Removal of skin tumors using radiosurgery

Papilloma is a tumor-like formation on the skin or mucous membranes that is benign in nature. The diameter of the growths can vary from a few millimeters to 2.5-3 centimeters.

The development of wart formation is provoked by the human papillomavirus (HPV), it causes abnormal changes in cell tissues. Medicine knows a large number of variations of HPV, and accordingly, all papillomas are divided into types:

  • Common warts - formations can develop if a person is infected with papillomavirus types 2 or 4.
  • Flat warts - they are caused by type 10 or 3.
  • Genital warts - provokes types 6 and 11.

There are particularly dangerous HPVs, for example, 33, 35 and others, they contribute to the development of cervical cancer or cause dysplasia. Such viruses are classified as a high-risk group; papillomas caused by types 6 or 11 (genital warts) belong to a low level of danger.

The papilloma virus may not manifest itself for a long time, being dormant on the mucous membranes and skin tissues. Although the course of a viral infection is often asymptomatic, it nevertheless needs to be treated, since over time the papilloma can become injured and become cancerous, and this is already dangerous for human life.

There are several ways to eliminate warty tumors (surgical cutting, laser treatment, and others); the greatest number of advantages is the removal of papillomas with a Surgitron radio wave scalpel.

Prices for radio wave removal of papillomas

Removal of papillomas and milia on the eyelids and in the eye area For optimal preparation for the procedure, write to me 950 rub.
(1 PC)
Removal of 2 to 5
1950 RUR
Removal of 6 to 10
2550 rub.
Removal of 20
5100 rub.
Removal of 30
7650 rub.

Many people have papillomas on the skin of the face or body.
Some have less, some have more. Some people don’t pay attention to them at all, others dream of getting rid of them. If you are also looking for a way to solve this problem, read this text to the end. In this short article I will talk about a new effective way to remove papillomas

, which I use in my practice -
radio wave surgery
. However, a little clarification is needed first.

What is removal using the radiosurgical method at the Airport metro station?

Removal by radiosurgical method is the non-contact removal of unwanted tumors on the human body by exposure to a “beam” of high-frequency radio waves. A device made in the USA, Surgitron, is often used for this purpose. Interesting fact: In our country, radiosurgery began to be used about 15 years ago, but the method appeared in the 70s of the twentieth century. Initially, he was called upon to solve gynecological problems, then otolaryngological ones, and now he has reached cosmetology. With its help, you can remove not only “good” formations, but also malignant ones. The session time range ranges from 3 to 10 minutes.

What do papillomas really look like?

Very often, people who come to see me to remove papillomas call them other skin tumors. Fibropapillomas, keratopapillomas, pigmented nevi. That is why, before removal, you should definitely determine whether you really have papillomas.

Most often, this is a small, 1-3 mm skin formation on a thin stalk. There are three main differences between papilloma and other skin formations. First

- the leg is always thinner than the upper part.
, the consistency of papilloma is always softer than the surrounding skin.
, the size of the papilloma is usually small - no more than 5 mm. The photo below shows typical papillomas.

Description of the laser method

Laser removal of tumors occurs due to vaporization, the ability of the beam to cauterize tissue, evaporating moisture. Modern equipment makes it possible to control the intensity and time of radiation. The laser beam acts with precise focusing without damaging adjacent tissues.

Today, laser technology in cosmetology is in demand, safe and effective. The procedure eliminates bleeding and the risk of infection.


Laser technology for removing tumors has many contraindications. You will have to reschedule your session even if you have a common cold, not to mention serious infections.

In what other cases is the use of laser technology contraindicated:

  1. elevated temperature;
  2. herpes;
  3. inflammatory processes on the skin;
  4. rashes;
  5. presence of a pacemaker;
  6. pregnancy period;
  7. oncology.

Side effects

Complications and adverse reactions after laser removal are rare. The problem may arise if the doctor’s recommendations are not followed after the procedure.

Rare complications include redness of the skin, itching, fever, and mild bleeding. There may be discharge from the wound. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.

How the procedure works

The session begins with preparation. The doctor examines the area of ​​skin and performs dermatoscopy. A local anesthetic is then applied according to the patient's wishes. The procedure is painless, but additional pain relief is still recommended in sensitive areas.

The laser beam exposure time is 3-5 minutes. After the procedure, the doctor treats the skin with an antiseptic and applies a sterile bandage. It is not needed on open areas of skin. Finally, the doctor gives detailed recommendations regarding the recovery period.

Who is it suitable for?

The laser method is well suited for removing warts, nevi, moles, papillomas and other growths in the face and sensitive areas of the skin. The method is used for prophylactic purposes when there is a risk of the tumor degenerating into malignant.

Advantages of radio wave removal of papillomas

I am often asked “What is the best method to remove? Where is the best cosmetic result?

