How to make cucumber face lotion at home?

Do you want to get rid of acne, smooth out wrinkles and reduce oily shine? Prepare cucumber face lotion! Made with your own hands, it will bring more benefits than any purchased product.

I'll tell you what my grandmother did when there was little choice in stores. Today the assortment is orders of magnitude wider, but real cucumber lotion will confidently compete with branded cosmetics.

Cucumber is the first summer vegetable. It is loved for its sweet taste, juiciness and delicious crunch. But it is suitable not only for vitamin salads. Its healing power has been known for several centuries. Green fruits tone, give freshness, and preserve youth.

There are many preparations containing cucumber juice on the shelves of pharmacies and supermarkets. As a rule, they include dyes, fragrances, and preservatives. Learn to make healing lotion at home. Natural ingredients are a guarantee of safety and environmental friendliness.

What are the benefits of cucumber lotion for the face?

Cucumber lotion has a fairly powerful positive effect on facial skin. The main useful properties of this product are:

  • toning and nourishing the skin;
  • prevention of various rashes, inflammations, pimples, and blackheads;
  • cleansing the skin of various types of impurities;
  • camouflage freckles and age spots due to the ability to naturally whiten the skin;
  • release of collagen, which is extremely necessary for smoothing wrinkles, including facial wrinkles;
  • saturating the skin with beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals;
  • giving vital radiance and a healthy pinkish tint;
  • improvement and softening of the structure of the upper epidermal layer;
  • relieving fatigue and tension, reducing the effect of “bruises” under the eyes.

Benefits of cucumber lotions and masks

The benefits of cucumber for the skin are due to its complex chemical composition - it contains vitamins B, C, P, iodine, carotene, sugars, proteins, mineral salts, enzymes and other active components. This vegetable has soothing, anti-inflammatory, whitening properties. Cucumber-based masks are used to lighten the skin and get rid of freckles and age spots. Cucumber lotion is an excellent product for gently cleansing and moisturizing the skin. It relieves puffiness and is suitable for any skin type.

Cucumber juice is suitable for any skin type.

The skin is affected by the following vitamins found in cucumber pulp:

  • Vitamin A – prevents the aging process, moisturizes, prevents peeling.
  • Riboflavin – restores proper breathing of the skin.
  • Thiamine – rejuvenates, protects the skin from external influences.
  • Folic acid – eliminates pimples and acne.
  • Pantothenic acid – helps smooth out small wrinkles.
  • Pyridoxine – stimulates cellular metabolism.
  • Tocopherol – promotes cell renewal and skin elasticity.
  • Vitamin C – ascorbic acid – ensures skin elasticity.
  • Phylloquinone - eliminates swelling of the skin, evens out the shade, gets rid of age spots.
  • Biotin – accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues.
  • Niacid – gives the skin a fresh look.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use cucumber face lotion in the following cases:

  • increased oily or dry skin;
  • a large number of age spots or freckles;
  • peeling, itching;
  • initial signs of aging and deep wrinkles;
  • dirtiness of the skin - blackheads, acne, acne;
  • excessively enlarged pores;
  • irritation, redness;
  • feeling of tight skin;
  • morning and evening swelling.

Recommended to whom?

First of all, this product will be useful for those with oily or combination skin.

The lotion helps fight pimples, blackheads on the nose, tightens pores and makes facial skin matte .

For those with dry skin, this product will help cope with redness and irritation of the skin. Cucumber lotion fights wrinkles, deeply nourishes the skin and has a moisturizing effect .

This product is useful for owners of all skin types, at any age, and does not cause allergic reactions.

How to use the product?

Cucumber lotion must be applied following the following rules and recommendations:

  • Before applying the lotion, be sure to cleanse the skin of your face and neck using regular toilet soap or cosmetic foam;
  • remove the lotion from the refrigerator and shake thoroughly to remove sediment from the bottom;
  • moisten a cotton pad and apply with gentle massaging movements to the surface of the skin (face, neck and décolleté);
  • wait until the lotion dries - there is no need to remove it from the skin;
  • Use cucumber remedy no more than 2 times a day - morning and evening before bed.


Lotion is an essential product for women that helps to effectively cleanse the skin. The evolution of its appearance began in the Stone Age, when ancient people used natural remedies to maintain the softness and elasticity of their skin.

The scrolls of Ancient Egypt mention that the Egyptians used special lotions made from plant extracts for moisturizing.

Women began to use fruits, vegetables and other products to prepare products that help effectively care for their skin. This is how cucumber lotion appeared, which is especially popular, which is water of a delicate green color with a pleasant aroma.

How to prepare a cosmetic product from cucumber?

