Biorevitalization at home - how effective is the procedure and is it possible to cause harm?

It’s unfortunate, but after 30 years our skin begins to fade. Peeling appears due to an imbalance in the water balance, facial wrinkles form, and depressions form in some areas, making the nasolabial fold or tear groove more pronounced. Constantly tinting and powdering the skin is also not an option, because it stops breathing, and not every woman will decide to resort to surgical intervention by plastic surgeons. Biorevitalization at home is a great opportunity to become several years younger for a reasonable fee. The service has recently appeared in cosmetology salons in the country. How effective is it, can you do it at home? Let's find out in this article.

What it is

Biorevitalization is the introduction of hyaluronic acid under the skin, which reacts with cell receptors, ensuring a better process of their regeneration. As soon as the product penetrates the deep layers of the epidermis, it begins to attach water molecules. After this, the liquid is absorbed by the cells, which helps normalize metabolism and restore the skin.

The word “biorevitalization” is translated as:

  • “bio” - natural;
  • "re" - return;
  • "vita" - life.

Thus, the concept implies the return of beauty and youth to your skin. It can be carried out for preventive purposes when you begin to notice wrinkles and deterioration in the condition of the epidermis. At home, applying the gel and treating the skin with a device as preventive measures to prevent aging is carried out once every three weeks.

But in most cases, the procedure is resorted to when age-related changes on the face become noticeable. If you follow all the cosmetologist’s recommendations and complete the course in full, you will see how fine wrinkles are eliminated and your skin glows with health.

The cost of the service in salons leaves much to be desired - on average you will pay 3–3.5 thousand rubles for one injection, and a whole course of therapy will cost you 25 thousand rubles. Of course, you don’t want to say goodbye to your monthly salary at all. But there is an alternative that will allow you to regularly rejuvenate - purchasing a device (for example, Gezaton) and a special gel containing hyaluronic acid.

Interesting point: Hyaluronic acid is produced by our body independently. After 25 years, its amount begins to decrease, which leads to the loss of elasticity of the skin and the formation of wrinkles. Biorevitalization injections just make up for its deficiency. They promote the body's production of elastane and collagen fibers.

Indications for use

The procedure is indicated for:

  • formation of wrinkles;
  • flabby and sagging skin;
  • dull complexion of the dermis of the face;
  • rosacea, acne and excessive oily skin;
  • peeling, caused by insufficient natural moisture;
  • presence of pigment spots.

It is also customary to resort to biorevitalization to restore the skin after plastic surgery, dry cleaning and laser work. This procedure can make an invaluable contribution to the healing of scars and the resorption of scars resulting from surgery.

If you have weak skin turgor and there are many wrinkles on your face, the rejuvenation course should consist of 2-3 sessions, with an interval of three weeks between them. To maintain facial beauty, hyaluronic acid should be injected once every 3-4 months.

Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid

The method of biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is indicated for all patients who, for one reason or another, have decreased skin turgor. The reasons can be very different. This can be natural aging, skin damage from UV rays, which often happens with excessive tanning, rapid, uncontrolled weight loss, illness or stress. The method has proven itself well in the rehabilitation period after aggressive procedures (peelings, polishing). For preventive purposes, biorevitalization is indicated 2 weeks before a trip to hot countries where there is active insolation and 10-14 days after returning.

Efficiency of the procedure

The result of the procedure will be noticeable immediately. You will see how:

  • the number of wrinkles was minimized;
  • the contour of the face tightened and unpleasant sagging went away;
  • the skin has acquired a beautiful even color;
  • turgor of the dermis has improved.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of the biorevitalization procedure is delayed by an average of 8 months. This means that it is advisable to use miraculous injections for rejuvenation several times a year.

Biorevitalization should be resorted to when you have crossed the 30-year mark. It is at this age that the production of collagen and elastane slows down. If a young girl who wants to moisturize her skin begins to do a similar procedure, the body will stop producing its own hyaluronic acid, which will lead to the need for regular sessions and complete dependence on the injection of hyaluronic acid. We recommend that young beauties make moisturizing masks once a week.

You shouldn't expect much from this procedure. As reviews show, biorevitalization can really give beauty to the dermis, moisturize it and smooth out fine wrinkles. But, unfortunately, it is not able to get rid of a double chin, sagging, and large wrinkles.