. Lately I have refrained from comparing methods because... the same best method may give different results in the hands of different doctors. That is why I will not talk about the advantages of the abstract radio wave method, but about the advantages of my original method of radio wave removal of papillomas:

  • 100% safe removal.
    99% of papillomas do not require histological examination. If there is the slightest doubt, it is carried out.
  • Removal in 1 visit.
    One papilloma is removed within 1 second. You can remove up to 150 pieces at a time. Minimal damage to healthy tissue allows for the fastest possible healing. Re-inspection is not required or is optional.
  • There are no restrictions
    on sports and water procedures after removal. Suppuration in the area of ​​operation is basically impossible. The only thing that should be excluded is sunlight entering the operation site. This is necessary to prevent hyperpigmentation.

Why remove warts

Sometimes warts can disappear on their own. This is due to the work of the immune system, which coped with the multiplication of the virus and was able to suppress its further development in the body. But in most cases, wart removal is necessary. Many methods have been developed for the treatment of papillomas. Removal of genital warts is mandatory as they can multiply. The virus can gradually infect internal organs, which in some cases leads to infertility and serious illness. Plantar warts often cause pain when wearing tight shoes or walking. In the absence of reproduction, other types of warts do not need to be removed if the growth does not cause cosmetic discomfort or pain.

Benefits not related to removal technique

  • Honest prices.
    No hidden fees or intrusive services. Either consultation or removal is paid, strictly according to the price list. You can always check the price with me on VKontakte by sending a photo with a ruler in the background.
  • Free information support before and after surgery.
    If you have any doubts before your visit, you can easily and free of charge by mail or VKontakte. After the operation, you will have my personal phone number, by which you can ask me at any time about what is bothering you.
  • Fast and convenient.
    Removal is carried out within a few minutes, in one visit.
  • Online appointment booking and removal without calls or waiting
  • No preliminary tests, dressings, or suture removal required
  • Histology results by email
  • More than 200 good reviews about my work
    . You can read them on these sites: (more than 40 reviews), (24 reviews), (more than 150 reviews)
  • Causes

    The main reason for the appearance of genital warts has already been mentioned: it is the HPV virus, which begins to become active when the body’s protective functions are weakened.

    The following factors can provoke a decrease in immunity:

    • frequent stressful situations, emotional lability;
    • fatigue, lack of sleep;
    • improper and irrational nutrition;
    • avitaminosis;
    • hypothermia;
    • dysbiosis.

    The main reasons for the penetration of HPV into a woman’s body are the following factors:

    1. Too early sexual experience.
    2. Use of the patient's personal belongings - towels, washcloths, underwear.
    3. Active sex life and frequently changing sexual partners.
    4. Staying in public places (bathhouse, swimming pool, sauna, shared shower, toilet).
    5. Not using barrier contraceptives when having sex with an infected person.
    6. Frequent abortions. The fact is that with frequent termination of pregnancy, abrasions and cracks form on the cervix and vagina, which become an ideal conductor for the virus.
    7. The likelihood of infection increases with cervical erosion.

    But most often, candilomatosis is provoked by sexual intercourse with an infected person. The source of infection is the partner's genital warts. Moreover, it does not matter how the sex was carried out - the classic way, oral or anal. In the process of contact with modified cells and infected skin, the infection enters the healthy epithelium through small abrasions.

    Sometimes even a condom is not able to protect against the penetration of HPV.
    If you have any condylomas, even when they do not bother you, you should immediately consult a doctor: a gynecologist (women), a urologist (men) and a proctologist (both sexes), an immunologist and an ENT doctor (for papillomas in the pharynx and tonsils). New growths that appear may disappear as suddenly as they appeared, but this should not reassure you. The human papillomavirus, once it enters the body, remains in it forever. The task of doctors is not to completely eliminate the infection - this is impossible. To avoid serious consequences, such as cancer, it is enough to transfer the pathogen from the acute to the latent phase.

    Removing genital warts is a serious thing; if you do something wrong, there may be consequences that you would not expect (from the opposite effect - the growth of new ones, to neoplasms on the skin). I strongly do not recommend trying to get rid of condylomas at home; it is better to turn to specialists; besides, today there are many solutions to this problem. Removing condylomas with liquid nitrogen, laser, radio waves - all these are effective methods that remove the disease, perhaps some method will suit you.

    You can have genital warts removed by a qualified gynecologist in the Doctor Nearby clinic network in Moscow. Making an appointment is very simple - call 24/7 +7 (495) 127-84-73 or create an appointment on our website.

