Makeup as one of the ways to hide nasolabial folds on the face

Nasolabial pain is a sadness that will sooner or later affect every woman. Usually early. First, you will have small mimic grooves along the wings of your nose. Then they will crawl lower and lower, to the corners of the mouth and down to the chin. They will sink so deep that they will become the most noticeable creases on your face and will make you an eternally mournful, sad Pierrot.

But this process can be prevented, the defect can be reduced and even eliminated completely. There is only one safe and effective remedy - exercise. We tell you how to make them.

Causes of nasolabial folds

Even if the baby laughs or screams, he will develop nasolabial folds - lines in the form of indentations that go from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. This is a natural facial feature, and it is characteristic of every person.

But over the years and under the influence of negative external factors, nasolabial folds become a static feature - one that does not disappear even in a relaxed state.

A woman with deep nasolabial lips looks sad, tired and much older than her years.

What happened?

  • The muscles
    in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle have been tense since our birth when expressing emotions (smile, laughter, screaming, dissatisfaction, etc.) and “got used” to this state: they shrank and shortened. And basic physiological processes (speaking, chewing) also contributed.
  • The skin
    has its own problem: age-related decrease in turgor. As you know, our skin stretches all the time, but with age it loses the ability, as before, to return to its original shape and condition. This indicates a loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin. And then there is muscle hypertonicity. “Excess” skin is pulled behind them and crumples like paper (the protein fibers of the dermis are damaged), forming wrinkles, creases and folds.
  • Those who are prone to swelling are especially unlucky. Excess tissue fluid
    that accumulates in the cheeks makes the nasolabial lips more pronounced. The difference between the levels of tissue of the cheeks and the nasolabial zone increases. The cheeks begin to literally hang over the nasolabial triangle.

The likelihood of fluid stagnation increases due to muscle hypertonicity. The vessels are squeezed by spasmed muscles, which disrupts the outflow of lymph.

Since the nasolabial triangle is the most active part of the face, nasolabial problems appear very early. For some, their education is completely predetermined by genetics and anatomical features.

Side effects and complications –

The most dangerous complications that can be encountered during the correction of nasolabial folds with hyaluronic acid fillers are vascular complications. They arise, firstly, due to the introduction of a large amount of filler near the vessel, which can lead to its compression and disruption of blood circulation in this area. Secondly, the vessel may be damaged by a needle (rarely by a thin cannula), which can lead to embolism due to filler entering directly into the lumen of the vessel.

In these cases, ischemia first occurs, accompanied by tissue whitening, which, if no assistance is provided, can progress to tissue necrosis. Whitening of tissues without pain indicates compression of the vessel, and whitening with sharp pain is a symptom of embolism. But in rare cases, tissue whitening can be caused by the presence of the anesthetic lidocaine in the filler, simulating ischemia. Treatment of ischemia and embolism must be urgent and require injections of hyaluronidase.

Examples of some complications -

Another complication is the Tyndall effect, which occurs when fillers that are too dense are injected too superficially. This leads to a change in the refraction of light and the fact that bluish or pinkish stripes begin to appear under the skin at the places where the filler was introduced. If such an effect occurs, it can only be eliminated by dissolving the filler using hyaluronidase injections.

Granulomas are another complication, but they are more common with semi-permanent and permanent fillers than with hyaluronic acid fillers. However, this is also possible when using HA fillers. Granulomas in the form of small bubbles on the surface of the nasolabial folds arise due to the fact that the body reacts to the filler as a foreign body and tries to isolate itself from it using a capsule of granulomatous tissue (granulomas can be either inflammatory or non-inflammatory in nature).

Granulomas often form when fillers contain high levels of residual substances used to stabilize (crosslink) hyaluronic acid molecules. This component includes, for example, BDDE. Its recommended residual concentration in the filler should not exceed 0.9-1.0%, and therefore you should not choose very cheap fillers.

