The best recipes for face masks with activated carbon with photos and videos

Acne is a serious problem that can occur in a person at any age. Their appearance has a negative impact on appearance, and can also provoke a more serious deterioration in health if a secondary infection occurs.

If a large number of pimples appear or occur systematically, you should seek professional medical help, as they may be a sign of a malfunction of internal organs or the presence of serious diseases.

In the most severe cases, potent pharmacological drugs are prescribed to treat acne, but often you can use safer drugs, including activated carbon.

Release form, composition and description of the dosage form

The product is available in tablet form.
Standard packaging contains 10 or 50 tablets. The concentration of activated carbon in one tablet is 0.25 g, and the excipient is potato starch.

Activated carbon is prescribed for oral administration for the following indications:

  • Disorders of the digestive system, regardless of the causes of their occurrence;
  • Acute poisoning;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Some forms of allergies;
  • Increased concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach;
  • Overdose of pharmacological drugs.

Taking activated carbon orally can reduce the therapeutic effectiveness of most medications.

To treat acne and various skin irritations, activated carbon is used not only internally, but also externally. Crushed tablets most often become a component of various masks and scrubs.

Indications for use

Charcoal masks are indicated for use in the following cases:

  • to cleanse excessively oily dermis;
  • when the sebaceous glands are clogged;
  • to eliminate blackheads, comedones and acne;
  • to eliminate fine wrinkles and skin creases;
  • for dull or gray complexion associated with malaise, stress and irregular sleep;
  • for the treatment and elimination of acne and closed abscesses.

The cosmetic product is recommended for use by girls of any age; it is especially useful to carry out charcoal procedures for women aged 30+.

Activated charcoal for acne: principle of action and benefits for the skin

The effectiveness and beneficial properties of activated carbon depend on the method of its preparation. The product is obtained by burning various types of wood, but the most valuable and useful product is the combustion product of walnut shells.

Activated carbon has the ability to cleanse the body; when it enters the human digestive system, it promotes the accelerated elimination of waste, toxins and other unwanted substances.

When applied externally and used to treat acne, the positive effect is ensured by the ability to cleanse pores.

Leads to the following results:

  • Smoothing the skin, eliminating shallow wrinkles;
  • Stabilization of the functioning of the sebaceous glands, preventing the reappearance of rashes due to imbalance of fat balance and contamination of pores;
  • Deep cleansing and getting rid of blackheads on the face.

When can and when can’t you take activated charcoal for acne?

Activated charcoal can help solve acne problems if they occur in the following cases:

  • Impaired functioning of the digestive system, causing skin rashes;
  • Systematic contamination of pores;
  • Increased activity of the sebaceous glands.

However, in any case, you should first seek advice from a specialist.

Activated carbon is a safe product, but its uncontrolled use, especially in the absence of indications, can cause harm to health, since the drug promotes the accelerated removal from the body of not only harmful, but also beneficial substances.

In addition, the appearance of acne can be caused by more serious reasons, including hormonal imbalance, which requires treatment using potent pharmacological drugs under the supervision of a doctor.

The use of activated carbon is prohibited even in the presence of the following contraindications:

  • Any forms and stages of ulcerative lesions of the stomach or intestines;
  • Open bleeding in the digestive system or a tendency to occur;
  • Parallel taking measures to cleanse the body or taking pharmacological drugs that promote the removal of toxins.

Final advice

If blackheads are a consequence of the active activity of the sebaceous glands and are a permanent phenomenon, not a single mechanical cleaning by a cosmetologist will help you solve the problem forever. Be patient and carefully, and most importantly, regularly care for your skin using the products listed above - with each passing month the problem will bother you less and less. Remember, without meticulous care it will not be possible to maintain your face in impeccable condition.

Thank you for your attention! With best wishes, Vorobyova Nastya.

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How to take it correctly to fight acne?