I have been trying to overcome my wrinkles and dryness for many years. And everything was decided in a couple of biorevitalization sessions! Medicine itself is the basic substance of our youth. And you definitely can’t have too much hyaluronic acid!)) I had Juvederm Hydrate done - with it, after the first use, you can feel the skin being saturated with moisture! And a big plus is that Biorevitalization can be done at any time of the year!
After Biorevitalization, there are not even bumps on the face, but such whitish pimples. They are approximately every 2-3 cm. At first, of course, there is a worry that they will not go away, but the doctor told me, and that’s how I talked to the girls, they all go away within 2-3 days. For me personally, they left on the 3rd day and there was no trace left of them. It’s just that these pimples indicate that the treatment was carried out correctly. Because at the injection site, molecules attract water. You don't need to do anything to make them leave. They leave on their own a couple of days after completing the full course.
I have already had Biorevitalization done 3 times, the doctor prescribed 4 sessions in total! All the times I was given biorevitalization with the drug ial-system. I just haven’t been given it by others, so I can’t conduct a comparative analysis, but I really liked the results of this medicine! The first thing I noticed was, of course, that the dryness disappeared and the tone of my face evened out. For me, these were the 2 most important problems that have already been resolved.

Carrying out at home

There are several ways to administer hyaluronic acid:

  1. The use of fillers based on it, which are injected under the skin with syringes.
  2. Hardware method.
  3. A laser technique that promotes uniform distribution of the drug and deep penetration into the epidermis.

The introduction of hyaluronic acid through the use of syringes is considered the most effective method, but doing it at home (doing high-quality acupuncture and correctly calculating the dose) without medical education is very problematic.

You've probably come across an advertisement in the press and on the Internet that a cosmetologist will come to your home and administer injections painlessly with minimal consequences. We would like to note that in practice the opposite effect appears, which only aggravates the situation. There is absolutely no point in trusting people on the street, especially since your health and beauty are at stake.

You should not pay attention to marketing ploys for the following reasons:

  • As a rule, would-be specialists do not have a medical education;
  • if something goes wrong, you will not be able to receive proper assistance;
  • if you incorrectly calculate the dose or administer an expired drug, the product may be unevenly distributed under the skin, giving your face a pronounced asymmetry;
  • in case of an unfavorable outcome, it is very difficult to find the master and make him answer for the consequences.

Using a laser on your skin is much safer than injecting yourself. But the device itself costs fabulous money, unless you rent it.

The only thing that is acceptable at home is to apply a special product to the skin and apply microcurrent to deeply absorb hyaluronic acid into the epidermis. This device is relatively inexpensive and can be purchased online. After the procedure, the skin begins to look much better, and fine wrinkles disappear. The only disadvantage of this method of rejuvenation is the short-term effect.

Biorevitalization is not fillers

Despite the fact that both procedures use the same active

substance, and one method of administration, their essence is completely different and the effect on the skin is also radically different.

Fillers are viscous substances based on high concentrations of hyaluronic acid, designed to fill voids under the skin in the wrinkle area and correct proportions. Such procedures are classified as contour plastic methods.

Biorevitalization is essentially closer to therapeutic methods, because its goal is to activate the deep processes occurring in the body itself. It stimulates the natural production of elastin and collagen. As a result, skin tone increases, its color improves, and wrinkles are eliminated.

These methods are not a replacement for each other, but work perfectly in pairs, allowing you to achieve an amazing rejuvenation effect.

Necessary drugs and devices

When carrying out the procedure, you need to be extremely careful, since the presented preparations differ in different concentrations of hyaluronic acid. In addition, they cannot be considered universal, since each is designed for a specific biorevitalization technique. The degree of impact of fillers and gels varies.

The most popular are:

  • Surgilift. It comes in the form of a gel, which is intended for the preparatory stage before visiting a cosmetologist’s office to cleanse the face. Can be recommended before plastic surgery. Designed for administration using a device.

  • Skin R. Has positively established himself in cosmetology circles. The drug has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Some cosmetologists prescribe it with face-lifting properties, which are comparable in effect to plastic surgery.

  • Ial-System. Highly concentrated drug (18 mg of hyaluronic acid per 1 g of product). Due to the high density, injection marks may be present.

  • Restylane Vital. It is considered one of the safest, so it can be used at home. The main component is not of animal origin, which does not cause allergic reactions. The product spreads well and takes root in the epidermis.

  • Uniderm Ultra. It can only be administered by injection. After use, you will experience the elimination of wrinkles, a beautiful even skin tone and elasticity.

Interesting point: Hyaluronic acid is extracted from human embryos, newborn animals or mature adults. It is as close as possible to human, so allergic reactions to the drug itself should not occur.

