Polynucleotides in injection cosmetology. Medicines, prices, where to buy

Biopolymers, or polynucleotides, are an innovative material for rejuvenation and deep restoration programs in injection cosmetology. Thanks to high-molecular organic biocompounds, which play an important biological role in the body, it is possible to prevent the development of signs of aging and solve a number of aesthetic problems without plastic surgery.

Before deciding to carry out polynucleotide anti-age therapy, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the types of drugs, indications and contraindications, as well as the features of injection procedures.

What are polynucleotides

Polynucleotides in injection cosmetology and medicine are essentially biopolymers of natural or synthetic origin, consisting of nucleotide or mononucleotide residues. Their main function is to ensure the safety, implementation and subsequent transfer of genetic information. Low molecular weight compounds are used in cosmetology.

According to their natural structure, polynucleotides (PDRN) are one of the fragmentary parts of the DNA molecule with its multidirectional beneficial properties that affect all the most important processes occurring in the cells of the body.

According to research, the use of low molecular weight DNA, devoid of genetic information and not exceeding 500 KDa, is safe, since it does not cause genetic transformations.

During testing of the first samples of polynucleotide compositions in cosmetology, the effectiveness of the drugs was confirmed, and a positive effect on the composition of cells and intradermal structures was noted. For innovative booster drugs, the necessary compounds are synthesized from organic matter.

The production uses an extract from the DNA of the gonadal tissues of male salmon fish. It has been confirmed that the DNA of milk is similar to the DNA of human leukocytes in structure and properties. For this reason, elements synthesized for cosmetology have a positive effect.

The vitamin and structural composition of milk is rich in nucleic acids and proteins, which are actively used in the field of medicine and cosmetology. Such booster drugs practically do not cause negative symptoms or allergies after a course of injections, and their safety for the human body has been confirmed.


Cosmetic fillers should not be used by pregnant or lactating women, people under the age of eighteen, with autoimmune diseases, or with individual intolerance to the main component.

It should be taken into account that before using an injectable filler, the patient must inform the doctor about the presence of allergies, immune diseases or infections.

Hyaluronate injections should not be combined with any other aesthetic dermatology techniques, including laser therapy or chemical peels, if they were performed less than three weeks ago.

*Information about this drug is for reference only. *The FillerStore.ru online store offers only original TwAc products, which are manufactured by Yuma Medical.

Indications for the use of polynucleotides in injection cosmetology

Through injection therapy with nucleotide drugs, a number of aesthetic problems can be solved:

  • eliminate wrinkles of all types, as well as stop the process of formation of new ones;
  • get a powerful lifting effect;
  • restore elasticity and firmness lost under the influence of external and age factors;
  • activate fibroblasts for accelerated synthesis of collagen-elastin fibers;
  • smooth out the skin texture by restoring the intradermal layers;
  • restore the hydrobalance of the epidermis, moisturize the internal tissues;
  • eliminate inflammatory processes, accelerate healing processes;
  • eliminate stretch marks, post-acne marks, scars and cicatrices;
  • enhance tissue metabolism to strengthen the skin structure;
  • remove waste and toxins, improve complexion;
  • tighten the skin, eliminate signs of gravitational ptosis and rosacea.

Injection therapy with polynucleotide preparations is used for bioreinforcement and is effective for fine-wrinkled type of aging with thinned, moisture-deprived, sagging skin. The technique provides sustainable protection against the effects of free radicals and ultraviolet radiation, preventing photoaging, increasing the stress resistance of the skin.

Such acids in cosmetology are called “smart”; they are able to fight for youth, restoring damaged DNA and stimulating all the most important physiological processes. As a result of such activation by injection with drugs containing polynucleotides, a self-rejuvenation mechanism is launched in the body.

Advantages of PDRN over other rejuvenation methods

Previously, the anti-aging section of cosmetology fought against age-related changes by introducing a kind of implants under the skin. Silicone largely played this role. Droplets of silicone were injected under the skin, leveled, and thus the skin in the area of ​​​​wrinkles was raised and creases became less obvious.

PDRN in cosmetology is a completely different approach in the fight against wrinkles, pigmentation and other skin problems. The method of introducing polynucleotides is aimed at combating the cause of epidermal defects.