Taking activated carbon to combat acne is carried out according to the standard scheme:

  • The daily dosage is 6 tablets, divided into 3 equal doses;
  • The intake should be taken 1.5 hours before or after eating;
  • The duration of the course is 1.5 weeks, after which you need to take a break.

An alternative option for taking a course with activated carbon is as follows:

  • The dosage is calculated individually, based on the ratio of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight;
  • Reception is carried out only in the morning, before breakfast;
  • The duration of the course is no more than a week.

Preparatory procedures before applying the mask

Before using masks with activated carbon added to the composition, the following preparatory measures must be taken:

  • Consultation with a dermatologist , especially necessary for those with hypersensitive skin;
  • Wipe your face with chamomile decoction , to do this, place 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile in a saucepan, pour in a glass of water, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes;
  • Pre-steaming the face. To do this, just hold it over steam for 5-10 minutes so that the pores have time to open. This will facilitate not only the cleansing process, but also the penetration of active substances into the deep layers of the epidermis.


In this video, a girl demonstrates a mask with gelatin. It is suitable for both young ladies with acne and mature ladies whose faces are polluted by the environment and foundation creams. The girl crushes 4 tablets directly in the package with a hammer, adds gelatin (2-3 tsp) to the powder, and mixes with water.

Place in a steam bath for a couple of minutes. Ready. It’s just better to apply it on your face with a brush rather than with your fingers (as in the video) - this way the mask will lie more tightly and evenly.

As you can see, our activated carbon-based face masks turned out to be useful, effective, and cheap. They say that men can also use them, because these masks pull out serious “accumulation” from the pores, of which girls, as a rule, have less. In any case, these tablets are natural, which is the most important thing, and are designed to fit any pocket. And the cooking time is just ridiculous. Therefore, buy activated carbon, let it be in your first aid kit anyway. It will be useful for a mask before the party, and after the party for relief. Be sure to try this mask.

Author of the publication

Top 7 masks based on activated carbon

Masks with activated carbon effectively cleanse the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Thanks to this, you can achieve not just a cosmetic effect, but a real treatment for problem skin.

Mask with activated carbon and gelatin

The mask, which includes activated charcoal and gelatin, helps reduce the number of enlarged pores, deeply cleanse the skin, get rid of blackheads and prevent the recurrence of acne.

Additionally, the required volume of collagen will be obtained, which will improve the overall condition of the epidermis.

Cooking instructions are as follows:

  • 50 grams of gelatin and 3 tablets of activated carbon are mixed in a mortar , a small amount of boiled water is added, all components are mixed;
  • The mortar is placed in a water bath , the components must be mixed until a mass with a homogeneous structure is obtained;
  • Add a few drops of thyme oil to the composition;
  • The mass is applied to the face using a brush . It is necessary to wait for the substance to dry, and then apply subsequent layers - this will allow the product to be evenly distributed and create a film with the same thickness in all areas;
  • A feeling of tightening of the skin is a sign of complete drying , after which the mask should be removed from the face with warm water;
  • After completing the procedure, it is recommended to treat the facial skin with tomato or grapefruit juice to close the pores.

Applying a mask with activated carbon and gelatin can be done up to 2-3 times a week.

Mask with activated carbon and milk

A mask with the addition of activated carbon and milk is suitable for all skin types; it promotes high-quality and deep cleansing, which allows you to get rid of acne and blackheads on the face.

Freeing the pores from impurities will allow the face to gain a uniform and velvety structure and make the skin softer.

The recipe for preparation and use is as follows:

  • Crush 2 tablets of activated carbon and mix with 20 grams of rice flour , mix both components thoroughly;
  • Mix the dry mixture with 60 ml of low-fat milk , add 3 ml of hazelnut-based essential oil and a pinch of cinnamon;
  • The mass is applied to a cleansed and prepared face , it should be kept for no more than 8-10 minutes, then rinsed off.

Applying a mask with activated carbon and milk can be repeated 2-3 times a week.

