Top 7 ways to whiten your face at home in just one day

Every time before an important event, a girl thinks about how to guarantee to whiten her face at home in one day. You shouldn't spend a lot of money on cosmetic products that promise stunning and instant skin whitening effects. After all, you can whiten your face no less effectively without investing a lot of money. Mixtures and lotions made from natural ingredients gently affect pigmented areas, bringing youth and health.

It is quite possible to achieve a uniform skin color using simple and affordable products.

Miracle solution

How quickly can you whiten your skin? Use hydrogen peroxide. It is the most effective and inexpensive one-day whitening solution. You will notice how your face will miraculously become whiter and your skin will become clearer. To lighten the face, hydrogen peroxide should be used at 3%. A strong concentration of the substance can dry out the skin or leave burns.

A popular way to quickly whiten your face at home using peroxide is to use the active ingredient in cosmetic masks.

Before the actual procedure, a sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, apply a few drops of the mixture to the elbow. If irritation does not appear, then the composition can be safely used.

Peroxide and yeast

Mix dry yeast and peroxide in equal proportions. Apply the paste for 10 minutes. Then rinse the mask with water and spread the cream on your face. This composition is ideal for normal to dry skin.

Fermented milk savior

In a container you need to mix:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 2 teaspoons high-fat cottage cheese;
  • 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply for 15 minutes. Thanks to the yolk content, the face becomes soft and tender.

How to bleach between legs

The skin whitening agent for the inner thighs should be very gentle, but effective. Hydrogen peroxide helps a lot. You need to dilute a spoonful of the drug with camphor oil, apply with a cotton swab, and leave for 40 minutes.

If you suffer from pimples on the buttocks, then you can use a small amount of syntomycin acid, it is known for its ability to remove red spots after acne on the neck, face, thighs, and chest. This method can also effectively get rid of facial wrinkles under the eyes, in the eyelids and mouth.

Photo - Light body skin

Many people recommend rubbing pigmented skin on the thighs with honey and warm milk. In a glass of milk, dilute two tablespoons of honey, dilute it, wipe the desired areas twice a day. You can repeat it every day.

In order to wipe your dignity, it is recommended to use fatty kefir. This solution not only has a great effect on female microflora, it also dries and brightens the skin. You can also add essential oils of orange, grapefruit, lemon or thyme to it, provided there are no allergies.

The Japanese used this recipe differently. To whiten your skin as effectively as possible, you need to add rice, rice extract or rice milk to the milk. Apply, do not rinse. According to representatives of traditional medicine, this method will help not only lighten special areas, but also normalize the condition of combination skin and eliminate the causes of acne and pimples.

Fragrant citrus

If you need to quickly whiten your face, lemon will do it gently and effectively. All women with blond hair or annoying pigmentation know about its action.

The easiest way to get rid of freckles is to rub your face with lemon.

Lemon juice is useful for the skin because it can not only whiten the face in one day, but also even out the color and reduce the likelihood of acne.

At home, you can lighten your facial skin by using either lemon slices to wipe the skin or by preparing excellent lightening masks.

Honey and lemon

Mix equal amounts of honey, lemon juice and olive oil. Dip a cotton pad in the resulting mixture and massage your face with it for a while. Do not rinse for 10 minutes.

Tandem with protein

Beat a few teaspoons of lemon juice with the white of 1 egg. Apply and wait until completely dry. Rinse off any remaining residue with water.

Whitening lotions

In addition to their remarkable lightening properties, lotions can effectively eliminate oiliness.

Milk lotion


  • 3 tbsp. l. sour milk.
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon

Milk and lemon are mixed, they are indispensable for rubbing daily. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

Regular soda

Who knew that the most affordable “bleach” in one day is baking soda. Every home has it, and its application is quite wide.

The easiest way

To instantly whiten your facial skin at home, you need to do a simple procedure. To do this, dip a damp cotton pad into soda and begin to wipe your face with gentle movements. It should be remembered that the component can dry out the upper layers of the epidermis. Therefore, it is better to use baking soda for those with oily skin.

Double effect

An effective way to lighten your face in one day is a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. You need to mix the following ingredients:

  • 4 teaspoons sour cream;
  • 2 teaspoons of soda;
  • 2-3 drops of peroxide.

Apply for 5 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse your face.

Cosmetics for skin lightening

An effective modern procedure is to use a laser to whiten facial skin. Many aesthetic medicine clinics or online beauty salons have special devices for resurfacing the skin or carefully removing its rough top layer. Getting rid of dead cells allows you to even out your skin tone and achieve noticeable lightening.

You should be careful with tablets and creams imported from China and Thailand. Local girls have had a cult of white skin for centuries, and nowadays manufacturers of cosmetic products actively take advantage of this.

