Injections for facial beauty: what is it, how much do they cost, should I do it or not?

Rejuvenation injections are a proven and effective method that will help restore youth and attractiveness to the skin. Most preparations for procedures are based on hyaluronic acid - stabilized (fillers) or not (biorevitalization). The preparations inject into different layers of the skin and smooth out any unevenness, making facial skin smooth and velvety. Today, rejuvenation by injections can be called the most popular cosmetic procedure. Usually they resort to it due to the appearance of:

  • Crow's feet around the eyes and mouth.
  • Deep wrinkles on the forehead.
  • Folds between the eyebrows.
  • Sagging on the neck and chin.
  • Scars after any injury.
  • Traces of acne or scars.

Rejuvenation injections based on botulinum toxin (Dysport and Botox) are excellent for chronic migraines. Botulinum toxin relaxes muscles, which prevents compression of nerve endings. Today, manufacturers of cosmetic products offer a huge selection of various drugs for injection, but the active substance is the same everywhere - a neurotoxin.


Not everyone can administer drugs under the skin. The procedure cannot be performed if:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • acute respiratory infections, ARVI;
  • feverish condition;
  • individual sensitivity to drug components;
  • the presence of keloid scars;
  • exacerbation of herpes;
  • oncology;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • poor blood clotting.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, cosmetologists also do not advise women to resort to these procedures.

Do I need to prepare for beauty injections?

All procedures involving injections involve puncture of the skin with the introduction of the drug into the tissue, and therefore require careful preparation. General recommendations:

  • cessation of drinking alcohol and smoking 2–3 days before the procedure;
  • avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen-based medications, and other medications that cause dilation of blood vessels.

The main indication for beauty injections is skin condition.


Before giving the injection, the specialist:

  • cleanses the skin of makeup;
  • treats the face with an antiseptic;
  • anesthetizes the desired areas by applying a lidocaine-based gel.

Recovery period

To ensure a favorable result, cosmetology has precise instructions on what needs to be done upon completion of the procedure. Recommendations from cosmetologists may differ depending on the drug, but there are also general requirements.

Within 2 weeks after injections it is prohibited:

  • apply decorative cosmetics, masks and creams to the face that have not been approved by a specialist;
  • steam in a sauna or steam bath;
  • visit the solarium and sunbathe in the sun;
  • drinking alcohol.

Possible consequences

In places where the skin is punctured, the following may be observed within 1–3 days:

  • bruises and lumps;
  • painful sensations when touched or pressed;
  • slight swelling.

Also, some women complain of headaches. All symptoms must be reported to a specialist.

Plastic or threads for facial rejuvenation after 60 years

You will never say that a lady is sixty if she has been visiting a cosmetic clinic for thirty years, taking care of herself and maintaining her beauty and youth under the strict guidance of a doctor. If the idea of ​​rejuvenation after 60 arose for the first time, you need to work hard to look at least 10 years younger.

At this time, the skin is not only thinned, it is hypersensitive and has poor blood supply. This means that it almost does not regenerate. In addition, at this age there is already a whole “bouquet” of chronic somatic diseases. Therefore, the doctor has to very carefully develop a complex of rejuvenation after 60 years, adapting to the physiological characteristics and capabilities of the body.

Plastic surgery is most often used; it gives a lasting effect of rejuvenation of an aged face. Thread lifting is used carefully, because the skin has already lost its ability to recover on its own. Although, it is at this age that a lower face lift can be effective.

Facial rejuvenation is a long process. One-time measures give short-term results. Therefore, at the age of 25-30, it is quite possible to “attach” to a cosmetic clinic, find your own cosmetologist and, together with him, confidently preserve your youth until your old age.


Fillers allow you to lift your face, correct its oval, eliminate deep wrinkles and creases in the skin, and add volume to the cheekbones and nose.

The preparations are gel texture products. In terms of effect, they are an alternative to plastic surgery. Their main advantage is the lack of influence on facial expressions.

Fillers are often used to eliminate deep nasolabial folds.

The main components of fillers are:

  • purified silicone (harmful, causing many side effects, prohibited in Europe and the USA);
  • collagen of animal origin or purified human;
  • hyaluronic acid.

A new and rather difficult technology is the introduction of the patient’s own fat as fillers. It is taken in the required quantity during liposuction. After this, the material goes through several stages of processing and is distributed under the skin of the face. Its expensive price is justified. The drug causes virtually no adverse reactions and its results last six months longer.

Fillers have different consistencies. Top-class specialists work with dense textures. It is difficult to distribute them evenly under the skin to avoid the formation of lumps and lumps. But the result after their introduction is visible immediately, the effect lasts longer.

Fillers in the form of a liquid gel are distributed easily and lie flat. The effect is visible almost immediately.

In general, the effect of fillers lasts for a period of 6 – 12 months. They are recommended for women aged 35–50 years.


  • Skin tightening with threads

For thread lifting, mesothreads can be used, which completely dissolve over time, as well as gold threads or Aptos. Rejuvenation occurs due to the formation of a framework under the skin. This eliminates ptosis, relieves you of pronounced nasolabial folds, jowls, and unclear contours of the chin. Installation of threads stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the youth of the skin and its elasticity. Mesothreads can be used for early age-related changes; gold threads and Aptos are indicated for more pronounced signs of aging. Thread lifting goes well with surgical rejuvenation.

  • Deep peeling

Chemical peeling has a renewing effect on the skin. By removing the cells of the upper layer, it smooths out wrinkles, eliminates post-acne and other scars. It perfectly complements surgical operations, enhancing their effect. This type of non-surgical lift gives results only in terms of skin quality. Peels are not able to strengthen the oval and tighten sagging tissues.