Mask with activated carbon and spirulina

A mask based on spirulina and activated carbon is effective against acne. The components included in its composition reduce inflammation and have an antibacterial effect, and also eliminate physical discomfort in the affected areas.

After completing 2-3 procedures, acne disappears completely, and the risk of relapse is reduced. The product is well suited for those with oily skin.

The recipe for preparing and using the mask is described below:

  • Activated carbon and spirulina are taken 1 tablet each , crushed to a powder and mixed with each other;
  • The dry mixture is poured with warm raisin decoction , it is necessary to obtain a thick and viscous mass;
  • The product must be allowed to stand for 10 minutes , after which add a piece of Borodino bread pulp and a few drops of tea tree essential oil;
  • All components are thoroughly mixed , the mask is completely ready. The mass must be applied to a prepared and cleansed face in dense layers;
  • The product is washed off 10-12 minutes after application;
  • After completing the procedure, it is recommended to treat your face with a cream intended for oily skin.

The application of a mask with activated carbon and spirulina can be repeated twice a week.

Mask with activated carbon and honey

No less useful and effective are face masks with activated carbon and natural honey. They not only cleanse pores, but also supply damaged areas with vitamins and nutrients, stimulating recovery processes and natural resistance to infections.

The recipe and rules for using this mask are described below:

  • Grind several tablets of activated carbon to a powder ; if desired, you can add 5 grams of pollen;
  • Add 5 ml of any kind of natural honey , as well as 1 medium-sized potato without peel, baked in foil;
  • All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass , which is applied to the prepared face and removed after 10 minutes;
  • 15 minutes after the procedure, it is recommended to treat the face with a nourishing cream.

It must be borne in mind that pollen and honey can cause an allergic reaction, so it is recommended to test them first by applying a small amount to the back of your wrists.

Mask with activated carbon and aspirin

The combined effect of activated carbon and aspirin allows for very deep and high-quality cleansing, the effect of which is similar to the result achieved during professional peeling.

Such measures can clear your face of rashes, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevent the recurrence of acne.

Unlike a salon procedure, a mask with activated carbon and aspirin does not have many contraindications and is suitable for various skin types.

The process of preparing and using the mask is described below:

  • Initially, you should crush 1 tablet of aspirin and 2 tablets of activated carbon , mix the powder;
  • Additional components are added to the product , such as rye flour in a volume of 3 g, 5 ml of pomegranate seed oil, 1 ml of coconut oil;
  • All components are thoroughly mixed together , the facial skin is prepared according to the standard procedure;
  • The mass is applied in even layers , but avoid getting the product on the surface of the lips and eyelids;
  • Removal is carried out after 5-7 minutes , there is no need to wipe your face, just blot it with a paper napkin or towel;
  • There is no need for additional moisturizing ; after 6-8 hours you can use cream and facial care products.

Mask with activated carbon and egg

A mask containing eggs and activated carbon not only helps cleanse pores and get rid of acne, but also stimulates blood circulation and provides a tonic effect.

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to take a course lasting 7 days.

The product must be prepared and used in accordance with the following instructions:

  • The chicken egg must be beaten with a mixer and mixed with 2 crushed tablets of activated carbon;
  • Add 4 ml of olive oil and 10 grams of potato starch to the product , mix thoroughly;
  • Apply the mask onto the face in even layers and gently rub it into the skin using finger massage movements;
  • After 15 minutes, the mask is removed from the face , after which it is not recommended to use cream and decorative cosmetics for 3 hours.

Activated carbon and clay mask

Adding clay to a charcoal mask not only helps get rid of acne, but also provides the skin with the necessary set of nutrients.

To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to complete a course of 4-6 procedures, taking breaks of 3-5 days between them. Such care will increase the elasticity of the facial skin, improve its texture and provide a tightening effect.

