Stay with your nose: all the nuances of injection rhinoplasty

Prevention of age-related changes, minimally invasive aesthetic procedures, short rehabilitation period and quick results - these are the current trends in the aesthetic medicine industry. Let's consider the methods that correspond to them.

You should not think that a good aesthetic result can only be achieved after traumatic hardware or plastic surgery. In the field of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, there are new methods that, with suitable indications and proper execution, act as delicately, quickly and, most importantly, can significantly prolong the youth of the skin, as well as effectively combat its imperfections.

Non-surgical rhinoplasty with fillers is indicated for the following defects:

  • Holes and ruts;
  • Post-traumatic “dips” on the bridge of the nose;
  • Nasal asymmetry;
  • Small hump;
  • Flattened (Asian) nose;
  • "Eagle" tip of the nose;
  • Excessively upturned tip of the nose;
  • A large depression in the bridge of the nose, visible in profile;
  • Postoperative defects (complications of plastic or otolaryngological surgery).

Non-surgical rhinoplasty often helps predict the effect of a full-fledged surgical intervention that the patient plans in the future.

Photos before and after the procedure performed by specialists at our clinic:

It is important to understand that during non-surgical rhinoplasty the nose will not shrink, but will increase in volume. Therefore, patients with a large, massive or naturally wide nose should carefully consider and weigh the decision to undergo the procedure. For such patients, there are alternative non-surgical correction methods.


Such rhinoplasty without surgical intervention immediately changes the appearance for the better, and the final aesthetic effect can be seen after just a few days, when the false volume caused by swelling has completely disappeared. This minimally invasive method corrects a number of defects :

  • depressions, irregularities and asymmetry;
  • drooping, ugly upturned, too thin tip;
  • the back is flat or with a hump;
  • irregular shape of the bridge of the nose;
  • scars, unaesthetic consequences of injuries and operations;
  • saggy, flabby soft tissues.

In these cases, a targeted impact on the problem area allows you to avoid a more traumatic operation. If it is still necessary, the corrective procedure offered by the CONSTANTA Clinic, which is temporary, that is, reversible, will make it possible to see whether the surgical intervention will bring the desired aesthetic effect. Also, the technique should be used in cases where the operation is currently impossible due to medical contraindications or the patient has not reached the age of majority.

Effect duration

How long the corrective effect will last depends on:

  • the selected drug;
  • the nature of the problem being solved;
  • individual characteristics of the patient's skin;
  • his age and lifestyle.

The choice of a cosmetic product and the accuracy with which it will be introduced are determined by the professionalism of the doctor performing the manipulations. Qualified specialists of the CONSTANTA Clinic, who have undergone the necessary training and are fluent in the technique, will perform a procedure that guarantees the longest lasting effect. We use substances specifically designed for this purpose, which have proven their safety in a number of clinical trials and have received favorable reviews from our patients.

The average resorption time for fillers is 8-12 months. It depends on how quickly your body processes the received substances. Considering that the nose is the least mobile part of the face, this process, and therefore the resulting aesthetic effect, can last up to 2 years. This is much more effective than similar manipulations to eliminate wrinkles or enhance lips.

What fillers are suitable for non-surgical rhinoplasty?

Initially, the contouring procedure involved only working with wrinkles and correcting age-related changes. For this reason, the market featured light, flexible and low-viscosity fillers that were unsuitable for facial volumization. Over time, the method was modernized and improved, and today cosmetologists have fillers of any density and cohesiveness.

For non-surgical rhinoplasty, the most dense and cohesive fillers are suitable, which are injected into the middle layers of the skin.

Among them:

  1. Restylane Perlane;
  2. Juvederm Ultra 3;
  3. Surgiderm 24 XP or 30 XP;
  4. Radiesse (calcium hydroxyapatite-based filler, classified as a long-acting preparation).

Despite the density of the listed fillers, they are distinguished by a fairly plastic structure, which allows them to be gently and evenly distributed within soft tissues. With the proper skill of a cosmetologist, working with them completely eliminates the possibility of overcorrection!

Dangerous fillers

Some cosmetologists still offer patients dubious preparations for non-surgical rhinoplasty - fillers based on bovine collagen or biopolymer gels. The former often cause allergic reactions due to the human body’s rejection of the foreign animal’s proteins. The latter break all “records” in terms of the number of complications – migrations and others. Funny arguments are given in favor of the latter: their effect is as long as possible, like the effect of plastic surgery. However, if you want a permanent effect, it is much more prudent to turn to plastic surgery than to potentially dangerous and harmful drugs.

You shouldn’t chase cheapness either: high-quality and certified fillers cannot be cheap!

“Profitable” offers involve a 100% catch: selling a biopolymer under the guise of a filler based on hyaluronic acid, polycaprolactone or calcium hydroxyapatite; performing the procedure in artisanal conditions that do not meet sanitary, hygienic and medical standards, performing the procedure by an esthetician (who does not have the right to perform injections) or by an inexperienced cosmetologist who wants to “train and get better” at your expense.

The effect of hyaluronic acid on the nasal mucosa

A positive effect on the nasal mucosa is characteristic of hyaluronic acid. It has a pronounced restorative effect and is also able to protect the nasal mucosa from new damage.