Types and techniques of effective gymnastics against nasolabial folds

It is useless to cut the nasolabial lips, burn them with a laser, inject them with paralyzing Botox, fill them with fillers, or pull threads through them. The effect will be questionable, temporary (from several months to several years), and the problem will not be solved. But your youth will be seriously damaged: invasive cosmetology greatly accelerates facial aging.

What to do then?

Eliminate the causes of the appearance of nasolabial lips, and not create a transient and dangerous appearance. Therefore, there is only one way - exercise. They are the ones who are able to remove muscle spasms and cords, strengthen the skin, and reduce swelling.

In our arsenal there are three main types of mechanical effects on the nasolabial folds:

  1. Deep manual self-massage of the skin.
    We increase skin turgor, improve lymph and blood function, and relax muscles.

  2. Intraoral (intraoral) techniques
    – exercises with access to the cheeks and lips through the oral cavity, performed with the hands and tongue.

    Such techniques also work in all the directions we need: blood, lymph, skin, muscles. But the strongest side of intraoral massage is deep relaxation for the muscles of the lower half of the face. We act on tense muscles from two sides at once: from the skin and mucous membranes. This is how facial muscles are worked out: the orbicularis oris muscle, the muscles of the zygomatic and cheek areas, the depressor muscles that pull the corners of the mouth down. The general muscles are also affected: chewing, genioglossus, geniohyoid muscles.

  3. Treating the problem area with massagers: vacuum cans and a dry brush.
    Cupping perfectly removes swelling, restores cell nutrition, relaxes muscles, and increases skin elasticity. The brush works in a similar way, only it also exfoliates dead cells and stimulates regeneration.

Correction using lifting threads

Lifting threads will also help remove deeply pronounced nasolabial folds. The most effective threads are Soft Lift, Dermafil, Resorblift, Silhouette. All of them belong to the category of “smart”, that is, they adapt perfectly to tissues, do their job and are eliminated from the body naturally. Their main task is to move tissue from the center to the periphery, in other words, to tighten it.

A number of threads are made from 100% polylactic acid, which is biologically compatible with the human body. It completely resolves and is eliminated from the body within 9-12 months. But during this time, being inside the body, it has a rejuvenating effect, activating skin renewal and slowing down the aging process. In addition, skin cells begin to actively produce new collagen of their own, which increases skin elasticity. This happens under the influence of polylactic acid.

All lifting threads have special notches that are securely fixed in the facial tissues, thereby tightening its contour. The effect of non-surgical lifting is created. A reliable supporting frame is formed around the threads, which will remain in place after the thread has dissolved.

In complex cases, combined treatment protocols are used, consisting of implantation of threads and injection of fillers, or the use of ultrasound and fillers. Also, in combination with these techniques, hyaluronic preparations can be pierced, which will only enhance the rejuvenation effect.

How to prepare your face for charging

To perform the exercises, only two conditions must be met: clean hands and a clean face. Therefore, before classes you need:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Clean your face of makeup and dirt, then dry it with a towel. Do not apply anything to the skin! If your skin is very dry, you can apply a moisturizer, let it absorb for 10 minutes, then remove the excess with a paper napkin and only then begin the massage.

This applies to both external and intraoral massage, and dry brushing.

There is one exception - vacuum massage. We use jars on the face only for oil, and preferably squalane.

Result Before and After

Doctors Telos Beauty prof. will help smooth out your skin, restoring its youth and radiance.

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The best exercises for nasolabial folds: exercises at home

There are several techniques you can try right now:

  1. Intraoral hand massage
    Repeat after Annette:
    • Grab your upper lip with both hands: with your thumbs on the inside and your index fingers on the outside.
    • Rub it vigorously in a circular motion, pulling the tissue away.

  2. Now the cheeks. Knead them in turn: left cheek with your right hand, right cheek with your left. Use three fingers on the outside.
  3. Knead your lower lip in the same way, changing hands in turn.
  4. In addition to combating nasolabial problems, this exercise also smooths out wrinkles around the mouth and adds volume to the lips.

  5. Intraoral tongue massage
    Watch how Annette does it:
    • Press your palms tightly to the corners of your mouth (this is necessary for better tongue support).
    • Perform circular massage movements with your tongue, resting it on the inside of your palms. The tongue gets tired quickly, but as long as it can move, continue the exercise.

