Allergy to Botox - how is it expressed and does it really exist?

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The cosmetology industry offers a wide range of procedures for rejuvenation and correction of age-related changes. Botulinum therapy is considered a widespread procedure. But along with amazing effects, there are cases of terrible consequences, complications after Botox. Internet portals are filled with stories about negative results, with pictures of “Botox photos before and after unsuccessful injections.” Therefore, every woman should approach the procedure consciously.

Where do allergies come from?

Is there an allergy to Botox? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is yes. Despite the fact that people encounter this problem quite often, this complication is still poorly understood.

A reaction occurs for certain reasons:

  • dermatitis, inflammation of the skin;
  • various immune problems;
  • tendency to develop allergies;
  • taking strong medications;
  • chronic infectious diseases (especially the period of exacerbation).

Can Botox cause allergies if you have recently had surgery? Yes maybe. In addition, chronic pathologies of internal organs can provoke an undesirable reaction.

Many people are interested in whether there can be an allergy to the drug Botox while breastfeeding or carrying a child. Please note that during such periods the body produces special hormones, so it becomes more vulnerable to various influences. During lactation and pregnancy, the consequences of botulinum toxin administration are often unpredictable.

Ingredients of Botox

The main active ingredient of Botox is botulinum toxin. Usually the body is sensitive to this substance.

Sometimes allergies occur to other components that manufacturers include in products based on botulinum toxin:

  • sucrose - in Refinex, Xeomin, Lantox;
  • lactose and albumin - in Dysport;
  • albumin (human protein) - in Botulax, Relatox, directly in Botox.

An allergic reaction to additional elements is most often not very serious. Usually it has an effect on general well-being and appearance.


To achieve the required concentration of the active substance, specialists dilute botulinum toxin with sodium chloride (0.9%). However, some cosmetologists who want to experiment (or simply due to inexperience) use lidocaine for this.

This component is not always positively perceived by the human body. It can cause a very severe allergic reaction.

What makes the situation worse is that there is quite a lot of lidocaine in painkillers. They are almost always used before Botox injections to minimize discomfort.

How is the procedure performed?

Botox should be administered only in a trusted clinic, and not in the first one you come across. Despite the fact that the drug has been on the market for a long time and has proven itself, it is still a toxin that is injected into the facial muscles. Therefore, injections should be given by a doctor who understands the mechanism of how the facial muscles work “from” to “to” and knows exactly at what point and how many units to inject in order to achieve the desired effect.

Botox injections are placed shallowly into the muscles and leave virtually no marks. The procedure takes about 15 minutes.

Immediately after the injections, small papules are noticeable at the injection sites, but they resolve within 10-20 minutes. Therefore, immediately after the injections you can go about your business: work, walk, relax. The only rule: for 3-4 hours do not take a horizontal position and do not lower your face down. This is required for better absorption of Botox by the muscles and to prevent swelling.

In the first days after the procedure, it is recommended to frown and grimace more often so that the drug is evenly distributed in the muscles.

Administration zones

Mostly, Dysport injections are used to correct age-related changes in the upper part of the face. The drug is not used in concentrated form. Before administration, it is diluted with sodium chlorine (0.9% solution).

A single area for treating the upper part of the face should not exceed 150-200 units of the drug. The main injection areas include:

  • Frontal zone. Deep and fine horizontal wrinkles are eliminated on the forehead. The correction procedure includes up to 6 injections of Dysport.
  • Interbrow area. Vertical creases often appear in this area, and the appearance of the face becomes gloomy and sad. To determine the localization of the injection, maximum muscle tension in the space between the eyebrows is required. Correction is carried out in 2-4 injections.
  • Bridge of the nose. A small number of small wrinkles are localized on the back of the nose, which also affect a woman’s appearance. For correction, it is enough to designate 2 points of intended injection.
  • Area around the eyes. The injection is administered into the area of ​​the outer corners of the eye, distributing the drug with the fingers immediately after the injection under the eyes. Before administration, the doctor determines 3-4 points in the area of ​​the literal eye muscle.

The décolleté area, neck and back of the hands are less often corrected with Dysport, but if necessary, the doctor similarly selects the necessary injection points and performs cosmetic manipulation.


Symptoms of an allergic reaction to botulinum toxin can occur not only a few hours after the procedure. It happens that they appear almost during the injection.

If symptoms of hypersensitivity are mild, treatment is usually not required. To make them disappear, most often it is enough just to take antihistamines: Cetrina, Tavegil, Suprastin and the like.

