperature, which not everyone can do.

Another disadvantage of steam procedures is that if herbal infusions are used, it will take time to prepare them. The use of gels will significantly reduce procedures, because all that is required is to apply the drug and wait a few minutes.

Steaming gels are a quick and effective way to remove skin imperfections. The main thing is not to abuse the products and strictly follow the manufacturers’ recommendations. Only the correct use of medications, careful care of the dermis, and following the advice of cosmetologists will allow you to forget about blackheads, pigment spots, uneven shades, and rashes for a long time.

The effect of cold skin steaming

The main advantage of gels for cold steaming the skin is a complex positive effect. They not only open pores, but also nourish and moisturize the skin. As a result, any subsequent procedures, including facial cleansing, are much better tolerated. The calming effect helps relieve irritation that often accompanies mechanical cleaning. Most modern drugs contain bacteriostatic components. They prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora and minimize the risk of subsequent microbial inflammation.

Features of cold steaming of facial skin

The main disadvantage of traditional steaming is dehydration of the facial skin. In this area it is especially tender and thin. With regular steaming, a vascular pattern may appear on the face. Also, after such a procedure, the skin becomes hypersensitive and cleaning can injure it.

Cold facial steaming is a modern alternative to outdated water steam. The procedure has a moisturizing, soothing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. Gels perfectly soften the skin, eliminate irritation and promote accelerated cell regeneration.

Features of cold steaming of body skin

It is almost impossible to steam the body using traditional methods. Agree, going to an appointment with a cosmetologist straight from the bathhouse is nonsense. In such a situation, cold steaming products will become a real salvation - they are easy to apply, they are effective and are used very sparingly.




Gels and masks with a warming effect are applied to steam the face at home. They are also used in beauty salons. Similar products are present in the lines of many brands: Garnier, Mixit, Mary Cay, Nivea and others, including professional facial cosmetics.

Thermal masks also effectively open pores, like hot steam in a bathhouse.

This is a convenient product that quickly and effortlessly opens up pores. It is applied in a thin layer to the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Each manufacturer indicates how long the composition needs to be left on the face in the instructions.


  • When should you steam your face?
  • What is the effect of the procedure?
  • Steaming methods
  • Method number 1. Steam baths
  • Method number 2. Applications
  • Method number 3. Masks with a steaming effect
  • Method number 4. Thermoactive cosmetics
  • How to steam your face correctly
  • Skin preparation
  • How to steam your facial skin
  • Recommendations
  • Steaming solution
  • With potatoes, soda and tea tree
  • With antibacterial agent
  • To combat age spots
  • Decoction for steam bath or compress
  • Salt compress
  • Steaming facial mask
  • Manna
  • Clay with lemon and zinc
  • Honey
  • How long should you steam your face?
  • Contraindications and precautions



Cold hydrogenation is a method that has virtually no contraindications. There are only 2 conditions that must be met:

  • Before using the steaming gel, make sure that there is no hypersensitivity to its constituent components;
  • postpone the procedure if there are fresh lesions on the skin (wounds, burns, scratches).

The cold hydrogenation method should be used with caution in cases of dermatitis, pronounced rosacea, and severe peeling.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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