  6. Use your tongue to massage in circular movements around the lips, along the orbicularis oris muscle.
  7. Facial massage with a vacuum jar
    For this procedure you will need special vacuum jars for the face. You can choose Beauty365 glass jars (go to for this).

    Before the massage, apply squalane or any liquid oil to your face.

    We advise you to use the jar on your entire face, not just the problem area. This is necessary to restore the tone of the facial muscles as a whole, improve the functioning of blood and lymphatic capillaries.

    How to perform cupping facial massage is shown in the video:

    The basic rule is to move along massage lines: from the center of the face to the periphery. The vectors of movement in our problem area (lower third of the face) are from the corners of the mouth to the ears, from the chin to the sides along the contour of the lower jaw.

These are just some of the exercises that need to be performed comprehensively and consistently. All the best techniques are collected in the “Nasolubka” intensive course from MelAnnett. In just 7 days of intensive training, you will reduce the defect and learn to deal with it yourself.

Relaxation, self-massage and nasolabial traction

After the power complex of gymnastics for the face, we move on to the stage of stretching the worked muscles and relaxing them more deeply.

Relaxation technique #1

We will now fill our cheeks with air and roll it from one cheek to the opposite. First, we do this dynamically from five to twenty times. And we add static: we take air into one cheek, stay in this position for five to ten seconds and then do the same on the opposite side.

Massage of nasolabial folds No. 1

In order to work the muscles even more, you can, at the moment when your cheeks are filled with air, press and massage the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with your finger.

Relaxation technique No. 2

We pump air under the upper lip, under the lower lip, under one corner of the lips, under the second, over the first and second corners, under the corners of the lips and then roll the air in a circle in one direction and in the opposite direction.

Pay attention to this exercise for up to one minute. If it is more difficult for you to pump air into one of the zones, this means that it is this zone that is more tense; the muscles are in greater change here. Pay more attention to this area, relaxing it.

Massage of nasolabial folds No. 2

Well, let’s finish our work with the area of ​​the nasolabial folds with a massage, which will very well help stretch and relax the muscles.

Place your thumbs under the nasolabial folds and place your index fingers on top. Then gently massage the muscles, knead them and stretch them.

Try to get your fingers as deep as you can. Feel where your most tense areas are and pay more attention to them.

You can continue this massage, covering not only the nasolabial area, but also working with the cheeks, upper lip, lower lip, and corners of the lips.

How to prevent nasolabial folds

As you know, prevention is the best weapon in the fight against cosmetic problems. Therefore, take care of your beauty and youth in advance.

The main recommendations are general ones related to a healthy lifestyle in general. After all, as you know, it is the key to beauty.

In order for your skin to remain youthful for as long as possible, not to fade or wrinkle, you need to:

  • Watch your diet.
    Balanced diet + absence of food “garbage” + compliance with your caloric intake.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day.
    The main source of moisture for our skin is drinking. With a lack of fluid, the skin dries out and loses its main characteristics that allow it to look young (firmness, elasticity, turgor).
  • Take care of your face with cosmetics.
    Cleanse, moisturize and nourish twice a day. Before going out into the sun or cold, apply sunscreen and cryoprotectants.
  • Stay out of direct sunlight as little as possible.
    Photoaging is a proven scientific fact. The less your skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the longer it stays young.
  • Move more.
    Blood supply, delivery of nutrients to cells, metabolism, etc. depend on movement. Base for your skin.
  • Quit bad habits.
    Stop smoking, including passive smoking. Don't abuse alcohol. All this clogs your skin with “garbage”, leading to dehydration, loss of turgor, and wrinkles.