Hyaluronic acid is included in some medications, including the nasal care product Olifrin. It can be used in adults and children from 3 years of age. In addition to hyaluronic acid, Olifrin contains another component - vitamin E, which, due to its antioxidant properties, can have an anti-inflammatory effect. The duration and frequency of taking Olifrin are not limited; it can be used as needed.

  1. Mortuaire G. et al. Rebound congestion and rhinitis medicamentosa: nasal decongestants in clinical practice. Critical review of the literature by a medical panel //European annals of otorhinolaryngology, head and neck diseases. – 2013. – T. 130. – No. 3. – pp. 137-144.
  2. Naclerio RM, Bachert C, Baraniuk JN. Pathophysiology of nasal congestion. Int J Gen Med 2010; 3:47–57:
  3. Graf P. Long-term use of oxy-and xylometazoline nasal sprays induces rebound swelling, tolerance, and nasal hyperreactivity // Rhinology. – 1996. – T. 34. – No. 1. – pp. 9-13.
  4. Mickenhagen A, Siefer O, Neugebauer P, Stennert E. The influence of different alphasympathomimetic drugs and benzalkoniumchlorid on the ciliary beat frequency of in vitro cultured human nasal mucosa cells. Laryngorhinootologie 2008; 87(1):30–8
  5. Laurent TC Biochemistry of hyaluronan // Acta Otolaryngol. 1987. Vol. 442. P. 7–24.
  6. Macchi A., Castelnuovo P., Terranova P., Digilio E. Effects of sodium hyaluronate in children with recurrent upper respiratory tract infections: results of a randomized controlled study // Int. J. Immunopathol. Pharmacol. 2013. Vol. 26. No. 1. P. 127–135].
  7. According to the instructions for use of the medical product, Olifrin for the nasal mucosa.

Benefits of non-surgical rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty requires a cosmetologist to have extensive experience and impeccable artistic vision.

A correctly performed procedure has a number of advantages:

  • Quickly obtain a harmonious effect without hematomas and swelling;
  • Low trauma;
  • Short rehabilitation period;
  • Painless;
  • No need for preliminary preparation;
  • Outpatient delivery;
  • Control over the degree of correction during the procedure;
  • Availability of remodeling of the result during the procedure;
  • Maintaining the effect for 8-16 months (depending on the filler);
  • Minimal risks of complications.

The procedure does not require hospital monitoring, so you can go home immediately after its completion.

What are the benefits of hyaluronic acid fillers?

  • No side effects (allergic, toxic, etc.) to the drug due to its identity with the skin’s own hyaluronic acid;
  • The drug is completely absorbed (from 6 to 15 months).

The drug Radiesse (calcium hydroxyapatite) has proven itself well. Its advantages: longer resorption time (2-3 years), less hydrophilic compared to hyaluronic acid preparations (in areas prone to swelling). The drugs differ in viscosity, hydrophilicity, stability and other parameters.

Protocol for non-surgical rhinoplasty

Non-surgical rhinoplasty is performed under local infiltration or application anesthesia. Most modern fillers already contain lidocaine, but patients request pain relief purely to minimize discomfort during injection.

In the process of administering the drug, a syringe with a small-diameter needle or a flexible microcannula is used. The second instrument reduces the likelihood of bruising and minor hematomas, so it is used more often.

Algorithm for non-surgical rhinoplasty:

  • Anesthesia;
  • Disinfection of the surgical field;
  • Opening the drug;
  • Gradual and step-by-step filling of marked zones;
  • Massaging the treated areas to distribute the filler evenly;
  • Additional injections (optional);
  • Repeated disinfection of the surgical field;
  • Applying a soothing cream or ointment.

At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist will give you recommendations for correct rehabilitation.

Side effects of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose

  • atrophy of the nasal mucosa, nosebleeds caused by thinning of the mucous membrane;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • “rebound” syndrome, that is, worsening of the runny nose after discontinuation of the drug;
  • drug-induced rhinitis;
  • some systemic side effects: increased blood pressure, tachycardia, headache, visual disturbances, sedation, insomnia, depression, headache, palpitations;
  • poisoning with drugs of this group.

To avoid the development of side effects, it is recommended to use drugs from the group of vasoconstrictors with a certain frequency for no more than 3-5 days. The frequency of dosing indicated in the instructions for use should be observed.

There are additional measures to help avoid the negative effects of nasal decongestants on the nasal mucosa, namely:

  • Avoidance of products containing benzalkonium chloride, an excipient in some drugs that can have a damaging effect on the nasal mucosa
  • The use of substances that have a positive effect on the nasal mucosa.

Recovery rehabilitation period

Recovery after non-surgical rhinoplasty is easy for patients. Rehabilitation is painless, but if you feel excess pressure or pulsation in the nose, ask your cosmetologist to prescribe you a painkiller. Any discomfort lasts no more than 2 days.

Following the doctor’s recommendations is extremely important to consolidate the result and protect against complications. In the first 1-2 days, try to grimace less and use facial expressions in the facial area.

For the next 2 weeks after non-surgical rhinoplasty, you should avoid:

  • Visits to baths and saunas;
  • Natural or artificial insolation;
  • Swimming in a pool, sea, ocean, lake, river;
  • Facial massage;
  • Wearing heavy-framed glasses;
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Consumption of too spicy or salty foods (provokes an increase in swelling).

During recovery, you should avoid any damage to the nose - even minor blows.

If you suspect any complications, you should urgently contact a cosmetologist who performed non-surgical rhinoplasty.

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