Next, we will look at several classic recipes for preparing various cosmetics from cucumber, suitable for all skin types and which are the so-called basis for the production of lotions containing other components.

cucumber water

Cucumber water is a healthy and natural refreshing composition for the face, which is easy to prepare. You will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled water - 1 l.

Peel the cucumber. Place cucumber peels in a liter jar. Fill with cold water. Let the composition brew for 1 week. Then strain and pour into a bottle, preferably a glass one. Wash your face daily using this cucumber water. To do this, moisten a cotton pad and wipe your face and neck area.

Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice is prepared using the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • water - ½ cup.

Peel fresh cucumbers. Chop into small cubes. Place in a blender or mixer after mixing with cold water. Beat thoroughly until smooth. Strain the resulting mixture using gauze or cotton cloth. Wipe your face and neck with cucumber juice in the morning and evening before bed.

Cucumber tonic

Preparing cucumber tonic will not take you much time. You will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • non-carbonated mineral water - ½ glass.

Peel a fresh cucumber. Cut into thin strips. Pour in non-carbonated mineral water and boil over low heat for 2 minutes. Then cool and strain. Wipe your face with the resulting tonic in the morning before applying the cream.

a natural, safe cleanser you can prepare yourself and use for facial care

Ingredients for tonic

You will find all the components at home, so you can start making.

What is it for? Lotions are designed to cleanse and tone the dermis, so, as you can see for yourself, you can’t do without them!

When you see the list of functions, you will be surprised what this simple cosmetic product can do.

Many women do not have a toner at all, thinking that simply washing their face with foam will solve their cleansing problems.

But this is far from true. After all, grease and dirt penetrate too deeply, and lotions prepared at home contain substances that actively destroy this debris.

Daily care with this product will help:

  1. Improve blood circulation;
  2. Remove particles of dead epithelium;
  3. Smooth the skin, quickly relieve fatigue;
  4. Narrow pores
  5. Restore acid-base
  6. Accelerate metabolic processes;
  7. Renew cells, speed up the rejuvenation process;
  8. Slow down aging, improve complexion;
  9. Increase the effectiveness of the cream that is applied after the tonic.

Have I convinced you? So, let's start making!

Cucumber lotion recipes based on skin type

There are quite a large number of different recipes for making homemade cucumber lotion. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

For dry skin

Green tea lotion

To prepare green tea lotion, you need the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • green tea - 3 tsp;
  • boiling water - ½ cup.

Peel a fresh cucumber. Cut into small slices. Place in a glass container along with green tea and pour boiling water over it. Let it brew for 1-2 hours. Strain. Wipe your face 2 times a day - morning and evening.

Product with milk

You will need:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • milk - ½ cup.

Grate the cucumber. Pour in milk and simmer over low heat for 2 minutes. Cool and strain. Wipe your face and neck area with a cotton pad 2 times a day.

For oily skin

Mint and cucumber lotion

To make mint cucumber lotion you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh mint - 5 leaves;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp.

Grind fresh cucumber and mint leaves in a blender or mixer until smooth. Add lemon juice to it and mix thoroughly again. Boil the mixture over low heat for 1 minute. Cool and strain. Wipe your face 2 times a day - in the morning after washing and in the evening before bed.

Apple cider vinegar remedy

You will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1/3 cup.

Fresh cucumber cut into small slices, pour apple cider vinegar. Leave the lotion to infuse for 7 days, placing it in a cool, dark place. When ready, strain the resulting mixture. Wipe your face and neck area 2 times a day.

Cucumber Oat Lotion

Cucumber-oat lotion is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp;
  • table salt - ½ tsp;
  • water - 1/3 cup.

Grind the cucumber in a blender. Mix with oatmeal and table salt. Add water. Apply the resulting lotion to your face. Leave for 5 minutes. Rinse with water. Carry out this procedure every day.

For normal and combination skin

Herbal lotion

Making herbal lotion is very simple. Take:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • dry St. John's wort - 1 tbsp;
  • dry chamomile - 1 tbsp;
  • boiling water - 1 cup.

Grind the cucumber in a blender. Strain the resulting mixture through cheesecloth. Pour boiling water over St. John's wort and chamomile. Add cucumber juice. Let the mixture sit for 1 hour. Strain. Wipe your face, neck and décolleté 2-3 times a day.

Honey lotion

You will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • honey - 2 tsp;
  • vodka - ¼ glass.

Mix chopped cucumber with honey and pour vodka. Let it brew for 1 hour. Wipe your face with the resulting mixture 2 times a day - morning and evening before going to bed.

Olive lotion

Olive oil improves the structure of the skin, softens and tones. To prepare a lotion based on this ingredient, take the following:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 2 tsp;
  • water - ½ cup.