And a few more tips specifically for nasolabial lips:

  1. Don't sleep with your face buried in the pillow.
    In this position, the cheeks are squeezed towards the nose, which fixes the crease. The skin gets used to the crumpled position.
  2. Don't lose weight suddenly.
    If, for example, you lose 5 kg in two weeks, your nasolabial lip will become visible.
  3. Watch your lymphatic drainage.
    The retention of intercellular fluid on the face is immediately reflected in the nasolabial area. Therefore, we drive away excess water. If you are prone to swelling, then limit fluid intake before bed, minimize the consumption of salty and spicy foods, do lymphatic drainage self-massage of the face and neck, apply decongestant masks and compresses to your face (there are many folk recipes).
  4. Do exercises for nasolabial folds regularly.
    For prevention, it is enough to exercise 4-5 times a week, or better yet, every day.

Hardware correction methods

To eliminate deep wrinkles in adulthood, hardware procedures are used. For example, Ultherapy.

This SMAS (skin tightening) procedure is based on the use of microfocused ultrasound. It affects soft tissues at a depth of up to 4.5–5 mm. Thanks to ultrasound, lines are formed at the level of the superficial muscular aponeurotic system, consisting of local heating areas - thermal coagulation points. The temperature at these points is brought to 60–70 degrees, due to which collagen fibers are shortened and compacted, and immediate lifting occurs -Effect. Thermal effects also promote the migration of fibroblasts (connective tissue cells of the body, whose main function is the synthesis of collagen and elastin) to the area of ​​damage. Therefore, about a week after the Ulthera-therapy procedure, the synthesis of type III collagen (also called young collagen) increases, with its subsequent transformation into type I collagen, not only in the immediate areas of thermal influence, but also under them. Thanks to the process of neocollagenogenesis, an additional lifting effect is achieved and within a month after exposure the skin becomes thicker and wrinkles are smoothed out. The main result (peak effectiveness) is achieved after six months. It is important to note that the surface of the skin - the epidermis - is not damaged, and this means there is no rehabilitation period.

​There is also a treatment protocol that combines Radiesse and Altera procedures. First, the Alteratherapy procedure is performed, then Radiesse filler is injected.

Recommended regimen: introduce Radiesse into the same areas in which the Ulthera-therapy procedure was performed. Thus, a double lifting effect is obtained - strengthening the ligamentous apparatus and the production of young collagen due to the stimulation of fibroblasts with calcium hydroxyapatite.

The combination of Altera + Radiesse is most suitable for the tired (pasty, edematous) morphotype of aging. This is generally the most common type of aging for most women of Slavic appearance. If in the morning the owners of this type of appearance look good, then in the evening there is a deepening of wrinkles and folds. With this type of aging, a volume deficit in the middle third of the face, pronounced nasolabial and lip buccal folds, and defined lip sacs appear early. For a tired morphotype, Ulthera therapy in combination with Radiesse gives an excellent effect. The filler will add the final touches to the finished portrait of returned youth! The result of the combined correction lasts for 3 or more years.

Is it worth choosing cosmetics to help eliminate nasolabial folds?

Cosmetics alone will not eradicate the defect. Nasolabial folds are a multi-level problem, and cosmetics only work on the upper layers of the skin. But proper cosmetic care is still needed.

Cosmetics improves skin condition, moisturizes, nourishes, fights dangerous cell oxidation, protects against aggressive external factors, and promotes skin renewal. Ultimately, all this leads to rejuvenation, increased turgor, and reduction of fine wrinkles.

Cosmetics are a good helper in the fight against nasolabials, but only an assistant, and not the main means of control. The base is solving a problem from the inside with the help of exercises.

How makeup can help

Having discovered emerging nasolabial folds, many women try to disguise them with makeup. This must be done very delicately, since there is a high risk of not hiding, but emphasizing the fold.

Cosmetic products you will need:

  • moisturizing cream;
  • foundation;
  • corrector (highlighter);
  • dark and/or light powder;
  • bronzer

The sequence of makeup application is very important. You will have to work very carefully. The stages of applying makeup are as follows.

Review of the best anti-wrinkle cosmetics

Which cosmetic product to choose?

The record holders for the content of substances beneficial for youthful skin are natural herbal products: oils, squalanes, balms, hydrolates. They are rich in vitamins, acids, microelements, and antioxidants.