Injections of the substance are aimed at stimulating suspended metabolism in cells. Hyaluronic acid plays the same role. It also stimulates metabolic processes in the body that are responsible for cell regeneration, but with a less pronounced effect.

Thus, injections of polynucleotides in combination with biorevitalization, peeling and other cleansing and corrective procedures can resume natural cell renewal, as well as help the system get rid of old, accumulating and defective DNA molecules.

Possibilities of polynucleotides in activating the work of skin cells

Polynucleotides are an innovative, effective solution in correction and rejuvenation programs. In injection cosmetology, preparations with polynucleotides are in some cases superior to most beauty industry techniques in terms of the strength of the effect obtained. This result is achieved through tissue renewal at the DNA level.

Newly formed cellular compounds replace damaged nitrogenous bases, activating the process of rejuvenation of the skin and the entire body. The effectiveness and capabilities of the drugs at the stage of preclinical studies were studied in a test system, which is a culture of epidermal cells.

The following was revealed:

  • When drugs are administered intradermally, the entire complex actively influences cellular metabolism.
  • The synthesis of proteins inside DNA cells is accelerated by more than 2 times. The aesthetic result can be more pronounced if a highly concentrated polynucleotide composition is used.
  • The resulting result of cellular stimulation is distributed through the formation of immunocompetent epidermal cells, which has a positive effect not only on the condition of the epidermis, but also on the entire immune system in general.

Polynucleotides in aesthetic cosmetology are classified as “prodrugs” that are capable of supplying cells with mitogenic deoxyribonucleotides, deoxyribonucleosides, and nitrogenous bases.

The use of injection techniques with compositions based on polynucleotides is considered one of the most promising areas in the field of comprehensive rejuvenation, correction of pronounced signs of chrono- and photoaging.

Booster system TwAc 3.0

TwAc 3.0 is a sterile, hypoallergenic, non-toxic liquid gel made from long-chain polynucleotide, completely biocompatible with the body, which is indicated for redermalization and biorevitalization.
Indications for use: deformation (gravity) type of aging, severe atony, dryness, uneven color, porosity, age-related changes, minor wrinkles, volume deficiency in the face and periocular area, neck, décolleté, body and hands for patients over 35 years of age and older. Injected interdermally to a depth of 3-5 mm.

Contraindications and safety of injections with PDRN

Despite the proven safety for the body, there are a number of contraindications to the use of injection techniques based on polynucleotide acids.

Therapy is not recommended:

  • under the age of 18;
  • with diabetes mellitus in the decompensation stage;
  • in case of signs of rheumatoid changes with connective tissue damage;
  • in the presence of autoimmune, infectious and viral diseases;
  • for mechanical damage, inflammation of the skin in the injection area;
  • in the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in case of acute intolerance to the components of the drug.

It is not recommended to carry out intradermal injection therapy if there are signs of hemophilia and the patient is taking medications that affect blood clotting.

In general, the safety of the drugs is clinically proven.

Anti-aging polynucleotide compounds do not cause:

  • acute allergic reactions;
  • toxicity;
  • genetic transformation.

Before injection sessions, a qualified cosmetologist will identify any contraindications and, if there is the slightest doubt about safety, may recommend consultation with a specialist.


Any age-related changes can be an indication for rejuvenation and correction of skin defects. Moreover, it is not only the patient’s face that needs to be improved. Injections can be performed on any part of the body: face, arms, neck, décolleté, buttocks, hair area on the head, abdomen, etc.

More detailed indications are as follows:

  • deep and fine wrinkles on the face and body;
  • dry and oily face;
  • wide pores ;
  • acne and post-acne;
  • pigmentation and inflammation on the skin;
  • sagging and loss of face shape;
  • ptosis;
  • gray circles and bags under the eyes;
  • stressed ” skin;
  • swelling;
  • stretch marks on the body;
  • acne.

The service has no age restrictions, and anyone over 18 years of age can resort to polynucleotide correction.

Injections with polynucleotides and hyaluronic acid

Polynucleotides in injection cosmetology, as well as hyaluronic acid, are highly effective drugs for anti-age programs. The decision to use a particular composition is made by a cosmetologist after consultation, examination, analysis and assessment of the aesthetic problem.