If symptoms are severe, you should seek medical help as soon as possible. After all, some of them can be life-threatening.

Let's look at what an allergy to Botox is. In particular, local and general manifestations of the reaction.


Local symptoms can appear either immediately or several days after the injection. Some of them do not always indicate an allergy. Sometimes such symptoms are simply a normal reaction to bruises, injuries, or injections.

The most common local manifestations of allergies:

  • dysarthria;
  • difficulty swallowing, moving facial muscles;
  • skin redness;
  • peeling, itching;
  • heat;
  • pain;
  • severe swelling in the place where the cosmetologist gave the injection.

Are common

Common manifestations of allergies include anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema. Typically, such reactions occur during the procedure. These are very dangerous conditions.

The following general manifestations of an allergic reaction can be distinguished:

  • confusion;
  • very rapid decrease in blood pressure;
  • swelling of the face (severe and quickly occurring);
  • increased sweating;
  • increased heart rate (tachycardia);
  • tremor of the whole body, arms and legs;
  • feeling of lack of air.

Forecasts and efficiency

The first results are noticeable 1-3 days after the manipulation. Every day the results will be more and more noticeable. The duration of the result depends on the correction area, the volume of botulinum, compliance with all doctor’s recommendations and lasts from 6 to 9 months.

Treatment of diseases with drugs of various groups and general deterioration of well-being significantly reduce the effect of the drug.

If you follow a healthy lifestyle and rules of facial care after the procedure, it increases the effectiveness of corrective therapy for up to a year.

Complications after Dysport occur only in rare cases. They can occur when a needle injures vital structures (nerves, blood vessels, trachea). As a rule, this is due to the lack of qualifications of the master. Complications such as anaphylaxis were not described. Despite this fact, when performing an injection, it is necessary to have means to urgently block anaphylactic reactions.

Due to the patient's hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, the following may occur:

  • hematomas at injection sites;
  • rashes, redness, swelling;
  • headache.

More dangerous are cases when side effects arise due to the doctor’s unprofessionalism. Possible reactions include drooping eyelids or corners of the mouth, increased salivation, and more.

Sometimes the drug does not work at all, which is explained by individual immunity or improper preparation for the procedure.

Side effects resulting from improper administration last as long as Dysport lasts, that is, at least 2-4 months. Subsequently, the muscles gain mobility, and the skin gradually returns to its original state.

It's not worth the risk. It is very important to take into account all possible nuances. You should not decide to undergo an injection without consulting a specialist, without thorough preparation for the procedure, and without analyzing its consequences.

Treatment of local hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis of the palms, armpits, feet or face is often associated with endocrine disorders, neurological disorders, and hormonal changes in women. In some cases, excessive sweating can occur for no apparent reason, based on a genetic predisposition.

The most popular way to treat excessive sweating is Botox injections. The drug injected into the problem area blocks the transmission of nerve impulses and the functioning of the sweat glands. In conditions of lack of response to external stimuli, the amount of sweat produced is significantly reduced.

Therapy is local in nature. It does not disrupt the sweating process of the entire body, but acts in specific problem areas. Injections are made with thin needles, do not cause complications and have a narrow range of contraindications. The effect of the procedure becomes noticeable on days 2-4 and lasts stably from six months to one and a half years.


If the symptoms are local, there is no need to worry. However, you need to make sure that the complication is really not very serious.

To recover from the onset of local symptoms, it is usually sufficient to use suitable medications for a while. In more complex cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

First aid is as follows:

  1. Apply something cold to the injection site. After this, the vessels will narrow, as a result of which the swelling will significantly decrease.
  2. Take an antihistamine.
  3. Ventilate the room. Fresh air can improve the condition of a person who has an allergic reaction.
  4. Call a doctor as soon as possible.
  5. If the case is very severe, use a hormonal agent that suppresses the immune response. This is, for example, Dexamethasone or Prednisolone.

Pros of Botox

The procedure is quick and simple, there is no rehabilitation period. You can get Botox injections during your lunch break. The procedure takes even less time than a traditional manicure.

Gradual and increasing effect of smoothing wrinkles over two weeks. This is very important for people who do not want to advertise their visits to beauty clinics.

Another significant advantage of Botox is that even after the botulinum toxin is completely removed from the body, a person retains the habit of not wincing or raising his eyebrows. Having gotten used to the new reflection in the mirror, a person will no longer want to return to life before Botox and will strive to maintain a beautiful face at all costs.