If you want to carry out biorevitalization at home yourself using a device, then you will need:

  • gel hyaluronic acid;
  • vitamin complex;
  • moisturizer or lotion;
  • device (special device or laser).

For deeper penetration of the gel into the epidermis, you can acquire devices whose operating principle is the effect of microcurrent on the skin.

There are the following device options:

  • vacuum apparatus;
  • microt device;
  • laser;
  • a device that emits radio frequency waves.

Regardless of which method of administration you choose, always check the ampoule or package for leaks and the product for compliance with the expiration date. Your beauty will depend on compliance with these rules.

We would recommend that you buy Gezaton Iris 708, SPA 777, Mezolight 9900, which operate on the basis of radio frequency waves, or E-Polation Mini, which produces electrical impulses.

All of them do a good job of absorbing hyaluronic acid into the skin. After the procedures, blood circulation improves, metabolism at the cellular level is restored and the elasticity of the skin improves.

It should be noted that the effect of infrared rays produced by the laser promotes the uniform distribution of hyaluronic acid and its deeper absorption. The device itself is quite expensive - prices start at 40 thousand rubles. Even if you buy a device, you need to be able to vary the effect of laser beams on the skin. The slightest carelessness and you could get burned. Therefore, do not take risks, but order a similar procedure in a beauty salon.

In order to restore your face to its former beauty and attractiveness using hardware, you need to carry out the procedure once a month. Injection of fillers under the skin is done much less frequently - 2 times a year. In any case, we recommend consulting with your cosmetologist.

What problems does biorevitalization solve?

Injections of hyaluronic acid solve most existing problems with the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, especially with age-related aging:

  1. Wrinkles. Many girls notice their appearance already at the age of 30, and some even earlier. This may be due to the individual characteristics of the body, heredity, poor lifestyle, excessive exposure to the sun, dry and hot climate. All these factors lead to a decrease in the natural content of hyaluronic acid and have a destructive effect on the skin. Replenishing the water balance allows you to eliminate fine wrinkles, improve complexion and even out skin texture. The effect is enhanced by multiple microtraumas resulting from punctures. They stimulate the natural production of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Dehydrated skin, dull or uneven complexion. They are another manifestation of the consequences described in the previous paragraph. Injections help saturate the skin with moisture and other biological substances necessary for its normal functioning. Thanks to this, the skin tone is evened out, pigmentation and dark circles under the eyes disappear.
  3. Oily, porous skin. Characterized by increased shine and frequent inflammation. Injections cope with this problem by normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing pores, evening out and improving complexion.
  4. Cuperosis is a vascular network, which can be either a manifestation of the innate characteristics of the body or a consequence of the onset of withering, thinning of the skin and the fat layer underneath it. After just a few biorevitalization sessions, the vessels become less noticeable and disappear completely over time.

The procedure gives excellent results during periods of rehabilitation after peelings and plastic surgeries.

Stages of implementation

Anyone can perform biorevitalization using special devices. You will need:

  1. Cleanse the skin using regular lotion or tonic.
  2. Treat the skin with an antiseptic solution, preferably one that does not contain alcohol.
  3. Apply the gel to the dermis of the treated area and distribute it evenly over the entire surface.
  4. Lubricate the working area of ​​the device with gel. Move the device over the skin for about 10–15 minutes.
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, remove any remaining gel with a sterile cloth and use a moisturizer.

For the purpose of treatment, hardware biorevitalization is carried out in a course consisting of 6–10 sessions. The interval between procedures is one week.

Features of the effect on different areas of the face

Biorevitalization can be carried out on any area of ​​the skin. But most often, age-related changes are noticeable in:

  • face;
  • neck;
  • décolleté area;
  • hands

For example, it is quite simple to carry out biorevitalization of the face using a hardware method - you just need to apply the gel and apply microcurrent or radio frequency waves to the skin. The skin on the neck is more sensitive than on the face, so you should be extremely careful when shaping laser beams. In any case, reduce the duration of the procedure to a few minutes.

Interesting point: Recently, biorevitalization of the skin of the scalp has gained particular popularity. It removes oiliness and activates hair follicles. As in the case of the face, apply the gel to the skin and apply the device to the hair for 15–20 minutes. The product is washed off with shampoo.

Healing period

Immediately after the procedure, swelling at the injection sites, redness of the skin, or, conversely, swelling is possible. It happens that small hematomas form. You should not be afraid of such manifestations, because this is a normal reaction of the body to the introduction of a foreign agent. If the skin does not return to normal after 72 hours, you should immediately seek help from a cosmetologist.