The main differences in the mechanism of action on the dermal space are presented in the table:

Impact criterionInjections with hyaluronic acidInjections with polynucleotides
Operating principleRestoration of hydrobalance with deep hydration and activation of fibroblasts for their own neocollagenesisStimulation of cellular metabolic processes with restoration and activation of division. Renewed fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and hyaluronate are produced in the layers of the skin. For self-rejuvenation. Promotes binding of free radicals, provides powerful UV protection
Application areasUsed to rejuvenate all facial areas, problem areas and body. In the periorbital zone, it is administered with caution, strictly according to indications Can be used on all areas of the body, face, scalp
Development speedThe primary effect can be observed immediately after the session, the final result appears progressively after 2-3 weeksThe physiological mechanism is more complex; it takes several days for the first visible aesthetic results to appear
Number of procedures4-53-5

One of the main differences between hyaluronate in boosters is that polynucleotides help increase the number of dermal structures through a natural physiological effect, providing a prolonged result.

Due to the activation of the functional and reparative properties of skin structures, polynucleotide compositions of drugs ensure the activation of the process of its own biorevitalization and bioreparation.

Despite some differences, the substances are “friendly”, so most beauty products for injection anti-aging therapy use the synergy of hyaluronate and polynucleotides. This composition allows you to achieve the most visible and lasting rejuvenation effect, since one of the properties of polynucleotides is to enhance the effect of hyaluronic acid.

Preparations containing polynucleotides

Since PDRNs have only recently begun to be used in cosmetology, there are not many drugs based on them. They are mainly produced in the form of cocktails, which contain hyaluronic acid and sometimes amino acids. The top seller today is TwAc®.


The drug TwAc® is produced in 3 types, each of which has a certain concentration of polynucleotides and hyaluronic acid. The high concentration of substances in the injections is designed to smooth out deeper wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid, in turn, provides maximum hydration to skin cells, which PDRNs are less able to do.

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TwAc® eyes is the option with the weakest concentration of the main components. PDRN contains only 2 mg without impurities. Injections of this type are intended to correct the most delicate parts of the body: the area around the eyes, neck, perioral zone and décolleté.

TwAc® 2.0 has a more concentrated formulation with an amount of PDRN of 5 mg. The preparation contains 15 mg of hyaluronic acid. In this case, the corrector is aimed at eliminating fine wrinkles, stretch marks on the body left after a sharp gain and loss of body weight, as well as skin damaged as a result of pregnancy.

TwAc® 3.0 is the most powerful, with a PDRN concentration level of 10 mg, with the addition of 20 mg of hyaluronic acid. The drug is able to fight deep wrinkles and restore metabolism in cells, during normal operation of which excess pigmentation and swelling disappear, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic.

Plinest Body

The Italian drug contains 8 mg of PDRN. It was developed for bioreparation of the gluteal area, décolleté and neck. In cosmetology clinics, the product is prescribed after aggressive exposure to the skin as an auxiliary element during the period of recovery and retention of the effect.

The concentration of the drug allows it to act on mature and thick skin, which is just suitable for caring for a man’s face. Injections are also used to combat baldness.

Manufacturers also produce a less concentrated version, where PDRN is only 7.5 mg. The product is called Plines Fast and it costs a little more. Its main purpose is rejuvenation and healing of the skin. It is used to combat acne, post-acne, pigmentation, dehydration, “stressed” skin, etc.

Renaissance System-1

This is a drug from an Israeli manufacturer, designed to eliminate bags under the eyes, grayness caused by unwanted pigmentation in the periorbital area. The booster contains 2 mg of PDRN without the addition of hyaluronic acid and phosphate buffer (saline).

As a rule, it is necessary to do 2 sessions with a period of 10 days.


The drug contains PDRN 10 mg, hyaluronic acid 10 mg and mannitol. This is a powerful remedy aimed at rejuvenating the skin in different parts of the body, capable of eliminating deep wrinkles and preventing early withering of the epidermis.

The course of treatment with this remedy involves 3 sessions, the period between which is 2 weeks.

The effectiveness of anti-aging injections with polynucleotides

The main characteristics of “smart” acids, which are valued in the beauty industry, are:

  • Stimulation of fibroblasts.
  • Activation of neocollagenesis with the synthesis of new collagen molecules.
  • Stimulating the production of one's own nucleic acid.
  • Improving the regenerative properties of internal tissues.
  • Activation of the process of recycling the skin’s own nucleotides.