But it is worth remembering that Botox is not able to cope with deep wrinkles that have already appeared. In this case, only filling them from the inside with fillers based on hyaluronic acid or other modern fillers, such as calcium hydroxyapatite, will help.

Recovery period

Injectable beauty treatments require following your doctor's recommendations for several hours or days after injection.

Key recommendations include:

  • maintaining a vertical position for 3-4 hours;
  • do not touch your face or massage your skin for 24 hours;
  • do not rub the eyes, frontal area and injection sites for about 2 weeks;
  • You should not make sharp muscle contractions with the facial structures for about a week;
  • complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages for up to a month.

For infectious diseases, you should not take tetracycline antibiotics or drugs from the aminoglycoside group. These groups of drugs reduce the effectiveness of corrective rejuvenation.


It is much easier not to fight allergies, but to prevent their occurrence. Prevention involves the following actions:

  • Do not drink alcohol before receiving botulinum toxin.
  • Postpone injections if you have skin diseases.
  • Tell the specialist about your illnesses, as well as what medications you are taking.
  • Do not take “beauty injections” if you are feeling generally unwell.
  • Report any susceptibility to allergic reactions.

Before injecting botulinum toxin into the forehead or any other area, an allergy test should be done. This will allow you to gain confidence in your safety before the procedure and avoid unnecessary risks.

Interaction with other drugs

Botox and Dysport contain a preservative complexing protein. These two products are effective interchangeable methods for correcting age-related processes. It is impossible to answer unequivocally which method is more effective. It should be noted that the concentration of toxin in one unit of Botox is 5 times higher than in Dysport.

How does the drug work? The medicine is injected under the skin and causes muscle relaxation. The main goal of using injections in cosmetology is to smooth out existing wrinkles. In addition, the drug is administered for medical reasons for certain pathologies:

  • Blepharospasm (involuntary contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle, leading to persistent spasmodic closure of the eyelids).
  • Hyperhidrosis, that is, a condition characterized by increased sweat production.
  • Spasticity (increased tone) of the arm muscles.
  • Paralytic strabismus.
  • Dynamic deformation of the foot.
  • Cerebral palsy in children over 2 years of age.
  • Torticollis.
  • Hemifacial spasm (uncontrollable contractions and pulsation of muscles on one side of the face).

Instructions for use in cosmetology confirm the effectiveness of the drug in patients with myofascial syndromes, contractures of facial muscles, trismus, hyperkinetic facial wrinkles, cardial achalasia, local hyperhidrosis.

To avoid side effects, the procedure should be performed only by a highly qualified doctor who has special training and permission from the manufacturer. Injections are performed on an outpatient basis in a treatment room.

When used simultaneously with drugs that affect neuromuscular transmission (for example, aminoglycoside antibiotics), special caution is required, because it is possible to enhance the effect of Dysport.

Before administering the drug, a preliminary diagnosis is carried out. During the consultation, the doctor must be informed about past illnesses, allergic reactions and medications taken. This will help avoid adverse reactions from the body.

History of Botox

Bacteria that temporarily paralyze muscles (Clostridium botulinum) were discovered at the end of the 19th century, but more than 60 years passed before scientists came up with a rational use for them. In the late 1960s, Edward Shantz and Alan Scott began testing botulinum on monkeys. Later, this substance began to treat excessive sweating, strabismus, blepharospasm and achalasia of the esophagus.

In cosmetology, botulinum toxin began to be actively used at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. This happened after the discovery of ophthalmologist Jean Carruther: she noticed that under the influence of botulinum toxin, the orbicularis oculi muscle “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes noticeably contract.

How to do an allergy test

The skin test is a very effective method for determining whether you are allergic to Botox. The specialist conducts it as follows:

  1. First you need to lightly scratch the patient's hand. Then the specialist injects a small amount of a product into this wound, which includes botulinum toxin.
  2. If an allergic reaction occurs, swelling and redness will be noticeable on the skin within 60 minutes.

In cases where the test result is positive, it is performed several more times, using different drugs based on botulinum toxin. So, in the end, it turns out to find out which element a person is allergic to.

How does botulinum toxin work?

In youth, the skin is elastic, and small wrinkles that appear as a result of the movement of facial muscles are easily smoothed out. However, with age, elasticity decreases and wrinkles become deeper. In addition, facial muscles acquire the ability to fixate in one position. For example, if a person is used to frowning, the facial muscles are fixed in a constant spasmodic position. A person has to make a huge effort of will to give his face a friendly expression.

