Restoring the lipid layer of the skin: everything you need to know about it

Correct application of a restorative face mask

If the consistency of the product is sufficiently plastic, there will be no problems applying it to the face. It is better to apply the mass not with your fingers, which is not hygienic enough, but with a cosmetic brush or sponge. After each procedure, thoroughly clean the accessories so that pathogenic microorganisms do not develop in them.

The mask is applied to the surface of the skin along massage lines, starting from the forehead and ending with the chin. Do not apply the medicinal composition to the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes, only to the forehead, nose, cheeks and chin. If you still have a little product left, apply it to your neck, décolleté, and the back of your hands. The dermis in these places also needs restoration and nutrition.

While the mask is on your face, you need to limit activity and facial reactions. It’s better to lie down, relax, take a nap, listen to pleasant music or the next chapter of an audiobook. This will be a great way to reboot, normalize your mood and general well-being, and distract from daily problems.

In most cases, the restorative mask should remain on the face for 15-25 minutes. This time is enough for the nutrients to penetrate the skin and begin their beneficial effects. If, before the recommended time has expired, you feel discomfort, pain or burning, itching, wash off the drug ahead of schedule. The occurrence of redness and/or rash, persistence of symptoms is a reason to consult a dermatologist. But the feeling of tightness and slight tingling is a variant of the norm. Such sensations may arise due to the use of cosmetic clay, egg white, or citrus juice in the mask.

Recipes for effective home care

Many people think about how to keep their face young, how to wash it after 30 years, and how to prolong the youth of the skin in general if there are no professional cosmetics at hand. For this case, there are effective and easy-to-follow recipes:

  • chamomile decoction, frozen into cubes;
  • green apple pulp, mashed with a teaspoon of sour cream; The mixture must be applied in an even layer and washed off after 15 minutes;
  • blue clay with boiled water, which has cleansing properties.

However, the effectiveness of such procedures cannot be compared with professional ones. Here we can highlight, for example, a peptide cream with a lifting effect, Emollient Lift Cream, which actively combats dryness, hypersensitivity and decreasing tone.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories – Delicate oil for deep cleansing

Bb Laboratories – Serum “Arcanum”

Repairing cream with a moisturizing effect

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

TOP 3 creams for restoring the lipid layer

  1. A nnemarie Borlind is a fluid with ceramides.

This cream has a light texture and is suitable for all skin types. You can use it as a serum. It has practically no calming properties; the main emphasis is on strengthening and restoration.

Approximate cost: from 3500 rub.

  1. D ado Sens – soothing emergency cream.

The composition contains soothing and healing components such as allantoin, panthenol, licorice extract, magnesium, bisabolol, black currant oil, ceramides-3, ceramides-6, yeast extract for problem skin.

Cost: from 1000 rub.

  1. D ado Sens is an anti-aging fluid cream with ectoine.

This fluid with ectoine is an excellent replacement for the AnneMarie Borlind fluid. They are identical in smell and texture, although this manufacturer does not use fragrances at all. As a result, the fluid can also be used for sensitive skin.

Cream with ectoine is aimed at restoring the lipid skin barrier and has anti-aging properties.

Components: ectoine, ceramides, isoflavones, silicon.

Ectoin strengthens the skin and protects it from the harmful effects of the external environment, and prepares it for frosty air. Isoflavones from iris and clover increase elasticity. Silicon strengthens connective tissue. Ceramides help in restoring dehydrated, irritated skin.

Cost: from 1200 rub.

Read material on the topic: Plasmolifting of the face - a breakthrough in domestic cosmetology

Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes?

The first signs of aging appear around the eyes. Expression wrinkles are visible in the mirror as early as 25 years old. As you age, wrinkle patterns become clearer and your eyelids turn into small pouches. This is a consequence of a decrease in the subcutaneous fat layer, the skin becomes thinner, and vascular tissue shrinks. Depending on the type of skin: oily or dry, the manifestation of wrinkles occurs differently, but by the age of 40 they are immediately noticeable.

Adolescence is approaching, the hormonal system gradually begins to change, which can affect excessive dryness of the skin around the eyes, and there is a need for additional procedures and stimulation of collagen production.

Insufficient hydration is the main reason for rapid skin aging!