Thanks to these properties, the following effectiveness of anti-aging injections with polynucleotides is noted:

  • bioreparation is stimulated;
  • re-epithelialization and scarring of the skin are accelerated;
  • normalization and acceleration of the formation of granulation tissues is ensured;
  • metabolic cellular activity increases;
  • angiogenesis is stimulated;
  • the moisturizing effect of hyaluronic acid is enhanced;
  • the level of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFa decreases.

Polynucleotides are biological traps that prevent the penetration of free radicals and protect cellular structures from various damages. They create lasting protection against ultraviolet radiation.

How do polynucleotides work?

The pronounced effectiveness of PDRN is associated with their ability to replace destroyed nitrogenous bases that bind DNA. This means that drugs created on the basis of polynucleotides are not aimed at stimulating the work of old functional structures in the skin, but remove damaged areas of cells, promoting their restoration and provoking the growth of young tissues. Renewed cells containing a lot of hyaluronic acid produce large amounts of collagen and elastin, which allows you to achieve noticeable rejuvenation of the skin. The main results of injections with polynucleotides are the restoration of skin tone and elasticity, an increase in its elasticity, a significant smoothing of wrinkles of small and medium depth, narrowing of pores, improvement of complexion, as well as reliable prevention of age-related changes. What are the advantages of PDRN preparations TM PHILOSOPHY®? The newest preparations Polyderm and Polyderm N II have passed all the necessary clinical tests and provide a noticeably pronounced, long-lasting anti-age result due to the many effects they have on the skin:

  • stimulate tissue repair and regeneration;
  • enhance metabolic processes in cells;
  • increase the production of collagen, elastin, and non-collagen molecules by fibroblasts;
  • provide necessary hydration;
  • accelerate scarring and re-epithelialization;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet rays types A and B;
  • adsorb and neutralize the effect of free radicals.

POLYDERM is a drug based on PDRN for prolonging the life cycle of cells, restoring and protecting the DNA of skin biogenesis, which can be used as a mesoimplant to restore and smooth out deep wrinkles.Purpose: — revitalization of the skin, especially delicate areas with thin skin (periorbital area, neck, hands); - purse-string wrinkles; — preparatory stage before aggressive influences; — skin rehabilitation; — therapy of photo- and chronoaging; — correction of hyperpigmentation; — strengthening barrier properties and restoring skin immunity.
POLYDERM N II is a long-chain PDRN liquid gel recommended for patients aged 30+ years.I. The new formula is thixotropic, which allows us to achieve results specifically in the correction zone, that is, PDRN II remains liquid only when administered. After getting into soft tissues, it acquires a denser and softer texture. II. The thixotropic state of the polyregenerant PDRN II is similar to the cytoplasm of cells, which makes it possible to improve cellular metabolism, working for rejuvenation and restoration. III. 2.2 ml Application: It is recommended to use 2-4 ml on the face and décolleté for 1 course; Hands. Injection technique: fan, retrograde, tubercles, linear. Depth of injection: upper layers of the dermis. Purposes: • Skin rejuvenation (neckline, hands); • Recovery after SMAS; • Light lip volume; • Lip contour; • Fine wrinkles of puppets, pouches; • Restoration of repair and regeneration processes.

PDRN drugs Polyderm and Polyderm N II are usually prescribed in a course of 3-4 procedures with an interval of 15-20 days and have a minimum number of general contraindications associated with injection administration:

  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • acute infectious diseases, febrile conditions;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, accompanied by processes of decompensation of the II-III degree;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • dental prosthetics (during the procedure);
  • increased sensitivity to hyaluronic acid preparations;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • porphyria;
  • inflammatory phenomena and infectious processes in the injection area (acne, herpes, eczema, etc.);
  • violation of the integrity of the epidermis in the injection area (for example, post-peeling period, etc.);
  • under 18 years of age (without parental consent).

Preparations based on polynucleotides

Polynucleotides in injection cosmetology are used as monotherapy in rejuvenation programs or in synthesis with other active substances. Manufacturers offer several types of drugs, the action of which is aimed at solving a particular set of aesthetic problems.

All compositions have a dense gel structure, are plastic, safe, and practically do not cause adverse reactions. Sessions are conducted by qualified cosmetologists in a salon or clinical setting.