Many creams contain mercury, which is poisonous to humans. Its permissible limit is exceeded thousands of times compared to its European and American counterparts. Of course, mercury gives a quick lightening effect, but when it accumulates in the skin, it poisons the body. The composition of the tablets with instructions written in hieroglyphs is a complete mystery that it is better not to try on yourself.

In beauty salons you can make a peeling or mask based on patented foreign cosmetics, but a whole course is needed to achieve the goal. Salon treatments are not cheap, so it is better to take care of your skin at home by choosing a suitable cream or mask made from natural ingredients.

Speed ​​whitening

Sometimes girls, not knowing how to whiten age spots on their face before an important event in one day, rely on expensive cosmetics. Bringing only disappointment, miracle jars usually end up in the far corner of the shelf. A worthy and effective replacement at home is boric acid, which can be bought at a pharmacy.

It is not recommended to use boric acid powder as a stand-alone product due to its strong action. But using it as a component of lightening masks is always in favor. Moreover, in addition to its whitening properties, the powder is also an antiseptic, which allows you to get rid of skin rashes for a long time.

Cucumber Power

The enhanced formula of this recipe is based on the interaction of the strongest whitening products: boric acid and fresh cucumber. A short vegetable is finely grated and half a teaspoon of powder is added. The container in which the mixture is located must be heated in a water bath. The warm pulp is spread on gauze, and then covered with it on the face. Leave for 15 minutes.

Whitening masks and compresses

Natural fruits, parsley, citrus fruits, fermented milk products, clay, ethers will allow you to qualitatively whiten the skin on your face. All these components have a strong whitening effect. In addition to lightening, they nourish and make the skin moisturized.

Berry-honey mask


  • 50 gr. berries;
  • 50 gr. honey

The berries are ground into puree and honey is added. The mass is distributed on a clean face and left for a few minutes, then washed off. Whitening can be carried out daily and is used for various skin types.

Cucumber compress


  • 1 fresh cucumber.

Cuts are made in gauze under the eyes, nose and mouth. The vegetable is grated, placed on a napkin, then on the face. After ten minutes, the compress can be removed. Use daily on all skin types.

Parsley mask


  • 1 spoon of parsley juice;
  • 1 spoon of honey;
  • 1 spoon of lemon.

The ingredients are combined and applied to a previously cleansed face. The mask must be left on for approximately 15 minutes and removed. The process is repeated a couple of times a week. Ideal for combination and oily skin types.

Not just porridge

Oatmeal is always on hand. It is not only boiled for breakfast, but is used as an effective method to guarantee whiten your face at home in one day. The most popular whitening recipe is a face mask.

To prepare a brightening mask, you can take a regular tomato, having first crushed it into a puree.

Tomato and oatmeal

Mix natural tomato juice with oatmeal to a paste. Apply to face and rinse after the mixture begins to dry.

The composition will not only whiten in one day, but also even out the tone. Oatmeal shows excellent results on tanned skin with uneven tanning.

Professional products

If the natural options do not suit you, then doctors can effectively whiten problem skin using iontophoresis. This is a little expensive (in Cheboksary up to 500 rubles per session, and in Moscow - up to 700), but there is a guarantee for a long-lasting effect. Validity period is about a month. Ask cosmetologists in your city how much this procedure costs in their salon. When rinsing off, avoid intense friction; it is better to wet the clay with a washcloth, and then carefully remove the remaining mask.

Often pigment spots are removed using laser peeling, but here a lot depends on the reason for their appearance. Similarly, you can use chemical peeling with fruit acids.

Professional cosmetics will also help you whiten your face. Brands Mary Kay, CS2, Negru produce entire lines for lightening the epidermis. But, of course, the required action can be carried out in the shortest possible time only if an integrated approach is used.

Brightening Greens

Our mothers also used parsley when they wanted to whiten their faces at home in one day. From healthy green leaves, they prepare pulps, decoctions, and even rub freckles with frozen cubes of parsley juice. The most effective method is wiping your face with tonic.

Homemade lotion

Add 2 teaspoons of finely chopped parsley to a glass of hot water. Place the container with the composition on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes. As soon as the lotion has cooled, wipe your face along the massage lines.

How to Lighten Skin in 1 Day Naturally for Women and Men

Are you getting ready for a party or looking for an instant way to make your skin healthy and glowing? You are on the right page as it describes how to get lighter skin within 1 day.

How to make your skin lighter in 1 day

Several factors such as poor diet, stress, use of harmful beauty products, inadequate sleep, pollution and harsh UV rays contribute to facial skin damage. However, you can keep your skin healthy and bright by adopting a proper skin care regimen. Here are some important steps that you need to follow to have healthy skin.