Natural herbal cosmetics are, by definition, anti-aging. There is no need for any “innovative formulas”, everything has already been invented by nature.

Therefore, the Beauty365 brand has relied on 100% natural cosmetics made from high-quality plant materials. All of it helps to rejuvenate the skin and smooth out wrinkles


Go to and choose what suits you:

  • Beauty365 Coconut Oil.
    Indispensable for the care of dry and mature skin. It is distinguished by a high content of antioxidants - the main components of anti-aging cosmetics. Relieves irritation, redness, inflammation. Cleans well.

  • Beauty365 camellia sasanqua oil.
    In addition to its anti-aging effect, this valuable Japanese plant also has its own highlight - improving and evening out skin color. The oil can reduce age spots and prevent the appearance of freckles.
  • Squalane Beauty365.
    This is the lightest oil that is made from sugar cane. It is good to use as a base for makeup and for self-massage. This is a favorite product of MelAnnett marathon participants for vacuum massage with cups.

  • Beauty365 Verbena Hemp Balm.
    This is a powerful natural concentrate that combines the benefits of six plants: hemp, pistachio, shea butter, coconut, calendula, carrots. Here you have anti-aging, enhanced nutrition, and an increased SPF factor (yes, it’s good to apply the product before going out in the sun). At the same time, the balm is made on the basis of hemp oil, and it is known for its sebum-regulating and mattifying abilities.
  • Hydrolates of mint, sage, rose, lavender Beauty365.
    These are steam distillates, the lightest products from plant materials. Excellent for gentle cleansing, toning, and moisturizing the skin. This is not just “water”: the products are full of antioxidants, which makes them anti-aging cosmetics.

    Wipe your face with a cotton pad soaked in hydrosol (this is much better than regular “washes” and hard tap water). If necessary, refresh and tone your face with hydrosol.

How to remove wrinkles on the forehead?

Forehead wrinkles are parallel grooves in the skin. They often appear first. For many girls after 25 years.

The main causes of wrinkles on the forehead and ways to combat them.


Active facial expressions. Forehead wrinkles are caused by emotions such as frowning and surprise. Mimic activity is increased in people whose activities are related to performances and communication. Correction of facial wrinkles can be carried out starting from the age of 18. These are not age-related changes, but the consequences of facial activity. Botulinum toxin injections are the most effective.


Stress. Sleep disturbances and tension cause contraction of the muscles of the head, neck and chest. Overstressed muscles of the skull pull the skin down, and characteristic creases appear on the forehead. In the initial stage and for prevention, it is necessary to strictly monitor sleep and rest patterns, and be sure to go for a walk. Drink herbal soothing teas at night. Cosmetologists primarily recommend a course of massage to relax the facial muscles and muscles of the skull. If wrinkles are deep and preventive measures do not help, then cosmetologists have a whole arsenal of means to combat wrinkles on the forehead. The most effective are botulinum toxin injections, which relax the muscles. Deep wrinkles can be filled by injection using soft fillers.


Unfavorable environment. High temperatures, ultraviolet radiation and insufficient air humidity have a very bad effect on our skin. In such cases, it is necessary to use protective equipment and regularly irrigate the skin with thermal water. The clinic recommends giving preference to moisturizing and nourishing masks.


Diseases of the cardiovascular system immediately affect the skin of the face. It is on the forehead that characteristic horizontal and vertical grooves appear. You need to start with a visit to a cardiologist. A specialist will select cosmetic procedures to eliminate wrinkles. The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead due to health problems occurs gradually, so there is always the opportunity to engage in preventive measures for a healthy lifestyle.

Points worth paying attention to

  1. Nasolabial folds are a complex, multi-level cosmetic problem.
    It won't be solved by waving a magic wand. Be prepared to work hard, day in and day out. No weekends or holidays, we do exercises EVERY DAY! Regularity and consistency of classes are the basis for success.

    Be prepared that patience may be required. For some, even one week is enough to achieve positive changes. And for some it will take a month or more. But everyone will get the result.