You can prepare and use the product using the following recipe:

  • Mix 1 crushed tablet of activated carbon with 12 grams of blue cosmetic clay;
  • Add 5 ml of any natural vegetable oil and a small pinch of ginger in powder form to the mixture;
  • After receiving the product in the form of a homogeneous mass and preparing the face, you can proceed to applying the product , it should be distributed in an even layer, movements are made from top to bottom;
  • To rinse off, you can use a warm herbal infusion ; this should be done after the mask has partially hardened.


Angelina, 23 years old. I am very pleased with the results of using one of the masks (at first I just made a paste of coal with water, then I switched to a yogurt-based mask). I especially like the fact that the effect of the product can be observed immediately, rather than waiting for the end of a long course, which can last a month or two. In addition, activated carbon fights all problems at once - it removed blackheads, and after the mask the pores narrowed, and inflammation practically disappeared from the face. My only problem, perhaps, is that I start to wash off the mask without even waiting 10 minutes - I’m very afraid that this unpleasant color will remain, which many people threaten. But I use masks quite often - three times in two weeks.

Veronica, 27 years old. I’m just a terrible allergy sufferer, so by the age of 27 my face often looks the same as it would have looked at 15. But I can’t really treat cosmetic problems with anything - almost everything immediately causes some kind of negative reaction on the skin, be it expensive drugs from pharmacies, or your own, almost proprietary creams and masks from all sorts of fruits, berries and herbal infusions. Activated carbon, of course, helped me solve this problem. It has previously saved me from any allergies or poisonings that simply interfered with normal life, but also reflected on the face, but I always took it internally. And now I have discovered new properties of these black tablets and am happy to experiment with recipes for a variety of masks - I want to try them all.

Masha, 18 years old. As my mother says, I have not yet outgrown adolescence, since all the skin problems inherent in it are still reflected on my skin. I’ve been struggling for about a year trying to find a quality product, but after about two or three weeks of use, any product, even the most expensive one, ceases to have any effect on my skin. Activated carbon is a big find here. It doesn’t need to be used too often, because even with my constant breakouts, the cleansing effect lasts quite a long time, which means my skin doesn’t get used to this component as much as it does to the products that I use every day. That is why there are some basic masks for daily washing, I don’t pay much attention to them now, but for complete skin care on weekends there is always a pack of charcoal. By the way, these masks are also great for helping with a lot of acne on the body - for example, I cleared my shoulders.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

There are no restrictions on the external use of activated carbon; oral administration during pregnancy is allowed, since the substance does not penetrate into the blood and does not have any effect on the development of the fetus.

The basic rules for use during pregnancy are as follows:

  • Despite the safety of activated carbon, you should first coordinate its use with a specialist, since there may be a need for individual dose adjustment;
  • Use is permissible, but only in case of urgent need.

Lactation will also not be a contraindication for the use of activated carbon. There is no need to stop breastfeeding while taking it.


Despite the safety of the drug, charcoal masks should not be used if:

  • there is a predisposition to allergic rashes or intolerance to the components of the mask;
  • there are abrasions and cuts, as well as open wounds and ulcers;
  • there is a rosacea network on the face;
  • there was a surgical intervention on the skin, and the stitches had not yet dissolved and healed.

If you have undergone chemical or mechanical facial cleansing before undergoing a cosmetic procedure, it is recommended to postpone the application of a charcoal mask for a week.

Use in childhood

Activated carbon is used in childhood; indications for use may include disorders of the digestive system, cancer, bronchial asthma, severe allergies, skin rashes, poisoning, and liver damage. Contraindications for use are the same as for adults.

The dosage is determined depending on the age of the child:

  • Children under 1 year of age can be given no more than 1-2 tablets per day; to make it easier to take, they are diluted in water;
  • Children under 3 years of age can increase the dosage to 2-4 tablets per day;
  • Children 3-6 years old can be given up to 6 tablets per day;
  • Children over 6 years old can be given 10-12 tablets per day if they are not underweight.

How to restore intestinal microflora after taking activated carbon?

It must be remembered that after using activated carbon, not only waste and toxins are removed from the body, but also useful substances.