  • Massage for facial skin tightening

By influencing certain points, the cosmetologist restores blood circulation and improves metabolism in skin cells. Puffiness goes away, the skin acquires an even color, its tone increases, and you look younger. This method is most effective for minor age-related changes and as a preventive measure for their occurrence.

  • Choosing a non-surgical facelift technique

The choice of lifting method depends on the patient’s age, skin condition, indications and contraindications for the procedures. Sometimes it is impossible to correct age-related changes only with the help of cosmetology. In case of pronounced sagging tissue and an abundance of wrinkles, surgical SMAS lifting is performed. This technique is indicated for patients over 40 years of age.

Up to 40, contouring with fillers, Botox and threads will help you refresh your appearance. Plasmolifting and mesotherapy will improve the condition of the skin. Upon reaching a certain age, these methods have an auxiliary effect. By combining face and neck plastic surgery with cosmetic services, you will achieve excellent results.

Botulinum toxin

Preparations based on this neurotoxin effectively fight wrinkles. They act on the nerve endings of the muscles, blocking them and relaxing the tissue. As a result, the skin is smoothed. The obtained result lasts for a period of 6 – 12 months. Afterwards it must be entered again.

Wrinkles smooth out gradually within 2 weeks after administration of the drug.

When administering botulinum toxin, it is prohibited:

  • bend over for several hours after the injection;
  • touch puncture sites on the skin;
  • take antibiotics and drink alcohol for the next two weeks.

The first day you need to monitor the activity of facial expressions.

The full effect of botulinum toxin injection will be visible after two weeks.

The main drugs based on botulinum toxin:

  • Botox (USA);
  • Xeomin (Germany);
  • Dysport (France).

The main difference between them is the different concentration of the active substance and the presence or absence of additional protein complexes. They are recommended for use by women starting from 30 years of age.

Preparations based on botulinum toxins are good at eliminating facial wrinkles.

How are skin rejuvenation procedures performed?

The active substance (Dysport) is injected under the skin of the face using a special thin needle. The doctor injects into the facial wrinkles, thereby paralyzing muscle activity. Under such influences, the fibers relax, and any irregularities begin to smooth out. After the procedure, you will not notice any traces of injections or creases on the skin, your face will still look natural.

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The first results after rejuvenation injections can be assessed already 4-5 days after the procedure, the full effect will be visible after 2 weeks. On average, the effect of the drugs is designed for 4-6 months, however, if you regularly repeat the procedures, your facial skin will remain attractive for a longer period - up to 8 months. The injections themselves do not cause serious pain, but local anesthesia may be used if the pain threshold is low.


The procedure involves the introduction of hyaluronic acid-based preparations into the deep layers of the skin. Additionally, peptides, plant extracts, etc. can be added to the injection, at the discretion of the cosmetologist.

Biorevitalization allows the skin to recover, replenish its supply of vitamins, deeply moisturizes the skin and stimulates the production of elastin and collagen by human tissues.

Biorevitalization is a course of injections. Most often it consists of 3 procedures, with a break between them of 2–3 weeks.

Subsequently, it is enough to administer injections once every 2 to 3 months. It is recommended to track the frequency not only by the calendar, but also by the condition of the skin. Biorevitalization is prescribed at the discretion of the cosmetologist, starting from the age of 25.

So when to start?

The age at which you can start doing certain procedures described in this article is approximate. Each of us is unique. Some people may need injections at a fairly young age. For some, the first procedures will be relevant only after 40-45 years. It depends on lifestyle, health status and other individual characteristics. A qualified cosmetologist, after examining the condition of the skin and identifying problems, will advise what procedures will help preserve youth and when it is enough to do facial massages, treatments, peelings, and when it is already possible to correct deficiencies with the help of injections.

The article was prepared by dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, trichologist at the Face&Body club Daria Sergeevna Bolgova.


This is an injection skin care procedure. During it, mesocotails, which are a set of vitamins that nourish, moisturize and tone the skin, are injected into the deep layers of the skin with a syringe with a thin needle. They allow you to restore its fresh appearance, elasticity and normalize the production of sebum. Particularly effective after summer, when the face has been intensively exposed to harmful UV radiation for several months.

Mesotherapy can also be performed at home. To do this, you need a mesoscooter, an antiseptic, an anesthetic gel and a mesocotail, which should be purchased at the pharmacy.

The procedure is a course of 4 – 6 sessions with breaks of 2 – 3 weeks. The introduction of meso-cocktails is allowed from a young age, from 20 years and older.

Having decided on beauty injections, you need to find a salon or clinic that uses only certified original drugs. Its staff should consist only of qualified specialists who will be able to accurately select the necessary procedure, the administered composition and the volume of the drug in order to achieve the result you need, without spoiling your face, but emphasizing its individual features.

Non-surgical face and neck lift: price

The cost of a face and neck lift without surgery depends on the method. Mesothreads in our clinic cost from 600 rubles. for 1 thread. Fillers cost from 12,000 rubles. Plasmolifting of the face – 6,000 rubles. One unit of Botox costs 380 rubles, this is a promotional price.

A cosmetologist will help you decide on the tightening method during your consultation.

Since 2002, the Medial clinic has been providing services in the field of cosmetological correction of age-related changes. We have extensive experience working with women and men of different ages. The clinic has laser equipment and multifunctional devices. We always have a choice of fillers from different global manufacturers. We pay great attention to a personal approach to anti-aging correction.

Our specialists Galina Rakhimovna Sonn, Valentina Andreevna Moiseeva and Natalya Rafaelovna Babajanova are certified cosmetologists who regularly improve their skills, are experienced and attentive.

To schedule a consultation, call: +7

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