Grind the cucumber in a blender. Mix with lemon juice and olive oil. Boil over low heat for 2 minutes. Cool and then strain through cheesecloth. Wipe your face with the resulting lotion 2 times a day.

Wine-cucumber lotion

You need to take:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • red wine - ½ glass.

Boil finely chopped cucumber pulp in red wine. Leave to cool. Strain. Wipe your face with the resulting lotion 2 times a day.

For problem skin

Lotion with vodka

You can cure pimples or acne with vodka-based cucumber lotion. To prepare it, take the following:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • vodka - ¼ glass.

Grated fresh cucumber, pour vodka. Let the composition brew for 2-3 hours. Soak a cotton pad in the lotion and wipe the problematic inflamed areas of the skin. Leave the product until completely dry. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times a day until acne or any inflammation disappears.

Lotion with aloe juice

You will need:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • aloe juice - 1 tbsp;
  • vodka - 1/4 cup.

Chop a fresh cucumber. Mix with aloe juice and add vodka. Let the product sit for 24 hours. Strain. Wipe problem and inflamed areas of the skin 2-3 times a day.

Frozen lotion

You will need the following components:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • dry chamomile - 2 tbsp;
  • boiling water - ½ cup.

Peel the fresh cucumber. Cut into small slices and grind in a blender. Brew chamomile. Mix with cucumber mixture. Let it brew for 1 hour. Refrigerate. Pour into an ice tray. Place in the freezer for a day. Rub your face with an ice cube every morning to have a tonic and rejuvenating effect on the skin.


Alina: I use store-bought cucumber lotion, the simplest one. I don’t apply it all over my face, only spot-on when pimples appear. I like the effect.

Elina: I made milky cucumber lotion and was completely satisfied with it. The only bad thing is that it is stored for such a short time.

Anastasia: I really love homemade recipes, and among lotions for skin toning, cucumber is in first place for me! When the alcohol one runs out and the new one is not ready yet, I can simply wipe my face with slices of cucumber - it works very well.

Makeup remover lotion

Product with jojoba oil

You must take the following ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • jojoba oil - 2 tsp;
  • aloe juice - 2 tsp;
  • water - 3 tbsp.

Grind the cucumber using a blender or mixer. Mix with jojoba oil and aloe juice. Add some water. Let the composition brew for a day. Wipe your face every time you need to remove makeup. This product can be used daily.

Almond oil lotion

We present to your attention a unique recipe for cucumber lotion for removing waterproof makeup based on almond oil. Ingredients:

  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • almond oil - 3 tsp;
  • olive oil - 3 tsp;
  • vitamin E - 1 capsule;
  • non-carbonated mineral water - 1/3 cup.

Mix chopped cucumber with almond and olive oil, as well as liquid vitamin E. Pour the mixture with water and simmer over low heat for 2 minutes. Refrigerate. Wipe your face to remove makeup with a cotton pad, but no more than 2 times a day.

In this article, you got acquainted with the most popular and highly effective recipes for homemade cucumber lotion for caring for the skin of the face and neck. Before using any of the above products, it is recommended to consult a cosmetologist to avoid an allergic reaction.

Chemical composition

Cucumber is considered life-giving moisture not only for the skin, but also for the entire body as a whole. 80% of its mass is water, and 20% are essential vitamins and minerals that will benefit the skin.

These include:

  • A - normalizes the water balance in cells, removes dryness and flaking;
  • C − activates the process of epidermal renewal, stimulates the formation of collagen;
  • E - activates regeneration, tightens the skin;
  • B1 - rejuvenates;
  • B2 - responsible for tissue respiration;
  • B5 - smooths out wrinkles;
  • B6 – normalizes metabolic processes;
  • B9 – prevents the formation of acne;
  • K and RR - fight pigmentation;
  • N - has wound-healing properties.

Microelements also have a positive effect on the skin:

  • potassium - retains moisture in cells, prevents early withering of the skin;
  • iodine - activates metabolic processes; if this element is missing, the skin looks tired and becomes dry;
  • sulfur is an excellent assistant in rejuvenating the epidermis.

The nutritional value of cucumber (per 100 g) is presented in the table below:

Squirrels0.8 g
Fats0.1 g
Carbohydrates2.5 g
Calorie content14 Kcal

What will you need to prepare?

How to make your own cucumber lotion? The method of preparing cucumber lotion depends primarily on your skin type . You can prepare the product in about an hour. For any recipe you will need a transparent glass jar and a few fresh cucumbers.

For oily skin, it is acceptable to use alcohol , but for those with dry skin, it is better to exclude this ingredient from the lotion, as this can make the skin even more tight and dry.

Auxiliary elements such as green tea, honey or apple cider vinegar will perfectly complement the home remedy.

Read our article about the beneficial properties of cucumber for facial skin.

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