Recommendations that must be followed after biorevitalization:

  • for the first two days you do not need to touch your face;
  • It is prohibited to use any decorative cosmetics for several days after the procedure;
  • Do not apply creams other than those prescribed by a doctor or cosmetologist;
  • in the first week, avoid going to the sauna, solarium, or gym;
  • do not massage the areas where filler was injected for at least 2 weeks;
  • it is forbidden to stay in the sun for a long time;
  • Avoid cosmetic procedures in the near future.

Precautionary measures

Even regardless of where the procedure will take place (at your home or in an expensive salon), you must take into account the characteristics of your body. If you do not follow a considerable list of contraindications, you risk not improving the condition of your face, but only leading to the formation of allergic reactions.

The following contraindications exist:

  • dermatological diseases on the skin of the face, as well as the presence of inflamed acne at injection sites;
  • elevated temperature, which indicates the body’s struggle with some ailment (it does not need unnecessary stress);
  • autoimmune diseases that are inherited (for example, psoriasis);
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • the presence of age spots, warts and large moles in places where fillers are required;
  • oncological diseases;
  • serious chronic diseases, in particular renal and liver failure;
  • problems with the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • the presence of small wounds on the skin of the face;
  • tendency of the dermis to scar;
  • taking anticoagulants.

If you are planning to administer the serum under the skin yourself, we recommend that you consult with your doctor.

Failure to comply with contraindications and sterility of the procedure can lead to:

  • swelling;
  • bruising;
  • redness of the skin;
  • introduction or spread of existing infections;
  • long healing of injection marks;
  • itching at the injection sites;
  • exacerbation of dermatological diseases;
  • facial asymmetry.

Contraindications for facial biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is considered a cosmetic rejuvenation procedure that is safe for health. However, in some cases, doctors recommend abstaining from it to avoid side effects. So, relative contraindications are:

  • any diseases accompanied by fever;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes on the face, for example, demodicosis, which are important to first cure before the procedure;
  • neoplasms, including moles and birthmarks.

Professional cosmetologists know that performing biorevitalization, including non-invasive, through tumors can be fraught with harm to the patient’s health, but next to them, if the formation is not malignant, it is allowed.
Absolute contraindications:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology;
  • intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • keloid scars;
  • epilepsy.

What to do if the result is not satisfactory

Some women who undergo biorevitalization do not notice rejuvenation even after a month. You should know that in most cases the effect is visible in dry skin types and fine wrinkles.

If you have serious age-related changes, then this procedure will not be able to overcome them.

If you are dissatisfied with the result, we recommend that you contact a cosmetologist who will select the appropriate drug for you and administer it efficiently.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of biorevitalization include:

  • fast recovery;
  • a result that is already noticeable after several hours (under the conditions described above);
  • minimal pain during drug administration (if you cannot tolerate syringe punctures, you can treat the skin with an anesthetic in the form of a gel or ointment);
  • long-term effectiveness - the face is beautiful and toned over the next 8 months;
  • the possibility of carrying out both to prevent aging and to eliminate existing age-related changes on the skin.

Among the disadvantages are:

  • high cost of injections;
  • wide range of contraindications;
  • the presence of side effects due to non-compliance with rehabilitation rules and ignoring contraindications;
  • elimination of not all age-related changes.

Thus, it is quite possible to carry out biorevitalization at home, but only with a special apparatus. To do this, use a gel that is applied to the skin. We do not recommend giving yourself injections, since without a medical education, you can inject yourself incorrectly and cause an infection. In addition, if an allergic reaction occurs, for example, angioedema, you will not know how to give yourself first aid.

more details: prices for biorevitalization Factors influencing the price of biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure aimed at increasing the concentration of hyaluronic acid in a certain area of ​​the skin. The drug is usually delivered to the problem area by injection, but it can also be administered using a laser or ultrasound. These features significantly influence the effectiveness of the procedure, as well as its cost.

The main factor influencing the total cost is the price of the administered drug. Since the procedure is invasive in nature, the reputation of the cosmetic brand is essential not only for the effectiveness of the procedure, but also for its safety. Beauty centers that value their image prefer exclusively certified products that have passed multi-level quality control. The price of such drugs is significantly higher than their less reliable analogues.

Specialists of the Absolut Med clinic

Chvyrova Tatyana Nikolaevna

Chief physician, director of the Clinic, participant in Russian and international scientific conferences for cosmetologists, dermatologists, allergists. Read more…

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