Therefore, after completing a long course, it will be necessary to take measures to restore the natural intestinal microflora.

To do this, it is recommended to follow the following rules after taking the drug:

  • The use of a course of probiotics, the action of which is aimed at restoring intestinal microflora;
  • Taking vitamin and mineral complexes to restore the balance of nutrients;
  • Eating foods high in protein;
  • Drinking large amounts of fluid to restore water balance, if there are no contraindications from the kidneys or other internal organs.

Compliance with all the described rules will make taking activated carbon safe and minimize the risk of side effects.

How to cook properly

The cosmetic product should be prepared according to certain rules and regulations. If you neglect the following rules, the desired effect from the procedure may not be achieved:

  1. To prepare a charcoal mask, you need to take only the tablet form of charcoal, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  2. It is imperative to check the expiration date of the medicine, it must be normal.
  3. It is better to take fresh tablets, the quality of which can be checked by breaking them: when broken, a fresh tablet crumbles into pieces.
  4. Before using a cosmetic mask, you need to grind the charcoal tablets into powder. This can be done using a spoon or a special mortar. Do not throw the tablet into liquid and dissolve it - all the beneficial properties of the drug will be lost.
  5. The composition must be stirred until smooth, so that there are no lumps or grains of sand, otherwise the epidermis can be injured.

A properly prepared cosmetic product will provide maximum positive effects.

Important! Before applying the mass to your face, it is recommended to do an allergic reaction test.

Is it possible to overdose?

An overdose is possible both when taking too large a dose of activated carbon orally, or when taking too long a course in compliance with the established dosages.

Signs and consequences of an overdose are as follows:

  • The development of dysbiosis caused by the removal from the body of useful substances and enzymes necessary for its proper functioning. This leads to rotting of food in the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by increased gas formation, diarrhea and nausea;
  • Pain in the heart area and increased heart rate occur due to the removal from the body of potassium and other chemical elements necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • General weakness.

In the future, the state of the immune system worsens, the person gets sick more often and suffers more severely from infectious lesions of the body.

At the first signs of an overdose, you should stop taking activated carbon and seek help from a specialist.

Interaction and incompatibility with other drugs

When using activated carbon, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of its interaction with other substances.

Main interactions:

  • Incompatibility with other products intended to remove waste and toxins and cleanse the body. Their combined effect puts too much stress on the body, increases the risk of adverse reactions, contributes to a deficiency of useful elements and vitamins, and provokes dehydration;
  • Reduced effectiveness of other pharmacological drugs , since their active substances are eliminated from the body at an accelerated rate. Between taking them and using activated carbon, you must take a break of at least 1.5-2 hours.

Useful properties of the ingredient

The secret of the benefits of this ingredient lies in its basic properties. Coal is able to absorb a variety of toxins and harmful substances, cleansing the body and epidermis as a whole. The product is absolutely safe and hypoallergenic, so it can be used for any type of dermis. A mask with activated carbon will be especially useful for girls with oily and combination skin.

Features of obtaining activated carbon

This medicine has the following beneficial properties:

  1. Natural natural absorbent. Due to its porous and absorbent structure, the product draws out impurities and toxins from the deep layers of the epidermis, cleanses and refreshes the skin.
  2. Antibacterial effect. The product is effective in combating various types of bacteria and germs that can cause serious skin diseases.
  3. Normalization of the sebaceous glands, elimination of oily sheen. Activated carbon is included in many cosmetic products intended for oily epidermis. This is due to its ability to penetrate deep into the dermis, which narrows enlarged pores, normalizes sebum production, and eliminates oily sheen.
  4. Smoothing skin texture. Coal is an indispensable assistant in the fight against unevenness and roughness of the epidermis. With its help, you can significantly reduce scars, scars and acne marks.

Important! Activated carbon in a homemade face mask can serve as a sorbent and a soft scrub, so regular use of the cosmetic product is recommended to achieve the best result.

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