Botulinum toxin drugs block neuromuscular transmission. When Botox is injected into a muscle, its ability to contract is reduced. And when the muscle does not contract, the skin over it does not fold. Wrinkles are gradually smoothed out. In this case, the muscle does not atrophy, because the blood supply to it does not stop, which means that nutrients continue to flow to the muscle fiber.

Contrary to rumors, facial expressions after using drugs based on botulinum neurotoxin do not disappear, but simply become calmer and more controlled. The face will not turn into a mask and will not lose its expressiveness. You will still frown, smile, be surprised. Only longitudinal grooves will disappear on the forehead, deep folds on the bridge of the nose, “crow’s feet” around the eyes, and “marionette lines” between the nose and the corners of the lips. The skin will glow with health and youth!

Recommended Doses

The drug is based on botulinum toxin, an extremely dangerous substance. During injections, microscopic doses are administered that are not capable of causing harm. In addition, over time, the neurotoxin is eliminated from the body. There is no habituation to it. And yet, in some cases, adverse reactions are possible. Usually they can be provided for.

  • pregnant women and mothers breastfeeding babies;
  • patients who have an acute course of any disease;
  • when diagnosing liver or kidney failure;
  • if there are rashes, herpes and other inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • patients with cancer.

If a person suffers from asthma or chronic bronchitis, or takes anticoagulants or antibiotics, Dysport injections are also prohibited. Contraindications are any blood diseases. Taking anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs should be stopped several days before the cosmetic procedure.

The dosage for administration to different areas of the face differs according to many criteria, for example, the thickness of the skin, the severity of the relief, the structure of the skin, its quality.

When administered to certain areas, doctors are guided by the following permissible doses:

  • Between the eyebrows. The volume of the drug varies from 40 to 42 units.
  • Frontal zone. The medicine is administered 1.5-2 cm above the eyebrow line. The permissible dose is no more than 90 units.
  • Crow's feet or wrinkles around the eyes. The injection site is determined by a distance of 2 cm to the ear and a dosage of no more than 120 units on both sides.

Treatment of facial muscle structures begins with minimal therapeutic doses. With the following procedures, you can slightly increase the dosage.

After some time, the interval between courses of injection correction can be increased to 8-9 months.

What ingredients can cause allergies?

Botox preparations are based on 3 basic ingredients:

  • Botulinum toxin type A;
  • Human albumin (obtained from donor blood);
  • Sodium chloride (saline solution).

Botulinum toxin is a potent nerve poison. Injected into the body in large doses, it can cause human death. However, the dose administered through beauty injections is usually so small that it does not provoke any poisoning. It is this component of the drug that can provoke allergic reactions.

Albumin also poses a certain danger to the human body. As a rule, the selection of donors to receive this substance is carried out with particular care, as is the process of purifying donor blood. But the risk of allergies when using donor blood always exists.

Saline solution is considered a harmless component that does not pose a danger to the body.

Allergy to components of botulinum therapy drugs

Component nameBotulinum toxinHuman plasma albuminSodium chloride
Possible body reactionsEdema; Temperature increase; Redness of the skin. Low pressure; Chills; Dyspnea; Itching; Tachycardia; Vomiting, nausea. Does not cause allergies.

For face

An allergic reaction to facial Botox is not very common. However, if the rules for using the administered drugs are violated, side effects may occur in the form of edema, hematomas, etc.

Another factor influencing the development of possible allergic reactions is considered to be neglect of contraindications to the procedure. Injections are not recommended for patients who have:

  • Dermatological skin diseases;
  • Allergy to protein (is a component of Botox);
  • Chronic diseases;
  • Malfunctions of the immune system;
  • Use of potent medications (botulinum toxin may be incompatible with them).

For hair

Allergy to hair Botox is perhaps even less common than a response to the same drug injected into the face. Botox for hair also contains special molecules of organic and mineral origin, called Intra-Milan. They have an effect similar to Botox.

The base substance, together with the other components, penetrates the scalp, accumulating there and in the hair follicle.

Together with Intra-Silan, the following components penetrate the hair structure:

  1. Vitamins.
  2. Amino acids of keratin. Help restore your hair's own keratin.
  3. Elastin. Helps curls become more manageable.
  4. Hylauronic acid. Improves hair structure, moisturizes.
  5. Cosmetic oils. Softens strands, making them soft.
  6. Lactic acid. Improves carbohydrate metabolism.
  7. Fragrances.

Manifestations of an allergy to hair Botox include itching and irritation of the scalp.