· Drink at least 7-8 glasses of water daily.

· Consume fresh fruits and vegetables to provide your skin and body with vital nutrients.

· Cleanse your skin twice a day.

· Apply a good quality moisturizer before going to bed every night.

· Avoid using many cosmetic products and never sleep with your makeup on.

· Exfoliate your skin frequently and apply a suitable mask to ensure proper nutrition to your skin cells.

What is proper skin care?

In the above lines, you have learned some basic rules to keep your skin glowing and bright. Now we will tell you how to make your skin whiter within 1 day.

Pamper your skin by thoroughly cleansing your skin with a facial cleanser and drying it off.

Facial sauna: The next step is a sauna for your face. This will help open the skin pores in addition to improving blood circulation to the skin cells.

Exfoliate: After steaming, relax your skin by gently scrubbing. This will help you get rid of dead skin cells, accumulated dirt, and other impurities.

Apply a face mask and toner: Apply a suitable face mask to nourish the skin cells, leave it on for an hour and a half and then rinse off. Rinse skin thoroughly and apply toner.

Moisturize your skin: Apply moisturizer or lotion and feel the difference.

Cautions for use

When choosing from the many ways to whiten your facial skin at home in one day, you should know some rules for their use. This will protect delicate covers from unwanted consequences.

  1. Lightening masks should not be used during periods of high sun exposure. The lightening procedure is best carried out in autumn or winter.
  2. In order not to dry out the skin, it is necessary to combine “bleaches” with natural moisturizers: aloe juice, cucumber, hyaluronic acid.
  3. It is advisable to use special care products with a sun filter.
  4. Home-prepared products should not be stored for a long time or left for future use. This way, their beneficial properties and, accordingly, effectiveness are lost.
  5. When using any composition, sensitive areas must be avoided.
  6. If you need to whiten your face from age spots for a long time, it is possible to carry out a course of procedures consisting of alternating masks of various compositions and lightening lotions.

Compliance with precautions is the key to excellent results

When looking for another way to whiten your face at home, you should pay attention to very affordable ingredients that are always at hand. Natural ingredients in lightening masks will help to gently and safely lighten pigmented skin in one day.

Causes of bad complexion

The skin of the inhabitants of central and northern Europe is naturally white and easily burns in the sun. As soon as you lie on the beach a little longer or forget to apply protective cream against UV rays, it turns red and after a couple of days begins to peel off. As a result, the tan does not apply evenly. Finding yourself in such situations from year to year can provoke the appearance of age spots, especially unwanted ones on the face.

Red-haired girls with thin, light skin develop freckles when exposed to sunlight, even in winter. It is important for them to use a protective lotion or cream on a clear winter day in the city and at ski resorts. If freckles still bother you and spoil your mood, a whitening mask will be a wonderful solution.

Hormonal imbalance is a common cause of pigmentation in young women. If this is the problem, then cosmetics will help little. A visit to the doctor and prescribed treatment will restore health to the body, after which the skin color will quickly restore.

Application of peelings

A more budget-friendly alternative to laser whitening is peeling. They won't turn a dark girl into a porcelain doll. Their property is to reduce hyperpigmentation and even out tone.

During the peeling process, acids act on the stratum corneum, removing dead cells. With deep peeling, the effect reaches the dermis, actually injuring the skin. After the procedure, update processes are launched. The new layer is clean and looks younger.

There are two types of peelings:

Mechanical peeling erases the upper stratum corneum under the influence of hard particles. The skin becomes more sensitive to care; it is advisable to use whitening creams and serums.

Chemical peeling can be acidic, retinoic, using plant extracts and other means.

Chemical peeling includes:

  1. Acid peeling is not a pleasant mask, but a serious procedure that causes discomfort during and after the procedure.
  2. The most gentle is peeling with lactic acid. It can be done for people with dry and sensitive skin, as well as during periods of solar activity.
  3. Glycolic peeling, on the contrary, is the most effective and deep, and does not cause long-term irritation.
  4. Peeling with salicylic acid is chosen for skin prone to inflammation. Salicylic acid accumulates in the pores and retains its healing effect for a long time.


Whitening compositions often use various acids and other aggressive components. Their exposure can cause harm in a number of cases:

  1. Extensive inflammatory phenomena - multiple acne, pimples and irritations.
  2. Thin skin with increased sensitivity, dry or chapped.
  3. Skin diseases: papillomas, rosacea, dermatitis, melanoma, vitiligo, keratosis and so on.
  4. Wounds, stitches, injuries, facial injuries.
  5. Recent procedures done at home or in a salon.
  6. Ideal whitening will not only lighten your skin, but will also give a lasting result without side effects.
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