The most popular drugs with polynucleotides:

  • NEWEST. It is used to correct age-related changes, enhances tone, restores elasticity to the epidermis, healing from the inside at the cellular level. The average cost of 2 ml of the drug is from 5300 rubles.
  • PLINEST FAST. Fast-acting composition, suitable for young skin, subject to frequent stress, with fine-wrinkled aging. The composition is non-toxic to the cellular structure, biocompatible with internal tissues. Allows you to eliminate traces of early withering, the effect of stressed skin, sagging, atony. The average cost in specialized stores is 7,800 rubles.
  • Renaissance System-1. A biological product with a polynucleotide complex helps to thicken thin, moisture-deprived skin, replenish tissue volume, and perform bioreinforcement in order to activate neocollagenesis in the body. The cost of the procedure with the drug (1 ml) is from 9,700 rubles.
  • TwAc and TwAc 3.0. A popular booster in cosmetology, it is used for compaction, rejuvenation, activation of cellular processes, and renewal of dermal structures. Twice has a stimulating, immune-strengthening effect, containing polydeoxyribonucleotides and stabilized hyaluronate. The complex of useful acids allows you to solve a number of aesthetic problems in various different areas of the body and face. The average cost of a booster is from 5,500 rubles.
  • PLINEST BODY. Intradermal pyrogen-free gel of liquid consistency is intended for the correction of problem areas of the body. Can be used in the area of ​​the buttocks, neck, décolleté, as well as in trichology to restore the scalp. The price of one package (5 ampoules) is from 6,000 rubles.

This or that composition can be used for various purposes:

  • for boosterization of the skin;
  • for correction of the periorbital zone;
  • in biorevitalization programs;
  • for rejuvenation.

The drug is selected and prescribed by a cosmetologist according to individual indications.

For skin booster

A booster system based on drugs with polynucleotides allows:

  • ensure maximum rehydration;
  • improve turgor, increase elasticity, restore firmness and tone;
  • provide protection from the negative effects of free radicals that destroy cellular structure;
  • stimulate dermal regeneration;
  • activate fibroblast metabolism.

The booster system allows you to improve the condition of the skin, tightening the tissue, restoring lost volume as a result of processes that destroy the cellular basis. The most effective booster is the drug TwAc 2.0, 3.0 with the synthesis of hyaluronate and polynucleotides.

For the skin around the eyes

During the process of photo- or chronoaging, the periorbial zone is most susceptible to negative changes. Thinning wrinkles, deprived of moisture and prone to the formation of a network of wrinkles, can be restored with the help of the polynucleotide preparation TwAc Eyes. This is a sterile, odorless and colorless gel solution based on a long-chain polynucleotide.

Indications for the use of polynucleotides for the eye area in cosmetology.

It allows:

  • supply cells with a sufficient amount of mitogenic deoxyribonucleotides, deoxyribonucleosides and nitrogenous bases;
  • improve the regenerating properties of the epidermis;
  • enhance metabolism in cells;
  • tighten and smooth the area around the eyes, as well as the décolleté and neck areas.

For biorevitalization

Polynucleotides are used in cosmetology for biorevitalization.

The procedures allow:

  • restore the integrity of the matrix structure;
  • enhance the function of fibroblasts to activate neocollagenesis;
  • correct and prevent ptosis;
  • reduce the severity of dermal and epidermal wrinkles.

As a rule, combined formulations with polynucleotides and hyaluronate are used for biorevitalization. The most effective boosters are TwAc and Renaissance.

For skin rejuvenation

For total rejuvenation of aging skin with visible changes, cosmetologists recommend using injections with Plinest.

Injection therapy for rejuvenation allows you to:

  • revitaminize tissues;
  • improve health and strengthen skin immunity;
  • eliminate strong visible changes, hyperpigmentation; smooth out medium and deep wrinkles;
  • eliminate signs of gravitational ptosis and other changes as a result of aging.

For a more pronounced and lasting result, it can be used as a hyaluronic acid enhancer; it has been used in anti-age programs since 45 years.

Rejuvenation methods based on enhancing skin cellular activity are gaining popularity today. The leading position in this area of ​​cosmetology is occupied by TVAC biorevitalization.