In conclusion

When Botox injections are performed by a professional cosmetologist in a salon or clinic with an impeccable reputation, the “beauty injections” will be effective and safe. However, no one is immune from complications and allergic reactions. To minimize the risk of complications, you need to take your choice of salon as seriously as possible. For example, you can read customer reviews. You should also undergo a medical examination first. Doctors will identify possible contraindications to the use of Botox and give you appropriate recommendations.

Recommendations from experts

How to avoid allergies during and after Botox injections? Cosmetology experts recommend adopting a few tips:

  1. Immediately after completion of the procedure, you should not go to bed, bow your head low, or engage in active sports. Doctors often do not recommend visiting a bathhouse or sauna immediately after an injection. The latter will not cause harm to health, but can significantly affect the effectiveness of the procedure.
  2. The injection site is essentially the same wound. If you constantly touch it with your hands, apply foundation or powder on top, inflammation may develop in it.
  3. If Botox injections are performed by a professional cosmetologist, the procedure will be as safe and effective as possible. And yet, absolutely no one is immune from allergies and possible complications.
  4. To minimize the risk of allergies, you should carefully choose a clinic or salon and check whether the specialist has a special certificate and medical education.
  5. Additionally, the patient is recommended to undergo a medical examination before undergoing Botox injections. Doctors will help determine contraindications to the procedure and give general recommendations.


Preparing for a Dysport injection includes laboratory tests and examinations by certain specialists. Among the main activities are:

  • blood test (detailed biochemical);
  • blood test for clotting index;
  • blood test for leukocytes;
  • Analysis of urine.

Additionally, an examination by a dermatovenerologist is required if there is a rash on the face or moles at the site of intended injection.

If the clinical history is complicated, the patient should notify the cosmetologist. Additionally, it is necessary to exclude any alcohol, tobacco, and taking certain medications. Patients should be aware of the reduced effect of Dysport when treated with B vitamins.

Plastic surgery

What to do if a woman is over 50 and has deep wrinkles on her forehead? In this case, you need to think about surgery.

Lifting the skin on the forehead (front lifting) allows you to smooth out horizontal and vertical wrinkles and lift sagging eyebrows. Often, blepharoplasty is performed at the same time - correction of the shape of the eyelids, as well as lifting the oval of the face, cheeks, correcting bags under the eyes and other imperfections. This intervention is indicated between the ages of 40 and 60 years.

The operation can be performed with a long incision above the hairline or using an endoscopic technique where the incisions are very short. Using special instruments, the doctor will remove excess tissue and then apply invisible sutures.

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After surgery using the classical method (with an incision), for 2 weeks the patient may experience swelling and redness of the face, loss of sensitivity, and discomfort in the incision area. During endoscopic surgery there is virtually no pain, and the rehabilitation period is reduced to a week. For a month after the intervention, you should not bend over sharply, play sports or physical work, overheat your face, or drink alcohol.

Forehead and eyebrow lift

Endoscopic lifting

In addition to a facelift, a conventional SMAS lift is used - tightening the layer between the skin and muscles through surgical access. Any plastic surgery is performed under general anesthesia; therefore, there are restrictions for its implementation, for example, severe diseases of the internal organs.

The effect of surgery can last for several years, and then the operation can be repeated. Before plastic surgery, it is important to find a good clinic and surgeon who you can trust with your appearance. If everything is done efficiently, lifting the forehead and other parts of the face provides a long-lasting, noticeable anti-aging effect. Acetyl hexapeptide, read on our website.

Dent after Botox

The formation of a dent after Botox is the result of an unsuccessful procedure. The reasons for this effect may be:

  • incorrectly chosen injection site - Botox paralyzes one muscle, and the one next to it simply relaxes as much as possible;
  • administering too much of the drug;
  • violation of the rules of the rehabilitation period - sleeping face down on a pillow, massage, exposure of the body to high air temperatures.

Often, a dent becomes the result of increased work of facial muscles, which were practically not involved before the injections. After an injection, it is difficult for a person to frown, smile, or wince due to paralysis of the main motor muscles. Other, less active fibers begin to be activated, and when they reach the desired tone, indentations may form.

Where is Botox injected?

Botox is most effective in the upper third of the face. The forehead and area around the eyes are its zones of influence. This is where the results of the procedure will be most noticeable.

Wrinkles and folds in the lower part of the face in most cases are not the result of excessive muscle work, but depend on the characteristics of the bone structure of the face, the elasticity and density of the skin and subcutaneous fat, as well as age-related loss of facial volume.