What else can affect wrinkles around the eyes:

  1. Insufficient daily intake of water.
  2. Incorrect daily care, use of expired products.
  3. Sudden weight loss, which affects skin tone and elasticity.
  4. Stress, which actively affects the destruction of collagen and elastin. Blood circulation worsens, frequent mood swings, and tearfulness can cause wrinkles to appear.
  5. Heavy tanners may be damaged by ultraviolet rays. The sun greatly ages the skin if you do not use cream with SPF protection.
  6. Features of the profession - people who work at a computer or various devices often squint their eyes.
  7. Chronic diseases. Problems with the functioning of almost all organs negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  8. Tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse.

There can be many reasons, women should remember to take care of themselves early and correctly. Then the first manifestations of skin aging will be less noticeable.

Are there any contraindications for applying restorative face masks?

There are no serious contraindications for doing home cosmetic procedures. The list of restrictions is small:

  1. Individual hypersensitivity to the composition of the mask. Make sure that the recipe does not contain products to which you are or may be allergic.
  2. Poor health, elevated body temperature.
  3. Acute or chronic skin diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature.
  4. Deep damage to the skin on the face.
  5. Before using any restorative face masks, it is better to consult a dermatologist or, in extreme cases, a qualified cosmetologist.

Special care for different areas of the skin

The face has the most vulnerable places that require more intense treatment. In the list of secrets on how to take care of your face after 30 years, this information is not the least important.

We recommend

Bb Laboratories – Night gel mask for intense hydration

Bb Laboratories – Peptide cream with lifting effect

PlaReceta – Placental cream for skin rejuvenation and restoration

Placental antioxidant lotion concentrate

Eye area

The most delicate, you cannot use general creams; there are special care products with a soft texture for this area. Movements during application are only tapping, no rubbing or stretching.

Neckline area

Socialites of mature age know very well how much effort is needed to maintain external splendor and how often details give away the true number of years. In order not to hide behind a scarf, you need to pay close attention to this area and be sure to do a massage - the same rules and stages of care apply here as for the face after 30.

After what procedures is it necessary to restore the lipid layer of the skin?

The effects of ultraviolet radiation, radiation and other negative environmental factors can lead to the formation of free radicals in the skin, as well as lipid peroxidation.

Causes of lipid layer disorders:

  1. Using low-quality soap or products for washing, or washing with hot water.
  2. Abuse of sunbathing and solarium.
  3. Temperature changes (for example, frequent transition from a frosty street to a very warm room).
  4. Physiological stress (excessively drying the face with a towel after washing can disrupt the process of lipid formation).

How to prepare a regenerating mask at home

To prepare the medicinal mass, follow the recommendations of experts:

  1. Select fresh, high quality products. When it comes to fruits and vegetables, try to use those that are in season. That is, if a recipe states that strawberries are required, and the calendar says February, it is better to postpone the use of this recipe until the summer.
  2. Do not prepare medicinal mixtures earlier than 30-60 minutes before the procedure and do not store leftovers (even in the refrigerator) until the next session.
  3. Prepare mixtures in a glass, ceramic or plastic container.
  4. If you need to heat the components of the product or the entire mixture, it is better to use a water bath. The heating temperature is no more than 40 degrees, otherwise some ingredients of the mask may lose their beneficial properties.
  5. If the recipe states that you need to boil vegetables, you don’t have to remove the skin - it contains a large amount of biologically active substances. Before cooking, wash the vegetable under running water using a hard washcloth, but without using any chemical detergents.
  6. If the recipe indicates that you need to take vegetable oil, you can use regular sunflower or any other oil - olive, flaxseed, grape seed oil.
  7. If the recipe calls for fruit or vegetable juice, you can use the pulp.
  8. Any fermented milk product indicated in the recipe can be replaced with another. For example, instead of kefir, you can take sour cream, yogurt, natural yogurt without additives, or homemade full-fat cottage cheese.
  9. The quantity of products indicated in the recipe is approximate. Use as much as needed so that the mass is flexible - not too liquid (it will run off the face), not too dense (it will be difficult to distribute evenly over the surface of the face). Dilute or thicken the mixture to the desired consistency is quite simple - use water, milk, aqueous infusion of chamomile to make the mixture more liquid; use corn starch, potato starch, black bread crumb, oatmeal to make the mixture thicker.
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