  2. Before doing nasolabial exercises, take care to create a foundation. You should start by correcting your posture and working out the muscles of your back, shoulders, and neck.
    Why? Because we approach the issue seriously, we look at the root of the problem. And we need to eliminate everything that interferes with the full movement of blood and lymph. And this, first of all, is hypertonicity of the muscles of the back, shoulders, and neck. We relieve their tightness and spasms - we open the gates for healthy, “young” nutrition of the soft tissues of the face and the drainage of stagnant lymphatic “swamp” from it.

    Only such a vector - from correcting posture to targeted treatment of the nasolabial lips - will give a pronounced and stable result.

It is on this principle that the “Grow Up” marathon from MelAnnett is built. We correct the posture, and on this basis we “sculpt” a young and beautiful face, including erasing the nasolabial area.


In the framework of this article, we consider it important to note that sometimes nasolabial folds are the first bell that signals age-related changes and “sagging” of facial tissues.

If age makes itself felt too clearly, in this case we should no longer talk only about nasolabial folds - an integrated approach is required.

Taking into account all indications and contraindications, we select an individual program for quick and non-traumatic rehabilitation for you and your skin.

Previously available only to the “star” elite, the technique of non-traumatic comprehensive rejuvenation is now available to all Platinental patients.

For you - unique Antique Age protocols, a combination of surgical and laser techniques - only top and effective sets of procedures that give a guaranteed effect:

  1. contour plastic surgery of the zygomatic and chin areas after thread lifting Silhouette Lift,
  1. blepharoplasty + fractional light resurfacing on the 9th day after surgery,
  1. chin liposuction + lymphatic drainage + magnetic therapy,
  1. fractional facial resurfacing + plasma therapy with hyaluronic acid.

How are the procedures performed?

Juvederm, Teosyal and Radiesse fillers are injected under the skin using a thin needle and fill the missing tissue volume. The procedure is practically painless. After it, only slight swelling is possible.

Since hyaluronic acid is a natural component of the skin, fillers based on it (Juvederm, Teosyal, Radiesse) in principle cannot cause rejection or an allergic reaction. For the same reason, some of them resolve after the procedure. In order to correct this effect, a repeat procedure is performed after 4 weeks.

The results of contouring appear almost immediately after the procedure, and after 7-10 days it will be possible to evaluate the results.
Depending on the filler chosen, these results will last for 6-8 months (Juvederm), up to 1 year (Teosyal) or up to 2 years (Radiesse). During this time, the skin has time to renew itself, “remembering” the new relief of the face, so even after the drug wears off, the nasolabial folds will be less pronounced.

Getting rid of wrinkles under the eyes


Myopia or farsightedness causes wrinkles to appear around the eyes, as a person squints all the time. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions of the ophthalmologist. And to get rid of wrinkles in this case, cosmetologists prescribe injections of botulinum toxin, which relaxes the muscles.


Kidney disease causes severe swelling. They stretch the skin, which, after the outflow of excess intercellular fluid, gathers into folds. In this case, it is necessary to comprehensively treat the disease, reduce swelling and strengthen the skin around the eyes. A consultation with a surgeon is necessary to rule out or confirm hernias.


Poor nutrition with a lack of minerals greatly affects those areas where the skin is thinnest and most delicate. And the area around the eyes is just like that.

In all of the above cases, cosmetologists will give individual recommendations.

Exercise No. 1: upper eyelid lift

What's the point:

This is the first aid in correcting the position of the eyebrows and lifting the upper eyelids. The technique prevents pathological traction of the frontal muscle and prevents the tissues of the forehead, eyebrows and eyelids from falling down under the influence of gravity. The exercise removes muscle blocks, returns the eyebrows to a beautiful curved shape, tightens the skin of the eyelids, gives it elasticity and turgor.

How to do it:

Be sure to apply cream or oil to the area so that your fingers glide over the skin. Draw circles along the eyebrow from the inside, with emphasis on raising the eyebrow upward.

How much to do:

1-2 minutes on the right and left sides in the morning.


During the exercise, monitor the condition of the occipital region - it should be relaxed. To do this, point your chin down

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