It is recommended to correct the lower part with Botox if there is an obvious muscle spasm: for example, a person constantly clenches his jaw or purses his lips. In this case, Botox will be able to soften the emerging nasolabial folds, relax the jaw, and even slightly enlarge the lips if the pursing of them is eliminated.

There is also the mesobotox technique. This is a subdermal injection of microdoses of the drug, which allows you to smooth out fine purse-string wrinkles around the mouth.

Nausea after Botox

Nausea, headache, weakness and fever are side effects after Botox injections, which are considered normal and are recorded in 10% of all procedures. In this way, the body reacts to the introduction of a toxin into it, but within a maximum of 48 hours the patient’s well-being is restored.

If nausea is very bothersome, then you can give up your usual diet and drinks these days, giving preference to natural fermented milk products (sour cream, yoghurt, kefir, cottage cheese) and clean water with lemon juice added to it.

Eye twitching after Botox

The formation of bruises under the eyes after Botox is considered a side effect of injections, but its occurrence can be prevented:

  • 5 days before the scheduled date of the procedure, you must stop taking any medications that thin the blood. These include Ibuprofen and Aspirin.
  • Bruising can occur when taking vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, and eating garlic in large quantities. These foods are excluded from the diet at least 10 days before Botox injection.
  • Immediately before the procedure, you should cool your face as much as possible. To do this, 10 minutes before the start of the manipulation, cold is applied to it - ice, compresses.
  • Immediately after the injection, you need to press your finger firmly in this place and press it onto the skin. But this method will “work” in preventing bruises only in the first 1-2 minutes after the injection; later this is unacceptable.

The resulting bruises under the eyes can last up to 3-5 days, after which they disappear on their own. You can speed up this process by applying creams and ointments containing badyagi to problem areas.

If your eye twitches after Botox, the cause may be damage to the nerve ending. This also happens with experienced doctors, because the manipulation is performed blindly. The victim needs to contact a neurologist or ophthalmologist with the problem, who will prescribe therapy - taking vitamins, potassium and magnesium in combination.

Often, eyelid twitching disappears after 2-3 days of the recovery period, but if it persists for 5 or more days, then medical attention will be needed.

Thread lifting

Removal of forehead wrinkles using botulinum toxin can be supplemented with thread lifting. This procedure involves the introduction of thin threads under the skin, which straighten wrinkles and hold the skin, preventing it from sagging. The procedure is carried out 2 weeks after the botulinum toxin injection. This procedure is recommended for women 35-55 years old. At an older age, the effect may be unsatisfactory.

For lifting, threads made of material compatible with human tissue are used. For young patients, forehead threads made of absorbable materials (mesothreads, APTOS threads) are recommended; for women over 40, threads made of non-absorbable materials (Spring Thread threads) that support the skin are recommended. The effect after the procedure lasts from 2 to 5 years.

The manipulation is performed under local anesthesia. It must be remembered that thread lifting of the forehead is effective only in combination with botulinum toxin injections, because facial movements can negate the holding effect of the threads.

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The recovery period after the procedure lasts up to 2 weeks. During this time, you should not touch your forehead, wash your face, sleep on your side or stomach - all these actions can lead to displacement of the threads. The lifting effect becomes clearly visible a month after the procedure.

Insertion of threads under the skin of the forehead is contraindicated in cases of bleeding disorders, allergic diseases, malignant tumors, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and skin diseases.

How long does the effect last?

The effect of Botox begins to appear 3-4 days after injections. A person is getting younger right before our eyes. At the same time, a good doctor will make sure that you can smile, frown and raise your eyebrows in surprise, as before, but wrinkles and creases will not remain on the skin.

The effect of Botox will last for 4-6 months, sometimes longer. This depends on the rate at which the drug is eliminated by the body. Botox is a biodegradable drug; it does not accumulate in the body, but is removed from it through the lymphatic system. By the way, with regular administration of Botox, the effect of the drug lasts longer and the frequency of procedures can be reduced to once a year.

Eyebrow asymmetry after Botox

Eyebrow asymmetry after Botox can occur due to the wrong dose of botulinum toxin, incorrect choice of injection site, or use of a low-quality drug. The problem is solved with the help of special eye drops or additional injections with the same drug that was used for the first time. Such injections are made in the area of ​​the upper eyelid, which ensures full opening of the eye and alignment of the eyebrow in relation to the other.

The development of such a side effect can be avoided by strictly following the rules of the recovery period, if it is not related to the quality of the drug and the experience of the cosmetologist.

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