TBAC preparations from the manufacturer BNCKorea differ from classical products based on the action of hyaluronic acid. Biorevitalizant also contains polynucleotides (PDRN). This is a highly purified DNA element. The substance enhances collagen production and starts the process of tissue repair at the cellular level.

The biorevitalization drug TVAK is produced in three variations:

  • TwAc eyes – a narrowly targeted gel to eliminate skin imperfections in the periorbital area;
  • TwAc 2.0 – a product aimed at combating the first signs of aging;
  • TwAc 3.0 is used for various types of aging to restore the intradermal structure.

You can buy the drug in online stores. Price – from 3 to 6 thousand rubles.

Biorevitalization TwAc is prescribed for rehabilitation in the post-traumatic period and elimination of inflammatory processes. The active substances in the gel act on all layers of the epidermis, restoring damaged areas. As a result, skin turgor and elasticity increase, wrinkles are smoothed out.

Before the session, pain relief is performed using an anesthetic. Biorevitalization TwAc is prescribed in courses of 3 or 4 procedures. The intervals between injections are about a month.

To administer the drug, use papular, linear, fan techniques or the method of point injections.

Restrictions on use are standard.

Biorevitalization is not prescribed:

  • Pregnant and lactating women;
  • With exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • Cancer patients;
  • In case of intolerance to the components of the drug.

TVAC preparations provide a pronounced and long-lasting effect. The combination of hyaluronic acid with polynucleotides to eliminate age-related skin changes has great potential.

Comments on forums and reviews of Tvak biorevitalization indicate the popularity of the rejuvenation product among doctors.

Diana Ilyinishna, cosmetologist:

“I’ve been using Tvak in my work for a couple of years now. The only criticism is that the needles are uncomfortable. There are no complaints about the quality."

Natalya Viktorovna, dermatologist-cosmetologist:

“The drug copes well with progressive age-related changes in the skin. As a rule, the older the patient, the more noticeable the result.”

Patient reviews of TwAc biorevitalization are positive.

Lyudmila, 41 years old:

“What I like about Twak is that my skin starts to glow after it! And the small bruises disappeared in less than a week. I will definitely repeat it."

Elena, 48 years old:

“A friend recommended Twas biorevitalization. I want to thank her. I am now ten years younger. The men on the street look around.”

Progress of the procedure with polynucleic acids

A session of rejuvenation, biorevitalization or boosterization with boosters based on polynucleotides is carried out in several stages:

  1. First, the cosmetologist conducts a consultation, examination, and medical history. Determines the area in need of correction, selecting the optimal drug and dosage.
  2. Before injections, removes makeup, cleanses and disinfects the skin.
  3. To numb the most sensitive areas, topical anesthesia is used so that the session does not cause discomfort.
  4. He begins intradermal administration of the drug with a special medical needle for cosmetic injections, precisely treating the entire problem area.
  5. Apply healing ointment for faster recovery after an invasive procedure.

A rejuvenation session with polynucleotides takes no more than 60 minutes. The effect can be felt 4-7 days after the first injection. The recommended course for correcting aesthetic problems is determined by a cosmetologist. The interval between sessions of intradermal administration of the drug is 7-14 days.

After 6-12 months, to achieve a more stable and long-lasting effect, it is recommended to repeat the course.

To solve various problems, as well as to prevent aging, polynucleotides are used in injection cosmetology. The cost of the course depends on the type of drug, as well as on the qualifications of the cosmetologist and the area of ​​correction.

Progress of the procedure

Rejuvenation with polynucleotides in injection cosmetology is similar to the injection of hyaluronic acid or botulinum toxin. Before the procedure, the patient must be examined in the clinic for the presence of contraindications. Then an area of ​​influence is selected on the body, which the doctor treats with an alcohol solution.

In this case, anesthesia is not used; the needle is so thin that the patient practically does not feel pain. Depending on the area on the body, the specialist selects the appropriate acupuncture technique. Typically, preparations based on hyaluronic acid are administered using a fan technique, linear, mesh, pointwise, etc. That is, several injections are given in different places.

During the procedure, droplets of blood may appear on the skin, which the cosmetologist immediately wipes off with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution. When the correction is completed, the doctor may perform a light facial massage so that the substance is evenly distributed under the skin. It is not recommended to do this yourself. On average, the entire procedure, including preparation, takes 1 hour.

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