    Photos before and after radio wave removal of papillomas

    Papillomas on the neck

    Papillomas in the armpit

    Papillomas on the neck

    Removal of papillomas (and moles) on the eyelids is carried out with a protective eye shield

    Removal by radiosurgical method - indications and contraindications

    Recommendations: Indications for radiosurgery:

    • warts on the sole;
    • papillomas;
    • Nevi (moles);
    • spider veins;
    • keratoses;
    • vulgar warts;
    • Hemangiomas
    • Skin basal cell carcinomas
    • Ingrown nail
    • removal of granulation tissue after surgery;

    Attention: Contraindications:

    • acute inflammatory processes;
    • allergy;
    • presence of viral infections;
    • feverish condition;
    • severe liver and kidney diseases;
    • diabetes;
    • period of bearing a child;
    • herpes

    Complications after removal of genital warts

    The most common complications after removal of genital warts are pain, swelling and redness of tissues, discharge (in case of internal localization of condylomas), bloody discharge (in case of damage to blood vessels), erosion, inflammation (in case of infection). In addition, all removal methods have a significant rate of relapse of the disease. It should also be remembered that removal of genital warts cannot cure the human papillomavirus, which continues to remain in the skin and mucous membranes in an inactive state, and a person can still spread the infection through contact and sexual contact.

    Removal of moles using a Fotek radio knife, features of removal of tumors of different nature

    Radioknife is a device for non-contact removal of formations on the skin using directed exposure to radio waves. It is a tungsten filament electrode in the form of a loop, in which electric current and ionized argon are converted into radio waves. There is no direct contact of the radio knife and the skin, and the excision of a wart or mole occurs due to high-frequency radiation.

    The operation is performed under local anesthesia, lasts no more than 20 minutes and allows the removal of both single and group formations. The surrounding tissues are almost not injured, but the affected tissue is removed along with the viral cells, sealing the cut site with temperature.

    The Fotek device is a high-frequency surgical electrocoagulator. It has a light and sound system of signals indicating the removal of a mole from the patient's body. Allows you to work in a humid environment, so it is used in gynecology for cauterization of genital warts.

    The bipolar electrode is located inside the radioknife, allowing for precise cutting. The mode without coagulation (electrical influence) allows you to remove tumors.

    Working with a Fotek radioknife prevents infection, ensuring rapid healing and minimal blood loss.

    How is removal done using radio waves?

    The operation is performed using a radio wave knife that emits high-frequency waves. Radio waves act on neoplasm cells that contain fluid. The water absorbs the waves and begins to boil, as a result of which the integrity of the cell is destroyed.

    When a wart ruptures, particles containing papillomavirus are released from the cells, so the room must be sterile so that the people in it do not become infected with the virus. An exhaust hood should also be installed in the room for constant air circulation.

    Before the procedure begins, the patient is injected with anesthesia or a special pain-relieving ointment is applied.

    The duration of the operation varies from 15 to 30 minutes (the parameters of condylomas and their number are taken into account). After heating the knife, cutting off the growth and cauterizing the tissues located nearby begins. With the help of cauterization, the manipulation is bloodless.

    What to do after the procedure

    The radioknife acts on the tumor, evaporating the tissue. A crust forms at the site of exposure, which quickly heals without leaving a scar. After the procedure, the wound should be treated with a solution of vodka and iodine, and after the crust falls off, with Panthenol wound spray.

    If you have at least once applied for removal of tumors, avoid being in direct sunlight. Moles, keratomas and other formations indicate that the skin has a low protective reaction to ultraviolet radiation; melatonin is produced unevenly, accumulating in damaged areas. Even when going outside normally, you should use creams with a high SPF content.

    Be sure to strengthen your immune system, because HPV indicates a weakening of the body’s immune functions. After the procedure, you should visit a dermatologist every year.

    Radio wave cutting of warts in children

    Radio wave therapy does not last long and does not cause discomfort or pain, so it is prescribed even to children. To refer a child for the procedure, he must undergo an initial examination and diagnosis by a dermatologist.

    The patient undergoes a general analysis of urine and blood, as well as an allergy test for drugs that are part of the local anesthesia.

    During the procedure, the dose of radio radiation is minimal, which is why there is no potential danger to the child’s body. Nowadays, most private clinics perform radio wave cutting of papules for young children and guarantee a positive result.

    What's the danger?

    The most dangerous is removal of melanoma

    without capturing two to three
    of healthy skin. In other words, when a nevus was confused with melanoma and removed without histological examination. It is in this case that melanoma relapses and its course becomes much more aggressive.

    Many doctors believe that radioknife (radio wave method or radio wave surgery) does not allow for histological examination. This stereotype is caused by the fact that people who are not familiar with this method do not know the principle of operation of such devices. Fortunately, you can do the same thing with a radio knife as with a scalpel.

    How is a mole removed with a radio knife?

    Everything is very simple. Small moles up to 1 cm, for which this method is ideal, can be “cut” from the skin, capturing 1-3 millimeters

    healthy tissue.
    This volume is quite sufficient
    for full-fledged histology...

    - Wait! - you say. - But what about the two or three CENTIMETERS that were written about above? And if the mole turns out to be malignant, i.e. melanoma? After all, we have already deleted it!

    Nothing bad will happen. If after the study a “bad” answer comes, the removal site is already excised widely - according to the standard of treatment for melanoma. With the capture of those same 2-3 centimeters,

    which I spoke about above.

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